Hueco Elementary School s1

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Hueco Elementary School s1





Lori Diaz-Principal Raquel Martinez-Assistant Principal


Mary Quijas-Secretary Cristina Delgado-Attendance Silvia Enriquez-Office Clerk


Maroon and yellow




“Where Everyone Shines!”


The Hueco School Community is committed to provide a quality education to every child in a safe and nurturing learning environment.



Improving lives


Socorro Independent School District exists to maximize our children’s academic, artistic, athletic, and social skills.


Accountability We believe in the highest standards of behavior and performance

Commitment We believe in committing ourselves to our mission and goals

Trust We believe in earning our community’s trust

Respect We believe in the importance of respecting ourselves, our students, and our community

Integrity We believe our behavior must be consistent with our values

High Expectations We believe in committing ourselves to our mission and goals

Teamwork We believe in the pursuit of excellence!

3 Hueco Handbook from A-Z

Table of Contents

ABSENCES……………………………………………………………...5, 6 APPRAISALS/CLASSROOM VISITS………………………………..7 ATTENDANCE………………………………………………………….7 AUDIO-VISUAL EQUIPMENT………………………………………..8 AWARDS…………………………………………………………………8 BATHROOM/WATER BREAKS………………………………………9 BUILDING PROCEDURES…………………………………………….9 CAFETERIA……………………………………………………………..9 CHILD ABUSE…………………………………………………………..9 COMMITTEES………………………………………………………….10 COMMUNICATION……………………………………………………11 CONFERENCE PERIOD………………………………………………12 COPY MACHINE……………………………………………………….12 DAILY SCHEDULE…………………………………………………….12 DRESS CODE-STUDENT/TEACHER………………………………..12 DUTY HOURS…………………………………………………………. 13 DETENTION PROCEDURES…………………………………………13 DISCIPLINE…………………………………………………………… 14 DISMISSAL……………………………………………………………. 14 EMERGENCY PROCEDURES……………………………………… 15 FACULTY MEETINGS………………………………………………..16 FIELD TRIPS…………………………………………………………...16 FUNDRAISING…………………………………………………………17 GRADE BOOKS………………………………………………………..17 GRADE LEVEL MEETINGS…………………………………………17 GRADING POLICY……………………………………………………17 HOMEWORK…………………………………………………………..18 INCLEMENT WEATHER…………………………………………….18 INSTRUCTIONAL SUPPLIES………………………………………..18 INSTRUCTIONAL TIME……………………………………………..19 LESSON PLANS………………………………………………………..19 MONITORS……………………………………………………………..19 MULTI-MEDIA CENTER……………………………………………..19 NEWSLETTER………………………………………………………….20 NURSE……………………………………………………………….20, 21

4 Table of Contents cont.

OBSERVATIONS/VISITATIONS………………………………………21 PARENT/TEACHER CONFERENCES………………………………..21 PLAYGROUND RULES…………………………………………………22 PORTFOLIO……………………………………………………………...22 PROFESSIONAL CONDUCT…………………………………………...23 REPORT CARDS/PROGRESS………………………………………….23 PROMOTIONS/RETENTIONS/PLACEMENTS……………………...24 SIT………………………………………………………………………….24 SPECIAL EDUCATION………………………………………………….24 SUBSTITUTE FOLDER………………………………………………….25 TELEPHONE USE………………………………………………………..25 TESTING…………………………………………………………………..26 TEXTBOOKS……………………………………………………………...26 TEACHER SUPPORT TEAM (TST)………………………………..26, 27 VISITORS………………………………………………………………….27 VOLUNTEERS…………………………………………………………....27 WITHDRAWALS…………………………………………………………27


You are responsible for calling in your absence for any reason including staff development, school business, etc. You must call and report an absence even if a substitute is not required. You must call in your absence to the district Substitute Finder System (860-1231) before 6:00 a.m. or by logging on to the District’s Web to report an absence. Calls made after 6:00 a.m. will not be accepted by the system and no substitute will be called.

If you know in advance that you will be absent from work, please call in early. The system is designed to accept reported absences several months in advance.

In an emergency or if there are special circumstances, please call an administrator at home the night before an absence or before 6:00 a.m. the day of the absence.

Lori Diaz 433-7881 Raquel Martinez 637-4800

Your lesson plans are to be left on your desk at all times. A substitute folder should be filled out completely and must include: class lists, student schedules, duties, discipline plan, classroom schedule, lesson plans, fire drill/code blue procedures and seating chart.

All school related business (everything with the exception of illness, family emergency, and court subpoena) for which you are intending to call the sub-finder must be cleared (in writing-on the SCHOOL BUSINESS FORM) from Mrs. Diaz prior to calling the sub-finder. A copy of Jury Summons must be turned in to Secretary.

The SCHOOL BUSINESS form must be filled out to attain administrative approval so that the office staff can be sure to charge the correct substitute account.


All employees who leave more than one hour early or arrive more than one hour late will be charged with a one half day absence. You are not permitted to leave the campus during the school day for personal business. If there is an emergency, notify an ADMINISTRATOR and sign a “Request to Leave Campus” form. Please make every effort to schedule medical appointments late in the day. However, if you must leave early for an appointment, please submit a request to leave early at least 24 hours in advance.

Discretionary Leave (DEC) shall not be allowed in the following except for extenuating circumstances:

 The day before or after a school holiday / intersession  Test administration days  Professional or staff development days  First and last days of school  Parent conference days


Absences are recorded on the Teacher Absence Center system for attendance reports. Teachers should document contacts with parents regarding absences or tardies. Every card needs to be signed by the teacher. Calendar cards are official documents.

Excused absences should be given for personal illness or death in the family. Failure by a student to bring a note within two school days explaining the reason for an absence will automatically be recorded as an unexcused absence on your attendance cards. Any other reason for absence should be referred to our Attendance Clerk.

Please notify the office when a student has three absences (excused or unexcused) in your class per 9 weeks or exceeds 10 absences per semester.


Administrative personnel will make numerous informal visits to the classroom throughout the year. You are asked to continue with regular classroom procedures. As a courtesy, administrators will schedule all appraisals. However, failure on the part of the teacher to schedule their appraisal/several cancellations, re-schedules will result in an unannounced appraisal. Please be sure to keep all necessary documentation in your Hueco Calendar/Teacher File (parent contacts/conferences, staff development, newsletters, etc).


Keeping accurate records of pupil attendance is extremely important. Funding is based on these reports. Your records are included in the school attendance reports which are part of the district report to the state. Students are required to be in attendance a minimum of 90% of the time or they risk losing credit for the year. An attendance committee will review all absence records and make recommendations concerning those students with excessive absences.

Please adhere to the following procedure:  Enter attendance in the system by 10:00 a.m.  Check your DAILY ABSENCE REPORT for all students who were absent the previous day. A “U” indicates that the absence is unexcused. The students must bring a note from home.  Errors: On the attendance report, draw one line through the error, make corrections and initial it.  MAKE-UP WORK: Students who have “excused” absences are expected to make up work that was missed. Those with “unexcused” absences are not allowed to make up missed work according to SISD Policy. Students are allowed the same number of days as they were absent to do make up work.  If a child has been absent three consecutive days, please check with the office to see if a truant officer has been sent to the home. Keep in close contact with your students’ parents regarding absences. A phone call from a teacher can do a lot to encourage good attendance.


 TARDIES: Students who enter class after 7:45 a.m. are to be reported in the system as tardy. Do not send student to the office for a tardy slip. On the fifth tardy (whether it is consecutive or not), teachers are to treat the occurrence as if it were a discipline issue. Teachers are to complete a “Discipline Referral” and send the child along with the referral to the assistant principal’s office. Parents will be contacted by attendance clerk or administration if tardiness is chronic.  Each Nine Weeks a Cumulative Absence Report will be sent to you to verify absences.  Teachers are required to keep attendance in grade book. Teachers are required to pick up students where assigned.


All audio-visual equipment/technological must be checked out from the Librarian or Technology Labs. Once checked out, this equipment becomes the responsibility of the TEACHER. AV equipment is not to be taken from the building without the permission of the Principal. For safety reasons, students should NEVER be allowed to move equipment.

VIDEOS-using them as a reward is HIGHLY discouraged. Instructional time is very precious. Therefore, all videos should be aligned to the lesson/TEK that is being taught. Video Permission forms are available in the front office and must be filled out prior to any video viewing with Administrative approval. Any video carrying a rating higher than a G must get administrative and parental approval. Please be prepared to send home a permission slip, well in advance, stating the content of the video as well as the opportunity for the parent to “opt out” of their child viewing the video. All videos should be run out of the library as available scheduling permits.


Major awards will be given out at the end of the school year. Other awards/incentives will be discussed/decided by the SIT Committee.



Only ONE student will be allowed to leave the classroom at a time to go to the bathroom or get a drink of water. Taking the entire class for a bathroom break / water break will NOT be allowed. This will enable us to make better use of our instructional time which is a very precious commodity. Teachers please read under the Professional Conduct for more information regarding bathroom/water breaks. Students must be allowed to a restroom break as required by student.


Please be sure to close and lock all windows and doors, turn off all lights, air conditioners, computers and television monitors when you leave the building. Turn lights off when leaving the classroom. Have students follow end of day classroom procedures. During the school day keep all personal valuables in a safe place (purse, wallet, etc.)


Please adhere to the following 35 minute lunch schedule:

Kindergarten 10:45-11:20 First Grade 11:00-11:35 Second Grade 11:15-11:50 Third Grade 11:35-12:10 Fourth Grade 11:45-12:20 Fifth Grade 12:00-12:35

Teachers will escort students to the cafeteria lunch line daily and distribute lunch cards to each student. Please be prompt in picking up your classes after lunch.


School personnel suspecting child abuse or neglect are required by law to contact the Child Protective Services. It is important that suspected cases of abuse be reported immediately by the person who receives the first outcry from the child. As a courtesy, please report all suspected cases to the administrative team aministration/nurse/counselor BEFORE or AFTER contacting CPS. The following is a checklist of Do’s and Don’ts of reporting child abuse:


-Do contact law enforcement (S.R.O) (911) Child Protective Services (800- 252-5400) IMMEDIATELY. If calling (911) from campus, please inform administration immediately. -Do insure that only a qualified and trained Law Enforcement or Child Protective Services Rep (CPS) conducts the detailed interview with the child. -Do provide support for the child. -Do keep detailed records of all information received and the source of the information to provide to Law Enforcement or CPS. -Do document any visible injuries. -If the accused is an employee or student at the school, identify all possible witnesses so they can be questioned by Law Enforcement or CPS.


-Don’t discuss the outcry in front of any other children or staff. -Don’t question the child in detail. -Don’t allow the child to be questioned by multiple persons. -Don’t show emotion or make comments, either positive or negative, when the child discloses they have been abused. -Do not confront or contact the offender. -Do not conduct an “independent investigation”. -Do not force the victim to confront the offender. -Do not allow the accused to confront the victim.

Any questions, please see Administration for information on contacting appropriate authorities.


Please sign up for at least 2 committees at the beginning of the school year and be sure to attend all committee meetings throughout the school year to ensure representation / input of all grade levels.


-Announcements: Announcements will be made daily by 8:00 a.m. Announcement requests must be turned in to the office before 7:45 a.m. and they must be submitted on our SCHOOL ANNOUNCEMENT form which may be obtained in the front office.

-E-mail: Please check your e-mail daily and regularly since the majority of campus/district communication appears in this format. If you are new to our district and need to procure an e-mail address you will need to speak to our Instructional Technologist.

-Notices: All announcements/notices from the Education Center, TEA, Region XIX, etc. will be sent out by email, posted on the bulletin board in the teachers’ lounge, or placed in your mail boxes as they are made available to us. Please check your email, bulletin board, and your mail box frequently for important information.

-School Calendar: You will receive a calendar containing important campus/district dates for the entire school year. This calendar is only a foreshadow of the year and is given to you so that you can make tentative future personal and professional plans. Because dates often change and are subject to SIT and administrative approval, you will always be informed prior to event via e- mail or through meetings.

-Campus News: Staff members will receive a weekly bulletin via e-mail concerning upcoming events. Please review the bulletin for announcements and duty schedules, as well as, other events. If you would like to include an event on the Weekly news, please e-mail our Assistant Principal by Thursday.


-Sponsorship and Public Relations: If you are sponsoring a school-wide or individual classroom activity that affects our school, it is imperative that you communicate what you are doing to our Secretary, Counselor, or Administration. If we know the dates and purpose of these activities we can better facilitate resources for that cause and be better informed to communicate to outside entities (ie. Education Center, the Press, etc.)


Each day teachers will have a conference period of at least 45 minutes. It is to be used for parent conferences and school related activities such as meeting with Curriculum Coaches, Administration, as well as planning for instruction.


Please use the copy machines in the teacher workroom. If they are in need of repair, please report it to the office ASAP.


The Socorro Independent School District has designated the school day for students as follows:

Kindergarten 7:40-2:30 p.m. First-Fifth Grade 7:40-3:15 p.m.

Teachers are to report to work no later than 7:30 a.m. and work until 3:30 p.m.


It is mandatory for students to wear the school uniform from Monday thru Thursday. Students are being asked to tuck in their shirts. “Jeans and a school shirt for students will be allowed on Fridays only for Spirit Day.


As professionals, we are role models for our students, please dress appropriately and professionally for work. Teachers and staff may not wear sweats/gym attire, shorts, short skirts, short dresses, low cut attire exposing chest area, spaghetti strap blouses or shirts. Sandals with no back strap or support (e.g. floppies) are considered dangerous by Risk Management. Please wear shoes that give support throughout the day. Students are being asked to tuck in their shirts so it is preferred that teachers and staff do the same. Denim pants are allowed only on Thursday for “College Day” and Fridays for “Spirit Day,” or other pre-announced days, and must be worn with a school shirt. Jeans cannot have holes.


Regular work hours for the professional staff are from 7:30 a.m. until 3:30 p.m. Additional time will be required for duty and faculty meetings. Campus morning faculty and staff duty will be from 7:20 a.m. until 7:40 a.m. A “Duty Schedule” with duty assignments will be provided to all faculty and staff. At dismissal time, faculty and staff must walk students outside to their respective pickup areas to ensure that students are provided a safe dismissal. Teachers are to report on time to work and to the designated duty station.


 When there is a behavioral problem in the classroom, teachers should first go through their classroom discipline plan before referring the student to the office.  Teachers who hold lunch detention in the classroom must at no time leave students unattended.  If the problem persists, or if the problem occurs in the cafeteria or playground, a Student Discipline Report should be filled out by the teacher. Teachers must notify parents of referral and must inform parent to expect a call from administration.  An administrator will then review the offense, conference with student, investigate incident, and take the necessary actions as appropriate.  The administrator will write the disciplinary action on the report, will contact parent, teacher, and counselors.

14  Lunch Detention is to be assigned by Discipline Administrator only, in some situations, teachers will be asked to provide a student an assignment prior to sending him her to detention.  When filling out a Student Discipline Referral, do NOT include the names of any other children on the referral. Remember referrals are sent home with the children and identifying other children is a breach of confidentiality.  If a student continues to be a discipline problem, the school counselor needs to be involved. The Counselor will conference with the student, will design an intervention plan when necessary, or will assign individual or group interventions to assist the student.


With the goal of assisting students to develop appropriate self-discipline, our campus will use the LIFE SKILLS/Assertive Discipline Plan. A disorderly environment does not enhance learning and insuring that disruptions do not occur, is the responsibility of ALL campus personnel.

By the end of the first day of school, you should collaboratively determine and establish classroom rules with your students. These rules should be posted in your classroom and communicated to your students and parents.

A copy of the formal written plan must be submitted to administration for approval, and then to parents to ensure parents are made aware of classroom management expectations.


Students should be instructed to always go directly to the playground / cafeteria upon arrival. Students should know where to line up so teacher can pick them up as soon as the 1st bell rings. Students should be instructed to NEVER enter the building through the front doors, or to walk into the halls in the morning. Teachers / parents should be the only ones using the front entrance.

For safety reasons, it is requested that all teachers dismiss their students by escorting them out of the building.

Dismissing and receiving students to and from P.E./Music/Library, etc.: Teachers must escort students to and from P.E. Students are not to be left unattended/unsupervised at any time. As for Library, Computer Lab,

15 Music, and other Support Staffed classes/labs, teachers are required to stay with their class.


Early dismissal of pupils: Do not send any child outside the confines of this campus for any reason. Do not send a child home even if you feel he/she is very ill. Do not call parents to have them pick up their child. The only personnel authorized to call and send a child home are the “Nurse” and the school’s “Administration.”



Fire Drills: The State of Texas requires all schools to practice monthly fire drills to ensure safe and orderly fire evacuations. Please take time to frequently review your evacuation plan with students so that they will be well trained in the event of a real emergency. Every drill should be treated as a real emergency. Your instructions may mean the difference between life and death.

A regular Fire Drill review should include:  Study and review of evacuation routes  The importance of silence during the drill  The importance of listening for directions  Procedures for immediate exit  Train students to recognize the fire alarm  Take emergency red backpack  Quiet and orderly return of students to the classroom

Code Blue: The district is requiring all schools to conduct at least 2 code blue drills per year. The purpose of CODE BLUE is to secure the campus so that all students are safe from a potentially dangerous intruder within the building. The classroom teacher needs to secure his/her students within the confines of a safe area in the classroom. In the event of a CODE BLUE, an administrator will announce over the public address system, “CODE BLUE”. At that point, the classroom teacher is to take the following action immediately:

16  Make sure all students are accounted for  Email secretary only if missing a child or have an extra student  Lock classroom door  Close mini blinds and/or cover any windows including door  Turn off all lights  Instruct all students to quickly go to the corner of the room away from window and door, remain silent  Always treat campus-wide drills as if they were the real thing

Bus Evacuation Drills: The state of Texas has passed a House Bill (3190) that requires every district in the state of Texas to conduct at least 2 drills/training sessions on evacuating a school bus. All students, faculty and staff members will participate in this event, once in the fall and the other in the spring time.


Faculty Meetings will be called upon as needed. Attendance at faculty meetings is “mandatory.” Please do not schedule appointments during time/dates set aside for faculty meetings. If there is a reason (beyond your control) you cannot attend a faculty meeting, please make sure that you PERSONALLY inform an administrator.


Grade level meetings will be held once a week on Thursdays to discuss instruction and other issues. An administrator or Curriculum Coach will be present during Thursday’s grade level meetings. Please be prompt and prepared to learn and share.


The campus will fund one field trip per semester for each class in Pre- Kindergarten through Fifth Grades. Teachers requesting field trips may do so by submitting a Field Trip Request form to the principal at least 3 weeks before the date of the trip. Field trips must be scheduled between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. to allow for regular bus runs.  Teachers must secure parental permission slips signed by parent or guardian for each participant and arrange for adequate supervision. (See VOLUNTEERS)

17 FIELD TRIPS CONT.  Field trips should be aligned to lessons/TEKS.  A copy of the class roster must be turned in to the office along with the permission slips before leaving on the field trip. The roster must be marked showing: 1. Who is going on the field trip. 2. Any student who will not be going on the field trip and where they will be placed for the day. 3. Any students who are absent .  “NO” student shall be denied the opportunity for participation in a field trip, and cannot be used as a discipline consequence.  “Mandatory” to notify the cafeteria about class field trips 3 weeks in advance. If sack lunches are needed, speak to the Cafeteria Manager three weeks in advance.  A minimum of one adult chaperone (preferably a parent) for every 10 students is required by District Policy. A Parent volunteer must be cleared by the district (background check) in order to participate in the field trip. If a teacher has fifteen students, the teacher plus a chaperone must ride the bus with students and accompany students.  Notify an administrator if the teacher will not be accompanying the class on a field trip so that proper arrangements can be made. Under “NO” circumstances may a substitute go in place of the teacher on a field trip.


Limited opportunities for grade levels, clubs, or special groups to raise money are available throughout the school year. ALL FUNDRAISING MUST BE APPROVED BY THE PRINICPAL (SISD Policy FJ). See the Principal for the required form to discuss the reason for fundraising and to place the fund raising activity on the school calendar. This is important, in order to avoid two groups raising money at the same time. Fund raising must be limited and coordinated. Our Principal will be responsible for all school-wide fundraisers.

When a group raises money, an account will be set up with the name of the group by the school secretary. Any money collected must be turned in on the day it is received. WARNING: DO NOT LEAVE MONEY IN YOUR CLASSROOM OR DESK DRAWER. TURN IT IN TO THE OFFICE IMMEDIATELY. YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR MONEY LEFT UNSECURED IN YOUR CLASSROOM.


Grade books will be maintained to record grades and attendance. It is required to have 2 grades per week for all core subjects. Teachers are expected to note the assignment / TEKS, and date. Grade books will be monitored by administration and collected at the end of each the school year. GRADING POLICY

 Grades will be based upon daily work, projects, portfolios, and test grades.  Rubrics and assessments will be developed across the grade level to ensure consistency and they will be shared with students and parents.  Reteaching and retesting of concepts that students have failed to master must occur within a nine week period. Reteaching and retesting is to be used only for students who failed to master a concept.  Two grades per week for every core subject are required.


Consistent homework provides the student with additional practice in the skills learned in class as well as develops responsibility and independence. Learning the skills and self-discipline required to complete homework is an important part of each child’s education. Please be sure homework is easily understood and utilizes materials available to all children. A maximum of 45 minutes of homework should be given. This is to include the twenty minutes of daily reading. Please adhere to this campus policy. Remember that quality is better than quantity.


Inclement weather is any day that the weather is too severe/harsh for students to be outside. If necessary because of a personnel shortage, extreme economic conditions, or an unavoidable or unforeseen circumstance, the District may require a classroom teacher or librarian entitled to a duty-free lunch to supervise students during lunch (Education Code 21.405).


If we are experiencing inclement weather at the beginning of the school day, please be in your room ready to receive students as they arrive. All other personnel will be readily available to assist faculty, staff, and students in any way necessary.

If we are experiencing inclement weather during the school day prior to lunch, then administration will announce over the intercom that we will be adhering to the following inclement weather procedure:  Teachers will have a 30 minute lunch and will be requested to return to the cafeteria for their students.  Administration / other personnel will be stationed in the cafeteria to assist students in getting their lunch and waiting in line until their teacher arrives. It is imperative that you pick up your class ASAP.


Supplies are centrally stored and are requested (grade level rep) by completing a “Supplies Request” form. The Campus Clerk and Secretary fill out the order and will have supplies delivered to the classroom. Please order materials 24 hours in advance to allow the order to be filled in a timely manner. A list of available supplies is included in this manual. If you would like some materials that are not on the list, ask the appropriate personnel to help with the order


The majority of your instructional time should be spent in facilitating, learning, and monitoring student progress. The use of prepared worksheets and dittos should be very limited. Do not allow parents to hold conferences with you during instructional time or as you are picking up your students in the morning. Encourage them to make an appointment during your conference period, but do not conference with parents while students are in the classroom


The following should be included in daily lesson plans:

 5E’s Model (Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate, Evaluate)  Procedures-planned activities  TEKS Objective being taught  Hands-on materials/resources

Ensure that your lesson plans provide a detailed instructional plan for your substitute to follow. Copies of your lesson plans are due on a weekly basis to support staff. Each grade level needs to submit one set of lesson plans, with all team members’ names on it (changes to this process may apply.)


Instruct students that monitors play a very important role in our school. They are here for their safety. Students are to obey and respect them at all times. MULTI-MEDIA CENTER

The Library should be utilized by students, parents, and staff. Your class will have scheduled times. When taking your class to the Library, you must remain with your class the entire period.


A parent newsletter is REQUIRED. Please remember that consistent communication with your students’ parents is the key to their academic success. Besides informing parents of assignments or class news, the newsletter can also serve as a tool to recognize student’s accomplishments. Please keep copies of your newsletters and submit them with your portfolio as documentation regarding parent communication for your summative evaluation.


Contact the nurse on all emergencies. If the nurse is not available, contact the principal or assistant principal. All accidents should be reported immediately. An accident report should be filled out for all emergencies and filed in the nurse’s office. All 911 calls will be made by nurse or administrators. Employee information card with consent for medical treatment will be completed yearly. Copy will be on file in the nurse’s office and in the front office with the school secretary. The nurse’s lunch period is from 1:00-1:45 p.m. Please send (only) emergencies to the front office during this time.


TEACHERS: Please fill out and return the emergency form to the nurse the first week of school. Work related injuries are to be reported to the nurse as soon as possible during the same day.

STUDENTS: Emergency Consent forms will be provided during the first month of the school year. Send an emergency form home with each student. Encourage students to return completed forms to you the following day and then turn in all forms to the nurse.


Vision, hearing and dental screenings are conducted in grades PK, K, 1st, 3rd, and 5th. The nurse will notify the respective grade level teachers. During the screening process, the nurse will ONLY be available for emergencies. The nurse will notify teachers and parents of students who have failed the vision/hearing tests. -Communicable Diseases: If you suspect a communicable disease (chicken pox, measles, etc.) refer the student to the nurse immediately. All students who were absent as a result of a communicable disease must be checked by the nurse upon returning to school. Students allowed to return to class will present a written pass signed by the nurse.


Students are not allowed to carry their personal medications. Teachers “cannot” administer medication. Students taking prescribed medication will visit the nurse’s office at the specified times to receive medications. It is a district wide policy to NOT administer over the counter medications (Tylenol, cough syrup, etc.). Parents must report to the nurse any students 22 Medical Conditions cont. taking prescribed medication during school hours/who has a serious medical condition (i.e. heart problems, seizure disorder, severe asthma, or allergic reactions).


Students who have a physician’s directive excusing them from P.E. must submit the note to the nurse prior to being excused from physical education classes. The nurse will file the statement and give the student a written excuse for your records. If students need to be excused from P.E. for more than 30 days, they must turn in a doctor’s note.


Please use your discretion when sending students who have minor discomforts such as small cuts, scratches, mild bruises, old injuries, mild headaches, etc. Students should be referred to the nurse if you are certain that the problem cannot be taken care of in the classroom. Any child going to the Nurse’s office must present a pass to the nurse.


Administrative personnel will make numerous informal visits to the classrooms throughout the year. You are asked to continue with regular classroom procedures. Other visitors must receive a Visitor’s Pass from the front office. At “no time” should students be left unattended in the classroom. PARENT / TEACHER CONFERENCES

Two school-wide scheduled parent / teacher conferences will be held during the school year (please refer to your HUECO Calendar for specific dates). Teachers are encouraged to confer often with parents by phone, in person, by note, or by e-mail to report academic progress or social behavior and to discuss tardies and absences. A parent newsletter is REQUIRED. Remember communication with parents is the key to the academic success of your students. Please document ALL communication with parents in your HUECO Calendar.


Please take time to “inform/teach” students how to use playground equipment.  Do not pick up or throw rocks or sand  Do not fight or use inappropriate language  If someone bothers you, notify a monitor  Obey the playground monitors  Do not take any food/snacks outside the cafeteria  Do not walk up the slide, use the ladder and slide down.  DO NOT LITTER! The following items may NOT be brought to school:  League balls, hard balls, softballs, bats,  Soccer Balls and Foot Balls will be allowed only when used appropriately. No tackle football allowed.  Roller blades, skateboards or heelys  Radios, televisions, cassette players, nintendos, CD players or other electronic devices  Chains, guns, knives, matches, explosives, fireworks  Lipstick, makeup, nail polish, hair spray  Drugs, tobacco, alcohol, spray paint, chewing gum The following items are acceptable on the playground:  Any NERF (soft) type ball  Basketballs  P.E. department playground equipment


At the beginning of each school year, all personnel will be given a portfolio which will include the following:  School Calendar  Duty Roster  Teacher Self Report parts I, II, and III will be done On-Line  Staff Development/Planning Calendar/Documentation Sheet  Parent Contact Log  Professional Activities Sheet

It is your responsibility to keep all required documentation in this portfolio to be turned in with your Teacher Self Report (parts II and III) for your PDAS Summative Report. You will receive a specific, detailed e-mail informing you of all that is required for your Summative Report in the spring.


Staff members are to refrain from speaking about students, their families, or any faculty and staff personnel in a negative or disrespectful way. All faculty and staff must carry themselves in a professional manner at all times. Supervision of students is imperative. Students need to be supervised closely throughout the day (playground, classroom, cafeteria, etc.). Teachers are NEVER to leave students unsupervised in the classroom for any length of time. In case of emergency, the teacher will make arrangements with a neighboring teacher to watch both classes. Under NO circumstances are student monitors to be left unattended in classrooms to monitor students in the teacher’s absence. Each classroom should have a HALL PASS which students will use when leaving the room. No student is to be in the hall without a HALL PASS. In all classes, only one student will be allowed to leave the classroom at a time to go to the restroom or get a drink of water. ALL teachers must accompany their classes out of the building at the end of the day. Students must be given a classroom pass when required to attend classroom lunch detention, or to complete work. Students will not be allowed to go into the classroom without a pass.


Report cards, complete with all necessary information, are sent out according to the district administrative calendar. Grades must be assigned in accordance with district policy. Report cards must be signed by the parent/guardian and returned within two days. If a student fails to return a report card within 10 days, a written notice must be mailed to the parents. The office can provide you with school stationery and postage. Also, please remember that report cards may ONLY go home on MONDAYS.

Progress Reports need to be sent home for all students at the end of every 3rd and 6th week of each (NINE week) grading period. Progress Reports are meant to inform parents if their child is declining, showing improvement, or is doing good overall (every student should be given a Progress Report). Remember communication is the key to a child’s academic success. Therefore, take every opportunity to communicate, in writing or by telephone (please document all contacts), with parents on a regular basis. One great way to acknowledge student successes / accomplishments is via the PARENT NEWSLETTER.


The promotion or retention of any student will be based on Socorro I.S.D. policy (EIE). Student progress (or lack of) will be constantly monitored. Teachers and support staff will intervene and work together to provide all necessary interventions that will ensure the student’s academic success. It is vital that all faculty understand and follow TST Procedures (referral, parent meetings, parent communication, documentation). If a child has not gone through TST, then he/she CANNOT be retained/placed. If a child has been given 2’s in Math, Reading, and Language Arts, then, students cannot be retained or placed. SIT

The School Improvement Team will meet once a month on the 1st Monday of the month to confer on all matters affecting the education of students, working conditions, climate, campus morale, campus needs, and to make appropriate and necessary suggestions for improvement. SIT meetings are open to anyone, but only representatives may vote. Teachers in each grade level/department will elect/select a representative to serve on the SIT committee. Representatives on SIT should include one representative per grade level, Counseling department, Nurse, Technology, Bilingual, Gifted and Talented, Librarian, Physical Education, Special Education, Fine Arts, PTO, Community Representative, Parent, and Administration.


Education of students with learning disabilities is truly everyone’s responsibility. Class With-in a Class (CWC) is an inclusion program where students with a learning disability receive direct instruction from both the regular education and the Special Education Teacher, and are placed in the least restrictive environment. The Special Education Program is designed for both teachers to team teach, plan, and together create the least restrictive environment for each student at least 80% of the time in regular education.

Federal regulations require that students with identified learning disabilities must attend appropriate placement classes as per ARD recommendations. Teachers with students with special needs are required to make modifications as identified in the student’s Individual Education Plan (IEP). Failure to do so can result in substantial SBEC Certification and probable financial liability to both the district and the teacher.


A substitute survival kit is a set of plans and activities that can be used for a few days by a substitute teacher. This folder will include complete instructions and directions. Please include the following:

 Classroom roster  Seating chart (if necessary)  Discipline plan  Instruction Schedule  Lunch information/procedures/schedules  Special programs: names of students, times they attend, etc.  Lesson plans  Duty assignments/Schedules (must cover your duty if assigned)  Bus schedules  Emergency plan: Fire Drill instructions and Code Blue Instructions


All telephones in the classroom are to be used for school business only. Our telephone system provides all personnel with the convenience of VOICEMAIL. This will enable all personnel to conduct instruction without interruptions! Personal cellular telephones are to be kept turned OFF during the instructional day.


The state assessment (STAAR) will be administered to students in grades 3, 4, and 5 in the spring. Teachers in grades K-5 will administer pre-tests (BENCHMARKS) to their students to gather data and drive instruction. Other assessments that will be administered to other students in other grade levels include (but are not limited to) the following:

 TPRI / Tejas Lee/ ITBS and Logramos.  STAAR (and modified assessments for Special populations)  BENCHMARK TESTING FALL/SPRING (All students)  SELPAS for Bilingual/LEP Population  TELPAS for all LEP students in grades K-5th  CSCOPE Assessments


Textbooks are under the care and management of the Assistant Principal. Teachers may obtain books by filing out a Textbook Requisition form. Forms are located in the office. Teachers are responsible for the textbooks issued to them. No textbooks will be issued or picked up without a textbook requisition form being given to the assistant principal. A final textbook audit will determine if a teacher clears at the end of the year. Please follow these guidelines:

1. Keep a record of the book number of all books issued to each pupil. (TEC 31.104 (C)) 2. Ensure book covers are available and textbooks are kept covered at all times. 3. Conduct periodic textbook checks (1 per 9 weeks suggested) as directed by the assistant principal. 4. Notify the parent when a textbook is lost, destroyed, or damaged by a student. 5. Return surplus books to the book room. 6. Verify the textbook number and condition of the textbooks when they are returned by the student. 7. Return all books to the book room at the end of the year or end of the course (including student books checked out to the teacher) 8. All state adopted textbooks are now on a web-based inventory system called TipWeb.

Students who have lost textbooks issued to them will be assessed replacement costs. Campuses are financially obligated to pay for lost textbooks issued by the district.

Teacher Support Team-TST

The TST consists of members that include the counselor, administrator, teacher, parent, and support staff. The committee assists the teacher with strategies, interventions, and provides a plan to promote academic success for those students in danger of failing. Refer students only if they are failing core subject areas. Before referring a student to TST, teacher must demonstrate and document all interventions/strategies used in class. To refer a student, please contact our counselor who will guide you with the proper procedures/forms. TST team meets weekly (Mondays) to discuss student’s areas of need, provide the plan of action, and monitor progress. Parents are invited to attend TST meetings to discuss how best to support and help the student overcome his/her struggles with school and at home. Teachers should be prepared to bring a portfolio of student work to TST. If a teacher is considering retaining a student, there must be documentation of TST meetings which indicate all interventions that were 28 Teacher Support Team-TST Cont.. utilized to help prevent retention. A child may not be retained if he/she has not been referred to TST and does not demonstrate 1’s in report card in all core areas. VISITORS

A visitor is anyone who is not a member of the HUECO Elementary student body (Spouses, employee children who do not attend Hueco, etc). Please direct any visitor (even SISD employees) to the office to sign in and receive a Visitor’s PASS. Students may not bring visitors, such as relatives, to spend the day with them without prior approval of Administration. Please be an integral part of keeping our school orderly, safe, and conducive to learning and working.


District Policy allows that only parents or volunteers who are fully approved volunteers (i.e. have an application on file with the district with a complete background check) can assist in classrooms under the direct supervision of the teacher or may assist anywhere on campus during the school day. Please contact the Parent Volunteer Coordinator for any needed volunteers. Also, please inform all parents that if they would like to attend or assist with any field trips throughout the school year, they MUST have the security clearance for the safety of all faculty, staff, and students.


Students are withdrawn by office personnel only. If you are aware that a child is leaving or moving, notify the office immediately and inform the parent that they need to contact the office before the intended withdrawal date to fill out appropriate paperwork. The classroom teacher needs to complete the permanent (“cum”) folder and the withdrawal form. All library books and textbooks must be accounted for prior to withdrawal. Therefore, it is necessary that the withdrawal form be passed on to the nurse, librarian, counselor, and other appropriate personnel. All paperwork needs to be ready for parents within 24 hours.

Thank you for adhering to the policies and procedures of our Campus and District. Working together will ensure a year full of successes.



Thank You For all you do!!!!!!!!


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