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MINUTES of meeting of EWHURST PARISH COUNCIL held on 16 th April 2012 at EYSC, Broomers Lane, Ewhurst . Present Mr Richard Cleaves (Chair), Mr Tim Bloomfield, Mrs Ruth Reed, Mrs Victoria Helstrip, Mr ACTION Chris Lyth, Mr Rob Matthews, Mr Mike Turner, Mrs Julie Francis and the Clerk, Victoria Roker

------1. Apologies for Apologies received from Mrs Valerie Dixon Henry, Surrey Advertiser’s Alan Golden and Absence Waverley Borough Councillor, Mary Foryszewski 2. Minutes of ------Minutes of the last meeting approved Last Meeting ------3. Declarations of None Interest ------Richard Cleaves has been working on projects throughout the month, however, currently has 4. Chairmans nothing to report. Report

5. Adjournment No members of the public present at the meeting ------

6. Cheques and March balance £6391.21 Payments April payments to date £6642.03 A spreadsheet with the balance breakdown was passed to all Councillors ------WA/2012/0244 SHOREYS, MOON HALL ROAD, GOMSHALL, GU6 7NP 7. Planning Erection of new front entrance porch/doorway, pathway Committee together with associated works Meetings Ewhurst Parish Council Observations No Comment ______WA/2012/0245 SHOREYS, MOON HALL ROAD, GOMSHALL, GU6 7NP Certificate of Lawfulness under Section 192 for the erection of a single story extension following demolition of existing extension.

Ewhurst Parish Council Observations No Comment ______TM/2012/0029 MAPLEDRAKES FARM, MAPLEDRAKES ROAD, CRANLEIGH, GU6 7QP Application for works to a tree subject of Tree preservation Order WA124

Ewhurst Parish Council Observations No Comment WA/2012/0343 GROOMS BARN, GADBRIDGE FARM, GADBRIDGE LANE, EWHURST Listed Building Consent for erection of an orangery Ewhurst Parish Council Observations No objection. This paperwork should have been in place when the application was considered in November 2011. ______TM/2012/0046 10 LILYFIELDS CHASE, CRANLEIGH, GU6 7RX Application for works to a tree subject of Tree Preservation Order 3/00

Ewhurst Parish Council Observations Please note the address is Ewhurst. No objection although concern was expressed at the number of applications the parish council is looking at with similar problems. ------TIM BLOOMFIELD - Ellen's Green, Highways, Airways 8. Reports Highways : General Update on Highway matters Shere Road Ditches 1 The Shere road ditches have been reported, however still haven’t been cleared. Rain poured out of them in the recent heavy rain. The pothole on the opposite side of the road needs to be reported on the website. The Green Thames Water have remedied the problem with the surface water, however the work was poor and a pothole has since appeared. This will be reported. Mapledrakes Road TB Thames Water need to be chased regarding the brown liquid on the road surface. The safety issues of the area at the top of the hill in Mapledrakes Road may be helped if a bush in the front garden of a resident is cut back. Tim will approach the resident to request that the bush be trimmed, however, they are under no legal obligation to do so. Speeding on The Street A meeting has been set up at the school with Mrs Dyer (Ewhurst School Head), Alan Young (Surrey County Council), Highways and the police to address the speeding issue outside the school. Speedwatch have moved their pitch closer to the school in the meantime. Pumping Station TB Major works are planned in Ellens Green. Tim has arranged a meeting with the company and will report back at the next meeting JULIE FRANCIS – Security/Law & Order, Legal Matters, SCAPTC Neighbourhood Watch meeting next week, Julie is unable to attend, therefore another Councillor may attend and report back at the next meeting. Attending Community Safety Workshop 17th May, will report back in due course JF SCAPTC Surrey Local Council's Forum meeting 25th April, will report back at next meeting CHRIS LYTH – Rights of Way Footpath Number 366 Surrey County Council volunteers will clear footpath through the summer so a digger can clear the ditches in the autumn. Footpath Number 424 Style is broken, will report to Surrey County Council South Hurtwood Footpaths Need to chase Footpath Number 428 Jumps have been placed across the path for the hunt the previous week. We have been assured this will be sorted and the jumps removed. ROBERT MATTHEWS – Youth Matters, Environment, Tree Warden Youth Club. Currently has 27 members. Tree Warden Shaun Harrison, Woodland advisor for Surrey county council is looking at derelict woodland in order to help the owner get it back to work again. He has a directory of local tree surgeons and also would like to work with Rob as a contact with the Parish Council RUTH REED – Allotments A full sized plot 21 became vacant on the 15th April. It has been divided into two half plots and re-let, thus reducing the waiting list. The two ash trees growing on the boundary of plot 21 have been reduced and are to be removed. A fruit tree on the same plot will be removed. The outfield grass and other spring growth needs an urgent cut. Fallen trees at the lower boundary have been removed. There has been more erosion of the access to the parking area next to Twixtrees and the old lavatory and adjacent mound of waste still need to be removed. MIKE TURNER – Website, Communications, Recycling Website Mike requested that the website picture be changes to a spring time picture. Digital Switchover Gone ok, only had to deal with 3/4 problems. Recycling The new recycling bins are now in use Diamond Jubilee Beacon The beacon has been ordered and will be delivered to Richard Cleaves’ house.

9.Correspondence A list of the correspondence was passed to all Councillors


The councillors will report on Highways Matters, Youth Club and the Diamond Jubilee for the 10. Parish Clerk next copy of the Ewhurst Newsletter Report ------11. Diamond Information sheets regarding the diamond Jubilee celebrations will be distributed at the Annual Jubilee Parish Meeting. 2 It was decided that the evening entertainment will begin at 9.00 pm comprising of community singing and a sausage sizzle. Residents will be asked to bring a bottle and the beacon will be lit at 10.00pm. Councillors discussed the proposal to paint the “Ewhurst” sign on the Bulls Head Green gold to mark the diamond Jubilee, however decided to decline the request. ------12. Annual Parish The speakers at the annual Parish Meeting will be the History Society, The Bulls Head, and Meeting Ewhurst Baptist Church, John White on behalf of St Peter and St. Pauls Church and Rob Matthews will replace Angie Thomas who had been going to speak about Rainbows End. Rob Matthews said he would kindly speak on behalf of the Youth club. The Councillors will also talk briefly about the playground project, the Diamond Jubilee celebrations, superfast broadband and the Jubilee panel. 13.Year End ------Financial Reports A true state of accounts has not yet been completed. The details will be forwarded as soon as they are completed. There is money remaining to go towards the playground project. The website account is overdrawn as a result of lots of work having been done to produce the new website. 14. Playground ______Phase One The total cost of Phase 1 is £17995.00. We have secured funding of £12900.00 and potential RC earnings of a further £5200. Victoria Helstrip proposed that the order for Phase 1 be placed with Sovereign. Richard Cleaves seconded and all in favour. Richard will check terms of payment The noticeboard has been put up outside the playground area by Mark Thomas, a thank you letter will be sent to him on behalf of the Councillors 15. Allotments ------There appear to be two cold frames on the allotments. Ruth Reed proposed that the allotment tenancy agreement be reviewed. The wording for this will be decided at the June meeting ready for the tenancy agreements to be sent out in September ______16. Parish The Councillors reports will be written in advance of the Parish council meetings in future and Business sent to the Clerk. The Ewhurst Bulletin should contain short bullet points of information There has been a complaint made to Waverley borough council regarding the solar panels in The Glebe. A reply has been received from Waverley. The Council has received a letter from the Ewhurst School requesting that two Councillors attend an assembly. Ruth Reed and Tim Bloomfield have volunteered and therefore a VR response letter will be sent to the school ------17. Matters for consideration at The village caretaker has quoted £200 to remove the mound of rubbish from the allotment. next meeting ------

There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.50pm

Date of next meeting: Monday 21st May 2012, 7.45pm at EYSC







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