John Q. Public Network+, A+, MCSE 123 Elm Street, Chicago, IL 60631 m: 800.555.1234  e: [email protected]  LinkedIn: johnqpublic

N e t w o r k E n g i n e e r Network engineer with broad experience in large and small environments, and in public and private organizations.

C E R T I F I C AT I O N S CCNA 2009 Network+ 2006 MCSE on Windows 2000 2006

C AR E E R AC C O M P L I S H M E N T S Network and System Security Engineer ABC Telecommunications Services, Chicago, IL Feb 2012-present Largest MSSP in U.S. Mid-West serving financial services industry  Developed network device build and hardening processes, resulting in more consistent configuration across the enterprise  Developed scripts and filters to process actionable alarms more consistently. Developed documentation so that others can maintain and update scripts and filters.  Trained and supervised third shift analysts on holiday weekends and at other times Network Analyst Spacely Sprockets, Chicago, IL Jul 2008-Jan 2012 Supplier of machine parts to aeronautical industry  Supported SIEM (LogRhythm) and IPS (Tipping Point) for enterprise network  Performed upgrades of IPS system when old system was retired  Created operational documentation for IPS and SIEM systems Desktop Support Analyst Spacely Sprockets, Chicago, IL Aug 2004-Jul 2008  Desktop support for office and factory floor systems (900 machines total)  Maintained and improved helpdesk knowledge base to help other helpdesk analysts solve common issues more quickly  Desktop support for company executives Desktop Support Analyst Northern College, Indianapolis, IN Sept 2003-Jun 2004  Desktop support for higher education while attending college

E D U C AT I O N AN D T R AI N I N G BS MIS, Northern College, Indianapolis, IN, GPA 3.2 1999-2003 Certificate in Network Architecture, Northern College 2010 Business and Technical Writing, Central Community College 2006

O T H E R AC T I V I T I E S NPA: Chicago chapter secretary 2013-2014 Chicago Food Bank: volunteer 2009-2012 2 P R O F E S S I O N AL A F F I L I A T I O N S NPA (Network Professional Association) 2012-2015

A R T I C L E S Correlating network events: a tutorial: Network Operations Monthly 2014