Agricultural Education Course Syllabus s4
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Pittsylvania County Schools
Career and Technical Education
Agricultural Education - Course Syllabus
Course: Landscaping Course Number: 8036
Textbook: Landscape Principles & Practices; Ornamental Horticulture Science Oper/Mg
Required Fee/Supplies: $10.00 Student Organization: FFA $15.00
Prerequisite: Agriculture; strong in Science & Math; manual dexterity Dual Enrollment Credit: Articulation Agreement with Virginia Tech Industry Certification: Greenhouse Operator’s Certificate
I. COURSE DESCRIPTION In this course, students develop the necessary knowledge, skills, habits, and attitudes for entry- level employment and advancement in areas such as landscape design, landscape construction, and landscape maintenance. They receive instruction in sketching and drawing, analyzing a landscape site, designing for function and aesthetics, identifying and selecting landscape plants, purchasing and installing plants, and maintaining the landscape by watering, fertilizing, mulching, pruning, and controlling pests.
Task Area Days Gaining an Overview of the Landscaping Industry 20 Practicing Leadership Skills 40 Designing the Landscape 30 Constructing the Landscape 40 Maintaining the Landscape 30 Gaining Skills for Success in the Workplace 20
Total 180
III. EVALUATION/GRADE PROCEDURES 1. Teacher observation, class work, homework 10% Lab work 20% Plant Identification 20% Current events in Agriculture 10% Tests 20% Project 20%
- 1 - Your Logo Here or delete this text Landscaping (8036) - Competency List
Student Name ______School Year ______
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Landscaping TASKS/COMPETENCIES Date Rating Gaining an Overview of the Landscaping Industry • ANR8036.001 Identify the components of the program and the course. • ANR8036.002 Follow safety procedures for personal protection in the landscaping industry. • ANR8036.003 Examine career opportunities in the landscaping industry. Practicing Leadership Skills • ANR8036.004 Identify benefits and responsibilities of FFA membership. • ANR8036.005 Identify duties of all officers in the FFA. • ANR8036.006 Participate in a committee meeting. • ANR8036.007 Prepare and deliver an oral presentation or speech. • ANR8036.008 Participate in a panel discussion. • ANR8036.009 Write a news release. • ANR8036.010 Develop communication skills. • ANR8036.011 Use parliamentary procedure. • ANR8036.012 Develop record-keeping skills, using the Virginia SAE Record Book. • ANR8036.013 Complete an FFA award and/or officer application. • ANR8036.014 Participate in a community improvement project. • ANR8036.015 Develop an annual plan for Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE) based on personal goals. • ANR8036.016 Apply for an FFA proficiency award. Designing the Landscape • ANR8036.017 Gain an overview of the landscape design industry. • ANR8036.018 Establish a client’s landscaping requirements, using a Family Inventory Survey. • ANR8036.019 Sketch and draw, using standard industry graphics. • ANR8036.020 Analyze the landscape site. • ANR8036.021 Design the site for function and aesthetics. • ANR8036.022 Develop the landscape plan. ANR8036.023 Relate art to landscaping. • ANR8036.024 Identify landscape plants. • ANR8036.025 Select plants for the landscape. ANR8036.026 Price the landscape plan. Constructing the Landscape • ANR8036.027 Explore the scope of the landscape construction industry. • ANR8036.028 Use landscape tools and other equipment. • ANR8036.029 Prepare the site for planting. ANR8036.030 Purchase plants. • ANR8036.031 Install plant materials. - 2 - ANR8036.032 Edge plant beds. Maintaining the Landscape • ANR8036.033 Water landscapes. • ANR8036.034 Fertilize landscape plantings. • ANR8036.035 Mulch landscape plantings. • ANR8036.036 Prune ornamental plants. • ANR8036.037 Maintain lawns. • ANR8036.038 Control pests. • ANR8036.039 Maintain landscape tools and other equipment. Gaining Skills for Success in the Workplace • ANR8036.040 Improve writing skills. • ANR8036.041 Improve speaking and listening skills. • ANR8036.042 Exhibit desirable work habits. • ANR8036.043 Show respect for individual diversity. Examining All Aspects of Industry • Planning • Management • Finance • Technical and Production Skills • Underlying Principles of Technology • Labor Issues • Community Issues • Health, Safety, and Environmental Issues
...RATING SCALE... 1 - Can teach others 2 - Can perform without supervision 3 - Can perform with limited supervision 4 - Can perform with supervision 5 - Cannot perform
Teacher’s signature ______
- 3 - Landscaping (8036) - Related Standards of Learning English The student will make informative and persuasive presentations. a. Gather and organize evidence to support a position. b. Present evidence clearly and convincingly. 11.1 c. Support and defend ideas in public forums. d. Use grammatically correct language, including vocabulary appropriate to the topic, audience, and purpose. The student will analyze and evaluate informative and persuasive presentations. 11.2 a. Critique the accuracy, relevance, and organization of evidence. b. Critique the clarity and effectiveness of delivery. The student will read and analyze a variety of informational materials. a. Use information from texts to clarify or refine understanding of academic concepts. b. Read and follow directions to complete an application for college admission, for a scholarship, or for employment. 11.4 c. Apply concepts and use vocabulary in informational and technical materials to complete a task. d. Generalize ideas from selections to make predictions about other texts. e. Analyze information from a text to draw conclusions. The student will write in a variety of forms, with an emphasis on persuasion. a. Generate, gather, plan, and organize ideas for writing. b. Develop a focus for writing c. Evaluate and cite applicable information. 11.7 d. Organize ideas in a logical manner. e. Elaborate ideas clearly and accurately. f. Adapt content, vocabulary, voice, and tone to audience, purpose, and situation. g. Revise writing for accuracy and depth of information. h. Proofread final copy and prepare document for intended audience or purpose. The student will edit writing for correct grammar, capitalization, punctuation, spelling, sentence structure, and paragraphing. a. Use a style manual, such as that of the Modern Language Association (MLA) or American 11.8 Psychological Association (APA), for producing research projects. b. Use verbals and verbal phrases to achieve sentence conciseness and variety. c. Adjust sentence and paragraph structures for a variety of purposes and audiences. The student will write, revise, and edit personal, professional, and informational correspondence to a standard acceptable in the workplace and higher education. a. Apply a variety of planning strategies to generate and organize ideas. 11.9 b. Organize information to support purpose and form of writing. c. Present information in a logical manner. d. Revise writing for clarity. e. Use technology to access information, organize ideas, and develop writing. The student will make a 5 to 10 minute formal oral presentation. a. Choose the purpose of the presentation: to defend a position, to entertain an audience, or to explain information. b. Use a well-structured narrative or logical argument. 12.1 c. Use details, illustrations, statistics, comparisons, and analogies to support purposes. d. Use visual aids or technology to support presentation. e. Use grammatically correct language, including vocabulary appropriate to the topic, audience, and purpose. The student will evaluate formal presentations. 12.2 a. Critique relationships among purpose, audience, and content of presentations. b. Critique effectiveness of presentations. 12.7 The student will develop expository and informational writings. - 4 - a. Generate, gather, and organize ideas for writing. b. Consider audience and purpose when planning for writing. c. Write analytically about literary, informational, and visual materials. d. Elaborate ideas clearly and accurately. e. Revise writing for depth of information and technique of presentation. f. Apply grammatical conventions to edit writing for correct use of language, spelling, punctuation, and capitalization. g. Proofread final copy and prepare document for publication or submission.
Mathematics The student will represent verbal quantitative situations algebraically and evaluate these expressions A.2 for given replacement values of the variables. Students will choose an appropriate computational technique, such as mental mathematics, calculator, or paper and pencil. The student will investigate and solve practical problems involving circles, using properties of angles, G.10 arcs, chords, tangents, and secants. Problems will include finding arc length and the area of a sector, and may be drawn from applications of architecture, art, and construction.
- 5 - Landscaping (8036) - SOL Correlation by Task
ANR8036.007 Prepare and deliver an oral English: 11.2, 12.1 presentation or speech. ANR8036.010 Develop communication skills. English: 11.1, 11.2, 11.7, 11.8, 11.9, 12.1, 12.2, 12.7 ANR8036.013 Complete an FFA award and/or English: 11.4, 11.9 officer application. ANR8036.016 Apply for an FFA proficiency award. English: 11.9 ANR8036.021 Design the site for function and Mathematics: G.10 aesthetics. ANR8036.026 Price the landscape plan. Mathematics: A.2 ANR8036.040 Improve writing skills. English: 11.7, 11.8, 11.9, 12.7 ANR8036.041 Improve speaking and listening English: 11.1, 11.2, 12.1, 12.2 skills.
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