Child Development Syllabus, Cailotto (Keep Pg

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Child Development Syllabus, Cailotto (Keep Pg

Child Development Syllabus, Cailotto (Keep pg. 1-2 for your records) Course Description Child Development is a career/technical elective approved by UC as college-prep (“G”) elective.

The TLC section(s) of Child Development include a required child lab at Garin and/or Mary Casey Black Elementary School. Because we work with children in the community, TLC participants must be students in good standing and display role model behavior during and after school, as well as online to be eligible to attend our field experience lab period off-campus (see permission packet for details). TLC students will be graded on citizenship in order to determine eligibility for extra-curricular academy events like field trips. See TLC planner for more details.

Course Outcomes Students will become familiar with the development of the children (prenatal through age 12) in the areas of physical, cognitive, social, and emotional development. Theoretical implications for education and child-rearing practice will be emphasized. Practical experience working with children will be required for the TLC section of this course.

Required Materials Single-subject notebook (spiral bound, only for this class) Composition book (only for this class) Pens/pencils and binder paper The Developing Child textbook (bring to class daily) Section in binder for keeping assignments, handouts, etc. Access to internet (at home or school/public library) to view/print assignments

Course Content Outline

1st Semester Introduction to Child Development as a field of study. Families, conception/pregnancy, prenatal development, childbirth, and infancy (first year life). 2nd Semester Early childhood development: toddlers (2-3 yrs) - preschool/young children (4-6 yrs). Middle childhood – early adolescence (11+).

Course Policies

Note about grading: 60% classwork, projects, homework, participation; 40 % quizzes/exams. The grading system is weighted as follows: Classwork = 20% Homework Articles= 15% Projects/Papers = 15% Chapter Quizzes = 20% Exams (semester finals) = 20% Class Participation/Employability* = 10% *Class Participation – Class participation is graded. Students must be in class on time and fully ‘present’ in the process in order to learn and achieve. Tardiness and off-task behavior (e.g. doing homework for other courses, sleeping, attending to personal hygiene or personal correspondence, talking, texting, gaming, etc.) will result in loss of participation points and lower grade for course. As a careers course, participation is indicative of future employability. School is a student’s “job,” and as such, students should expect to work at learning!

Tardiness/Truancy - Liberty attendance policy will be enforced. When late, a tardy will be recorded in ABI attendance - includes tardiness after you’ve dropped off belongings and left the classroom to visit locker, friends, bathroom, etc. If you drop in during passing, but leave and return after tardy bell, you are late to class. Chronic tardiness can result in consequences like Saturday School and/or non-participation list.

Discipline – Students are encouraged to take responsibility for their own behavior. Students who display lack of self-control should expect teacher-directed discipline measures such as: cell/device confiscation, student-teacher conference, seating change, and/or in-class behavior contract. Chronic discipline problems will be dealt with via formal referral, parent notification, and ‘official’ discipline contract with DEN office/principal.

Academic Honesty – All incidences of ‘cheating’ will result in 0% grade for project/assignment/test (this includes ALL forms of plagiarism). Chronic cheating will result in formal disciplinary action.

Make-up Work – ALL absences negatively affect learning, however work missed due to excused absences can be made up.TRUANCY = 0% recorded for classwork/homework/project/test. Deadlines for make-up work are posted quarterly. No make-up work can be turned in during the following quarter(s).

Late Work – Assignments and homework must be turned in on time to receive full credit. Classwork, homework, projects, and notebooks turned in late may lose points. Please keep track of due dates in your planner or calendar.

Communication with Mrs. Cailotto E-mail: [email protected] Remind: Codes provided in class for one-way text or email reminders. Phone: 925-634-3521 (Liberty High School). If you cannot email me directly, please call the school and communicate with your student’s DEN office secretary. Teachers do not have offices to make phone calls about student progress. I have students working in my classroom before school, during lunch, during prep period, as well as after school, which is why a private phone conversation about your student is difficult. Please make every effort to email or call the school office to ask the secretary to email me. Child Development, Cailotto D1 RETURN NEXT CLASS PERIOD

Print Student Name:


Period (Circle One): 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Signatures & Video Permission We have read and understand the course requirements and grading policies for Child Development. Since the course covers pregnancy, child birth, breastfeeding, we understand information and video presentations of a graphic (medical) nature will be presented in class. Students who wish not to view medical instructional videos will notify the instructor. We understand it is our responsibility to immediately contact counselor to drop the course if we decide ‘family-life’ topics such as conception, STD’s/STI’s, child birth, breastfeeding, etc., are not appropriate; these topics are presented over several chapters/units, so suitable alternate content cannot be provided.

______Student Signature Date

______Parent/Guardian Signature Date

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