10 Advanced College Prep

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10 Advanced College Prep

10 Advanced College Prep Summer Assignment

Directions: For each of the novel’s 6 chapters, you will be required to answer: ● a journal prompt ● study/discussion questions ● Literary devices

Using this document, type in your responses clearly and concisely. You MUST include a Works Cited for any research that you do (MLA format). A copy of the research manual and link to turnitin.com can be found on the library site: http://www.ahs.alcoaschools.net/?PageName=%27Library%27.

The completed document and turnitin.com submission are both due on the first day of the 2017- 2018 school year (July 24th 8:25am). The turnitin.com class code and password are on Google Classroom. Please put all of your answers on this editable document and submit to Google Classroom by the aforementioned due date.

The Pearl by John Steinbeck Genre: Mexican folktale Setting: Colonial Mexican society Location: Coastal village, La Paz Timeframe: 19th or 20th Century Style: Parable - a simple, short work, usually fictitious, that relays a moral lesson often about good and evil Allegory - stories in which characters, objects and events hold fixed, symbolic meaning

Chapter 1

Journal Prompt: What factors determine the type of music you listen to? Think of one song that is important to you. What sort of memories does this evoke? How does it affect your mood?

Study/Disc. Questions 1. How is Kino’s race different from the doctor’s? How are the Kino’s and the doctor’s houses different? Why would Steinbeck take the time to describe the houses?

2. What is the role of the beggars?

3. What do you learn about the doctor’s character in this chapter?

Literary Devices Define each of the following literary devices and use the novel to provide an example of each (be sure to properly cite the text using MLA).

Metaphor: Imagery:


Chapter 2

Journal prompt: Consider the major authority figures in your life; for example: your parents, grandparents, teachers, community leaders, perhaps a member of the church or even an older sibling. Select one of these authority figures and in one paragraph, explain why you trust or distrust him/her. Then, simply list some social authorities we succumb and/or conform to.

Study/Disc. Questions 1. Steinbeck uses animals as symbols throughout the novel. What do the dog and pig symbolize? Why do you believe this?

2. How is the canoe a symbol of his (Kino’s) fore-father’s legacy?

Literary Devices

1. List two major motifs the reader encounters thus far. (You may want to research what a motif is before answering this question; it is different than the theme of a work of literature.)

2. What are two important symbols that emerge in chapter 2?

Chapter 3

Journal prompt: In 1-2 paragraphs, explain how greed can either bring someone success and/or cause his/her downfall. Which do you think is more prevalent from greed: success or failure? (explain with an example)

Study/Disc. Questions: 1. What is meant by the following statement: “…there is no almsgiver in the world like a poor man who is suddenly lucky” (706)?

2. What does Kino dream he will do with his wealth? What do these dreams tell us about how poor Kino and his people are?

3. Explain how Juana’s shawl is a symbol. What does it represent?

Literary Devices: What do you believe is one theme in the folktale thus far? Explain your opinion.

Chapter 4

Journal prompt: What is the importance of clothes in our culture? Does what a person wears define his/her personality? If so, how?

Study/Disc. Questions:

1. What does Juana’s reaction on pg. 56 tell the reader about their people and their beliefs? 2. What does the conversation between Kino and his brother reveal about their relationship?

Literary Devices Symbols – What do the following symbols represent? The dishonest pearl buyers: The coin referenced at the top of page 48:

Conflict – List both the internal and external conflicts that Kino faces in this chapter. Which do you see as the central conflict?



Theme- How do the consequences of Kino’s choices reflect Steinbeck’s message about the plight of Kino’s people?

Chapter 5 Journal Prompt In a paragraph or two: Are men and women throughout the world treated equally? Give some examples to support your answer.

Study/Disc. Questions: 1.Is Kino’s reaction to Juana’s attempt to throw the pearl away justified? 2. How is the description of the pearl in this chapter different for previous descriptions? Literary Devices Foreshadowing: At this point, list 2 examples of foreshadowing (from the first 5 chapters only) from any part of the novel and explain what it foreshadowed.

Chapter 6

Study/Disc. Questions: 1. How is the description of the terrain throughout the chapter fitting with the development of the story? How might this act as foreshadowing? 2. How is the description of the pearl at the end of chapter 6 different from earlier descriptions?

Literary Devices Imagery – Steinbeck has used animal imagery in a variety of ways throughout the novel. How is this imagery used in chapter 6?

Theme - Of The Pearl Steinbeck said, “If this story is a parable, perhaps everyone takes his own meaning from it and reads his own life into it.” What meaning do you take from The Pearl? How do you read your life into the allegory

Works Cited

Please add any sources you used in completing this assignment. Internet source citation directions start on page 15 in the Research Manual. Sources from databases start on page 19 in the manual.

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