ONCOLOGY NURSING SOCIETY [ ] Unapproved [ X ] Approved MEETING MINUTES Page 1 Prevention/Early Detection Special Interest Group ______Date: Thursday, May 17, 2001 Attendees: (List of attendees attached) Place: Congress Meeting – San Diego, CA San Diego Convention Ctr. – Room 14 A/B Table 14 Begin Adjourn 5 PM (PT) 6:20 PM (PT) Recorder: Sara Kendall ______TOPIC DISCUSSION ______

Approval of 2000 SIG Planning Meeting The minutes were approved. Minutes

Introductions Individuals attending the meeting introduced themselves. S. Kendall, Coordinator, facilitated meeting.

SIG Membership Currently 84 members – membership has slightly dropped. S. Kendall collecting names of potential members.

Updates: Virtual Communities More of the communication will be done electronically. Members encouraged to use ONS website – no more codes needed to access. S. Kendall encouraging e-mail communication between members.

SIG Mission and Strategic Plan Reviewed the Mission Statement and Strategic Plan of the SIG.

Newsletter Next deadline is 5/23/2001. The next newsletter is September 25, 2001. S. Mahon needs articles soon. Will still be done as in the past, website will help communicating. S. Kendall encouraged members to submit more articles for the newsletter. Suggestions for the newsletter: Member Spotlight (J. McDonough will coordinate and interview)

Coordinator-Elect Position Recruiting for this position now. Need candidates to complete applications by July 18. Will hold elections in January 2002.

Topic Submissions Some SIGs would like to collaborate sessions. There will be a tri-SIG presentation at Congress. Discussion regarding submissions for poster displays and presentations to place. ONCOLOGY NURSING SOCIETY [ ] Unapproved [ X ] Approved MEETING MINUTES Page 2 Date: Thursday, May 17, 2001 Prevention/Early Detection Special Interest Group ______TOPIC DISCUSSION ______

Review of Projects HIV SIG is offering support – can they do anything with/for us? S. Kendall is aware of Celebrex use for decrease in colon cancer in Washington, D.C. S. Kendall discussed in the past SIGs have edited a book on developing a slides program. E. Teffeteller will investigate how to get the slide program available to the SIG.

Poster This SIG does not have an archivist or a poster. E. Teffeteller will develop a poster for Congress 2002. There will be $35 available for materials.

Scrapbook J. McDonough will start the scrapbook. She will be soliciting pictures from members with their programs.

Discussion There was a question regarding the two-year program with the Advanced Nursing Research SIG.

Adjournment Meeting adjourned at 6:20 p.m.

List of Attendees at the P/D SIG Planning Meeting Congress 2001

SIG Members M. Aleman E. Giarelli S. Kendall B. M. Mackey S. Mahon J. McDonough D. McElwain E. Teffeteller

Non-SIG Member Carol Hurst, Brown Cancer Center, 529 S Jackson St., Louisville, KY 40202 Patricia Reed, Univ TX MD Anderson, 1515 Holcombe Blvd, Box 236, Houston, TX 77030

* Interested in being in a work group