What Is Midlands Gives?
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Nonprofit Communications & Marketing Toolkit What is Midlands Gives? Midlands Gives is an online giving event that provides nonprofits the opportunity to gain exposure to - and start relationships with - new donors, and for people in the Midlands of South Carolina to come together and raise as much money as possible for local nonprofits.
In just two years, Midlands Gives has generated $2.25 million in gifts for the Midlands community. In 2015, more than 11,000 gifts totaling $1.5 million were given to benefit more than 250 local nonp rofits.
What changes have been made this year? 1. Matching funds* raised by your nonprofit will display on your profile page. 2. Your Midlands Gives profile page will display a link to your GuideStar profile to provide a research opportunity for donors. 3. The homepage will contain a new advanced search feature to filter by county, city, nonprofit name, categories, and organizations with additional challenge funds.
*Matching funds are additional funds contributed directly to a nonprofit from a donor (or donors) to help encourage donations. Sometimes known as challenge funds, matching funds can be added dollar for dollar to original donations, OR added to any donations over a certain amount OR added to any donations made by new donors. The choice is yours! Matching funds are included in the official giving day total. Matching funds and instructions on when/how to apply them must be received in the office of Central Carolina Community Foundation no later than April 29, 2016 at 4:00pm! FREE MARKETING SUPPORT
Graphics Download graphics and other materials at MidlandsGives.org and click on the resources tab. Feel free to use these graphics on your website, in social media posts and newsletters.
Access graphics HERE
Media Outreach Central Carolina Community Foundation and our media consultants, Flock and Rally, provide significant PR support with outreach to all local TV, print, radio and social media outlets in the Midlands region. In order to prevent media fatigue about the event, please adhere to the following guidelines:
o Please do NOT: . Contact media on your own to arrange an interview about the event . Submit your own press release about the event. The Foundation will release multiple press releases announcing event details prior and after the event. o Please DO: . Mention Midlands Gives in any interviews or press releases promoting your other programs or events. Midlands Gives should not be the focus of these items but your participation can be mentioned. . Contact the Foundation if you are contacted by a member of the media for an interview about Midlands Gives . Introduce the Foundation to any media contacts you are close with so we can ensure they know about Midlands Gives . Share the media you see about Midlands Gives with your network
All nonprofits are invited to submit their Midlands Gives story to us via this form by March 31. We will share these stories with the media to use when promoting Midlands Gives. If media requests an interview with your organization, we will work with you to coordinate times and talking points.
Social Media Sample posts provided in toolkit Social Media Tips and Tricks Check out our Social Media Trainer’s, Kivi Leroux Miller’s tips. Day-of Events for Midlands Gives Lunchtime event at Spirit Communications Park 11:00 am – 2 pm Happy Hour event at Spirit Communications Park from 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm Other events will be added closer to the event. Check www.midlandsgives.org or www.yourfoundation.org for a complete listing. S O C I A L M E D I A C E N T E R
General Social Media Tips Add your Facebook and Twitter account links to your emails, email footer signatures, newsletters, websites and print materials right away and ask staff, board members and friends to get connected. o Follow us on Twitter at https://twitter.com/CCCFtweets o Use the Giving Day hashtag (#MidlandsGives) in all of your Tweets o Follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CentralCarolinaCommunityFoundation/?ref=br_rs
Conversation must be authentic, engaging, and personal. Don’t forget to participate in the conversation and respond back to what others are saying. With social media, the audience is in control and your job is to engage them by adding value with relevant content. Take time before Midlands Gives to plan out your social media approach: o What three stories will your organization tell? o Who will handle Facebook updates and Twitter conversations? o Who will monitor your Giving Day progress to track donations and keep donors Consider using a scheduling program like HootSuite to coordinate all your social media channels. Great engagement is about knowing what your community wants from your various social media profiles.
Facebook Tips: Follow Central Carolina Community Foundation on Facebook so you can stay connected with updates, important information, and tips. Follow other’s pages from your organization page There’s a difference in liking a page from your personal profile and liking a page from your organization’s page. It’s important to do both! Go to your organization’s page and click on the arrow in the top right of your screen. Scroll down and click “Use Facebook as Page” on the right side. This will allow your actions to be done “on behalf” of your organization’s page. After, go back to your personal profile by clicking “Use Facebook as (your name)” Use Facebook to deepen relationships and connect with followers Ask open-ended questions to stoke conversation and use Facebook as a two-way street Highlight the good work that others are doing in addition to just your own Mix up the content with pictures and video Respond and show people that you’re listening Keep your posts brief and necessary. No paragraph updates allowed, but always offer something for your fans’ engagement, something for them to do. Tell stories! Twitter Tips: First, follow @CCCFTweets from your organization’s Twitter account Also follow people/organizations that are important to your organization. People who have fundraised for you before, those who hold important positions in your community, experts in your area, or people who are talking about your interests already Use Twitter to tell your followers about your participation in Midlands Gives, grow your community, provide basic information and engage in the general community- wide discussion about Giving Day Start talking, but have something to offer, such as links to your website, pictures, and videos about your organization Pictures and videos are the most shared (or retweeted) items online, and most of them aren’t professional shots (so don’t hesitate to upload your own photos of staff in action or events from the day) Actively following users tweeting about Giving Day, your organization, and related topics and following hashtag conversations are great ways to broaden your community and engage in the larger conversation Use the Giving Day hashtag (#MidlandsGives) in all of your Tweets. People interested in meeting others who are speaking about a topic of interest follow hashtags to see what is being said.
Sample Social Media Posts – April 1-May 2 On Twitter & Instagram, the hashtag is #MidlandsGives • Time to once again start gearing up for #MidlandsGives! Join the conversation – Like Central Carolina Community Foundation on Facebook and follow @CCCFTweets on Twitter.
• Everyone can be a philanthropist! #midlandsgives • Get up and Give for #MidlandsGives on May 3rd! • Can’t wait to be a part of such a BIG day in our community on May 3rd! What does #MidlandsGives mean to you? • A little goes a long way when Midlands Residents give all at once on May 3 for #MidlandsGives! Join the cause! • The real success of #MidlandsGives will not be the big dollars, but the big impact those dollars will have when 300+ nonprofits put them to work! Join the giving on May 3rd at MidlandsGives.org. • May 2: Tomorrow is #MidlandsGives! Want a quick, easy way to help your community? Your gift goes further on Midlands Gives • May 2: Last year, #MidlandsGives raised $1.5 million to support 252 Midlands nonprofits! Gifts were received from all over the US and even around the world! Think we can top it this year?
Sample Social Media Posts – On Midlands Gives Day, May 3 What better way to start your day than with a gift that will make a difference! Join us in giving back to The Midlands TODAY from 12:00:01am until 11:59:59pm for #MidlandsGives! Let’s rally this community’s generous spirit and get up and GIVE for #MidlandsGives! Visit MidlandsGives.org TODAY to make a difference! Step 1: Go to MidlandsGives.org. Step 2: Find a nonprofit you care about it. Step 3: Make a gift! The Midlands is waking up on the right side of the bed today! Starting at 6am, get coffee and get online at MidlandsGives.org to take part in ! #MidlandsGives Wow! Are y’all watching the leaderboard for #MidlandsGives?! This community’s generosity is blowing us away! XX more hours to join the cause! Today is the day! Rise and shine Midlands – time to show this community the impact we can make when we join together! From 6 a.m. to midnight, make your gift of $20 or more to the nonprofits of your choice! #MidlandsGives We’re overloaded with generosity! Keep that giving spirit alive in the Midlands! XX more hours to maximize your gift! #MidlandsGives Which nonprofits inspire you in this community? Give back today. #MidlandsGives Give where you live until midnight TODAY! Your local nonprofits need your support. Join us in giving back for #MidlandsGives!
Sample Social Media Posts – Quotes “One is not born into the world to do everything but to do something.” – Henry David Thoreau. Who is inspiring you to give today? #MidlandsGives “Few will have the greatness to bend history itself, but each of us can work to change a small portion of events.” – Robert F. Kennedy. Help us change the Midlands for the better! #MidlandsGives “In a gentle way, you can shake the world.” – Mahatma Gandhi. Help shake the world with on May 3! #MidlandsGives “Do more than belong: participate. Do more than care: help. Do more than believe: practice. Do more than be fair: be kind. Do more than forgive: forget. Do more than dream: work.” – William Arthur Ward. Together we can do more for this community! #MidlandsGives “The purpose of life is to contribute in some way to making things better.” – Robert F. Kennedy. Join us for #MidlandsGives! “We have it in our power to change the world over.” – Thomas Paine. #MidlandsGives “I am only one, but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something; and because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do something that I can do.” – Helen Keller. Every gift matters. Join us for #MidlandsGives! “How wonderful that no one need wait a single moment to improve the world.” – Anne Frank. Don’t wait! Join us for #MidlandsGives! “We must become the change we want to see in the world.” – Mahatma Gandhi. #MidlandsGives “I feel the greatest reward for doing is the opportunity to do more.” – Dr. Jonas Salk. Just imagine what this community can do with our combined support! #MidlandsGives “Never believe that a few caring people can’t change the world. For, indeed, that’s all who ever have.” – Margaret Mead. #MidlandsGives “Since you get more joy out of giving joy to others, you should put a good deal of thought into the happiness that you are able to give.” – Eleanor Roosevelt. Help us spread joy in the Midlands today! #MidlandsGives “It takes each of us to make a difference for all of us.” – Jackie Mutcheson. Make your gift on May 3 at MidlandsGives.org #MidlandsGives “Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do.” – Apple. #MidlandsGives “Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does.” – William James. #MidlandsGives “Think of giving not only as a duty but as a privilege.” – John D. Rockefeller. #MidlandsGives Sample Direct Mail/Email Template
Dear [Donor Name],
Thank you for being a part of the [organization name] family/community/team!
Each year generous supporters like you join us for the exciting annual Midlands Gives event -this year it will be May 3 from 12:00:01am until 11:59:59pm. Your generous support makes a meaningful difference to [core mission constituency, e.g. homeless youth, children with cancer, collies and dachshunds].
As you know, [organization name] is changing lives every day by/through [core mission or program e.g. providing safe shelter, arts and recreation, veterinary care and human interaction].
On May 3, 2016, Midlands Gives Day, your [$XX target donation amount e.g. $25, $100 - Insert a dollar amount that is slightly higher than your average online gift from last year to really stretch their Midlands Gives donation] gift will help us receive extra funds for our work in the community. Every gift of $20 or more will go further with more than $100,000 dollars in bonus funds and prizes! By visiting MidlandsGives.org, the online giving website for Midlands Gives, you can make a difference with your gift to [organization name].
Here’s the really exciting part: Every gift made through MidlandsGives.org on May 3rd helps our chances of winning prizes given throughout the day ranging from $500 to $5,000! With more than $100,000 total prizes being awarded throughout the day, our chances to maximize your gift are great! Just imagine if we could [something aspirational you might do with $1,000]!
All gifts you make to [organization name as listed on MidlandsGives.org] on May 3rd will increase our impact by allowing us to [specific program with quantity e.g. feed XX more seniors, grant scholarships to XX more students, train XX more volunteers].
Make your gift on May 3rd by visiting [insert a link directly to your MidlandsGives.org donation page]!
[Add your specific call to action here. Do you want your donors to donate at 10:00am? Tell at least one friend to donate?]
[Add information about any challenge funds you’ve secured for MidlandsGives.] With your help, we WILL reach our [$X,XXX] fundraising goal on Midlands Gives!
Follow us on Facebook/Twitter/Instagram [insert a link to your social media page] so you can share in the excitement of a day of giving and remember to give on May 3rd.
Sincerely, [Name] [Title (Executive Director, Board Chair, Volunteer)]
Sample Thank You Language:
On behalf of [your nonprofit], thank you for participating in the 3rd annual Midlands Gives [yesterday/last week]! Your contribution went even further thanks to the bonus funds and prizes to help [name of nonprofit] continue to [insert mission].
Thank you for taking part in this important day of giving for our region!
Sample Email Signature Add this language to the bottom of your email signatures for all outgoing communications:
SAVE THE DATE – Midlands Gives 2016 will be on May 3, 2015! Give $20 or more via MidlandsGives.org between 12:00:01am and 11:59:59pm on May 3 and your gift(s) will help the 300+ registered nonprofits reach their goals! MATCHING/CHALLENGE DOLLARS MIDLANDS GIVING: A Request for Matching Funds
XXXXXXX Nonprofit respectfully requests that XXXX consider a gift/grant of $XX,XXX to est ablish a Matching Fund for Midlands Gives 2016
Midlands Gives focuses on increasing visibility of – and giving to – nonprofit agencies in the 11- county Midlands region. The goal is to raise awareness of the breadth, size and impact of the n onprofit community and to broaden the base of donors for all nonprofits.
The idea behind Midlands Gives which was launched in 2014 was to increase giving to the regio n’s nonprofits by motivating people to give to one or more vetted charities through a particula r website on a single day by offering bonus funds as an incentive. Giving Day has since become a fundraising juggernaut and awareness building event that has d istributed almost $2.25 million to nearly 300 nonprofits in our community in just two years.
May 3 is the date for Midlands Gives 2016. It is an important opportunity to stimulate new givin g, to build awareness and to provide increased funding during a time of government cutbacks and ever growing need. Our community could raise $2 million in 2016.
An incentive for donors to participate in Midlands Gives is the prize and bonus funding offere d. Fourteen local businesses have stepped forward to elevate Midlands Gives day by providi ng more than $95,000 in prize incentives and power hours (a 200 percent increase from 2015). The prizes will be available to nonprofits via random giveaways, challenge matching funds, f un events at headquarters, and giver-generated milestones (like Power Hours).
This year, the Matching funds each organization has raised will be reflected on their giving page. Donors can also select organizations to support based on whether they have Matching funds.
Impact -- By the Numbers: XXXX Nonprofit raised $X,XXX from XXX donors last year. In previous years we have raised X XX, XXX and XXX. These funds have allowed us to XXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXX XX XXXXXXXXX.
Our goal for Midlands Gives 2016 is to raise $XX,XXX form XXX donors to enable us to XXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXX. Impact -- By the Stories – REPLACE WITH YOUR OWN STORIES While numbers give one perspective on Midlands Gives, it’s the nonprofits’ stories which truly show the day’s impact.
We had one of our previous donors participate and now we have re-established our partnership. Thanks to him, we will be giving 250 turkeys to Veterans and their families this year.
Through the donations provided on Midlands Gives day we are able to outfit 6 more memory care facilities and one human trafficking shelter with Personalized Music programs. These personalized music programs enrich the lives of many by touching the heart, mind and soul; something that modern medicine still cannot do.
Our supporters blew out all expectations! Our goal was to raise $15,000, and we raised over $22,000! This represents 10% of our total yearly budget. In just our second year of participation, we managed to even earn a bonus prize for 3rd most gifts to a small nonprofit. Because of the gifts on Midlands Gives, we will head into 2016 with a strong financial situation to enable planned growth and continue to ensure that no pet owner ever has to choose between stay...or go!
Overall Anticipated Outcomes -OPTIONAL
$31,750,000 million of charitable giving from 125,000 gifts for 1,750 nonprofits $2.75 million in bonus and prize funds
Use of Funds:
The funds will be used to create a Challenge Fund just for XXXXXXXX nonprofit.
While the general Midlands Gives Bonus Pools will leverage donor gifts in a variety of ways, we antici pate that a Challenge fund dedicated just to us will motivate significantly more donors to give.
We propose that your gift/grant be used to match every/new/increased (pick one) gift of any amount/ove r $50/under $1,000 (pick one or create your own) 1 to 1 OR 2 to 1 OR 1 to 5 (pick one or make up your o wn). We will make donors aware of the Challenge by – LIST MAJOR/EXCITING ELEMENTS OF YOUR MARKETING PLAN HERE. In recognition of your gift/grant, we will LIST MAJOR/EXCITING ELEMENTS OF YOUR Stewardship PLAN HERE. EVENT IDEAS Make the Virtual Physical Drive - thru donating Coffees or other donor events to drive people to give. Remember no benefits! Lap top kiosks or cell phones in your offices for visitors to give easily
Cause - Oriented: Environment group - Bike to work -- for every $10 donated they agree to bike to work one day. Arts groups - iPads at intermission and/or as people go in and out of an event or via their phones.
On-site excitement: QR codes that link to www.MidlandsGives.org Dunking booth for every donation made CHECKLISTS AND COUNTDOWN CALENDAR Midlands Gives Checklist/Countdown Calendar
What When Notes Begin implementation of donor outreach plan April Promote Midlands Gives in your email newlsetters, April on your website and other outlets Send direct mail pieces (postcards, letters, flyers) April Update social media status with Midlands Gives April reminder information Encourage staff, board, donors to reach out to April their networks Email supporters to remind them about Midlands Two weeks out Gives Finalize day of logistics Two weeks out Email link to your profile for donors to bookmark One week out This link will be sent to your organization in an email. Confirm staff/volunteer duties for May 3 One week out Continue to post on social media One week out Ask them to spread the word "TOMORROW IS THE Send out email reminders to friends of your 2-May DAY TO GIVE BACK" along with the organization MidlandsGives.org site. Update social media 2-3 times to generate 2-May excitement
Include action items (donate and include link to your Send email to your supporters 3-May profile page), follow on Facebook, tell 5 friends to donate, tweek out link to page, etc. More examples here.
Participate in events 3-May Host your own event (optional) 3-May Use social media to promote your progress 3-May Tell fans about prizes you have won, etc. Monitor the Leaderboard 3-May You will have a link to a report that will provide you with Send thank you emails to donors in real time 3-May real time information on all of your donors. Announce your success via social medai 4-May Send thank you letters (hand-written) to top 4-May donors This information will only be accessible via that link for a Add all donors to your database 4-May limited amount of time. Please download the spreadsheet and save it to your hard drive. This form will be emailed to the executive director listed Review and sign Grant Agreement Disbursement on your profile. Once we receive the form your grant June form disbursement will be cut and mailed to the address that is on your 990. Communications Checklist Plan your Midlands Gives communications on a grid so you cover all touch points and know who is managing each aspect
Midlands Gives Communications Grid
What Who When Message Web page E-Newsletter #1 E-Newsletter #2 Brochure Direct Mail Flyers Blog Posts Twitter Facebook You Tube Instagram
Social Media Content Framework Plan your social media posts ahead of time to make sure you have all outlets covered. Here is a framework to get you started and provide content ideas.
Midlands Gives Social Media Grid
What When FacebookTwitter Instagram You Tube Question/Fact Mon X X Video/Article Tues X X X Photo Wed X X X Inspiring Story/QuoteThur X X True/False FridayFri X X FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS
Q. What is Midlands Gives? A. Hosted by Central Carolina Community Foundation, Midlands Gives is a 24-hour online giving event that brings the region together as one community, raising money and awareness for local nonprofits in 11 Midlands counties.
Q. When is Midlands Gives? A. The third annual Midlands Gives is Tuesday, May 3rd, 2016 from midnight to 11:59 pm.
Q. Where is Midlands Gives? A. Midlands Gives is an online event taking place on the MidlandsGives.org website.
Q. Who puts on Midlands Gives? A. Central Carolina Community Foundation is the host for Midlands Gives. Learn more about the Foundation at www.yourfoundation.org.
Q. Does approval to participate in Midlands Gives mean that Central Carolina Community Foundation endorses each participating nonprofit’s charitable purpose and programs? A. Midlands Gives is proud to support tens of thousands of donors as they come together on one day to give to their favorite nonprofits or to new causes near to their heart. We encourage you to find organizations that align with your passions and values. While Central Carolina Community Foundation does verify the charitable status of every nonprofit that participates in Midlands Gives, the Foundation does not screen or select organizations on the basis of their charitable purposes or their missions. Giving Day eligibility is based solely on providing services in the 11 counties in the Midlands and an organization's current status as a recognized Section 501(c)(3) tax-exempt public charity. Therefore, approval of an organization's participation in Midlands Gives does not constitute an endorsement of the organization or its mission by Central Carolina Community Foundation or any Giving Day partners.
Each Giving Day nonprofit page provides the organization's mission, not detailed information on all of its programs. For your additional research, each nonprofit's page also includes a link to their Guidestar profile and/or to their website to provide you with more detailed information on the organization's mission and use of its charitable dollars. Q. How much money does Central Carolina Community Foundation make from Midlands Gives? A. None. We give thousands of hours of staff time and thousands of dollars of direct funding to cover bonus funds, the direct cost of technology, marketing and nonprofit training. All money raised goes to the organizations that participate less the credit card and processing fees.
Q. How do I donate? A. To participate, simply log on to MidlandsGives.org on May 3, complete the giving form, select your charity or charities and make a donation using your credit or debit card ($20 minimum). Your credit card statement will reflect a donation to Central Carolina Community Foundation, which we in turn forward to your charity of choice.
Q: Is my gift tax-deductible? A: Yes. When you make a gift to on MidlandsGives.org, your donation is collected by Central Carolina Community Foundation and forwarded on to your charity of choice. The Community Foundation is a 501(c)(3) organization and all donations are deductible to the full extent provided by law.
Q. What forms of donations are accepted? A. MasterCard, Visa, Discover and American Express donations received through MidlandsGives.org website on Giving Day will be accepted. No donations via check, cash or stock can be accepted. Donor- advised fund holders at Central Carolina Community Foundation may recommend grants from their funds.
Q. Is there a size limit on gifts? A. There is no maximum amount. The minimum gift is $20.
Q: How will the donations be reported on my credit card statement? Your credit card statement will read: Midlands Gives
Q. How will I receive acknowledgement of my gift? A. A tax receipt will be automatically emailed to you using the email address provided when the transaction was submitted. If you do not receive a receipt, please first check your spam folder. If you still haven't received it, then please contact [email protected]. You will not receive a tax receipt from the charity.
How can I give to multiple organizations? Midlands Gives allows donors to make gifts to multiple organizations straight from the MidlandsGives.org home page and enter your credit card information only once. You will receive one e-mail receipt detailing all of your gifts. How can I make a gift "In Honor of" or "In Memory of" someone? On the donation form, you may use the Notes field to include a note that your gift was made in honor of or in memory of someone and that information will be passed to the nonprofit.
What if I can't find my favorite nonprofit on the website? If you can't find them on MidlandsGives.org, they are not signed up to participate, and/or they are not eligible to participate in Midlands Gives. The agency must meet the eligibility requirements. If your favorite cause is not listed, encourage them to join us next year.
What is a unique donor? A: A unique donor is defined as one person or corporation/business. Donors are encouraged to make gifts to multiple organizations of their choice. Each gift to a different organization will be counted separately on the Leaderboard. Multiple gifts made to the same organization using the same credit card will be considered as one gift.
Q. Can staff, volunteers and board members donate to the organization they are associated with? A. Yes, as long as they use a personal credit or debit card and not one associated with the nonprofit they are giving to.
Q. Can I get a refund on my donation? A. Each gift is tax-deductible and irrevocable.
Q. What if I make a mistake when I am making my gift? A. If you give to the wrong organization we can correct that for you immediately. Please email [email protected] with the information.
A. If you accidentally key in a different amount than you wanted to give, we can issue a partial refund to correct the mistake. Please email [email protected] with the information.
Q: Can my gift be anonymous? A: Yes. The charity will receive your contact information unless you request that the contribution remain anonymous.
Q. How much of my donation will go to the nonprofit? A. 100% of each donation will be paid to the chosen charity minus a credit card processing fee (2.5% - 4% depending on the type of card used) and the 2.99% KIMBIA transaction fee. Central Carolina Community Foundation underwrites 100% of the administrative costs of the program including the website platform.
Q. How do I know my information is safe? A. Central Carolina Community Foundation has partnered with KIMBIA to provide a secure online donation platform. All donations made using KIMBIA's donation forms use industry-leading Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) technology to protect donor information and provide a safe and secure environment for online donors.
Q: Will I receive solicitations from the Community Foundation? A: No. The information collected will not be used to create a solicitation list for the Community Foundation. We will maintain your contact information to invite all participants to complete an event survey and to communicate with you about future Midlands Gives events. Donors will be given the opportunity to opt-in to receive further communications from the Community Foundation should they so choose. We will not sell, trade, or rent your information to other individuals or organizations.
Q: Will a nonprofit receive donor contact information for donations made to its organization? A: Yes. All donor contact information received during Midlands Gives will be sent to the organization(s) that the donor gave a gift to unless the donor has requested anonymity.
Bonus pools are additional funds offered by the Foundation’s partners for the benefit of organizations in specific geographic regions. 2016 bonus pools: • Chapin: Greater Chapin Community Endowment • Orangeburg-Calhoun: Orangeburg-Calhoun Community Foundation • Sumter Community Foundation • Kershaw County Endowment Bonus pool sponsors determine who is eligible and how the money is distributed. PRIZES RULES • Prizes are awarded to the nonprofit, not the donor • Organizations may not win more than one prize *Exception: Prizes won before May 3 don’t count • Organizations must have received at least 10 gifts before a prize drawing to be eligible • Prize money does not count toward bonus pool eligibility • Prizes will be announced via social media
Visit www.MidlandsGives.org for details on prizes. MIDLANDS GIVES T-SHIRT ORDERING INFORMATION
2016 Midlands Gives t-shirts will be available through Booster beginning on March 21, 2016. Please use the link below to place your order. You will be able to pay for your shirts online and have them shipped directly to your organization. www.customink.com/midlandsgives
Each nonprofit will receive their donor snippet in an EMAIL the week of April 25.
HOW/WHEN DO WE RECEIVE THE FUNDS RAISED THROUGH MIDLANDS GIVE S? Within 30 days after the event, each nonprofit will receive a disbursement request form itemizing the total dollars raised less the credit card and processing fees plus prizes awarded. Once the signed disbursement request form is returned, a grant check will be issued.
SUPPORT The Midlands Gives Team is here to support you however we can throughout your campaign. Please follow the steps below to get assistance:
1. Look for answers at www.midlandsgives.org 2. Ask your peers in the Midlands Gives Facebook Group 3. Email [email protected] 4. Call 803.254.5601 – Midlands Gives extension