Relationships In The Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC)
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EPC Exhibit 131-37.4 May 15, 2009
Dewey Section
To: Caroline Kent, Chair Decimal Classification Editorial Policy Committee
Cc: Members of the Decimal Classification Editorial Policy Committee Karl E. Debus-López, Chief, U.S. General Division
From: Rebecca Green, Assistant Editor Dewey Decimal Classification OCLC Online Computer Library Center, Inc.
Via: Joan S. Mitchell, Editor in Chief Dewey Decimal Classification OCLC Online Computer Library Center, Inc.
Re: Explicit relationships in the DDC
EPC Exhibit 130-37 presented a long-term plan of study for investigating the role of relationships in the DDC, toward the goal of building an ontological representation of the system. One of the tasks called for in that plan was the analysis of relationships in sample classes. This exhibit presents the preliminary results of such analysis applied to 174 Occupational ethics. The following analysis is limited to that class and its “regular” subdivisions, i.e., not including any bracketed or built numbers under 174.
The analysis gives the following information for each class treated: Class number Caption Notes that concern topics in or not in the class / notes that concern relationships between classes, e.g., including notes, class-here notes, add notes, class-elsewhere notes, see references Topics in class, approximates-the-whole-of the-class/in-standing-room status Relative Index (RI) terms
The following relationships are given: Parent class, by notational hierarchy, by structural hierarchy Class-to-class relationships derivable from notes Correspondence between RI terms and topics in the class (“correspondence” may include equivalence [to a degree], hierarchical relationships, facet relationships, etc.; for example, at 174, the RI Occupational ethics is wholly equivalent to the topic statement occupational ethics, the RI Labor ethics is more-or-less equivalent to the topic statement
1 ethics of work, and the RI Research ethics refers to the topic statement professional ethics, where research is a facet of professional activity) Class-to-class relationships derivable from RI headings; these relationships may involve: . RI headings that are morphologically related to an RI heading for the class (which often point to an intrafacet relationship), . headings related through see-also references (which may signal hierarchical, equivalence, or associative relationships), . headings that are related through the addition or deletion of one or more words (which often point to an intrafacet relationship), . headings that are hierarchically related through the addition or deletion of a subdivision heading, and . headings involved in cross-disciplinary relationships (between the interdisciplinary number for a topic and the number[s] for the topic in specific disciplines1); for example, at 174, the RI Professions at 331.71 is related to 174’s RI Professional ethics through a combination of morphological relationship and the presence/absence of a word designating a facet; the RI Ethical problems is related through a see-also reference from the RI Occupational ethics, which wholly matches a topic in 174; the RIs Labor and Labor—ethics—religion differ from 174’s RI Labor—ethics by the deletion and addition of subdivision headings WordNet relationships involving topic and/or RI concepts (see appendix A for background on WordNet)
1 We will also record—separate from any specific class—sets of numbers for topics in specific disciplines when no interdisciplinary number for the topic has been designated.
2 174 Occupational ethics
Class here economic, professional ethics; ethics of work
Class-to-class relationships (see also Relationships via Relative Index terms) Notational parent 170 Ethics Structural parent 170 Ethics Other
Topics Topic (from caption, including note, class-here note), AW (approximates whole) hierarchically expanded SR (standing room) occupational ethics AW economic ethics AW professional ethics AW ethics of work AW
Relative Index terms Relative Index heading Corresponding topic Conflict of interest—occupational ethics (aspect of Occupational ethics) Labor—ethics ethics of work Occupational ethics occupational ethics Professional ethics professional ethics Professional relationships—ethics (aspect of) professional ethics Research ethics (aspect of) professional ethics
Relationships via Relative Index terms Relative Index heading Class Ethical problems 172–179 Labor 331 Labor—ethics—religion 205.64 Occupations 331.7 Occupations T1—023 Occupational ethics—religion 205.64 Occupational ethics see also Ethical problems Professions 331.71 Professions T1—023 Professionals see also Professional workers Professional workers 331.71 Professional workers T1—08622
3 Professional relationships T1—023 Professional relationships—ethics see also Ethical problems Research 001.4 Research T1—072
Relevant WordNet synsets/relationships base synset: conflict of interest (a situation in which a public official's decisions are influenced by the official's personal interests)
base synset: occupation, business, job, line of work, line (the principal activity in your life that you do to earn money) hyponym synset: profession (an occupation requiring special education (especially in the liberal arts or sciences))
base synset: labor, labour, toil (productive work (especially physical work done for wages)) hypernym synset: work (activity directed toward making or doing something)
base synset: research (systematic investigation to establish facts) hypernym synset: investigation, investigating (the work of inquiring into something thoroughly and systematically) hypernym synset: work (activity directed toward making or doing something)
Other relationships
4 174.1 Clergy
Class-to-class relationships (see also Relationships via Relative Index terms) Notational parent 174 Occupational ethics Structural parent 174 Occupational ethics Other
Topics Topic (from caption, including note, class-here note), AW (approximates whole) hierarchically expanded SR (standing room) Occupational ethics of clergy AW
Relative Index terms Relative Index heading Corresponding topic Clergy—occupational ethics Occupational ethics of clergy Missionaries—occupational ethics Occupational ethics of clergy Religious leaders—occupational ethics Occupational ethics of clergy
Relationships via Relative Index terms Relative Index heading Class Clergy 200.92 Missionaries 207.2092 Religious leaders 200.92
Relevant WordNet synsets/relationships base synset: missionary, missioner (someone sent on a mission—especially a religious or charitable mission to a foreign country) hypernym synset: religious person (a person who manifests devotion to a deity)
Other relationships
5 174.2 Medical professions
Class medical ethics related to human reproduction in 176;
Class comprehensive works on bioethics in 174.957
Class-to-class relationships (see also Relationships via Relative Index terms) Notational parent 174 Occupational ethics Structural parent 174 Occupational ethics Other
Topics Topic (from caption, including note, class-here note), AW (approximates whole) hierarchically expanded SR (standing room) Occupational ethics of medical professions AW
Relative Index terms Relative Index heading Corresponding topic Medical ethics Occupational ethics of medical professions
Relationships via Relative Index terms Relative Index heading Class Medicine 610 Human reproduction 612.6 Bioethics 174.957 Life sciences 570
Relevant WordNet synsets/relationships
Other relationships 570 Life sciences Biology For medical sciences , see 610
6 174.22 Hippocratic oath
Class-to-class relationships (see also Relationships via Relative Index terms) Notational parent 174.2 Medical professions Structural parent 174.2 Medical professions Other
Topics Topic (from caption, including note, class-here note), AW (approximates whole) hierarchically expanded SR (standing room) Hippocratic oath AW
Relative Index terms Relative Index heading Corresponding topic Hippocratic oath Hippocratic oath
Relationships via Relative Index terms Relative Index heading Class
Relevant WordNet synsets/relationships base synset: Hippocratic oath (an oath taken by physicians to observe medical ethics deriving from Hippocrates)
Other relationships
7 174.26 Economic questions
Including advertising, fee splitting
Class-to-class relationships (see also Relationships via Relative Index terms) Notational parent 174.2 Medical professions Structural parent 174.2 Medical professions Other
Topics Topic (from caption, including note, class-here note), AW (approximates whole) hierarchically expanded SR (standing room) Economic questions within medical ethics AW Advertising within medical ethics SR Fee splitting within medical ethics SR
Relative Index terms Relative Index heading Corresponding topic Advertising—medical ethics Advertising within medical ethics Fee splitting—medical ethics Fee splitting within medical ethics
Relationships via Relative Index terms Relative Index heading Class Advertising 659.1 Fee splitting (none)
Relevant WordNet synsets/relationships base synset: fee splitting (payment (usually by doctors or lawyers) of part of the fee in return for the referral)
Other relationships
8 174.28 Experimentation
Including embryo research
Class here experimentation on human subjects
Class embryo research relating to human reproduction in 176
For experimentation on animals, see 179.4
Class-to-class relationships (see also Relationships via Relative Index terms) Notational parent 174.2 Medical professions Structural parent 174.2 Medical professions Other Experimentation on human subjects within medical ethics here; experimentation on animal subjects within medical ethics in 179.4 Embryo research (in general) here; embryo research relating to human reproduction in 176 Topics Topic (from caption, including note, class-here note), AW (approximates whole) hierarchically expanded SR (standing room) Experimentation within medical ethics AW Embryo research within medical ethics SR Experimentation on human subjects within medical ethics AW
Relative Index terms Relative Index heading Corresponding topic Clinical drug trials—medical ethics Experimentation on human subjects within medical ethics Clinical trials—medical ethics Experimentation on human subjects within medical ethics Embryo—medical research—ethics Embryo research within medical ethics Experimental medicine—ethics Experimentation within medical ethics Fetal tissue—experimental research— Embryo research within medical ethics medical ethics Human embryo—experimental research Embryo research within medical ethics —medical ethics Human experimentation in medicine— Experimentation on human subjects within ethics medical ethics Institutional review boards (Medicine)* Experimentation within medical ethics; esp. Experimentation on human subjects within medical ethics Stem cells—experimental research— Embryo research within medical ethics medical ethics
9 Relationships via Relative Index terms Relative Index heading Class Clinical drug trials 615.580724 Clinical trials 615.50724 Embryo 571.86 Embryo—medical research 616.027 Embryo transfer—ethics 176 Embryo transplant—ethics 176 Experimental medicine—ethics—religion 205.6428 Experimental medicine 616.027 Experimental medicine—ethics 174.2 see also Medical ethics Fetal tissue—experimental research—medicine 616.027 Human embryo 612.646 Human embryo—experimental research 616.027 Human embryo—transplantation—ethics 176 Human experimentation in medicine—ethics 174.2 see also Medical ethics Institutional review boards (Medicine)* (none/LCSH) Medical ethics 174.2 Stem cells—experimental research—medicine 616.02774
Relevant WordNet synsets/relationships base synset: clinical trial, clinical test (a rigorously controlled test of a new drug or a new invasive medical device on human subjects; in the United States it is conducted under the direction of the FDA before being made available for general clinical use)
base synset: embryo, conceptus, fertilized egg (an animal organism in the early stages of growth and differentiation that in higher forms merge into fetal stages but in lower forms terminate in commencement of larval life)
Other relationships
10 174.29 Specific topics and branches of medicine
Class here innovative procedures
Add to base number 174.29 the numbers following 61 in 610-618 , e.g., organ transplants 174.297954, gene therapy 174.295895, nursing ethics 174.29073, pharmaceutical ethics 174.2951, psychiatric ethics 174.29689
11 Class-to-class relationships (see also Relationships via Relative Index terms) Notational parent 174.2 Medical professions Structural parent 174.2 Medical professions Other Notation representing ethical topics or ethics of specific branches of medicine within 610- 618 can be appended 610 Medicine and health 611 Human anatomy, cytology, histology 612 Human physiology 613 Personal health and safety 614 Forensic medicine; incidence of injuries, wounds, disease; public preventive medicine 615 Pharmacology and therapeutics 616 Diseases 617 Miscellaneous branches of medicine Surgery 618 Other branches of medicine Gynecology and obstetrics Topics Topic (from caption, including note, class-here note), AW (approximates whole) hierarchically expanded SR (standing room) Innovative procedures within medical ethics AW
Relative Index terms Relative Index heading Corresponding topic
Relationships via Relative Index terms Relative Index heading Class Nursing (relative to 174.29073 Nursing ethics) 610.73 Pharmaceutical drugs (relative to 174.2951 615.1 Pharmaceutical ethics) Psychiatry (relative to 174.29689 Psychiatric ethics) 616.89
Relevant WordNet synsets/relationships base synset: transplant, transplantation, organ transplant (an operation moving an organ from one organism (the donor) to another (the recipient)) hypernym synset: operation, surgery, surgical operation, surgical procedure, surgical process (a medical procedure involving an incision with instruments; performed to repair damage or arrest disease in a living body)
Other relationships
12 13 174.3 Legal professions
Class-to-class relationships (see also Relationships via Relative Index terms) Notational parent 174 Occupational ethics Structural parent 174 Occupational ethics Other
Topics Topic (from caption, including note, class-here note), AW (approximates whole) hierarchically expanded SR (standing room) Occupational ethics within the legal profession AW
Relative Index terms Relative Index heading Corresponding topic Judges—occupational ethics Occupational ethics within the legal profession (focused on a specific role) Jury ethics* Occupational ethics within the legal profession (focused on a specific role) Justices of the peace—occupational ethics Occupational ethics within the legal profession (focused on a specific role) Lawyers—occupational ethics Occupational ethics within the legal profession (focused on a specific role) Legal ethics Occupational ethics within the legal profession
Relationships via Relative Index terms Relative Index heading Class Judges 347.014 Juries 347.0752 Justices of the peace 347.016 Lawyers 340.092 Law 340
Relevant WordNet synsets/relationships base synset: judge, justice, jurist (a public official authorized to decide questions brought before a court of justice) hyponym synset: magistrate (a lay judge or civil authority who administers the law (especially one who conducts a court dealing with minor offenses)) hyponym synset: justice of the peace (a local magistrate with limited powers)
base synset: jury (a body of citizens sworn to give a true verdict according to the evidence presented in a court of law)
14 base synset: lawyer, attorney (a professional person authorized to practice law; conducts lawsuits or gives legal advice)
Other relationships
15 174.4 Business ethics
Including industrial espionage
Class here ethics of finance, manufacturing, trade
Class-to-class relationships (see also Relationships via Relative Index terms) Notational parent 174 Occupational ethics Structural parent 174 Occupational ethics Other
Topics Topic (from caption, including note, class-here note), AW (approximates whole) hierarchically expanded SR (standing room) Business economics AW Industrial espionage SR Ethics of finance AW Ethics of manufacturing AW Ethics of trade AW
Relative Index terms Relative Index heading Corresponding topic Business ethics Business ethics Commerce—ethics Ethics of trade Finance—ethics Ethics of finance Industrial espionage—ethics Industrial espionage Manufacturing—ethics Ethics of manufacturing
Relationships via Relative Index terms Relative Index heading Class Business 650 Commerce 381 Finance 332 Industrial espionage 364.16 Espionage 327.12 Espionage—ethics 172.4
Relevant WordNet synsets/relationships base synset: commercial enterprise, business enterprise, business (the activity of providing goods and services involving financial and commercial and industrial aspects) hyponym synset: finance (the commercial activity of providing funds and capital)
16 base synset: commerce, commercialism, mercantilism (transactions (sales and purchases) having the objective of supplying commodities (goods and services)) hyponym synset: trade (the commercial exchange (buying and selling on domestic or international markets) of goods and services)
Other relationships
17 174.6 Gambling business
Including lottery management
See also 175 for gambling
Class-to-class relationships (see also Relationships via Relative Index terms) Notational parent 174 Occupational ethics Structural parent 174 Occupational ethics Other Occupational ethics of gambling business here; ethics of gambling in 175 Ethics of recreation, leisure, public performances, communication Topics Topic (from caption, including note, class-here note), AW (approximates whole) hierarchically expanded SR (standing room) Occupational ethics of gambling business AW Occupational ethics of lottery management SR
Relative Index terms Relative Index heading Corresponding topic Gambling—occupational ethics Occupational ethics of gambling business Lotteries—occupational ethics Occupational ethics of lottery management
Relationships via Relative Index terms Relative Index heading Class Gambling 306.482 Lotteries 795.38
Relevant WordNet synsets/relationships base synset: gambling, gaming, play (the act of playing for stakes in the hope of winning (including the payment of a price for a chance to win a prize)) hyponym synset: game of chance, gambling game (a game that involves gambling) hyponym synset: lottery, drawing (players buy (or are given) chances and prizes are distributed by casting lots)
Other relationships
18 174.9 Other professions and occupations
Add to base number 174.9 notation 001-999, e.g., bioethics 174.957; however, for ethics of public administration and public office, see 172.2 Notation 001-999 replaces notation 7_09-7_99 from Table 7 with the result that many numbers have been reused with new meanings
Class-to-class relationships (see also Relationships via Relative Index terms) Notational parent 174 Occupational ethics Structural parent 174 Occupational ethics Other Notation representing professions and occupations not provided for elsewhere in 174 can be appended; however, Ethics of public administration and public office in 172.2 Topics Topic (from caption, including note, class-here note), AW (approximates whole) hierarchically expanded SR (standing room)
Relative Index terms Relative Index heading Corresponding topic
Relationships via Relative Index terms Relative Index heading Class Biology (relative to 174.957 Bioethics) 570
Relevant WordNet synsets/relationships
Other relationships Relationship of notationx at timea to notationx at timeb
19 Appendix A WordNet background material
Excerpted from Rebecca Green. 2009. WordNet. Encyclopedia of Library and Information Sciences, 3rd ed. Marcia J. Bates, Mary Niles Maack, Eds., New York: Taylor & Francis.
WordNet is a lexical database of English word senses, organized chiefly around their semantic relationships with each other, developed by the Cognitive Science Laboratory of Princeton University, where it continues to be maintained. . . . WordNet presents the lexicon of English as a semantic network, with groups of words that express the same concept as nodes and semantic relationships as arcs. WordNet presents a separate network for each of the four open-classed parts-of-speech: nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs. Its coverage of general English is reasonably comprehensive: As of late 2008, WordNet includes 117,798 nouns (146,312 senses), 11,529 verbs (25,047 senses), 21,479 adjectives (30,002 senses), and 4,481 adverbs (5,580 senses).
SEMANTIC RELATIONSHIPS IN WORDNET The basic organizational unit of WordNet, the synset is based on the semantic relationship of synonymy, the phenomenon of being able to use different words or phrases to express essentially the same meaning. For example, the sentences The gas gauge reads almost empty, The gas gauge registers almost empty, and The gas gauge shows almost empty all convey the same basic information. Thus, in this context, read, register, and show are synonyms, and in WordNet belong to the same synset (with record). At the same time that one meaning can be expressed by multiple words or phrases, many words can also have multiple meanings, each of which is a different word sense. This phenomenon is called polysemy. Thus, in addition, to the meaning that it has in common with register and show, read can also mean the same as understand (Can you read/understand Russian?), while register can also mean the same as file (Would you like to register/file a complaint?), and show can also mean the same as usher (Will you please show/usher them to their seats?). WordNet’s basic unit, the synset, is thus not a grouping of words, but a grouping of word senses. The word senses that form a synset express a concept, which is further explicated through a gloss; often one or more example sentences or sentence fragments follow. The gloss given in WordNet for the read, register, show, record synset is “(indicate a certain reading; of gauges and instruments),” while “The thermometer showed thirteen degrees below zero” and “The gauge read ‘empty’”are given as example usages.
Many of the other semantic relationship types in WordNet hold between synsets. The most important of these is the hypernymy/hyponymy relationship, the linguistic analog of the genus/species relationship. This relationship structures the noun and verb networks. In the case of nouns, the hyponym synset is-a-kind-of the hypernym synset; in the case of verbs, hyponym synsets elaborate the manner of the hypernym synset (thus WordNet refers to verb hyponyms as troponyms). For example, the hypernym synset of the read, register, show, record synset—most noun and verb synsets have only a single hypernym synset—consists of a sense of indicate “(to state or express briefly) indicated his wishes in a letter,” while the synset has in turn three hyponym synsets, each consisting of a single word sense: “say (indicate) The clock says noon,” “show “(give evidence of, as of records) The diary shows his distress that evening,” and “strike
20 (indicate (a certain time) by striking) The clock struck midnight; Just when I entered, the clock struck.”
The hierarchical structure of WordNet’s noun network is more highly elaborated than that of its verb network. First, the noun hierarchy is unique in having a single synset (“entity”) at the top of its hierarchy; one level down, the noun hierarchy divides into physical entities and abstract entities. Further divisions in the noun network may extend to a dozen or more levels, while the verb hierarchy is comparatively shallow. (Synsets at the bottom of the hierarchy—that is, synsets that have no hyponym synsets—predominate in both networks.) Second, in addition to the set-subset relationship of the standard hypernym/hyponym relationship, WordNet’s noun network also recognizes a type-token relationship, the hypernym/hyponym instance relationship. For example, the synset “escape, flight (the act of escaping physically)” has two instance hyponym synsets: “Hegira, Hejira (the flight of Muhammad from Mecca to Medina in 622 . . )” and “Underground Railroad, Underground Railway (secret aid to escaping slaves that was provided by abolitionists in the years before the American Civil War).” Third, the noun network is also structured by a set of part-whole (holonym/meronym) relationships, differentiated by whether the part is a member of the whole (as an animal is of the animal kingdom), the substance of which the whole is made (as wool is of a tweed), or a physical part of the whole (as a cell is of an organism).
. . .
WordNet’s structuring of the English lexicon is potentially controversial in at least two ways. First, lexical resources often achieve different results in analyzing a word into its senses, both as to number and as to identity; Kilgarriff2 concludes that word senses need to be treated relative to a specific task. Second, WordNet is sometimes referred to as an ontology in the external literature, but its hierarchical structure was not designed to support strict ontological reasoning. For example, WordNet treats natural language processing as a hyponym of information science —a relationship that would likely surprise researchers in both fields. In light of WordNet’s use within the Semantic Web community in a variety of tasks (e.g., annotation, retrieval, ontology alignment), a W3C WordNet Task Force developed a standard RDF/OWL conversion of WordNet to support its being queried by Semantic Web applications; however, the question whether WordNet qualifies as a “proper subclass hierarchy” was explicitly considered outside the scope of the task force’s work.3
2 Kilgarriff, Adam. “I don’t believe in word senses.” Computers and the Humanities 1997, 31 (2), 91-113. 3 Van Assem, M.; Gangemi, A.; Schreiber, G.; Eds. RDF/OWL Representation of WordNet, W3C Working Draft 19 June 2006. (accessed November 2008).