Since 1993, the MS Trust has been dedicated to making a difference for people living with MS now. They believe that no one should have to manage MS alone. They provide trusted information and support directly to people living with MS and train and educate MS specialist nurses and therapists to offer the best care.

The Burden of Advanced Multiple Sclerosis

Over the past decade there have been some amazing advances in drug therapy for people who are diagnosed with MS. Earlier diagnosis and better drug treatment and monitoring means that the progress of the disease to its advanced stages can in many situations be slowed. However there remains a group of up to 40,000 individuals who have or are developing advanced MS and are therefore faced with very complex and demanding care and support needs.

“Another choking fit this morning left me in bits. I can’t do anything about it. I try to lift her up for a few minutes so I can rub her back but it’s not an easy feat. I try to reassure her. I try not to let her see me upset. I don’t want her to see that I feel helpless. She’s deteriorating and when I speak to the GP or the care worker or the social worker – anybody – they ask me, “What do you want us to do about your wife?” HOW THE HELL DO I KNOW WHAT TO DO?! I need guidance, support, to share some of the load. “

These words are from a husband, primary carer of 10 years to his wife who as a result of MS is immobile and partially blind. She struggles with all daily tasks and as a result is totally dependent on him. Advanced MS involves the worst symptoms of the disease, including severe mobility issues, pain, swallowing problems, and loss of memory and thinking.

With the support of The October Club the MS Trust are seeking to provide Advanced MS Champions. This programme will fund 6 MS specialist nurses/ therapists, over a 3 year period, to transform the lives of around 5000 people with advanced MS and their families by focusing on each individual and joining up the necessary care providers and services to meet their complex needs. The MS Trust will be testing different approaches and models across a number of locations and building capacity and expertise within the MS Trust to support a national roll out. Key to the programme is partnership with the MS teams in the NHS who can see that the Champions will effect significantly better coordination of care and support; and reduce NHS emergency costs and inappropriate hospital admissions. With a firm commitment from the NHS to permanently fund the posts after the pilot, the October Club investment will leave a lasting legacy for the future.

Once in post, Champions will work with people with MS and their families to define and deliver what they need - for example physiotherapy, occupational therapy and palliative care. They will work with diverse health and care organisations, bringing together the professionals needed to provide people with the right specialist care.

The MS Trust have invested already in gathering data and evidence which is now contained in their GEMSS (Generating Evidence in MS Services) programme. This means that they already have significant evidence of the value of MS specialists, showing how they save the NHS money and – most importantly – make a difference to people living with MS.

The October Club investment will enable the MS Trust to focus their expertise in support of those people whose needs are most pressing: people with advanced MS and their families who, with no prospect of cure or improvement in function, have little hope for the future and are often just focused on surviving on a day to day basis.

Having secured The October Club funding for 6 pilot sites, the MS Trust will be able to leverage the evidence gained in the pilot to secure more posts and to appoint further Champions across the UK, giving hope to more people and their families.

The October Club investment will support the MS Trust to transform the care of people who for too long have felt isolated, overlooked and without hope. SPONSORSHIP INFORMATION

Wednesday 11th October 2017, The Savoy, London

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