Famous People's College Majors Do you think picking the "right" major is usually overemphasized? Generally, your choice of a major does not dictate what careers you will be able to enjoy, unless you choose a career which requires technical or specialized training, such as engineer or medicine. Below is a list of some people you may find interesting along with their choice of college major. Try to match the celebrities to their majors. Write the correct major in the Answer Column.

CELEBRITIES: ANSWERS: MAJORS? 1. Oprah Winfrey Economics

2. Gene Simmons History

3. Steven Spielberg Philosophy

4. Bruce Lee Psychology

5. Jodie Foster Communication Arts

6. Mick Jagger Speech and Drama

7. Tiger Woods Education

8. Steve Martin Accounting

9. David Letterman Film

10. Hugh Heffner Business

11. Eva Longoria Speech and Drama

12. Arnold Schwarzenegger Geography

13. Ray Romano Dentistry

14. Ashley Judd Sports Broadcasting

15. Thurgood Marshall Engineering

16. David Robinson Kinesiology

17. Montel Williams Literature

18. Bill Clinton Telecommunications

19. Will Ferrell International Studies

20. Michael Jordan Geography
