2012 Election Voter Guide

With the 2012 election being just days away, the National Council on Independent Living (NCIL) wants to encourage everyone to vote on November 6th. We want to provide our members with a few helpful tools for voting, along with some useful information about the candidates.

Please share your voting experience on NCIL’s Facebook page, including pictures and video

Voting Tools

 Find Your Candidates & Get Ballot Information  Find Your Polling Place  State-by-State Voting & Registration Information, Requirements and Deadlines  2012 NCIL Legislative & Advocacy Priorities (PDF)  Members of the Congressional Bipartisan Disabilities Caucus (BDC)  Voter Suppression Hotline: 1-866-OUR-VOTE or 1-866-687-8683  U.S. Department of Justice: Report Possible Voting Rights Violations

The National Forum on Disability Issues was an historic nonpartisan event, sponsored in part by NCIL, focusing on the disability positions of the 2012 presidential candidates.

Watch the 2012 Forum Online

2012 NCIL / AAPD Presidential Candidate Questionnaire

In an effort to inform the disability community and our members about the policy priorities and concerns of the candidates, NCIL and the American Association of People with Disabilities (AAPD) developed the following presidential candidate’s questionnaire:

Response from President Obama * Governor Romney did not respond to the questionnaire. Candidates for President

Mitt Romney Barack Obama

 Issue Comparison for Governor Romney and President Obama  Current National Poll of Polls  Interactive Electoral Map Widget  Ads, Money, and Travel Widget

NCIL Major Priority Legislation Passed by Congress & the Administration

Every election cycle, candidates make pledges to support legislation important to their constituents with disabilities; however despite many of the promises, quite a few members of Congress never actually end up voting for these bills. As a nonpartisan organization, NCIL does not offer advice for which House or Senate candidate to vote for. However, we wanted to provide you with some examples of important bills passing into law since 2009 that NCIL cares about, and how members of Congress voted. Lookup your current Congressperson.

If you are not sure which bill you are looking at, click on the bill number to see the popular title.

Affordable Care Act (ACA) See House Vote • See Senate Vote

American Recovery and Reinvestment Act See House Vote • See Senate Vote

Frank Melville Supportive Housing Investment Act House: Agreed to by Voice Vote Senate: Passed Senate by Unanimous Consent

Pedestrian Safety Enhancement Act See House Vote Senate: Passed Senate by Unanimous Consent

21st Century Communications and Video Accessibility Act House: Agreed to by Voice Vote Senate: Passed Senate by Unanimous Consent