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WISCPHR BOD Meeting Chula Vista Resort Wisconsin Dells May 16th, 2017
Attendees: Tammi Smith, Lance Maerz, Diana Rohloff, Beth Salko, Thorne Wittstruck, Tammy Riebe, Jill Kahler, Joy Haese, Mindy Webster, Lisa Michaels-Bilgrien, Colleen Voll, Susan Kindschi, Heidi Grafft, Eddie Stenger, Chad Johnson, Shannon Riley and Becky Blake.
On Phone: Jen Salzberg, Pan Voight, Lauren Probst, Ashley Stanek
Diana Rohloff wanted to thank Sue Kindschi, Lance Maerz and Beth Salko prior to the meeting. They have given her so much support and she appreciates all of their help.
Attendance Options: . In-Person: Chula Vista Resort, Wisconsin Dells . Webinar login via Global Meet through e-mail invitation (contact Chad Johnson or Shana Steele if you have any questions) . Audio-Only Teleconference:Toll-Free Access: 1-855-747-8824 Passcode: 719597
Meeting Order: Meeting called to order- 13 voting members are present, and 2 are on the phone. 15 total members for voting we do have quorum. 1. Patient Story- Thorne Wittstruck- Told story about pulmonary rehab patient “Diane”. She was told she only had 1 year to live. She wondered why she should go to pulmonary rehab. Her family saw how she was participating more. After pulmonary rehab she came to the self pay program. She became an advocate with her friends. Her saying was “It’s up to you how long you will be here”. “Diane” passed away in 2012. Thorne talked about how there is a “Diane” in all of our programs. 2. Review Reports: Make a motion to approved the minutes from 1/21/17- Heidi Graft 2nd Colleen Voll Motion Passed! 15 votes . Secretary’s Report – Rebecca Blake Approval of minutes from 1/27/2017 . Treasurer’s Update – Jill Kahler - Conference wrap up. Discussed numbers from the conference. (see attached) - 2018 budget was passed out- (attached) Presentation of 2017-2018 WISCPHR Budget Discussion was made on changes to the budget Chad Johnson- discussed website information. Sign contracts as early as July. We cloud opt in or opt out at anytime. - AACVPR does not want part of registration for the conference. - Leave website on budget we were all in agreement. - 194 current members. - Allow for more entertainment with it being our 30th year next year. Put in for an extra $1,000? - Jill will e-mail out the updated budget. Sue Kindschi makes the motion to approve budget with the changes that were discussed. 2nd Joy Haese Motion approved! Lance- (see attached) discussed how we would benefit from strategic planning event. 2 day event. Food and lodging paid by WISCPHR. Incentive/stipend. $50 per person per day. Roster on who should go- 13 suggested attendees, cost- renting a conf. room- max of 8 rooms, social event, $5,000 at most. Lance threw this out, and wanted to see what others think of this. Thorne could reach out to Genetech for sponsorship. Discussion was made on if we should pull someone from AACVPR to help with this. Recommendation was made that we should do the process every 3 years. Initial event, then every 3 years. This could get reviewed by each of the committees. This is the time to make a clearer definition of where we are going. Thorne Wittstruck made a motion that we should put this in the 2018 budget 2nd Jill Kahler Motion Passed! 15 votes Sheena- looking into new teleconferencing software. Cost is similar to what we are paying. We would like to survey the membership. Cost= $1,550 for past year including the webinar for our current software. $129 per month fee for global meet. 60 minutes, could have 15 people calling in per month. Proposing a survey to assess what members want. . Committees . Leadership- Heidi Grafft- stress management, patient literacy, requests for more clinical talks such as CHF, ekg, Depression, addiction, suicide. . Telecommunications- Chad/Eddie - Carolyn Verhage said that if you put your hand over the speaker you can hear better. - Website- Eddie reviewed notes from meeting on email: Couple additional updates: · Highlight and bold in minutes the need for all committee chairs and regional reps to email updated rosters for their rosters and new region representatives. Also, to inventory respective webpage associated with their committee to ensure that we have the website as up to date as possible. · We are working on updating and developing our website importing tool to better help us track our current joint affiliate members in the WISCPHR membership database. This will provide our society the ability to filter membership with current vs. expired membership within the new joint affiliate membership process.
Newsletter-You don’t have to be in the region that is due to submit articles, anyone at any time can submit an article to be included in the WISCPHR newsletters.
Teleconferencing- Investigating other teleconferencing options o Justification: Hospital computers with firewall protection, difficulty join meetings with computer compatibility. o Amazon Chime as an alternative to Global Meet · Next steps o Create Survey Monkey to send to all joint affiliate members to determine experience with Global Meet system and determine pros and cons and what they are looking for in a teleconferencing system. o Trial other teleconferencing systems during teleconferencing committee meeting
. Chad- in favor of keeping our existing email getting it implemented into our website. . No extra cost Motion was made to make a joint affiliate email account-Shannon Riley 2nd Colleen Voll Motion passed! 15 votes
- Starting July 1st, the progress is changing- need for annual maintenance. Discussion was made on what we want to do with the multiple entry points throughout the year. Do we want to keep it 12 months- July 1st to June 30th? - What if someone wants to join mid-year? 18months= $300 and 1 year= $215 - How many members have done the 18 months?
Chad Johnson AACVPR said they would create an email account for us to get information to our current WISCPHR members. Currently if a WISCPHR member has information that needs to get sent to all members they are sending it to Eddie Stenger or Chad Johnson then Eddie or Chad are sending an email out through the WISCPHR website. With the AACVPR email account members can send stuff directly to Andrew Miller with AACVPR and they will send out the information.
The email address would be [email protected] - If a WISCPHR member hits “reply” to the email it will get sent back to a WISCPHR member such as myself (Andrew was going to check with IT and get back to us to see if they can add multiple people to the reply feature as it is now with Eddie, Chad Lisa and the president all getting an email - We are capable of having a signature of our choosing with this email account. The examples of having a joint affiliate logo and Amazon smile information were provided to Andrew and he said that wouldn’t be a problem. - We can send multiple attachments with the AACVPR email (currently we are only able to send one attachment with our WISCPHR account). - If we send Andrew Miller an email in the morning we can expect a same day response to our WISCPHR members. If email is sent to Andrew later in the day expect the email getting sent out the next day. - Discussed the possibility of having a link on our WISCPHR website next to our current “contact us” link that members can click on if they have specific questions regarding AACVPR membership that would get sent to the new email account.
Annual conference- Diana (see ACPC notes) - Dietitian - Sleep apnea - Dr. Turner Gold Guildelines- PFT to pulmonary rehab - Mark Vitcenda - Jim Stein- lipids - Eddie- PT OT fall prevention - Dr. Huth- PAD - No longer accepting checks- only credit card. - Megan is stepping into Kim Beyer’s shoes.- changing poster presentations. Health promotion committee. - June sending out save the date for coming year in January and letter to each member to use.
- Need to get update on list of members who are on each committee. - Meeting minutes on website- Chad posts to website. - Historian- Tammy Riebe- google docs- cant get anything to open. - Lance- “higher logic”- More information is coming on this. - Sept 1st is the deadline for the national conference - Discussion was made on where to have regional meetings and having them more centralized. - Rotate sites for meetings. - IT- teleconferencing- full AV. Pull guest speakers that are better. - Amazon gift cards for speakers. - We would like to order them again. - How else can we use Kim Radtke with student involvement? -Discussed word changes/corrections in bylaws. (see bylaws)
Thorne Wittstruck made a motion to approve the Policy Manual and Bylaws as they are today. 2nd Beth Salko Approved! 15 votes
. Leadership Heidi Grafft Colleen Voll Finance Jill Kahler Telecommunications Chad Johnson Eddie Stenger Annual Conference Diana Rohloff Beth Salko Membership Lisa Michaels-Bilgrien Tammy Riebe Health Promotion and Education Megan Justman EP Licensure Lisa Wenzel Reimbursement/Legislation Cindy Ostrem Roadmap to Reform Tracy Herrewig
. Regional Representatives NW Heidi Grafft Dawn Hoff Shannon Riley SW Jennifer Stalsberg Colleen Voll Amanda Peterson NC Tammi Smith Kelly Shields? McKenzie Peckman NE Mindy Webster Joy Haese SE Stephanie Jackson Nicole Fischer Lauren Probst
. Additional Positions Newsletter Editor Caitlin Benbow Historian Tammy Riebe
3. Review of AACVPR Affiliate Leaders Meeting 4. Old Business . Electronic record keeping—scanning for all items and access to items (contracts) . Bylaws and Policies . Affiliations, Endorsements, and Sponsorships . Use of WISCPHR email through AACVPR . Lands’ End Apparel . Day on the Hill- Monday March 13th- Tuesday, March 14th Tammy Riebe, Beth Salko, Thorne Wittstruck, Lance Maerz . CCRP Exam: Now online with two testing windows: July 1st- July 31st November 1st- November 30th
5. New Business . 2017 WISCPHR Board Election President-Elect Heidi Grafft Secretary-Elect Tammy Thompson from Crossing Rivers at Prairie Dushaine Treasurer-Elect Jill Kahler- both elections have been declined . Strategic Planning- approved funding. Thorne, Tammy, Jill, Beth, Lance . Upcoming meeting dates and times: 9/12/17; 11/14/17 Need to determine further dates- Decided on 1/16/17 and 5/22/18. . Student involvement . Outstanding Affiliate preparation Strategic Planning Professional Development/CEU opportunities Leadership development, recruitment, and succession plans Membership recruitment- calendar- targeted times for getting more members and retention Organizational Alliances
Upcoming WISCPHR BOD meeting dates at the Chula Vista in WI Dells in 2017: September 12th, 2017 November 14th, 2017 Jan. 16th, 2018 May 22nd, 2018
Motion made to adjourn meeting by Sue Kindschi
2nd Beth Salko
Motion Approved! 15 Votes
Meeting adjourned.
WISCPHR BOD Meeting notes submitted by: Becky Blake, Secretary.