College of Social and Behavioral Sciences

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College of Social and Behavioral Sciences

College of Social and Behavioral Sciences 2013-2014 Research, Scholarship and Creative Achievement



Ghosh Roy, A. (2013). U.S. foreign indebtedness, monetary policy, and economic growth. International Journal of Economic Perspective. 6 (2), 188-196.

Spencer, M. (2013). Bi-annual adenoma detection feedback can increase and maintain a high adenoma detection rate: A community group study. The American Journal of Gastroenterology. 108(1), S633.


Larson, P. (2013). Basin and range hydrological integration and pediment evolution in the Southwestern USA. Physical Geography.

Larson, P. (2013). Strath development in small arid watersheds: Case study of South Mountain, Sonoran Desert, Arizona. American Journal of Science.

Mitchell, M. (2013). Southern Minnesota: An evolving alternate energy frontier. Journal of Geography and Geology.

Mitchell, M. (2014). Using mental map principles to interpret American Indian cartography. Journal of Geography.

Yuan, F. & Mitchell M. (2014). Spatial patterns of land surface phenology relative to monthly climate variations: U.S. Great Plains. GIScience & Remote Sensing.

Yuan, F., et al. (2014). Improving estimation of summer maize nitrogen status with red edge-based spectral vegetation indices. Field Crop Research.

Yuan, F., et al. (2014). Non-destructive estimation of paddy rice aboveground biomass at different growth stages with Hyperspectral canopy remote sensing. Field Crop Research.


Inglot, T. (2013). Western welfare states watched from the East during the Cold War: condemnation, competition, and creative learning. International and Comparative Social Policy.


Loayza, M. (2013). A curative and creative force: The exchange of persons program and Eisenhower’s inter-American policies, 1953-1961. Diplomatic History.


*Ahrendt, A.J., Houlihan, D. & Buchanan, J.A. (2013). Ask the experts: Please explain our unexpected results. Behavior Analysis in Practice, 6, 30-41. 2

Arsznov, B.M. & Sakai, S.T. (2013). The procyonid social club: Comparison of brain volumes in the coatimundi (Nasua nasua, N. narica), Kinkajou (Potos flavus), and Raccoon (Procyon lotor). Brain, Behavior and Evolution, 82(2), 129-145.

*Cero, I. & Sifers, S. K. (2013). Parenting and youth suicide. Journal of Affective Disorders, 150, 987- 992.

*Collini, S., Guidroz, A. M. & Perez, L. M. (2013). Turnover in healthcare: The mediating effects of employee engagement. Journal of Nursing Management.

*Ecker, M. E. & Sifers, S. K. (2013). The BackPack Food Program’s effects on U.S. elementary students’ hunger and on-task behavior. Journal of Child Nutrition & Management, 37(2).

Fuglestad, P.T., Bruening, M., Graham, D.J., Eisenberg, M.E. & Neumark-Sztainer, D.R. (2013). The associations of eating-related attitudinal balance with psychological well-being and eating behaviors. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 30, 1040-060.

Fuglestad, P.T., Rothman, A.J. & Jeffery, R.W. (2013). The effect of regulatory focus on responding to and avoiding slips in a longitudinal study of smoking cessation. Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 35, 426-435.

*Houlihan, S., Perez, L., Houlihan, D. & *Kruger, A. (2013). Creation of a selection program for indigenous students at an eco-tourism focused high school in the Ecuadorian Amazon region. Education Research Journal, 3(4), 83-91.

Houlihan, D. & *Houlihan, M. (2014). Adolescents and the social media: The coming storm. Journal of Child and Adolescent Behavior.

Lassonde, K. A. (2014). Reducing the impact of stereotypical knowledge during reading. Discourse Processes.

Linnerooth, P.J.N., Houlihan, D., *Lenz, M. A. & Buchanan, J.A. (2014). A comparison of covert and videotape modeling strategies for training complex mechanical assembly tasks. Journal of Cognitive Engineering and Decision Making.

*Lombardi, N.J., Buchanan, J.A., *Afflerbach, S., Campana, K., *Sattler, A. & *Lai, D. (2014). Is elderspeak appropriate? A survey of certified nursing assistants. Journal of Gerontological Nursing.

*Nolan, J. D., Houlihan, D., Wanzek, M. & Jenson, W. R. (2014). The good behavior game: A classroom-behavior intervention effective across cultures. School Psychology International, 35(2) 191-205.

*Nolan, J., Filter, K. J. & Houlihan, D. (2013). Preliminary Report: An application of the Good Behavior Game in a developing nation. School Psychology International.


Panahon, C. & Sytsma M. (2014). College students’ preferences for test accommodations. Canadian Journal of School Psychology, 29 (2), 116-126. 3

Riggins, T., Cheatham, C. L., Stark, E. & Bauer, P.J. (2013). Elicited imitation performance at 20 months predicts memory abilities in school age children. Journal of Cognition and Development, 14, 593- 606.

Sachau, D., Simmering, L., Ryan, W. & Adler, M. (2013). Goal orientation of recreational golfers. International Journal of Golf Science, 2, 95-115.

Stark, E. (2013). 'Real Life Solutions to Real Life Problems:' Collaborating with a Non-Profit Foundation to Engage Honors Students in Applied Research. Journal of the National Collegiate Honors Council.

Stark, E., Lassiter, A. & *Kuemper, A. (2013). A Brief examination of predictors of E-learning success for novice and expert learners. Knowledge Management and E-Learning: An International Journal.

*Watson, G.C., Sifers, S.K. & Houlihan, D. (2013). Parental control as a moderator between close friend support and conduct problems. Journal of Child and Adolescent Behavior.

*Youngblom, R. & Filter, K. J. (2013). Teacher knowledge of behavior function. Electronic Journal of Research in Educational Psychology, 11 (3), 631-648.

Social Work

Beimers, D., *Carter, T. & Black-Hughes, C. (2013). Are BSW students prepared to address substance abuse in clients? Journal of Baccalaureate Social Work.

Beimers, D.L., *Warner, B. & Mackie, P.F.E. (2013). Racial and ethnic diversity in undergraduate social work programs: How are programs in rural areas faring? Contemporary Rural Social Work, 5, 1- 16.

Black-Hughes, C. & Stacy, P.D. (2013). Early childhood attachment and its impact on later life resilience: a comparison of resilient and non-resilient female siblings. Journal of Evidence-Based Social Work, 10, 5, 410-420.

Danso, K. & Lum, T. (2013). Intergroup relations and predictors of immigrant experience. Journal of Ethnic and Cultural Diversity in Social Work, 22(1), 60-75.

Mackie, P. & Leibowitz, G. (2013). Teaching community organizing? A postmodernist comparison between Alinsky’s Conflict and Eichler’s Consensus Models. Journal of Baccalaureate Social Work.

Mackie, P.F. E. (2013). Hiring social work faculty: An analysis of employment announcements with special focus on rural and urban differences and 2008 EPAS Implications. Journal of Social Work Education, 49, 4, 733-747. 4

Social Work

Mackie, P., et. al. (2014). Differences between Children with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorders: Rural Social Work Implications for Prevention, Assessment, and Treatment. Journal of Contemporary Rural Social Work.

Sociology & Corrections

Robertson, J. (2014). Introduction: Symposium: Capital sentencing in the 21st Century: the retreat from the death penalty. The Criminal Law Bulletin.

Robertson, J. (2013). Recent legal developments: Correctional Case Law 2013. Criminal Justice Review.

Robertson, J. (2014). The one million: Reimaging the jail as the institution that says ‘yes’ to the mentally ill. The Correctional Law Reporter.

Robertson, J. (2014). The ten million: An introduction to Obama-Care and its impact on incarcerated populations. The Correctional Law Reporter.

Sethuraju, N., Prew, P., *Abdi, A. & *Pipkins, M. (2013). The consequences of teaching critical sociology on course evaluations. SAGE Open.

Waskul, D. (2014). Technosexuality: The sexual pragmatists of the technological age. In Selves, Symbols, and Sexualities. Weinberg, T. & Newmahr, S. (eds.). Sage: Thousand Oaks, CA.

Waskul, D. & Vannini, P. (2014). The performative body: Dramaturgy, the body, and embodiment. In Life as performance: A dramaturgical handbook. Edgley, C. (ed.). Ashgate: Hampshire, England.

Urban and Regional Studies

Filipovitch, T. & *Rakshit, S. (2013). Sustainable design for campus residential housing. In Cities for Smart Environmental and Energy Futures: Impacts on Architecture and Technology.

*Frimpong Boamah, E. (2014). Regionalism and Urban Development Planning in Africa: Towards A Collaborative Framework for Decentralized Planning in Ghana. Developing Country Studies. 5



Parsneau, K. and Galdieri, C. J., (2014) Weighing In or waiting: When, whether, and whom republican officeholders endorsed in 2012. In R. Ward Holder and Peter B. Josephson, The American Election 2012: Contexts and Consequences. Palgrave Macmillan.


Cooley, A. J., (2013). ‘The Customer is always white’: Food, race, and contested eating space in the South. In The Larder: Food Studies Methods from the American South. Edge, J.T., Engelhardt, E. & Ownby, T. (Eds.) 240-272. Athens: University of Georgia Press, 2013.


Andrews, L., Klein, S., Forseman, J., and Sachau, D. (2013). It’s easy being green: Benefits of technology-enabled work. In Huffman, A. & Klein, S. (Eds). Green Organizations: Driving Change with IO Psychology. Psychology Press/Routledge.

Campana, K.L. (2014). Helping locally: involving students in community service projects. In Industrial and organizational psychology help the vulnerable: serving the underserved. New-York: Palgrave Macmillan

Rothman, A.J., Baldwin, A.S., Burns, R.J. & Fuglestad, P.T. Strategies to promote behavioral maintenance: Moving from theoretical principles to practice. In Diefenbach, M.A., Miller, S.M. & Bowen D. (Eds.), Handbook of Health Decision Science. Springer Verlag (in press).

Sachau, D., Courtney, C. L., Olson, D., *Nolan, J. & Fee, S. (2014). Service-learning in developing nations. In W. Reichman (Ed.). In Industrial and Organizational Psychology Help the Vulnerable: Serving the Underserved. New-York: Palgrave Macmillan.

Sociology & Corrections

Buechler, S. (2014). Movements + Elections = Democracy. In The Social Side of Politics, edited by Douglas Hartmann and Christopher Uggen. W.W. Norton & Co.



Kawabata, E. (2013, November). Book review of, The People’s Post Office: The History and Politics of the Japanese Postal System, 1871–2010, by Maclachlan P.L. Published in Monumenta Nipponica.


Sprankle, E.L. (2014). Toward a better understanding of sexually deviant behavior: book review of Case Studies in Sexual Deviance: Toward Evidence Based Practice, O’Donohue (Ed.). PsycCritiq 6



Price, M., Byers, A., Friend, D., Kohler, T. & Price L., (Eds.). (2013). Mountain Geography: Physical and Human Dimensions. Berkley, CA: University of California Press.


Jessup, D. (2013). Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson i Amerika: Et drama i to akter. In Den engasjerte kosmopolitt: Nye Bjørnson-studier (Oslo: National Library of Norway).

Sociology & Correction

Buechler, S. (2014). Critical Sociology, 2nd edition. Paradigm Publishers. 7


Aging Studies

Ebel, D. (2014, April). The use of debates in teaching the Sociology of Aging. Panelist discussant at the Midwest Sociological Society Annual Meeting, Omaha, NE.

*Sarkar, S. (2014, April). The Effect on quality of life in family caregivers for people with Alzheimer’s disease during the caregiving role. Paper presented at the annual Minnesota Gerontolological Society Meeting, St. Paul, MN.

American Indian Studies

Dass, R. (2013, October). Momentum and the Movement: Revitalization and Sustainability in Grassroots Activism. Paper presented at the American Folklore Society meeting, Providence, RI.

Dass, R. (2013, October). Reclamation and revitalization of Indigenous communities. Panel chair at the American Folklore Society Meeting, Providence, RI.


Anderson, H. (2014, April). Obsidian consumption in the Tula Region after Teotihuacan's decline: A view from Cerro Magoni. Paper presented at the Society for American Archaeology Meeting, Austin, TX.

Anderson, H. (2014, September). Classic and Postclassic Ceramics in the Tepeaca Region. Paper presented at the Past and Present in Tlaxcala Ceramics Symposium, Tlaxcala, Mexico.

Blue, K. (2013, November). Investigations into the health and genetic affinity of East Anglia inhabitants in the Early Medieval Period. Paper presented at the Cambridge Antiquarian Society, Cambridge, England.

Schalge, S., *Pajunen, M. & *Skinner, J. (2013, November). Engagements and education: Service- learning anthropology. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Chicago, IL.

*Schmidt, J. (2013, October). A shared sacred space. Paper presented at the American Folklore Society annual meeting, Providence, RI. 8

Ethnic Studies

Xiong, V. (2013, October). The Challenges of Gay Men in Hmong Society. Paper presented at the National Hmong Human Rights Conference, Milwaukee, WI.

Gender & Women’s Studies

*Barefoot, A., *Haak, A. & *Ramogi, Q., (Stitt, J. moderator). (2013, November). Participated in the roundtable, Collective Action for Nonviolence: Using Personal Narratives for Change on College Campuses. National Women’s Studies Association Annual Conference, Cincinnati, OH.


Larson, P., Dorn, R.I., & Kelley, S. (2013, October). Reconstructing Paleotopography, Geomorphic Processes and Landscape Evolution in Response to Drainage Basin Integration - Salt and Verde Rivers, Basin and Range, Arizona: Preliminary Results. Paper presented at the Geological Society of America Meeting, Denver, CO.

Larson, P. & *Williams, V. (2014, April). Geostatistical and geospatial analysis of wastewater treatment infrastructure. Paper presented at the Association of American Geographers, Tampa, FL.

Mohapatra, R., et. al. (2014, April). Do Religion, inequality and disasters affect the spatial pattern of giving in the United States. Paper presented at the Association of American Geographers, Tampa, FL.

*Stevens, S. (2013, October). Fish consumption advisory awareness in Hennepin County. Paper presented at the Minnesota GIS/LIS Consortium, Rochester, MN.

Wilkerson, F. (2014, March). Climate Change in Alpine Environments: Twenty Years of Research in the White Mountains of California. Paper presented at the South Dakota State University Geography Convention, Brookings, SD.

*Williams, V. & *Pieschke, R. (2014, April). Wastewater infiltration rates in the Twin Cities. Paper presented at the Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting, Tampa, Florida.

Yuan, F. (2013, September). Land surface phenology metrics extraction and accuracy assessment. Paper presented at the International Workshop on UAV-based Remote Sensing of Vegetation, Cologne, Germany.

Yuan, F. (2014, April). Long-term land use changes affected by the conservation reserve program along the Minnesota River Basin. Paper presented at the AAG Annual Conference, Tampa, FL.


Clarke, C. (2014, February). Studying police education abroad in the wake of transnational crime. Paper presented at the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences Conference, Philadelphia, PA.

Clarke, C. & Stevens, A. (2014, February). Bioaccumulated toxins and adverse impacts they have on juveniles. Paper presented at the Mustang Conference, Las Vegas February 22, 2013. 9

Dobratz, C., & Wimberger, L. (2013, May). Emotional Warrior Training: Surviving and Managing Law Enforcement Stress. Paper presented at the International Law Enforcement Educators and Trainers Association Conference, Chicago, IL.

Galdieri, C. & Parsneau, K. (2014, April). Elite endorsements in presidential nomination contests, 2004- 2012. Paper resented at the New England Political Science Association Annual Meeting. Woodstock, VT.


Inglot, T. (2013, June). State Paternalism Revisited: Early Legacies of the Welfare State and the Socialist (Communist) Experience in Eastern and Central Europe presented at the Workshop: Social Policy in the Successor States of the Habsburg Empire: Searching for a Multidisciplinary Approach. Paper presented at the Institute for East and South European Studies, University of Regensburg, Germany.

Inglot, T., Szikra, D. & Rat, C. (2013, June). The new politics of family policy in Hungary, Poland, and Romania since the EU Accession: Domestic vs. International Influences. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of Europeanists, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Nelson, P. (2014, March). Creating Understanding of Unified Command for Law Enforcement. Paper presented twice at the International Law Enforcement Educators and Trainers Association Conference, Lombard, IL.

Slocum, F. (2013, November). Minnesota political vulture versus Southern political vulture. Panel presentation at the Minnesota Political Science Association Conference, St. Cloud, MN.

Slocum, F. & Parsneau, K. (2014, April). ‘Cheap Click?’ The effect of issue salience and internet appeals on political participation. Paper presented at the Midwest Political Science Association conference, Chicago, IL.


*Bridley, K. (2013, September). Churchill and Mackenzie King: German POWs and the shackling teprisals, 1942-1943. Paper presented at the Annual Northern Great Plains History Conference, Hudson, WI.

Jessup, D. (2014, March). Contemplating Pietism: Kierkegaard's anticipation of Strindberg's critique. Paper presented at the Conference on Baltic and Scandinavian Studies at Yale University, New Haven, CT.

Lahlum, L. (2014, April). Norwegian American women: Migration, communities, and identities. Paper presented at the Dakota Conference, Sioux Falls, SD.

Lahlum, L. (2014, April). The Scandinavian Republican League in South Dakota. Paper presented at the Dakota Conference, Sioux Falls, SD. 10


Akey, L. & Lassiter, A. (2014, April). Balancing priorities: Sharing responsibility for the assessment of student learning. Paper presented at the Conference of the Higher Learning Commission, Chicago, IL.

*Almoite, M., *Kay, J. & Lassonde, K. A. (2014, April). Is sustained attention important for the testing effect? National Conference on Undergraduate Research, Lexington, KY.

*Almoite, M., *Martin, Z., *Gee, M. & Langley, M. (2014, May). Improving students’ self-efficacy in a psychology research methods course: An Enactive Mastery Experiences approach. Paper presented at the Association for Psychological Science Conference, San Francisco, CA.


*Ardner, B., *Humphrey, K., *Hebig, M., Fuglestad, F. & Langley, M. (2014, May). Tracking the development of students’ academic methodological design skills. Paper presented at the Association for Psychological Science Conference, San Francisco, CA.

Arsznov, B.M. & Sakai, S.T. (2013, November). Strength in numbers: Behavioral specialization, neuron number, and neuron density in three carnivore species. Paper presented at the Society for Neuroscience Meeting, San Diego, CA.

*Bennett, S., *Zabel, L., Fuglestad, P. & Langley, M. (2014, May). Tracking the development of students’ academic self-efficacy in a psychology research methods course: academic writing and information literacy skills. Paper presented at the Association for Psychological Science Conference, San Francisco, CA.

*Bergmann, S., Panahon, C. & Hilt-Panahon, A. (2014, February). Using choice to improve the writing of students receiving ESYS. Paper presented at the National Association of School Psychologists Convention, Washington, DC.

Buchanan, J.A. & *Afflerbach, S. (2013, October). Behavioral interventions. Paper presented at the Therapeutic Interventions in Dementia Care Conference, Mankato, MN.

Buchanan, J.A. & Said, P. (2014, March). From research to practice: Cognitive training as an intervention for Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. Paper presented at the American Society on Aging meeting, San Diego, CA.

*Dahlke, J., Lassiter, A., Stark, E. & Bertsch, K. (2014, March). An examination of student perceptions of psychology department learning outcomes. Paper presented at the Midwestern Conference on Professional Psychology, Owatonna, MN.

*Edlin, T., *Hensersky, T. & Langley, M. (2013, November). Effects of perceptual and conceptual encoding and retrieval orientations on recognition memory for identified and unidentified pictures. Paper presented at the Object Perception, Attention, and Memory Conference, Toronto, ON.

*Erdmann, R. & Panahon, C. J. (April 2014). Investigating the effects of choice on writing with students receiving extended school year services. Paper presented at the annual convention of National Conference of Undergraduate Research, Lexington, KY. 11

*Fiksdal, B. L., *Marsh, S., *Cordes, A., Houlihan, D. & Bertsch, K. (2014, February). Reward- versus punishment-based classroom management strategies. Paper presented at the National Association of School Psychologists Conference, Washington, DC.

*Grad, L. & Sifers, S. K. (2014, March). YWCA Ready to Learn program evaluation. Paper presented at the Midwestern Conference on Professional Psychology, Owatonna, MN.

*Grad, L., Stevens, M. & Sifers, S. K. (2014, May). Change in body image as a predictor of social acceptance. Poster presented at the annual convention of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.


*Graske, A. & *Johnson, J. (2014, February). Influences of student mindset and motivation on study habits and learning skills. Poster session presented at Minnesota Undergraduate Scholars, Saint Paul, MN.

*Hensersky, T., *Edlin, T. & Langley, M. (2013, November). Can perceptually demanding encoding tasks help dissociate recollection-based and familiarity-based recognition memory? Paper presented at the Object Perception, Attention, and Memory Conference, Toronto, ON.

*Hindt, A. (2014, February). The effects of Montessori-based activity on affect and engagement in persons with dementia. Poster session presented at Minnesota Undergraduate Scholars, Saint Paul, MN.

*Mailhot, E. & Albertson, D. N. (2014, May). Evaluating the relationship between religious beliefs and attitudes toward science in an American college population. Poster presented at the Midwestern Psychological Association meeting, Chicago, IL.

*Nohelty, N. & Panahon, C. J. (2014, April). Using Choice as a writing intervention to investigate gender differences. Paper presented at the annual convention of National Conference of Undergraduate Research, Lexington, KY.

*Nolan, J., Filter, K. & Houlihan, D. (2013, May). A preliminary application of the Good Behavior Games in an elementary school in Belize. Presented at the Applied Behavior Analysis – International Meeting, Minneapolis, MN.

*Olson, N. A., *Lamminen, R. J. & Panahon, C. J. (2014, January). Investigating the use of stability balls in the classroom. Poster presented at the annual convention of the Minnesota School Psychologists Association. Minneapolis, MN.

*Olson, N. & Filter, K. J. (2014). Investigating the effects of tootling in a first grade classroom. Poster Presentation at the Annual Convention for the National Association of School Psychologists, Washington, D.C.

*Paulsen, K., *Westermayer, K. & Panahon, C. J. (2014, April). A Bibliometric Analysis of school psychology international: What is the prevalence of international affairs in the field of school psychology? Paper presented at the annual convention of National Conference of Undergraduate Research, Lexington, KY. 12

*Person, C. J., *Edlin, T. J., *Hensersky, T. J., *Erickson, S. P., Ford, J. M. & Langley, M. M. (2014, May). Memory for the internal geometry of crop circles. Poster presented at the 26th Annual Convention of the Association for Psychological Science (APS), San Francisco, CA.

*Person, C., *Edlin, T., *Hensersky, T., *Erickson, S., Ford, J. & Langley, M. (2014, May). Memory for the internal geometry of crop circles. Paper presented at the Association for Psychological Science Conference, San Francisco, CA.

*Pyun, Y. S. & Sifers, S. K. (2014, March). The Influence of father-child relationship on adolescents’ mental health. Paper presented at the Midwestern Conference on Professional Psychology, Owatonna, MN.


*Pyun, Y. S. & Sifers, S. K. (2014, May). The Influence of mother-child relationship on children’s emotional symptoms and adaptive skills. Poster presented at the annual convention of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.

*Scheper, C. & Panahon, C. J. (2014, April). A is for App: Surveying teachers about the use of iPAds/tablets in the classroom. Paper presented at the National Conference of Undergraduate Research, Lexington, KY.

*Shea, D., Panahon, C. J. & *Kuemper, A. (2014, January). Working with students with emotional behavioral disorders: Comparing In-service and pre-service teachers’ perceptions. Poster presented at the annual convention of the Minnesota School Psychologists Association. Minneapolis, MN.

*Sokol, N. & *Hanna, R. (2014, February). When the Stakes are truly high: Consulting to disaster- affected organizations. Paper presented at the Midwinter Conference of the Society for Consulting Psychology, San Antonio, TX.

*Stevens, M. & Sifers, S. K. (2014, March). The relationship between vicarious trauma and a maintaining a healthy balance within an organizational setting. Paper presented at the Midwestern Conference on Professional Psychology, Owatonna, MN.

*Stewart, M., Panahon, C., *Sytsma, M. & *Schreiber, C. (2014, February). Examining the use of extended time test accommodations. Paper presented at the National Association of School Psychologists Convention, Washington, DC.

*Sytsma, M. & Panahon, C. (2014, February). Cross-Age peer tutoring reading intervention in a Belizean elementary school. Paper presented at the annual convention of the National Association of School Psychologists, Washington, DC.

*Todorovic, S., *VandeNest F. & Lassonde, K. A. (2014, April). Assessing military stereotypes. National Conference on Undergraduate Research, Lexington, KY.

*Todorovic, S., *VandeNest F. & Lassonde, K. A. (2014, May). Assessing military stereotypes. Annual Midwestern Psychological Association Conference, Chicago,IL. 13

*Tupy, S. J. & Sifers, S. K. (2014, May). Perceived benefit of the BackPack Food Program based on income and food insecurity. Poster presented at the annual convention of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.

*Youngblom, R. & Houlihan, D. (2013, July). An assessment of family – school involvement: The country of Belize. Presented at the International School Psychology Meeting in Porto, Portugal.

*Youngblom, R., Houlihan, D., *Nolan, J. (2013, July). An assessment of life satisfaction in high school- aged students in Belize. Presented at the International School Psychology Meeting in Porto, Portugal.

*Youngblom, R., Houlihan, D., *Nolan, J. (2013, July). Predicting life satisfaction and resiliency factors of youth in Belize. Presented at the International School Psychology Meeting in Porto, Portugal.


Filter, K. J. (2014, January). Putting the pyramid together for behavior: Tier 2 PBIS. Paper presented at the Midwinter Conference of the Minnesota School Psychologists Association. St. Louis Park, MN.

Fritzsche, B., *Lillegaard, J., Meyer, J., Garcia, C., Gallaher, L., Marcus, J. & Sachau, D. (2013, April). Pretty, funny, crude and open: Contemporary research on self- presentation. Symposium presented at the Annual Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Conference, Houston, TX.

Langley, M. (2013, November). On the contribution of object identification to object recognition: Recollection may require identification, but familiarity does not. Paper presented at the Psychonomic Society, Toronto, ON.

Lassonde, K. A., Kendeou, P. & O’Brien, E. J. (2014, October). When will they learn? Evaluating the pervasiveness of 50 great myths of popular psychology in psychology students toward a process for instruction. Paper presented at the Society for the Teaching of Psychology’s Best Practices Conference, Atlanta, GA.

Panahon, C. & Nimmo, J. (2014, February). Collaborative partnership between a graduate program and a school district. Paper presented at the National Association of School Psychologists, Washington, DC.

Panahon, C., Hilt-Panahon, S. & Limberg, R. (2014, February). Writing interventions: An update to evidence-based practices in applied settings. Paper presented at the National Association of School Psychologists, Washington, DC.

Sifers, S. K., *Vang, F. & *Goettl, N. (January 2014). Survey of undergraduate students’ research experience. Poster presented at the annual National Institute on the Teaching of Psychology, St. Pete Beach, FL.

Sifers, S. K., Buchanan, J. A. & *Ames, M. (2014, January). Factors associated with graduate school success. Poster presented at the annual National Institute on the Teaching of Psychology, St. Pete Beach, FL. 14

Sprankle, E.L., *McPherson, K.L. & *Schumann, M.E. (2013, June). Perceptions of sexually explicit videos with varying levels of educational instruction. Poster presented at the annual conference of the American Association of Sex Educators, Counselors, and Therapists, Miami, FL.

Stark, E. & Sachau, D. (2014, February). Unrealistic optimism and violent crime: How beliefs and attitudes influence the optimism bias. Paper presented at the Society of Personality and Social Psychology meeting, Austin, TX.

Whitt, B.A., Arsznov, B.M., Lundrigan, B.L. & Sakai, S.T. (2013, November). Out of the den and into the pack: A computed tomography study of brain development in Canis lupus. Poster presented at the Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting 2013, San Diego, CA.

Social Work

Anderson, W. (2014, March). Ethics in macro practice: The missing pieces. Paper presented at the National Baccalaureate Social Work Program Directors Conference, Louisville, KY.

Beimers, D. (2014, March). Legislative advocacy days and BSW student orientation towards advocacy. Paper presented at the Association of Baccalaureate Social Work Program Directors Conference, Louisville, KY.

Beimers, D. (2014, March) Getting your MSW: Why, when, and how? A panelist presentation at the Minnesota Social Service Association meeting, Minneapolis, MN.

Danso, K. & *Won Jin, S. (2014, June). Nativity and health disparity: Does Immigrant status matter? Paper presented at the International Conference on Interdisciplinary Social Sciences, Vancouver, Canada.

Sociology and Corrections

*Boston, L. (2014, April). Surviving graduate school. Panel presentation at the Midwest Sociological Conference, Omaha, NE.

Carson, B. (2014, February). How the power elite infiltrated the Judicial Branch of the U.S. Government: Application of Domhoff’s Theory to the ceation of the Federal Sentencing Commission. Paper presented at the Eastern Sociological Society Annual Meetings, Baltimore, MD.

Keating, B. (2014, April). Violence against women: A disciplinary debate and challenge. Presidential address presented at the Midwest Sociological Conference, Omaha, NE.

Keating, B. (2014, April). Faculty-student conflict over classroom content and style: student complaints and chair and dean responses. Paper presented at the Midwest Sociological Conference, Omaha, NE.

*Mumford, E. (2014, April). Wheelchair bound not sex bound: The reconstruction of self and sexual identity after spinal cord injury. Paper presented at the Midwest Sociological Society Conference, Omaha, NE.

Prew, P., Sethuraju, R. & Pipkins, M. (2013, August). Tools or toys: The ongoing antagonism of sociology to the sociological imagination. Paper presented at the American Sociological Conference, New York, NY. 15

Rogne, L. (2013, November). Innovations in end-of-life research, education, and practice. (Discussant at the Gerontological Society of America Annual Conference. New Orleans, LA.

*Thompson, A. (2014, April). Precollege outreach programs: assessing and imparting social capital. Paper presented at the Midwest Sociological Conference, Omaha, NE.

* Denotes student scholarship

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