EVENT SYNOPSIS - Senior Management Briefing
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EVENT SYNOPSIS - Senior Management briefing
Please email completed Event Synopsis in Word form only to: [email protected]
Name of proposed event or Guest speaker name and topic - Detailed background and nature of event (This section will expand as you type.)
To distinguish ourselves by the quality of our student experience Which UNE strategic priorities are To adopt innovative educational technology in support of student learning addressed in the To achieve international distinction in all our specialist fields of research planning of this event? To maximise access to a quality higher education To be a well-managed organisation that meets the expectations of students and staff Please mark the appropriate box or boxes with an ‘X’. Other e.g. based on School business plan:
What event results do you anticipate (This information is required for Council reporting purposes)
What are the expected event outcomes (This information is required for Council reporting purposes and must be aligned to the strategic priority above)
Who are the event stakeholders?
What key messages are you seeking to convey through this event?
Date: Time: Proposed event details Please confirm this does not clash with Duration: Venue: events already on the UNE events calendar, principal dates or public holidays.
Event Owner Name: Phone: Position: Mobile: Email:
This event has been approved by the relevant HOS/Director (Y or N) * Head of School/Director Approval Cost Centre Code * Is it budgeted within your Faculty, School or Directorate? Please advise who is paying for this event.
Chancellor Recommended University host Vice-Chancellor Deputy Vice-Chancellor (If you are unsure who the University Senior Exec (please specify) host should be, please call Event team HOS (please specify) on extension 2411) Other (please specify)
Please indicate who: Is the Chancellor or Vice-Chancellor requested to attend, Chancellor Vice-Chancellor and in what capacity? Speaker Speaker Guest Guest Other (please specify) Other (please specify)
Nominate a preferred representative in Preferred Chancellor representative Preferred Vice-Chancellor representative case the Chancellor or ______Vice-Chancellor cannot attend
Please list the times that the Chancellor Arrive: Chancellor Speaking time: Chancellor or Vice- Vice-Chancellor Arrive: Vice-Chancellor Speaking time: Chancellor are requested to arrive and speak
Proposed Master of Ceremonies
Proposed order of proceedings/run sheet Please include timings and confirm MC
Proposed guest / invitation list VIPs – refer to the definition UNE’s Indicative categories: Please mark with an ‘X’ event protocols UNE Council members Please list any VIPs and identify general (Link) Alumni categories of guests. Or Please list: Updated 12 February 2014 Page 2 of 4 Donors where available, provide Students a full guest list as an General Public attachment. Senior Executive Heads of School Directors Academic Staff Professional Staff Media Future Students High Schools Other – please specify:
Other / comments:
Number: Anticipated attendance figures Proposed seating plan attached (if applicable)
Please be sure to use this check list out • Please provide an official invitation for the Vice-Chancellor and Chancellor, this can of courtesy: be emailed to [email protected]
Considerations on invitation: • Are partners invited? • What is the dress code for this event?
Venue Presentation Requirements Audio-visual assistance required (Y or N) https://www.une.edu.au/staff- Include Parramatta Future Campus (Y or N) current/staff-services/it-services/ad- hoc-av-bookings Additional information: ______
Include the event details on UNE Event Yes / No (Please circle an option) Calendar If Yes click here to complete the request
Other special arrangements
Updated 12 February 2014 Page 3 of 4 • Exact time of arrival EVENT TEAM TO COMPLETE • Exact time the speech starts The following items are required to be emailed to • Order of proceedings [email protected] u by: • List of VIP attendees
• Detailed dot points and speaking notes – any other special arrangements
If you cancel the event, the Event Owner MUST notify [email protected] immediately.
Please call the External Relations team on extension 2411 if you have any questions.
Please note: Fields marked with (*) must be completed before submitting this form.
Submitted by:
Name Title Faculty / Date School / Directorate
Reviewed by the Vice Chancellor:
Professor Annabelle Duncan Date
Updated 12 February 2014 Page 4 of 4