Landfill Biofilters: Draft Determination

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Landfill Biofilters: Draft Determination



Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative— Landfill Biofilters) Methodology Determination 2015

I, Greg Hunt, Minister for the Environment, make the following determination.

Dated [Date]

Greg Hunt [DRAFT ONLY—NOT FOR SIGNATURE] Minister for the Environment


Contents Part 1 —Preliminary 4 1 Name 4 2 Commencement 4 3 Authority 4 4 Duration 4 5 Definitions 4 6 References to factors and parameters from external sources 5 Part 2 —Landfill biofilter projects 6 7 Landfill biofilter projects 6 Part 3 —Project requirements 7 8 Operation of this Part 7 9 Requirements for a landfill biofilter project 7 10 Additionality requirements 7 Part 4 —Net abatement amount 8 Division 1 —Operation of this Part 8 11 Operation of this Part 8 12 Overview of gases accounted for in abatement calculations 8 Division 2 —Calculating the net abatement amount 8 13 Summary 8 14 Net abatement amount (A) 8

15 Landfill abatement amount (Al) 9

Division 3 —Calculating the gross abatement (AG,l) 9 16 Summary 9

17 Gross abatement (AG,l) 9 18 Methane oxidised by landfill biofilters that was not generated from carbon tax waste (MBio,NCT,l) 9 19 Proportion of methane oxidised by landfill biofilters that was not generated from carbon tax waste (WNCT,l) 10

20 Methane generated in year y (MGen,l,y) 10

21 Methane oxidised by landfill biofilters (MBio,l) 11

22 Methane oxidised by each landfill biofilter (MBio,b,l) 11

23 Methane sent to landfill biofilter (MSent,b,h) 11

24 Oxidation factor for landfill biofilter (OFb,h) 12

25 Oxidation factor determined from methane loading flux (OFMLF,b,h) 12

26 Methane loading flux for landfill biofilter (MLFb,h) 12 27 Oxidation factor determined from the concentration of methane above landfill biofilter

(OFWS,b,h) 13 28 Methane oxidised by landfill biofilters that would have been oxidised near the surface

(MBio,Ox,l) 13 Division 4 —Calculating the baseline abatement 14 29 Summary 14

30 Baseline abatement (AB,l) 14

31 Proportion of methane that would have been destroyed without the project (WB,l) 14 Part 5 —Reporting and monitoring requirements 15 Division 1 —Offsets report requirements 15 32 Operation of this Division 15 33 Information that must be included in an offsets report 15 34 Determination of certain factors and parameters 16 EXPOSURE DRAFT

Division 2 —Monitoring requirements 16 35 Operation of this Division 16 36 Requirements to monitor certain parameters 16 37 Consequences of not meeting requirement to monitor certain parameters 19 Part 6 —Dividing a landfill biofilter project 21 38 Partial reporting 21 Schedule 1 —Determining regulatory proportion 22 Part 1 —Operation of this Schedule 22 1 Operation of this Schedule 22 Part 2 —Regulatory proportion determined using regulatory guidelines for landfill 23 2 Regulatory proportion determined using regulatory guidelines for landfill 23 3 Regulatory proportion of methane oxidised 23 4 Annual amount of methane permitted to be emitted 23 5 Annual amount of methane permitted to be emitted from final and intermediate cover area (MReg,FI,l) 23 6 Annual amount of methane permitted to be emitted from daily/operational cover 24 Part 3 —Regulatory proportion determined by asking environmental regulator 26 7 Regulatory proportion determined by asking environmental regulator 26 Part 4 —Regulatory proportion determined by independent expert 29 8 Regulatory proportion determined by independent expert 29

3 Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative—Landfill Biofilters) Methodology Determination 2015 EXPOSURE DRAFT Part 1—Preliminary

1 Name This is the Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative—Landfill Biofilters) Methodology Determination 2015.

2 Commencement This determination commences on the day after it is registered.

3 Authority This determination is made under subsection 106(1) of the Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative) Act 2011.

4 Duration This determination remains in force for the period that: (a) begins when this instrument commences; and (b) ends on the day before this instrument would otherwise be repealed under subsection 50(1) of the Legislative Instruments Act 2003. This determination ceases to be in force at the end of the day before this instrument would otherwise be repealed under subsection 50(1) of the Legislative Instruments Act 2003.

5 Definitions In this determination: Act means the Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative) Act 2011. appropriate measuring requirements has the meaning given by subsection 36(4). biofiltration system, in relation to a landfill, means a system consisting of pipes that collect landfill gas and conveys it to one or more landfill biofilters. biofilter media, in relation to a landfill biofilter, is a soil, sand or aged compost like material that has properties designed to harbour an active methanotrophic mircroorganism community. carbon tax waste, in relation to a landfill, means waste that was deposited in the landfill between 1 July 2012 and 30 June 2014. daily cover/operational area, in relation to a landfill, means the area of the landfill normally covered by material used to cover a day’s deposition of waste in active landfill waste disposal areas of the landfill. final cover area, in relation to a landfill, means the area of the landfill normally covered by material used to cover previously active landfill waste disposal areas of the landfill that have reached final height and are unlikely to be used for waste disposal again. intermediate cover area¸ of a landfill, means an area of the landfill that: (a) will not be used for waste disposal for an extended period of time (typically a few weeks to a few months); and EXPOSURE DRAFT

(b) is covered by material normally used to cover previously active landfill working areas. landfill means a site where waste is or was buried under a permission (however described) given under the law of a State or Territory. landfill biofilter, in relation to a biofiltration system, means a purpose built section of a landfill that consists of biofilter media. landfill biofilter project—see section 7. landfill gas means gas generated from anaerobic decomposition of biological material at a landfill. landfill gas collection system means a system to collect and combust landfill gas. methanotrophic microorganisms means single-cell organisms, that use methane and oxygen as their energy source, producing carbon dioxide as a by-product of this methane oxidation process. monitoring requirements means the requirements set out in section 36. net abatement amount, of a landfill biofilter project for a reporting period, means the carbon dioxide equivalent net abatement amount for the project in the reporting period for the purposes of paragraph 106(1)(c) of the Act (see also section 11). NGER (Measurement) Determination means the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting (Measurement) Determination 2008. NGER Regulations means the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Regulations 2008. non-monitored period has the meaning given by subsection 37(1).

6 References to factors and parameters from external sources (1) If a calculation in this determination includes a factor or parameter that is defined or calculated by reference to another instrument or writing, the factor or parameter to be used for a reporting period is the factor or parameter referred to in, or calculated by reference to, the instrument or writing as in force at the end of the reporting period. (2) Subsection (1) does not apply if: (a) this determination specifies otherwise; or (b) it is not possible to define or calculate the factor or parameter by reference to the instrument or writing as in force at the end of the reporting period.

5 Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative—Landfill Biofilters) Methodology Determination 2015 EXPOSURE DRAFT Part 2—Landfill biofilter projects

7 Landfill biofilter projects (1) For paragraph 106(1)(a) of the Act, this determination applies to an offsets project if: (a) it involves the use of one or more biofiltration systems on landfills to collect and oxidise landfill gas; and (b) each biofiltration system can be reasonably expected to result in eligible carbon abatement. (2) A project covered by subsection (1) is a landfill biofilter project. EXPOSURE DRAFT

Part 3—Project requirements

8 Operation of this Part For paragraph 106(1)(b) of the Act, this Part sets out requirements that must be met for a landfill biofilter project to be an eligible offsets project.

9 Requirements for a landfill biofilter project (1) A landfill biofilter project may relate to one or more landfills. (2) The project must cover the whole of each landfill to which it relates. Note: This subsection prevents a proponent from operating a project only in relation to a selected portion of a landfill where, for example, gas might be easier to extract. (3) The project must involve the installation of a biofiltration system at a landfill for the purpose of collecting and oxidising methane in landfill gas. (4) There must have been no action to deliberately destroy methane in landfill gas at the landfill since the landfill project cut-off date. (5) For subsection (4), the landfill project cut-off date means the earlier of the following: (a) 24 April 2014; (b) 3 years before the application for the declaration of the project as an eligible offsets project is made. (6) For subsection (4), an action to deliberately destroy methane in landfill gas includes using a landfill biofilter, a landfill phytocap or a landfill gas collection system at the landfill.

10 Additionality requirements For subparagraph 27(4A)(b)(ii) of the Act, a requirement in lieu of the regulatory additionality requirement is that the project is a landfill biofilter project.

7 Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative—Landfill Biofilters) Methodology Determination 2015 EXPOSURE DRAFT Part 4—Net abatement amount

Division 1—Operation of this Part

11 Operation of this Part For paragraph 106(1)(c) of the Act, this Part specifies the method for working out the carbon dioxide equivalent net abatement amount for a reporting period for a landfill biofilter project that is an eligible offsets project. Note This is called the net abatement amount in this determination (see section 5).

12 Overview of gases accounted for in abatement calculations The following table provides an overview of the greenhouse gas abatement and emissions that are relevant to working out the net abatement amount for a landfill biofilter project.

Greenhouse gas abatement and emissions Item Relevant Emissions source Greenhouse gas calculation

1 Baseline Destruction of methane in landfill Methane (CH4) abatement gas to meet a regulatory requirement

2 Baseline Destruction of methane in landfill Methane (CH4) abatement gas by oxidation in the near surface of the landfill

3 Project Destruction of methane in landfill Methane (CH4) abatement gas by oxidation using a biofilter

Division 2—Calculating the net abatement amount

13 Summary

The net abatement amount is calculated as the sum of landfill abatement amount for all landfills of the project.

The landfill abatement amount is the gross abatement minus baseline abatement for each landfill.

14 Net abatement amount (A) The net abatement amount for the landfill biofilter project for the reporting period is worked out using the equation (equation 1):


A is the net abatement amount for the reporting period in tonnes CO2-e. n is the number of landfills in the landfill biofilter project over which abatement is measured for the reporting period. EXPOSURE DRAFT

Al is the landfill abatement amount, in tonnes CO2-e, for landfill l of the landfill biofilter project, given by equation 2.

15 Landfill abatement amount (Al)

For equation 1, Al is worked out using the equation (equation 2):


AG,l is the gross abatement for landfill l, for the reporting period, in tonnes CO2e, given by equation 3.

AB,l is the baseline abatement for landfill l, for the reporting period, in tonnes CO2e, given by equation 13.

Division 3—Calculating the gross abatement (AG,l)

16 Summary

Gross abatement is the amount of methane oxidised by the biofilters minus the amount of methane that would have been oxidised in the surface of the landfill.

17 Gross abatement (AG,l)

For equation 1, AG,l is worked out using the equation (equation 3):


MBio,NCT,l is the methane oxidised by the landfill biofilters of landfill l during the reporting period that was not generated from carbon tax waste, in tonnes CO2e, given by equation 4.

MBio,Ox,l is the methane oxidised by the landfill biofilters of landfill l during the reporting period that was not generated from carbon tax waste and that, without the project, would

have been oxidised in the near surface of the landfill, in tonnes CO2e, given by equation 12.

18 Methane oxidised by landfill biofilters that was not generated from carbon tax waste (MBio,NCT,l)

For equations 3, 12 and 13, MBio,NCT,l is worked out using the equation (equation 4):


γ is the factor used to convert cubic metres of methane at standard conditions to tonnes of

CO2e worked out using Part 5.2 of the NGER (Measurement) Determination.

9 Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative—Landfill Biofilters) Methodology Determination 2015 EXPOSURE DRAFT WNCT,l is the proportion of the methane oxidised by the landfill biofilters of landfill l during the reporting period that was not generated from carbon tax waste, given by equation 5.

MBio,l is the methane that was oxidised by the landfill biofilters of landfill l during the reporting period, in cubic metres, given by equation 6.

19 Proportion of methane oxidised by landfill biofilters that was not generated from carbon tax waste (WNCT,l)

(1) For equation 4, WNCT,l is worked out using the equation (equation 5):

where: n is the number of financial years covered (either full or partial) by the reporting period. Note: The summation of this equation over financial years is to cover circumstances where reporting periods span financial years.

MBio,l,y is the methane oxidised by all landfill biofilters of landfill l in that part of the reporting period that is in financial year y, in cubic metres, worked out using equation 6 as if it were the whole of the reporting period.

MBio,l is the methane oxidised by all the landfill biofilters of landfill l during the reporting period, in cubic metres, given by equation 6.

MCTW,l,y is the methane generated by landfill l from carbon tax waste in financial year y, in tonnes of CO2e, given by subsection (2).

MGen,l,y is the methane generated by landfill l in financial year y, in tonnes CO2e, given by section 20.

Methane generated from carbon tax waste in financial year y (MCTW,l,y)

(2) For subsection (1), MCTW,l,y is equivalent to parameter CH4gen calculated: (a) under Part 5.2 of the NGER (Measurement) Determination; and (b) in accordance with the following: (i) the year y is a financial year that the reporting period partially or fully covers; (ii) the calculation is based only on carbon tax waste. Note: See section 6 for the version of NGER (Measurement) Determination that must be used.

20 Methane generated in year y (MGen,l,y)

(1) This section sets out how to calculate MGen,l,y, the methane generated by landfill l in a 12 month period y, in tonnes CO2e, for the following provisions: (a) equation 5; (b) equation 15 (clause 3 of Schedule 1); (c) clause 6 of Schedule 1; (d) items 5 and 6 of the table in subclause 7(2) of Schedule 1.

(2) MGen,l,y is equivalent to parameter CH4gen calculated: (a) under Part 5.2 of the NGER (Measurement) Determination; and (b) with methane generation determined for the whole landfill as if it were a single subfacility zone.

(3) If the 12 month period covers 2 financial years, CH4gen is calculated by: EXPOSURE DRAFT

(a) calculating CH4gen for each financial year covered by the 12 month period; and

(b) multiplying the amount of CH4gen for each financial year by the proportion of days in the financial year covered by the 12 month period; and (c) summing the results. Note: For equation 5, the 12 month period will always be a single financial year..

21 Methane oxidised by landfill biofilters (MBio,l)

For equation 5, MBio,l is worked out using the equation (equation 6):

where: p is the number of biofilters in landfill l of the landfill biofilter project.

MBio,b,l is the methane oxidised by landfill biofilter b of landfill l during the reporting period, in cubic metres, given by equation 7.

22 Methane oxidised by each landfill biofilter (MBio,b,l)

For equation 6, MBio,b,l is worked out using the equation (equation 7):

where: q is the number of hours in the reporting period.

MSent,b,h is the methane sent to landfill biofilter b in hour h, in cubic metres, given by equation 8.

OFb,h is the oxidation factor for landfill biofilter b for hour h, given by equation 9.

23 Methane sent to landfill biofilter (MSent,b,h)

(1) For equations 7 and 11, MSent,b,h is worked out using the equation (equation 8):


QLFG,b,h is the landfill gas sent to landfill biofilter b in hour h, in cubic metres, worked out in accordance with the monitoring requirements.

WLFG,CH4 is the proportion of the volume of the landfill gas that is methane, which is: (a) set out in section 5.14C of the NGER (Measurement) Determination; or (b) worked out in accordance with the monitoring requirements.

(2) If the monitoring requirements are used to work out WLFG,CH4, then, the monitoring requirements must be used for that purpose for the remainder of the project. (3) Subsection (2) has effect subject to section 37.

11 Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative—Landfill Biofilters) Methodology Determination 2015 EXPOSURE DRAFT 24 Oxidation factor for landfill biofilter (OFb,h)

For equation 7, OFb,h is worked out using the equation (equation 9):


OFMLF,b,h is the oxidation factor for landfill biofilter b determined from the methane loading flux for hour h, given by equation 10.

OFWS,b,h is the oxidation factor determined from the concentration of methane above biofilter b for hour h, given by section 27.

25 Oxidation factor determined from methane loading flux (OFMLF,b,h)

(1) For equation 9, OFMLF,b,h is worked out using the equation (equation 10):


MLFb,h is the methane loading flux for landfill biofilter b in hour h, in grams of methane per square metre per hour, given by equation 10.

(2) Despite subsection (1), if MLFb,h is less than 2.8 grams of methane per square meter per hour, OFMLF,b,h is taken to be 1.

26 Methane loading flux for landfill biofilter (MLFb,h)

For equation 9, MLFb,h is worked out using the equation (equation 11):

where: is the factor to convert cubic metres of methane to grams of methane, and is 678.4.

MSent,b,h is the methane sent to biofilter b in hour h, in cubic metres, given by equation 8.

Sb is the surface area of biofilter b, in square metres, worked out in accordance with the monitoring requirements.

27 Oxidation factor determined from the concentration of methane above landfill biofilter (OFWS,b,h)

(1) For equation 8, OFWS,b,h is: (a) if the conditions in subsection (2) are satisfied—1; (b) if a condition in subsection (3) is satisfied—0; (c) if a condition in neither subsection (2) or (3) is satsified—0.6.

(2) For paragraph (1)(a), the conditions are that CAv,b,h and CMax,b,h are 0 parts per million. (3) For paragraph (1)(b), the conditions are:

(a) CAv,b,h is greater than 50 parts per million; or

(b) CMax,b,h is greater than 500 parts per million. (4) For subsections (2) and (3):

CAv,b,h is the average concentration of methane near the surface of landfill biofilter b for hour h, and is taken to be: EXPOSURE DRAFT

(a) the most recent value of CAv,b,h that is determined in accordance with the monitoring requirements; or

(b) if the value of CAv,b,h is yet to be determined—the first value of CAv,b,h that is determined in accordance with the monitoring requirements after hour h.

CMax,b,h is the maximum concentration of methane near the surface of landfill biofilter b for hour h, and is taken to be:

(a) the most recent value of CMax,b,h that is determined in accordance with the monitoring requirements; or

(b) if the value of CMax,b,h is yet to be determined—the value of CMax,b,h that is determined in accordance with the monitoring requirements after hour h.

28 Methane oxidised by landfill biofilters that would have been oxidised near the surface (MBio,Ox,l)

For equation 3, MBio,Ox,l is worked out using the equation (equation 12):


MBio,NCT,l is the methane oxidised by the landfill biofilters of landfill l during the reporting

period that was not generated from carbon tax waste, in tonnes CO2e, given by equation 4. OF is the oxidation factor for methane near the surface of the landfill set out in the definition of OF in subsection 5.4(1) of the NGER (Measurement) Determination.

WB,l is the proportion of the methane oxidised by the landfill biofilters of landfill l in the reporting period that would have been destroyed without the project, given by equation 14.

Division 4—Calculating the baseline abatement

29 Summary

Baseline abatement reflects the amount of methane that would have been oxidised in the absence of the project.

30 Baseline abatement (AB,l)

For equation 2, AB,l is worked out using the equation (equation 13):


MBio,NCT,l is the methane oxidised by the landfill biofilters of landfill l during the reporting period that was not generated from carbon tax waste, in tonnes CO2e, given by equation 4.

13 Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative—Landfill Biofilters) Methodology Determination 2015 EXPOSURE DRAFT WB,l is the proportion of the methane oxidised by the landfill biofilters of landfill l during the reporting period that would have been destroyed without the project, given by equation 14.

31 Proportion of methane that would have been destroyed without the project (WB,l)

(1) For equations 12 and 13, WB,l is worked out using the equation (equation 14):


WB,Reg,l is the regulatory proportion of the methane oxidised by the landfill biofilters of landfill l during the reporting period that would have been destroyed without the project, determined in accordance with clause 1 of Schedule 1.

WB,Def,l is the default proportion of the methane oxidised by the landfill biofilters of landfill l during the reporting period that would have been destroyed without the project, and is as follows: (a) 0% if the project proponent can demonstrate that, since 24 March 2011, the landfill concerned has not been subject to: (i) legislation or regulatory guidelines for landfill; or (ii) a licence condition or development approval that includes any form of general or specific qualitative requirement to collect, control, manage or limit landfill gas, methane odour or greenhouse gases; (b) otherwise—30%.

(2) The value given to WB,l must be the same throughout the crediting period. EXPOSURE DRAFT

Part 5—Reporting and monitoring requirements Note: Other reporting, notification, recordkeeping and monitoring requirements are set out in regulations and rules made under the Act.

Division 1—Offsets report requirements

32 Operation of this Division For paragraph 106(3)(a) of the Act, this Division sets out information that must be included in an offsets report about a landfill biofilter project that is an eligible offsets project.

33 Information that must be included in an offsets report The offsets report for a reporting period must include: (a) for each landfill that is being reported on for the first time, the following information: (i) the characteristic of the landfill that is used to select k values for calculations (its location or its landfill classification); (ii) the year the landfill began operation; (iii) the opening stock of degradable organic carbon (DOC) for each waste mix type, as at the beginning of the first financial year that falls wholly or partially within the reporting period, estimated in accordance with section 5.13 of the NGER (Measurement) Determination; and (b) for each landfill being reported on, the following information for the whole of each financial year that ends within the reporting period: (i) the total amount (in tonnes) of solid waste entering the landfill, estimated in accordance with section 5.5 of the NGER (Measurement) Determination, from each of the following sources: (A) municipal sources; (B) commercial and industrial sources; (C) construction and demolition sources; (D) alternative waste treatment facilities; (E) shredder flock; (F) inert waste; (ii) the amount (in tonnes) of solid waste received at the landfill for each of the following purposes: (A) transfer to an external recycling or biological treatment facility; (B) recycling or biological treatment onsite; (C) construction purposes, daily cover purposes, intermediate cover purposes or final capping and cover purposes (inert waste only); (iii) the percentages of each waste mix type entering the landfill in each of the following categories: (A) municipal solid waste; (B) commercial and industrial waste; (C) construction and demolition waste; (D) shredder flock. 15 Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative—Landfill Biofilters) Methodology Determination 2015 EXPOSURE DRAFT 34 Determination of certain factors and parameters (1) If, in the circumstances described in paragraph 6(2)(b), a factor or parameter is defined or calculated for a reporting period by reference to an instrument or writing as in force from time to time, the offsets report about the project for the reporting period must include the following information for the factor or parameter: (a) the versions of the instrument or writing used; (b) the start and end dates of each use; (c) the reasons why it was not possible to define or calculate the factor or parameter by reference to the instrument or writing as in force at the end of the reporting period. (2) If a parameter is determined under section 37 for the purpose of working out the net abatement amount for a landfill biofilter project for a reporting period, the offsets report about the project for the reporting period must include the following information for the parameter: (a) the name of the parameter; (b) the start and end dates of the nonmonitored period for which the parameter was determined; (c) the value of the parameter and how that value was calculated; (d) the reasons why the project proponent failed to monitor the parameter as required by the monitoring requirements.

Division 2—Monitoring requirements

35 Operation of this Division For paragraph 106(3)(d) of the Act, this Division sets out: (a) requirements to monitor a landfill biofilter project that is an eligible offsets project (see section 36); and (b) certain consequences if the project proponent fails to monitor the project as required (see section 37).

36 Requirements to monitor certain parameters (1) The project proponent for a landfill biofilter project must monitor and determine a parameter set out in an item of the following table in accordance with the instructions in the item.

Monitored parameters Item Parameter Description Unit Measurement Determination of procedure (including parameter from frequency as required) measurements

1 QLFG,b,h Landfill gas Cubic Estimated under Cumulative values sent to metres Division 2.3.6 of the for hour h. biofilter b in NGER (Measurement) For the purpose of hour h Determination using equation 8, if measurement criteria WLFG,CH4 is worked AAA in accordance with out in accordance subsection (2). with monitoring Frequency— requirements, then continuously. hour h must be paired to measurements of EXPOSURE DRAFT

Monitored parameters Item Parameter Description Unit Measurement Determination of procedure (including parameter from frequency as required) measurements W LFG,CH4.

2 WLFG,CH4 Proportion of Fraction Estimated under For the purpose of the volume of Division 2.3.6 of the equation 8, average landfill gas NGER (Measurement) values for a time that is Determination using interval not greater methane measurement criteria than 1 hour must be AAA in accordance with paired to subsection (2). measurements of Frequency: QLFG,b,h for the same time interval. (a) if used in equation 8— continuously. (b) otherwise— not required. Measured at the same

conditions as QLFG,b,h

3 Sb Surface area Square Either: For the purpose of of biofilter b metres  measured through a equation 11, the most surveyed site plan; recent measurement or of the area of the base of biofilter is  determined from as- used. constructed drawing of the biofiltration system; or  determined from design drawing of the biofiltration system endorsed by the biofilter design engineer or consultant. Frequency - immediately following construction, replacement or upgrade of the biofilter.

4 CAv,b,h and CAv,b,h is the Parts per The concentration of Determine CAv,b,h as average million methane near the surface the average of all CMax,b,h concentration of biofilter b must be measurements of methane measured through a undertaken during near the walkover survey of the the walkover survey. surface of biofilter. Determine CMax,b,h as biofilter b. the maximum of all The survey must: CMax,b,h is the measurements maximum  measure methane undertaken during concentration concentrations using the walkover survey. of methane a portable gas 17 Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative—Landfill Biofilters) Methodology Determination 2015 EXPOSURE DRAFT Monitored parameters Item Parameter Description Unit Measurement Determination of procedure (including parameter from frequency as required) measurements near the measurement device surface of capable of detecting biofilter b. methane to 10 parts per million;  take continuous measurements along even parallel transects that are less than 5 metres wide as well as another set of even parallel transects also less than 5 metres wide, that intersect the first set;  simultaneously record the date, time and geospatial positioning system (GPS) coordinates of the measurement transects. The survey must not be conducted in conditions in which a flux box measurement must not be taken for the purposes of section 5.17J of the NGER (Measurement) Determination. Frequency—at least monthly. All measuring equipment must be used in accordance with appropriate measuring requirements.

(2) For items 1 and 2 of the table in subsection (1), an estimation under Division 2.3.6 of the NGER (Measurement) Determination using measurement criteria AAA should be undertaken as if: (a) a reference to a year is a reference to hour a; and (b) a reference to the combustion of a gaseous fuel from the operation of a facility is a reference to the oxidation of methane by a landfill biofilter; and (c) the measurement of the gaseous fuel is undertaken at the point of sending the fuel to the landfill biofilter. (3) Any equipment or device used to monitor a parameter must be calibrated by an accredited third party technician at intervals, and using methods, that are in accordance with the manufacturer’s specifications. EXPOSURE DRAFT

(4) In this section: appropriate measuring requirements, in relation to a measurement or estimate, means requirements that are consistent with: (a) requirements that apply in relation to similar measurements or estimates under the NGER (Measurement) Determination; or (b) relevant standards and other requirements under the National Measurement Act 1960.

37 Consequences of not meeting requirement to monitor certain parameters (1) If, during a particular period (the nonmonitored period) in a reporting period, a project proponent for a landfill biofilter project fails to monitor a parameter mentioned in the following table as required by the monitoring requirements, the value of the parameter for the purpose of working out the net abatement amount for the reporting period is to be determined for the nonmonitored period in accordance with the table.

Consequence of not meeting requirement to monitor certain parameters Item Parameter Determination of parameter for nonmonitored period

1 WLFG,CH4 The parameter is: (a) for any cumulative period of up to 3 months in any 12 months of a crediting period for the project— the amount set out in section 5.14C of the NGER (Measurement) Determination multiplied by 0.9; and (b) for any period in excess of that 3 months—the amount set out in section 5.14C of the NGER (Measurement) Determination multiplied by 0.5 2 Each of the following: The project proponent must make a conservative

(a) QLFG,b,h estimate of the parameter having regard to: (a) any relevant measurement or estimation (b) CAv,b,a approaches or requirements that apply to the (c) C Max,b,a parameter under the NGER (Measurement) (d) Sb Determination; and (b) any relevant historical data for the project; and (c) any other data for the project that relates to the parameter; and (d) any other matter the project proponent considers relevant

(2) To avoid doubt, this section does not prevent the Regulator from taking action under the Act, or regulations or rules made under the Act, in relation to the project proponent’s failure to monitor a parameter as required by the monitoring requirements. Note: Examples of action that may be taken include the following: (a) if the failure constitutes a breach of a civil penalty provision in section 194 of the Act (which deals with project monitoring requirements), the Regulator may apply for a civil penalty order in respect of the breach; (b) if false or misleading information was given to the Regulator in relation to the failure, the Regulator may revoke the project’s section 27 declaration under regulations or rules made for the purposes of section 38 of the Act;

19 Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative—Landfill Biofilters) Methodology Determination 2015 EXPOSURE DRAFT (c) if the giving of false or misleading information in relation to the failure led to the issue of Australian carbon credit units, the Regulator may require all or some of those units to be relinquished under section 88 of the Act. EXPOSURE DRAFT

Part 6—Dividing a landfill biofilter project

38 Partial reporting For subsection 77A(2) of the Act, an overall project may be divided into parts only if each part: (a) relates to a single landfill; and (b) covers the whole landfill.

21 Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative—Landfill Biofilters) Methodology Determination 2015 EXPOSURE DRAFT Schedule 1—Determining regulatory proportion Note: See section 31. EXPOSURE DRAFT

Part 1—Operation of this Schedule

1 Operation of this Schedule

(1) For equation 14, WB,Reg,l may be determined using an option set out in Parts 2 to 4.

No obligation on State and Territory environmental regulators (2) To avoid doubt, this Schedule does not require the environmental regulator in a State or Territory to do anything.

23 Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative—Landfill Biofilters) Methodology Determination 2015 EXPOSURE DRAFT Part 2—Regulatory proportion determined using regulatory guidelines for landfill

2 Regulatory proportion determined using regulatory guidelines for landfill

For clause 1, WB,Reg,l is: (a) for a project located in a State or Territory that has no permitted methane flux rates set out in the tables in subclauses 5(2) and (3)—0; (b) otherwise—the value may be worked out using equation 15.

3 Regulatory proportion of methane oxidised

For clause 2, WB,Reg,l is worked out using the equation (equation 15 ):


MReg,l is the annual amount of methane that is permitted to be emitted from landfill l, in

tonnes CO2e, given by equation 16.

MGen,l,y is the methane generated by landfill l in year y, in tonnes CO2e, given by section 20, where the period y is the 12 month period immediately before the commencement of the landfill biofilter project.

4 Annual amount of methane permitted to be emitted

For equation 15, MReg,l is worked out using the equation (equation 16):


MReg,FI,l is the annual amount of methane that is permitted to be emitted from the final

cover area and intermediate cover area of landfill l, in tonnes CO2e, given by equation 17.

MReg,D,l is the annual amount of methane that is permitted to be emitted from the daily/operational cover of landfill l, in tonnes CO2e, given by clause 6.

5 Annual amount of methane permitted to be emitted from final and intermediate cover area (MReg,FI,l)

(1) For equation 16, MReg,FI is worked using the equation (equation 17):

where: OF is the oxidation factor for near surface methane in landfill set out in the definition of OF in subsection 5.4(1) of the NGER (Measurement) Determination.

GWPCH4 is the global warming potential value for methane set out in regulation 2.02 of the NGER (Measurement) Determination.

Sx is the surface area of the landfill that is cover type x, in square metres. EXPOSURE DRAFT

Cx is the permitted methane flux rate for the landfill for cover type x, in tonnes of methane per square metre per hour, set out the applicable table in subsection (2) or (3). x is the type of landfill cover, being either final cover area or intermediate cover area. (2) The following table sets out permitted methane flux rates for final cover areas.

Permitted methane flux rates for final cover areas (Cx) Item State or Territory Methane Permitted methane flux concentration limit rate estimated from the

(CH4 ppm) methane concentration 2 limit (tCH4/m /hr) 1 New South Wales 500 2.5 x 106 2 Victoria 100 0.3 x 106 3 Queensland 500 2.5 x 106 4 Western Australia 500 2.5 x 106 5 South Australia n/a n/a 6 Tasmania 500 2.5 x 106 7 Australian Capital 100 0.3 x 106 Territory 8 Northern Territory n/a n/a

(3) The following table sets out permitted methane flux rates for intermediate cover areas.

Permitted methane flux rates for intermediate cover areas (Cx) Item State or Territory Methane Permitted methane flux concentration limit rate estimated from the

(CH4 ppm) methane concentration 2 limit (tCH4/m /hr) 1 New South Wales 500 2.5 x 106 2 Victoria 100 0.3 x 106 3 Queensland 500 2.5 x 106 4 Western Australia 500 2.5 x 106 5 South Australia n/a n/a 6 Tasmania 500 2.5 x 106 7 Australian Capital 100 0.3 x 106 Territory 8 Northern Territory n/a n/a

6 Annual amount of methane permitted to be emitted from daily/operational cover

For equation 16, MReg,D,l is equivalent to parameter MGen,l,y, in tonnes CO2e, given by section 19, where: (a) the calculation is based only on the waste sited vertically below the daily cover/operational area; and (b) the period y is the 12 month period immediately before the commencement of the landfill biofilter project.

25 Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative—Landfill Biofilters) Methodology Determination 2015 EXPOSURE DRAFT Part 3—Regulatory proportion determined by asking environmental regulator

7 Regulatory proportion determined by asking environmental regulator

(1) For clause 1, WB,Reg,l may be determined by asking the environmental regulator, in the State or Territory in which the landfill is located, to provide in writing to the project proponent the gas collection rate that would be required for the landfill to meet the most stringent methane concentration limits for the landfill that have been in force since 24 March 2011. (2) The term used by the environmental regulator to express this quantitative regulatory

requirement must be converted to WB,Reg,l in accordance with the following table:

Converting quantitative regulatory requirements to collection efficiency

Item Term used by environmental regulator Conversion to WB,Reg,l

1 Methane concentration limit, in parts per WB,Reg,l is worked out: million methane (a) using Part 2; but (b) for final and intermediate cover—using the permitted methane flux rates, set out in the table in subclause (3), that correspond to the concentration limits advised by the environmental regulator

2 Permitted flux rate, in tonnes methane per WB,Reg,l is worked out: square meter per hour (a) using Part 2; but (b) for the permitted methane flux rate for final cover area and intermediate cover area

(Cx)—using the flux rates advised by the environmental regulator

3 Proportion of landfill gas generation No conversion necessary (WB,Reg,l is as required to be collected (collection advised by the environmental regulator) efficiency)

4 Proportion of landfill gas generation WB,Reg,l is worked out as 1 minus the allowed to be released to the atmosphere proportion advised by the environmental regulator

5 Annual amount of landfill gas required to be WB,Reg,l is worked out as the amount advised collected by the environmental regulator, in tonnes

CO2e, divided by the methane generated by the landfill in the 12 month period immediately before the advice is given by

the environmental regulator, in tonnes CO2e,

which is equivalent to MGen,l,y, given by section 20, for that period.

6 Other WB,Reg,l is worked out as the annual amount of landfill gas required to be collected, in

tonnes CO2e, determined from the requirement advised by the environmental regulator, divided by the methane generated by the landfill in the 12 month period immediately before the advice is given by

the environmental regulator, in tonnes CO2e,

which is equivalent to MGen,l,y, given by EXPOSURE DRAFT

Converting quantitative regulatory requirements to collection efficiency

Item Term used by environmental regulator Conversion to WB,Reg,l section 20, for that period.

(3) The following table sets out allowable flux rates for the purposes of item 1 in the table in subclause (2).

Determining allowable flux rates from allowable methane concentrations Item Methane concentration Permitted methane flux rate

limit (CH4 ppm) estimated from the methane concentration limit 2 (tCH4/m /hr) 1 0 0 2 50 0.1 x 106 3 60 0.1 x 106 4 70 0.2 x 106 5 80 0.2 x 106 6 90 0.2 x 106 7 100 0.3 x 106 8 110 0.3 x 106 9 120 0.4 x 106 10 130 0.4 x 106 11 140 0.5 x 106 12 150 0.6 x 106 13 160 0.6 x 106 14 170 0.7 x 106 15 180 0.7 x 106 16 190 0.8 x 106 17 200 0.8 x 106 18 210 0.9 x 106 19 220 0.9 x 106 20 230 1.0 x 106 21 240 1.0 x 106 22 250 1.0 x 106 23 260 1.1 x 106 24 270 1.2 x 106 25 280 1.3 x 106 26 290 1.3 x 106 27 300 1.3 x 106 28 310 1.3 x 106 29 320 1.4 x 106 30 330 1.4 x 106 31 340 1.5 x 106 27 Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative—Landfill Biofilters) Methodology Determination 2015 EXPOSURE DRAFT Determining allowable flux rates from allowable methane concentrations Item Methane concentration Permitted methane flux rate

limit (CH4 ppm) estimated from the methane concentration limit 2 (tCH4/m /hr) 32 350 1.6 x 106 33 360 1.6 x 106 34 370 1.8 x 106 35 380 1.8 x 106 36 390 1.8 x 106 37 400 1.9 x 106 38 410 1.9 x 106 39 420 2.0 x 106 40 430 2.0 x 106 41 440 2.0 x 106 42 450 2.2 x 106 43 460 2.2 x 106 44 470 2.2 x 106 45 480 2.3 x 106 46 490 2.3 x 106 47 500 2.5 x 106 EXPOSURE DRAFT

Part 4—Regulatory proportion determined by independent expert

8 Regulatory proportion determined by independent expert

(1) WB,Reg,l may be determined by a person engaged by the project proponent to determine the parameter. (2) The person must:

(a) have no conflict of interest in determining WB,Reg; and (b) possess a relevant university degree; and (c) have more than 3 years’ experience in: (i) landfill management; and (ii) the design and operation of landfill gas collection systems; and (d) have extensive knowledge of the regulatory framework relevant to landfill gas management in the jurisdiction in which the landfill is located.

(3) In determining WB,Reg, the person must use the most stringent methane concentration limits for the landfill that have been in force since 24 March 2011. (4) The person must provide to the project proponent, in writing, evidence that verifies: (a) the matters in paragraphs (2)(a) to (d); and (b) the calculations, assumptions, information, inputs and references used to determine


29 Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative—Landfill Biofilters) Methodology Determination 2015 EXPOSURE DRAFT

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