Rules for Class

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Rules for Class

US History 10

Mrs. Hankins

[email protected]

Rules for class:

1. Be on time for class.

2. Be prepared (class materials, homework completed, water bottle filled).

3. Be respectful (appropriate language, cell phones turned off and put away, etc.).

4. Be honest and trustworthy.

5. Be willing to participate and work hard.

Discipline Plan:

1. Discussion with student.

2. Issue Detention

3. Contact parent and/or office.

Grades: Total points system

1. Worksheets

2. Group Work

3. Participation/On Task

4. Projects

5. Presentations

6. Homework

7. Writing assignments

8. Bookwork

9. Vocabulary



Extra Credit:

I will offer extra credit at various times. The assignments will be connected to the topics we are discussing in class at that time. Each grading period I will offer an extra credit movie. This movie will be shown after school in full. There will be a worksheet to complete while watching the film. You must be present in order to receive extra credit.

Required materials for class:

1. Pen/pencil

2. At times I will let you know when to bring in certain supplies (poster board, markers, etc)


I have a charging station- you are welcome to use any of the chargers I have in order to charge your devices during class. If you have a charger I do not have, you may bring your own cord and plug it in on the available power strip. Please do not unplug other students’ devices that are already there.

Cell phones and devices are not to be out unless I have given specific permission for students to use them. If you would like to take a picture of the board, please ask for permission first. While we are working on projects, I will announce you may use your Chromebooks at those points. If your devices are being used for purposes other than the assignment given, or if you have a cell phone out during the class period without permission, the following consequences will result:

1st offense: Warning (put away device)

2nd offense: Office referral

Absent Work:

If you are absent, all work you missed from class will be posted on the webpage. It is your responsibility to see what you missed, and make up the work and turn it in. If you need to make up a test, quiz, or view a video in the classroom, you will need to make an appointment with me to make this work up. You will have the number of days to complete work as the number of days you were absent. When you are turning in the absent work, you will submit it to your class period tray and label it “Absent Work.” Feel free to email me when you are out with questions about what we did in class. I would prefer for you to get better, so make sure you are taking care of yourself first.

Late Work:

If you turn in your assignment at any point late (after the point of collection- so after class or after school on the date it was due) for up to ONE day, I will deduct one letter grade from your assignment grade. If you turn in your assignment two days late, I will deduct two letter grades off of your assignment. After two days, I will not accept a late assignment.


I am okay with you eating/drinking in the classroom- as long as you clean up after yourself and do not cause a distraction during the class period. You will lose this privilege if you leave wrappers, bottles/cans, and crumbs. I do ask that my classroom is peanut free. I have many students who have severe allergies to peanuts, and I am also intolerant to them as well. Please do not ask to go to the vending machine to get a snack or drink during the class period. There is a water fountain right outside of my classroom if you want to fill up a water bottle before class starts. Restroom Passes:

I will generally allow you to go to the restroom when you need to. There is a boy’s restroom about two doors down on the same side of the hallway as my room if you turn left when walking out of my door. There is a girl’s restroom also on the same side of the hallway as my room if you turn right out of my door and walk down towards the staircase at the end of the hall. Pass the staircase doorway and there is the girl’s restroom. I will not allow you to go to the restroom during a test (unless you have already turned it in) or during a presentation. Please do not interrupt if students are presenting projects or a guest speaker is speaking in order to ask to go to the restroom. Touch base with me before class starts if you need to go instead of showing up to class late.

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