Scatter Plots on Calculator 1) “2nd Y=” buttons To turn on and set up scatter plot

2) “Window” button To set window to fit the data (x min and y min should be smaller then smallest x and y value) (x max and y max should be bigger then biggest x and y value) (xscl and yscl should both be 1 in most cases) 3) “Y=” button To clear all equations 4) “Stat” button “Edit” from menu To enter data into L1 and L2 Clear data in L1 & L2 by: “up arrow” to L1 or L2, then “clear” button, then “down arrow” “Stat” - #5 or setup editor if L1 & L2 are not there 5) “Graph” button To see points on coordinate plane 6) Make trend line “Stat” button over to “Calc” hit button # “4” “Vars” button over to “Y vars” enter, enter, enter. 7) “Graph” button To see points w/ line of best fit 8) “2nd graph” to get to table To make predictions To adjust table start position by “2nd window” or table set