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For South Caucasus

Master Trainer in TVET for South Caucasus

Course Annoncement for training period April 2016 - March 2017

implemented by:


GIZ Profile 4

Editorial 4

AIZ- The Academy of GIZ 5

„Master Trainer in TVET" 6

Objectivs and Beneficiaries 6

Training Acticities and Formats 7

Core Elements of „Master Trainer in TVET" 7

The Curriculum 8

Implementation 9

The Profile of Applicants 9

Contact Persons 10

How to apply for „Master Trainer in TVET" for the Region of South Caucasus? 11

The Selection Process for „Master Trainer in TVET" 11

Imprint 12 GIZ Profile Editorial

GIZ. Solutions that work.

We provide services worldwide in the field of interna- tional cooperation for sustainable development. GIZ has over 50 years of experience in a wide variety of areas, With a total population of more than 75 million people including economic development and employment, and a strategic location between wealthy trading part- energy and the environment, and peace and security. ners, with Russia to the east and a vast market of EU The diverse expertise of our federal enterprise is in de- citizens to the west, the South Caucasus region is attrac- mand around the globe, with the German Government, tive as a destination for investment and trade. European Union institutions, the United Nations and However, in spite of recent growth - an average of al- governments of other countries all benefiting from our most 8% of GDP during 1998-2010 - the region's services. The German Federal Ministry for Economic productivity levels remain 77% below the world aver- Cooperation and Development (BMZ) is our main com- age. This also reflects in the FDI per capita which is up to missioning party, but we also work closely with the pri- 6 times lower than Central or Eastern Europe and is vate sector, fostering successful interaction between mainly concentrated in the energy sector. The OECD development policy and foreign trade. Eastern Europe and South Caucasus Competitiveness Outlook suggests to increase FDI and competitiveness in All these commissioning parties trust GIZ to generate the countries of the region a.o. not only through im- ideas for political, social and economic change on their proving access to finance for SMEs and creating and behalf, to develop these into concrete plans and to im- better investment opportunities but also through a re- plement the envisaged change processes. Since we are a gional approach to promote investment, international public-benefit federal enterprise, German and Euro- and intra-regional trade. The effects of these initiatives pean values are central to our work. This makes us a in economic policy might possibly nullify if the reforms reliable service provider that people can trust. Together in the TVET are further procrastinated. Technical up- with our partners, we work to deliver flexible and effec- grading and achievements in efficiency in national econ- tive solutions that offer people better prospects and omies of the South Caucasus have to go along with de- sustainably improve their living conditions. veloping human capital and changing prevailing TVET processes. As the cross-country of ETF suggests, the The registered offices of GIZ are in Bonn and Eschborn. major challenges for an effective TVET sector include In 2014 our business volume exceeded two billion eu- effective social and institutional dialogue and public- ros. Around 70 per cent of our local workforce of private partnerships and raising the status and image of 16,410 people are national personnel working in over TVET. Even more important is an upgrading of the TVET 130 countries. In our capacity as a recognised sending contents and its adjustment to latest technological de- organisation, we currently have 785 development work- velopments and the current and future demands of the ers in action in partner countries. In addition, CIM, a industry. For a reform of the TVET sector, the develop- joint operation of GIZ and the Federal Employment ment of a teacher education and in-service training sys- Agency, placed around 1,000 integrated and returning tem and a focus on the reform of TVET school manage- experts with local employers abroad in 2014 while ment towards greater autonomy of the TVET schools, providing them with financial support and advisory ser- better governance, diversified funding modern manage- vices.* ment techniques and public accountability is urgently required. The programme „Master Trainer in TVET" is developed *Figures as at 31 December 2014 to upgrade competencies of youg professionals who embarque on a career In TVET and who are dedicated to contribute their competencies to address the challenges in reforming the TVET sector.

4 AIZ—The Academy of GIZ

Academy for International Cooperation We offer existing modules for situation profiles fre- AIZ is GIZ's own modern academy operation, providing quently encountered (catalogue services), but also con- high-quality human resource development and training cepts that are specially tailored to the given situation courses for internal customers and external clients. and context (programming services). These comprise a range of courses and customised per- sonnel development and training measures for internal Core Services customers and external clients in Germany, in our part-  Leadership development ner countries and on virtual platforms.  Catalogue services and tailor-made measures for building key skills required for international Portfolio cooperation: in Germany, around the world, Key Qualifications and Competencies of Profession- virtually a ls  Advisory service on HCD Talking, acting, advising, managing and networking in  Implementation of HCD services the international arena are all 'international perfor-  Human Resources development of National Staff of mance skills'. Behind these there is a broad spectrum of GIZ topics that make up our trainings. Further training pro- grammes are developed in conjunction with our clients.  Improving learning and cooperation process by inno- To help achieve their strategic objectives to the fullest, vative didactic methods (culture cases, competence we combine elements from our regular courses with benchmarking, etc.) individually developed components customized to the  Learning with New & Social Media specific needs. The current programme offer can be  Design and organization of international learning accessed at: platforms  Networking with experts and alumni  AIZ Programme Catalogue  Didactics Concept

Human Capacity Development We advise, design and implement complex Human Ca- pacity Development programmes that

 empower individuals to drive their own actions  strengthen capacities of technical experts to imple- ment lasting solutions  enable managers to design change  strengthen trainers and advisors in their role as mul- tipliers  build and consolidating leadership responsibility  unit people to sustain learning and change

5 „Master Trainer Objectives and in TVET" Beneficiaries

for participants from South Caucasus Overall Objectives of the programme „Master Trainer in TVET" The International Leadership Training offers highly qualified and motivated TVET professionals from South Within the programme of the „Master Trainer in TVET" Caucasus an opportunity to upgrade their the competencies of participants from various competencies, their knowledge and skills for their institutions will be upgraded in the field of TVET. It is future teaching, management and administrative expected the participants contribute to work processes responsibilities in the TVET sector. in their sending institutions after their return and act as The main objective of the „Master Trainer Programme" multipliers to share their knowlegde and skills among is to upgrade the participants' competencies — the their colleagues. ability to apply learning outcomes adequately in a given However, Human Capacity Development as a part of the context (e.g. in education, work, personal or overall Capacity Development approach of GIZ adopts professional development). an holistic view by linking the development of individual The programme "Master Trainer in TVET" is a practical competencies to upgrading capacities of the training course, with a set-up mainly following work participants' institutions. processes in TVET. The modular structure offers a broad Participants in the PROGRAMME "Master Trainer in variety of TVET issues—from school management to TVET" will be dedicated to pursue their career as future issues in professional pedagogics and didactics. TVET teachers and managers in TVET institutions. They However, the focus of the „Master Trainer in TVET" will are mandated to and competent to initiate change be on teaching and learning methods, on pedagogics processes in their TVET institutions, follow through and didactics in TVET. those processes over a longer period of time, and For each successful completed module, ECTS credits will actively display their competencies in a national teacher be awarded to the participants. After completion of the training system. programme, the ECTS credits may be recognized by TVET related academic international Master Studies Programmes and by that contribute to a University Stakeholders and beneficiaries of the programme Masters Degree of the participants later within a „Master Trainer in TVET" in South Cucasus shortened period of univeristy study time. The programme starts in Georgia, for modules one and The participants recruit from a broad range of two. Beginning with the second month the participants institutions from the field in TVET, in particular including will continue their studies in Germany. Germany provides an excellent learning environment in particular government bodies and TVET schools. in the field of TVET with regard to her technological and The PROGRAMME addresses therefore not only the economic and background combined with a long history individual traineealso but also a wide range of in cooperation of TVET schools with the private sector stakeholders and beneficiaries—in particular the and in research in all areas of TVET, including sending institutions of the participants. We expect that professional didactics and pedagogics. the trainees will share their information within their Within the modules, the programme opens institution after the training and act as multiliers to let their colleagues benefit from their competencies, their opportunities to compare, learn and adapt from experiences in all three south-caucasian countries and skills and their knowledge. from Germany and offers perspectives to transfer frame conditions and requirements in South Caucasus.

6 Tutorials are held to deepen fundamental methods, Training skills and competencies. Furthermore, they provide an opportunity to respond in more detail to questions and Activities and ideas of individual participants. Colloquia Colloquia offer a forum for in-depth scientific dialogue Formats between teachers and learners by focusing on selected issues. In the scope of the programme "Master Trainer in TVET", colloquia provide opportunities to advance The modules of the Master Trainer Programme are built and thoroughly discuss transfer projects. of various mutually linked training activities. Each training activity is related to specific learning objectives, Working Language in the programme "Master enabling participants to subsequently develop Trainer in TVET" comprehensive competencies relevant to their specific work environment in the field of TVET. Lectures and classroom style studies are combined with field visits Good English language skills are a corner stone for a and practical trainings. successful completion of the programme "TVET Professionals" in Germany - good English language skills However, GIZ positions the individual at the centre of are therefore a pre-requisite for participation in the the Programme. It is expected that participants take programme. In the course of the programme "Master over the responsibility for their individual learning Trainer in TVET" credits for Master courses at processes. GIZ offers the appropriate and stimulating universities in the field of TVET might be gained. The learning environment, including modern and ECTS credit points that will be awarded after appropriate adult learning methods and formats, a successfully completing each mdule will only become multicultural working environment and experienced effective and recognized by universities if the participant trainers, experts and facilitators. of the programme "TVET Professionals" successfully In the end it is to the participant to take over ownership accomplished an internationally recognized English to upgrade her/his competences in the field of TVET. language proficiency test (e.g. TOEFL, Cambridge English Competences cannot be taught, but only be acquired in Language Assessment, etc.). complex processes of experiences. Competencies are not limited to cognitive elements only (understanding theories, concepts or applying tacit knowledge) but also encompass functional aspects (including technical skills) as well as interpersonal attributes (e.g. social or organizational skills) and ethical values. For that reason competencies can only be acquired individually and must be consolidated by combining knowledge and Core Elements of skills, experiences and values.

The programme "Master Trainer in TVET" is built of „Master Trainer

various teaching and learning formats, among others:

Seminars Seminars aim to engage participants in scientific work Professional Studies on theoretical and practice related questions in a pro- active exchange between teachers and learners. In The "Professional Studies" are an integral part of the addition, an important element of seminars is learning programme "Master Trainer in TVET" and offer an by teaching, i.e. deepening the knowledge acquired by opportunity to observe, to learn and to share specific disseminating it to other members of the study group. forms of work processes and practical experiences within a real-life setting, side by side and in cooperation Tutorials with German colleagues and partners from the same sector or trade. This will allow the participants to gain a deeper understanding of daily management issues in 7 The Curriculum

TVET in Germany. The practical studies will be as closely The curriculum includes the following modules as possible related to the transfer project and to the (tentative): individual work environment of each participant. The Transfer Project (Change Project) The Curriculum is as tailor made as possible and will be streamlined after the selection of participants took The connecting link between workplace and the place. The programme "TVET Professionals" modular programme "Master Trainer in TVET" is the "Transfer structure as indicated below is only tentative. Project". However with each module ECTS credit points will be Before the start of the training period in Germany each awarded that are valid to register for International Mas- participant agreed with his/her superiors on the topic ter Study Programmes in TVET, if the participants con- of a clear and manageable change project. This transfer tinues his studies in an academic TVET programme. project will be developed during the overall training period together with input from German TVET experts. Module 1 In this transfer project, participants are to apply and Practical training and didactics/ sector specific profes- implement the knowledge, techniques and skills sionalization (focus on Metals Works; Electrical Works, acquired during the training activities. The transfer Automotive) project is expected to contribute to support, initiate or Contents: structure relevant change processes within the  Work processes institution of the participant and/or to improve the  Further training in the application of certain measur- efficiency of the institution. ing tools In case of the programme "TVET Professionals" Transfer  Work place safety Projects of the participants should be manageable and small in scope but related to the overall field of "TVET, economy and labour market". However, these change Module 2 projects can be very different, depending on the Basics in TVET and didactics sending institution of the participant and his/her work Contents: environment.  Standards/basics of certification and standardi zation  Transfer Projects however could for example deal  Curricula development with topics like relationship between TVET schools  Planning and implementation of training and the economy: sequences  Development or adaption of action-based training  Evaluation and measurement of performance concepts  Development of training materials for clearly Module 3 defined target groups Curricula and training media development  Transfer of processes or skills to improve work Contents: efficiency at the workplace in the institution  Planning and implementation of learning sequences During the transfer period after the stay in Germany,  Teaching and learning aids GIZ offers technical support in form of E-Coachings and  E-learning tools workshops for the implementation of the transfer  The role of teaching media within selected didactical project. The ownership for the implementation and the models resources of the transfer project is with the organization of the participant. Module 4

8 Implementation

Didactics of professional specialisation (tentative) Contents: The programme "Master Trainer in TVET" is divided into  Principles of course development and methods of three stages: the preparation period, the training imple- evaluation mentation period and the transfer period. The overall  Preparation and evaluation of learning concepts for implementation period of the programme is from Janu- course design ary 2016 - April 2017.  Work processes for further training Training Period in Georgia  Preparation of lab work and technical experiments April 2016—May 2016  Case Studies Training Period in Germany  Development of technical experiments May 2016 - September 2016 Transfer Period (in Azerbaijan) Module 5 October 2016 - March 2017 International TVET Contents: The programme "Master Trainer in TVET" in general  Comparison of TVET Systems supports open minded young adult applicants with a strong personality and dedicated to take over a role as  Evaluation of regional TVET programmes and TVET change agents within their institutions related to their systems sphere of influence. The applicants are willing to be exposed to an international environment, eager to Module 6 learn from different TVET systems. Practical studies In any case, applicants must be aware that they have to Contents: leave their families for 6 months and for that time per-  In-company structures of further training measures form in training situations as students again.  Quality control in further training measures  Work planning, work shop planning and work organi- zation

Module 7 The Profile of Development of a Change Project/Transfer Project Contents:  Development of a clear cut and goal oriented pro- Applicants ject for implementation in the region of South Cau- casus

Competences cannot be taught, but only be acquired in The applicants should meet the following require- complex processes of experiences. Competencies are ments: not limited to cognitive elements only (understanding theories, concepts or applying tacit knowledge) but also encompass functional aspects (including technical skills)  Minimum of three years of professional experience as well as interpersonal attributes (e.g. social or in the field of TVET or project management in educa- organizational skills) and ethical values. For that reason tion (in the government sector) competencies can only be acquired by each individual and must be consolidated by combining knowledge,  More than tree years of professional background in skills, experiences and values. TVET schools  Hold a university degree related to TVET or educa- tional management or a bachelor degrenn in tech-

9 Contact Persons

nical fields of TVET Within GIZ the following persons are in charge of the International Leadership Training "Master Trainer in  Fluency in English language TVET"  Participants should not be older than 45 years The applicant should be fully supported by his/her Overall course coordination in Germany: sending institution. GIZ GmbH Dr. Harry Stolte, Head of Section

 The employer of the applicant should be aware of GIZ GmbH and support the training plan of the applicant Mr. Johannes Fleischle, Senior Project Manager Schellingstraße 3-4  The employer should guarantee the professional 39104 Magdeburg, Germany reintegration of the applicant after completion of T +49 391 5371 308 | F +49 391 5371 329 the programme "Master Trainer in TVET" and con- E [email protected] | I tinue the participants' employment in the institution after return. Coordination in Azerbaijan:  The employer should understand that his institution GIZ Office Baku is a stakeholder in and even a beneficiary of the pro- Ms. Shalala Kamilova gramme "Master Trainer in TVET" and therefore Deutsche Gesellschaft für support the implementation of the change project of Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH the participant. Nizami str. 22 / 5th floor AZ1001 | Baku, Azerbaijan T +994 12 4978068 E [email protected] | I

10 How to apply for The Selection „Master Trainer Process for in TVET" for the „Master Region of South Trainer in TVET"

All applicants will go through an open and transparent Caucasus? selection process. After an eligibility check of application documents, the candidates will be invited to a final selection in South Caucasus All application documents are available on demand. The final selection is divided into an individual interview and an in-group assessment, in which issues of TVET will You may send a short expression of interest, with refer- be discussed. ence "Master Trainer in TVET 2016" to the following mailing address: The dates for the final selection will be available on 25 February 2016. [email protected] All application documents should be sent as an attach- ment in an electronical version to [email protected]

Application Deadline: 19.02.2016 11 Imprint

Published by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH

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Edited by the GIZ / Academy for International Cooperation Human Capacity Development in Technical Vocational Education and Training UNEVOC Centre Magdeburg Schellingstraße 3-4 | 39104 Magdeburg Germany

Dr. Harry Stolte | Head of Section Johannes Fleischle | Senior Project Manager [email protected] T + 4 9 ( 0) 391 5 371 3 00 M + 4 9 ( 0) 160 7 016 4 89

GIZ is responsible for the content of this publication.

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As at November 2015

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