St. Stephen Parish s2

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St. Stephen Parish s2

NEXT WEEK’S DAILY MASS SCHEDULE AT October 23, 2016 HOLY ROSARY Day Time Intention Mon. Scripture Service 7:30 AM Leader-Ruth Ann Lorenson St. Stephen Parish Tues. Mass @ The Manor 9:30 AM The Miller Family (Dec'd) 27519 Monroe Rd. 533 Wed. 7:30 AM Purgatorial Society Monroe City, MO 63456 Thurs. 7:30 AM Ina, Bernard & Greg Holy Rosary Rectory Mudd 735-4718 Fri. School Liturgy 8:20 AM Martin & Josephine Yates Pastor Sat. Holy Rosary 5:30 PM Bernard Bichsel Very Rev. Michael W. Penn, V.F. Sun. St. Stephen 8:00 AM Families of St. Stephen and Deacon Mike Long Holy Rosary Current and past bulletins Holy Rosary 9:30 AM Sylvia Shively may be viewed at St. Stephen's website: RECONCILIATION Ordinary Reconciliation Schedule: Saturday 4:30 – 5:00 PM at Holy Rosary Scripture Readings for October 30, 2016 Sunday 7:30–7:55 AM at St. Stephen Thirty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time (Or by appointment. Call Holy Rosary Rectory at 735-4718) Wisdom 11:22-12:2: The Lord, who can do all things, spares all things. God’s imperishable spirit is in all things, and the Lord God overlooks ~ FROM THE PASTOR'S DESK ~ “people’s sins that they may repent.” Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time Psalm 145:1-2, 8-9, 10-11, 13, 14: "I will praise your name for ever, The Lord hears the prayer of the sincere and contrite of my king and my God." heart. Prayer is so much more than going through the motions 2 Thessalonians 1:11-2:2:The name of Christ is to be glorified in you and you in him. and reciting a bunch of words. Prayer requires the totality of Luke 19:1-10: When Jesus passed through Jericho, Zacchaeus climbed our being, and, as we enter into the presence of God, we should a sycamore tree in order to see him. Jesus went home with Zacchaeus be filled with wonder, awe, and humility as we present ourselves and blessed his house, for the “Son of Man has come to seek and to save before Him. We are not on God’s level, but He allows us, in our what was lost.” frail and sinful condition, to approach Him with gratitude and The English translation of the Psalm Response from Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved. 2) Excerpts from the Lectionary for Mass for Use in the diocese of the United States of America, copyright 1998, 1970, Confraternity of Christian Doctrine, Inc. Washington, praise. This approach, then, should be made with sincere and DC. Used with permission. All rights reserved. No part of the Lectionary for Mass may be reproduced by any means without permission in writing from the copyright owner humility and contriteness of heart. How do we approach God? . Do we approach Him with due respect and awe or as we would Prayer for Priests program: We are asked to include these anyone else? Do we prepare ourselves before coming into His priests in our daily prayer intentions: presence or do we come in a manner more befitting an informal Date Priest Assignment setting? May we approach our Lord in a manner pleasing to Him: 10/23 Rev. George Kramer Retired, Bonnots Mill 10/24 Rev. Frederick Elskamp Retired prepared, humble, and contrite. 10/25 Rev. James Offutt Centralia The Catholic Stewardship Appeal is the opportunity we are 10/26 Rev. Edwin Schmidt St. Martins 10/27 Rev. Brendan Doyle Retired given annually to support the many ministries of our local 10/28 Rev. Edward Doyle Retired, Montgomery City Church of Jefferson City. The diocese provides many services 10/29 Rev. Kevin Gormley Retired to our parish throughout the year. May we show our gratitude October 16th Offertory ~ $2,895.25 and support by our generous response to this year’s Catholic Stewardship Appeal.

~ PARISH NEWS ~ Mrs. Diann Foster from Pro-Life across America will be in our  The annual Swinkey Halloween Party will be held Sunday, parish next weekend asking once again for our support in her October 30th at 4:30 PM. Please bring candy to share. organization’s work of promoting life and the prevention of  The next Pastoral Council meeting will be Wednesday, abortion. As we do every year, let us welcome Mrs. Foster and January 25th at 7:00 PM in the gym. support her work through our prayers and financial support. st  The next KC meeting will be Thursday, November 2nd at 7:00 Tuesday, November 1 , is the Solemnity of All Saints, a Holy PM. Day of Obligation. Masses to fulfill your obligation will be  The next Finance Committee meeting will be held Friday, celebrated on: st November 11th at 7:00 PM. Monday, October 31 : Mass at 7:00 p.m. at St. Stephen Church Tuesday, November 1 st: ~ SCHOOL NEWS ~ Mass at 8:20 a.m. at Holy Rosary Church  Classes will not be held on Friday, October 28th. Mass at 5:30 p.m. at Holy Rosary Church. nd  The fifth and sixth grade musical will be presented Wednesday, November 2 , is the Commemoration of All the on Wednesday, October 26th, beginning at 7:00 in the NEW Faithful Departed (All Souls’ Day). Masses on this day (not a Holy Rosary School Gym. The name of the program is Dig It! Holy Day of Obligation) will be celebrated at: Everyone is invited to attend this program. 7:30 a.m. (Holy Rosary Church)  Report card conferences will be held on Thursday, October 5:30 p.m. (St. Stephen Church). 26th, from 1:00 until 6:00. A Prayer Service will be held in the St. Stephen Church nd  The first HOME basketball game will be on Saturday, Cemetery at 5:00 p.m. on November 2 to pray for the repose November 5th, beginning at 6:30 vs. St. Brendan’s of Mexico. of the souls of the faithful departed and all who have died. A meal will be available for purchase. Everyone is welcome to attend this service of prayer for the dead. ~ WORLD MISSION COLLECTION TODAY ~ A Parish Mission, led by Father Richard Gielow, C.M., will be TODAY IS WORLD MISSION SUNDAY! In announcing a Holy held beginning with the 5:30 p.m. Mass on Saturday evening, Year of Mercy, Pope Francis said, “I have often thought of how November 12th, and will continue through Thursday evening, the Church might make clear its mission to be a witness to November 17th. As all of you well know, Father Gielow was with mercy.” Supporting the young churches throughout the world us a couple of years ago and led a wonderful and meaningful with your prayers and generous gifts is indeed a merciful Parish Mission. I feel fortunate that Father Gielow is returning witness of this mission. Our collection will help missionaries to us for another Mission which promises to be an opportunity offer the poor of these areas practical help as they share the for personal and spiritual growth. All of the Mission events will mercy of God. It will ensure the development of local dioceses, be held in the evenings with Mass at 7:00 p.m. The 7:30 a.m. and support the work of priests, religious and lay leaders who Masses will not be celebrated during Mission Week. A serve those on the margins. Extend your merciful witness to reception will be held each evening. the world through your gift for the Propagation of the Faith More information will follow regarding the Mission. I encourage everyone to mark your calendars for this Parish Mission.

~ PLEASE KEEP IN PRAYER ~ ~ HOLY ROSARY'S FALL DINNER DONATIONS ~ Troy Ritter, Jim Hunt, Jeremy Smith, Alfred Timbrook, If you would like to donate something for the Fall Dinner silent Rosemary Evans, Sue Gilbert, Trevor Lagle, Jerry Botkins, auction, please bring your items to Holy Rosary's church Deanna Buckman, Dave Painter, Natalee Amos, basement and place on the designated table. Please remember Kyndal Underwood, Kimberly Spalding, Nick Hays, to put your name and item description on the donated item. If Anna Pennewell, Charlie Taylor, Henry Hogan, you need to contact one of the Altar Society committee Sarah Deien, Audrey Deien members they are: Melody Hoover, Elizabeth Reyes, Dianne For all who are ill, especially those who are awaiting surgery Kunce, Carol Hays, Maria Harris, Dan and Becky Buckman. This or seriously ill, and for their care-takers, year there will also be a raffle for a lottery basket. we pray to the Lord. If a family member is ill, injured or disabled please call and let us ~ OCTOBER FOOD BANK ~ know so that we may put them on our sick list for prayers. We don’t The November Food Bank will be held Friday, October 18th from know unless you call, and we cannot put a name on the sick list without 9:00 AM-6:00 PM. your permission. Names will remain in the bulletin for two weeks, unless otherwise notified. The power of prayer is very strong and healing. ~ ADORATION CHAPEL HOURS ~ Sick, homebound or nursing home? If you hear of or know of Adoration Chapel Hours available: Sunday 4-5, 6-7 PM; Monday someone who falls into these categories please have an immediate 10-11 AM; Tuesday 3-4 AM,; Thursday 4-5 AM; Friday 5-6 PM; family member contact us at Holy Rosary's rectory office, 735-4718, Saturday noon-1 PM; 3-4 PM so we can minister to their spiritual needs *Liturgy Appointments ~ HOLY ROSARY PSR CLASSES ~ October 23 – Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time th PreSchool PSR – October 30 No class Rosary Madeline Williams Grade School – October 26th – Class Greeter Dane & Katie Foster 7th – 10th Grade – October 29th – Make A Difference Day Music Jan Gottman & Debby Quinn th Song Leader The Choir October 30 – No class Servers Dennis & Kaye Spalding Lector Frank Lemongelli ~ D OF I NEWS ~ Offertory Robert Keller  First Saturday Rosary will be held at 10:00 AM November Communion Ministers Lee & Kathy Anderson, Henri 5th. sponsored by the D of I. Hays,  The November D of I meeting will be held Thursday, Sally Lemongelli, Rose McNally th Counters Dane Foster, Eric & Beth Keller November 10 at 7:00, The social committee will be: Becky Thomas - chair, Evelyn McCormick, Therese Long, Tonya October 30 – Thirty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time Elliott, Sherri Lemongelli, and Jena McClintock. In lieu of Rosary Glen Bichsel exchanging a gift at our December Christmas party, we will Greeter Jared & Acacia Hagan be contributing to the Christmas is Caring campaign. More Music Julienne Burns & Beth Whelan Song Leader Lee Anderson information will be shared at the November meeting. Servers Blake Hays & Kyle Hays Lector Debbie Kendrick ~ MAKE A DIFFERENCE DAY ~ Offertory Debbie Kendrick th "Make a Difference Day" is set for October 29 . If you could Communion Ministers Laura Mulvaney, Lynn Ogle, encourage anyone who has a project that the youth and adults Marie Purol, could work on please contact me. (Raking leaves, general clean- Debby Quinn, Peggy Spalding up, clean out gutters, etc.) If you have any youth or adults that Counters Dane Foster, Robert Keller would like to participate that would be great also. You can November 6 – Thirty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time contact me at 735-4718 between 8:00 AM and noon, or email Daylight Savings Time Ends me at [email protected]. or contact Darin Underhill Rosary Katie Foster who will be organizing this years' projects and volunteers Greeter Mark & Carol Hagan Thanks and blessings, Deacon Mike Long Music Peggy Spalding & Debby Quinn Song Leader Julienne Burns Servers Bailey Hays & Maddie Gares ~ HOLY ROSARY TRUNK OR TREAT ~ Lector Michelle Kendrick Holy Rosary parish is looking for groups and individuals to Offertory Glen & Michelle Kendrick decorate their trunks with a family friendly theme and pass out Communion Ministers Nancy Shively, Mary Sims, candy on Halloween from 4:30–6:30 PM on the playground of Dennis & the new Holy Rosary School. If you are interested, please call Kaye Spalding, Beth Whelan Counters Glen Bichsel, Maureen the Holy Rosary parish office at 735-4718 for more details or Lemongelli register in the vestibule of Holy Rosary church. We are also looking for donations of bagged candy for this event. If you Ushers for October would like to donate, you may leave your candy donations in the Artie Whelan, Phil Whelan, Dwayne Williams, Tom Winking designated box in the vestibule or you may drop it off at the Ushers for November Parish office between 8:00 AM-noon and 1:00 PM-4:00 PM Chuck Wunsch, David Yates, Steve Yates, John Yates, Jr. Monday through Friday. We thank you in advance for your * All Liturgy appointees for the Mass, please check with the generous support of this Parish activity. Sacristan 15 minutes before Mass so all Eucharistic ministries are covered. Pastoral Council Members: Chair., David Hays; V. Chair., Jeff Gares; ~ CATHOLIC STEWARDSHIP APPEAL 2017 ~ Sec'y, Darin Underhill; Glenn Bichsel, Dane Foster and Amanda Spalding. The Catholic Stewardship Appeal offers the people of God in Finance Committee : Monica Otto-Lloyd, Chair.; Tom Hagan, Sec'y; the Diocese of Jefferson City an opportunity to respond to Debbie Kendrick K of C’s: Grand Knight, Matt Hays; Deputy Grand Knight, Eric Keller; God’s call to share our gifts with those most in need. You Recording Secretary, Tyson Mulvaney; Financial Secretary, Shane further God’s mission by participating in the Catholic Spalding Stewardship Appeal and making a gift to support the work of Altar Society Officers: Pres., Amanda Spalding; V. Pres., Katie Underhill, Treas., Kaye Spalding the diocesan church. If you have already responded, thank you Picnic Committee: Coordinators, Matt & Jenn Hays; Treas., Shane for whatever gift you have given. If you are still thinking about Spalding it, please consider making a pledge today. We count on your Cemetery Committee : Pres., Joe Purol; V. Pres., Bill Smith, Treas., Marie Purol, Nick Hays, prayerful and financial support to help meet the various needs Dwayne Williams, Matt Hays of parishes, missions and schools in the diocese. Cemetery Clean-Up Dates: Second Saturday of March, beginning at 9:00 AM ~ MINISTERIAL ALLIANCE T-SHIRTS ~ The Monroe City Ministerial Alliance is selling T-Shirts and sweat shirts to help show Christian unity here in Monroe City. Shirts can be purchased at Holy Rosary's rectory.

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