Recreation 2014: Composite Sample Study Plan
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Recreation 2014 Composite study plan for an Authority-registered subject area syllabus (sample)
Use this form to outline your school’s plan for teaching and assessing this Authority-registered subject. Please complete this study plan on the computer. Do not worry if a table breaks over to a new page. Study plans are available from the QCAA website
Please note: Insert the school details in section 1, the study plan in section 2 and student profile in section 3. 1. Section 1: School statement School: A Queensland school School code: 999 Subject area Recreation Subject code: 6407 syllabus: School contact: A teacher Phone: 2345 9876
a new study plan an amendment to an approved study This is: a resubmission of a non- plan approved study plan
Application for approval I, the principal/school moderator of Sunshine State College, affirm the school has the resources to implement this program of study. This school agrees to apply the principles of assessment as outlined in the subject area syllabus, and to follow the procedures and conditions set by the QCAA for approval of the study plan and certification of student achievement. The timetabled school time devoted to the study and assessment of this subject is a minimum of 55 hours per semester (220 hours).
Check to indicate your agreement.
Principal / school moderator name: A. Principal Date: 23/10/2014
2. Section 2: Course and assessment overview Recreation is a four-semester course of study. Semesters 1 and 2 of the course are designed to allow students to begin their engagement with the course content, i.e. the knowledge, understandings and skills of the subject. Course content, learning experiences and assessment increase in complexity across the four semesters as students develop greater independence as learners. Semesters 3 and 4 consolidate their learning. The study area core underpins this SAS and is described through concepts and ideas and associated knowledge, understanding and skills. The electives provide contexts through which students build on underpinning core concepts and ideas. Refer to the study plan requirements — available at Fill in the columns as per the following: units of work — unit title and outline of concepts and ideas approximate time (Section 3.2 of the syllabus) course organisation indicate the integration of core and electives (Sections 3.2.1 and 3.2.2 of the syllabus) assessment description — identify the technique and describe the conditions of assessment, e.g. access to resources, supervised/unsupervised (Section 4.4 of the syllabus). For a composite arrangement The Recreation syllabus enables teachers to develop a course that caters for combined Year 11 and Year 12 classes. The syllabus can support teaching and learning for composite classes by enabling teachers to: structure learning experiences and assessment to allow students to access the core topics and ideas suited to their needs in each year level provide opportunities for multilevel group work, peer teaching and independent work. Learning experiences and assessment need to cater for both year levels throughout the course. Even though tasks may be similar for both year levels, Year 12 tasks are more complex, have different conditions according to the syllabus or are extended tasks, demonstrating greater depth of the core. The following may prove helpful in designing a course of study for a composite class: the course of study could be written in a Cycle A/Cycle B format, if the school intends to teach the same topics to both cohorts topics that will allow Year 11 students ease of entry into the course should be scheduled in the beginning of the year.
Recreation 2014: Composite sample study plan
Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority
November 2014 Page 2 of 19 Cycle A Se Unit title and outline of concepts As Integrated Core and Electives Assessment Dimensions me and ideas ses Technique, description, conditions, ste sm length/time r ent Ele Topic 1 T Topic 3 Topic 4 Ac Ap Ev inst ctiv o qui plyi alu ru e rin ng atin me g g nt nu mb er 1 Indoor rock climbing 1 In ☒ ☒ ☒ ☒ 3 Performance F ☒ ☒ ☒ Recreation has an important role within do Continuous Australian society. or assessment Agencies have a role in the promotion of R across unit. recreation, physical activity and health in oc Participation in the broader community. k climbing Cl activities Physical activity in recreation activities im supports the development and bi Involvement as maintenance of health. ng participant, Policies, strategies, rules and technology organiser and can be used to promote health and safety supervisor and recreation. Coaching of peers Personal and interpersonal skills, including Demonstration of leadership and communication skills, health and are essential for effective participation in safety recreational activities. mechanisms and procedures Self and peer evaluation Teacher observations Strength and conditioning — resistance 2 St ☒ ☒ ☒ ☒ 3 Investigation F ☒ ☒ ☒ training re Research journal Recreation has an important role within ng (600–800 words) Australian society. th Effects of physical Agencies have a role in the promotion of an activity on recreation, physical activity and health in d health C Recreation 2014 Composite study plan for an Authority-registered subject area syllabus (sample) Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority November 2014 Page 3 of 19 Se Unit title and outline of concepts As Integrated Core and Electives Assessment Dimensions me and ideas ses Technique, description, conditions, ste sm length/time r ent Ele Topic 1 T Topic 3 Topic 4 Ac Ap Ev inst ctiv o qui plyi alu ru e rin ng atin me g g nt nu the broader community. mb on Understanding Physical activity in recreation activities dit personal supports the development and io performance maintenance of health. ni Policies, strategies, rules and technology ng can be used to promote health and safety and recreation. 2 Coaching your team 3 T ☒ ☒ ☒ ☒ 3 Project F ☒ ☒ ☒ Recreation has an important role within ou Component 1 — Australian society ch Planning report Agencies have a role in the promotion of (400–700 words) recreation, physical activity and health in the broader community. Component 2 — Performance Physical activity in recreation activities supports the development and (continuous maintenance of health. assessment) Policies, strategies, rules and technology Teacher can be used to promote health and safety observations and recreation. and checklists Personal and interpersonal skills, including Involvement as leadership and communication skills, participant, are essential for effective participation in organiser and recreation activities. supervisor Demonstration of health and safety mechanisms and procedures Self and peer evaluation Component 3 — Spoken task
Recreation 2014: Composite sample study plan
Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority November 2014 Page 4 of 19 Se Unit title and outline of concepts As Integrated Core and Electives Assessment Dimensions me and ideas ses Technique, description, conditions, ste sm length/time r ent Ele Topic 1 T Topic 3 Topic 4 Ac Ap Ev inst ctiv o qui plyi alu ru e rin ng atin me g g nt nu mb (1½–3½ mins) Review and reflection Evaluation of session Volleyball 4 V ☒ ☒ ☒ ☒ 3 Performance F ☒ ☒ ☒ Recreation has an important role within oll Continuous Australian society. ey assessment Physical activity in recreation activities ba across unit. supports the development and ll Participation in maintenance of health. court game Policies, strategies, rules and technology activities can be used to promote health and safety Involvement as and recreation. participant, Personal and interpersonal skills, including organiser and leadership and communication skills, supervisor are essential for effective participation in Coaching of peers recreation activities. Demonstration of health and safety mechanisms and procedures Self and peer evaluation Teacher observations and checklists 3 Orienteering 5 O ☒ ☒ ☒ ☒ 3 Performance: S ☒ ☒ ☒ Recreation has an important role within ri Continuous Australian society. e assessment Agencies have a role in the promotion of nt across unit. e Recreation 2014 Composite study plan for an Authority-registered subject area syllabus (sample) Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority November 2014 Page 5 of 19 Se Unit title and outline of concepts As Integrated Core and Electives Assessment Dimensions me and ideas ses Technique, description, conditions, ste sm length/time r ent Ele Topic 1 T Topic 3 Topic 4 Ac Ap Ev inst ctiv o qui plyi alu ru e rin ng atin me g g nt nu recreation, physical activity and health in mb Participation in the broader community. orienteering Physical activity in recreation activities activities supports the development and Involvement as maintenance of health. participant, Policies, strategies, rules and technology organiser and can be used to promote health and safety supervisor and recreation. Coaching of peers er Personal and interpersonal skills, including in Demonstration of leadership and communication skills, health and g are essential for effective participation in safety recreation activities. mechanisms and procedures Self and peer evaluation Teacher observations and checklists Event management — tournament 6 F ☒ ☒ ☒ ☒ 3 Project: S ☒ ☒ ☒ conduct ut Component 1 — Recreation has an important role within sa Planning Report Australian society. l (500–900 words) Agencies have a role in the promotion of Component 2 — recreation, physical activity and health in Performance the broader community. (continuous Physical activity in recreation activities assessment) supports the development and maintenance of health. Teacher observations Policies, strategies, rules and technology and checklists can be used to promote health and safety and recreation. Involvement as participant, Personal and interpersonal skills, including organiser and Recreation 2014: Composite sample study plan
Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority November 2014 Page 6 of 19 Se Unit title and outline of concepts As Integrated Core and Electives Assessment Dimensions me and ideas ses Technique, description, conditions, ste sm length/time r ent Ele Topic 1 T Topic 3 Topic 4 Ac Ap Ev inst ctiv o qui plyi alu ru e rin ng atin me g g nt nu leadership and communication skills, mb supervisor are essential for effective participation in Management and recreation activities. conduct Demonstration of health and safety mechanisms and procedures Self and peer evaluation Component 3 — Spoken task (2½–3½ mins) Review and reflection Evaluation of session 4 Strength and conditioning — speed and 7 St ☒ ☒ ☒ ☒ 3 Investigation: S ☒ ☒ ☒ endurance training re Report (600–1000 Recreation has an important role within n words) Australian society. gt Effects of physical Physical activity in recreation activities h activity on supports the development and a health maintenance of health. n Understanding Policies, strategies, rules and technology d personal can be used to promote health and safety co performance and recreation. n Personal and interpersonal skills, including dit leadership and communication skills, io are essential for effective participation in ni recreation activities. n
Recreation 2014 Composite study plan for an Authority-registered subject area syllabus (sample) Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority November 2014 Page 7 of 19 Se Unit title and outline of concepts As Integrated Core and Electives Assessment Dimensions me and ideas ses Technique, description, conditions, ste sm length/time r ent Ele Topic 1 T Topic 3 Topic 4 Ac Ap Ev inst ctiv o qui plyi alu ru e rin ng atin me g g nt nu mb
Badminton 8 ☒ ☒ ☒ ☒ 3 Performance: S ☒ ☒ ☒ Recreation has an important role within Continuous Australian society. assessment Physical activity in recreation activities across unit. supports the development and Participation in maintenance of health. court game Policies, strategies, rules and technology activities can be used to promote health and safety Involvement as and recreation. B participant, Personal and interpersonal skills, including ad organiser and leadership and communication skills, mi supervisor are essential for effective participation nt Demonstration of in recreation activities. on health and safety mechanisms and procedures Self and peer evaluation Teacher observations and checklists
Recreation 2014: Composite sample study plan
Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority November 2014 Page 8 of 19 Cycle B
Recreation 2014 Composite study plan for an Authority-registered subject area syllabus (sample) Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority November 2014 Page 9 of 19 Se Unit title and outline of concepts Integrated Core and Electives Ap Dimensions me and ideas pro ste As xim r ses ate sm tim Formative or Summative ent e inst (ho ru urs me ) nt Ele Cat Topic 2 To To Ac A Evaluati nu ctiv eg pic pic qui p ng mb e ory 3 4 rin er g
1 Orienteering 1 C ☒ ☒ ☒ 30 Performance: F ☒ ☒ ☒ Recreation has an important role within h Continuous assessment across unit. Australian society. a ll Participation in orienteering activities Agencies have a role in the promotion of e Involvement as participant, organiser recreation, physical activity and health in n and supervisor the broader community. g Coaching of peers Physical activity in recreation activities e Demonstration of health and safety supports the development and mechanisms and procedures maintenance of health. a O Self and peer evaluation Policies, strategies, rules and technology n r Teacher observations and checklists can be used to promote health and safety d i and recreation. e a Personal and interpersonal skills, including n d leadership and communication skills, t v are essential for effective participation in e e recreation activities. e n r t i u n r g e
a c ti v it Recreation 2014 i Composite study plan for an Authority-registered subject area syllabus (sample) Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority November 2014 Page 10 of 19 Se Unit title and outline of concepts Integrated Core and Electives Ap Dimensions me and ideas pro ste As xim r ses ate sm tim Formative or Summative ent e inst (ho ru urs me ) nt Ele Cat Topic 2 To To Ac A Evaluati nu ctiv eg pic pic qui p ng mb e ory 3 4 rin er g
Event management — tournament 2 ☒ ☒ ☒ 30 Project: F ☒ ☒ ☒ conduct Component 1 — Planning Report Recreation has an important role within G (400–700 words) Australian society. a Component 2 — Performance Agencies have a role in the promotion of m recreation, physical activity and health in e (continuous assessment) s the broader community. F Teacher observations and checklists a Physical activity in recreation activities u Involvement as participant, organiser n supports the development and t and supervisor d maintenance of health. s Management and conduct
a Policies, strategies, rules and technology s Demonstration of health and safety l can be used to promote health and safety p mechanisms and procedures and recreation. o Self and peer evaluation Personal and interpersonal skills, including r Component 3 — Spoken task leadership and communication skills, t are essential for effective participation in s (1½–3½ mins) recreation activities. Review and reflection Evaluation of session
Recreation 2014 Composite study plan for an Authority-registered subject area syllabus (sample) Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority November 2014 Page 11 of 19 Se Unit title and outline of concepts Integrated Core and Electives Ap Dimensions me and ideas pro ste As xim r ses ate sm tim Formative or Summative ent e inst (ho ru urs me ) nt Ele Cat Topic 2 To To Ac A Evaluati nu ctiv eg pic pic qui p ng mb e ory 3 4 rin er g
2 Strength and Conditioning — speed and 3 H ☒ ☒ ☒ 30 Investigation: F ☒ ☒ ☒ endurance training e Report (600–800 words) S a Recreation has an important role within Effects of physical activity on health Australian society. t lt r h Understanding personal performance Physical activity in recreation activities e - supports the development and n r maintenance of health. g e Policies, strategies, rules and technology t l can be used to promote health and safety h a and recreation. t Personal and interpersonal skills, including a e leadership and communication skills, are n d essential for effective participation in d recreation activities. p C h o y n s d i it c i a o l n a i c n ti g v it y Recreation 2014 Composite study plan for an Authority-registered subject area syllabus (sample) Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority November 2014 Page 12 of 19 Se Unit title and outline of concepts Integrated Core and Electives Ap Dimensions me and ideas pro ste As xim r ses ate sm tim Formative or Summative ent e inst (ho ru urs me ) nt Ele Cat Topic 2 To To Ac A Evaluati nu ctiv eg pic pic qui p ng mb e ory 3 4 rin er g
Badminton 4 G ☒ ☒ ☒ 30 Performance: F ☒ ☒ ☒ Recreation has an important role within a Continuous assessment across unit. Australian society. m B e Participation in orienteering activities Physical activity in recreation activities a s Involvement as participant, organiser supports the development and d a and supervisor maintenance of health. m n Coaching of peers Policies, strategies, rules and technology i d Demonstration of health and safety can be used to promote health and safety n mechanisms and procedures and recreation. t s Self and peer evaluation Personal and interpersonal skills, including o p Teacher observations and checklists leadership and communication skills, n o are essential for effective participation in r recreation activities. t s
Recreation 2014 Composite study plan for an Authority-registered subject area syllabus (sample) Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority November 2014 Page 13 of 19 Se Unit title and outline of concepts Integrated Core and Electives Ap Dimensions me and ideas pro ste As xim r ses ate sm tim Formative or Summative ent e inst (ho ru urs me ) nt Ele Cat Topic 2 To To Ac A Evaluati nu ctiv eg pic pic qui p ng mb e ory 3 4 rin er g
3 Indoor Rock Climbing 5 C ☒ ☒ ☒ 30 Performance: S ☒ ☒ ☒ Recreation has an important role within h Continuous assessment across unit. Australian society. a ll Participation in orienteering activities Agencies have a role in the promotion of e Involvement as participant, organiser recreation, physical activity and health in n and supervisor the broader community. g Coaching of peers Physical activity in recreation activities I e Demonstration of health and safety supports the development and n mechanisms and procedures maintenance of health. d a Self and peer evaluation Policies, strategies, rules and technology o n Teacher observations and checklists can be used to promote health and safety o d and recreation. r Personal and interpersonal skills, including R a leadership and communication skills, o d are essential for effective participation in c v recreational activities. k e C n li t m u b r i e n g a c ti v it i Recreation 2014 Composite study plan for an Authority-registered subject area syllabus (sample) Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority November 2014 Page 14 of 19 Se Unit title and outline of concepts Integrated Core and Electives Ap Dimensions me and ideas pro ste As xim r ses ate sm tim Formative or Summative ent e inst (ho ru urs me ) nt Ele Cat Topic 2 To To Ac A Evaluati nu ctiv eg pic pic qui p ng mb e ory 3 4 rin er g
Strength and Conditioning — resistance 6 H ☒ ☒ ☒ 30 Investigation S ☒ ☒ ☒ training e Research journal (600–1000 words) a Recreation has an important role within Effects of physical activity on health Australian society. S lt t h Understanding personal performance Agencies have a role in the promotion of r - recreation, physical activity and health in e r the broader community. n e Physical activity in recreation activities g l supports the development and t a maintenance of health. h t Policies, strategies, rules and technology e can be used to promote health and safety a d and recreation. n d p h C y o s n i d c it a i l o a n c i ti n v g it i e Recreation 2014 Composite study plan for an Authority-registered subject area syllabus (sample) Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority November 2014 Page 15 of 19 Se Unit title and outline of concepts Integrated Core and Electives Ap Dimensions me and ideas pro ste As xim r ses ate sm tim Formative or Summative ent e inst (ho ru urs me ) nt Ele Cat Topic 2 To To Ac A Evaluati nu ctiv eg pic pic qui p ng mb e ory 3 4 rin er g
4 Coaching your team 7 ☒ ☒ ☒ 30 Project S ☒ ☒ ☒ Recreation has an important role within G Component 1 — Planning report Australian society. a (500–900 words) Agencies have a role in the promotion of m Component 2 — Performance recreation, physical activity and health in e the broader community. s (continuous assessment) Physical activity in recreation activities T a Teacher observations and checklists supports the development and o n Involvement as participant, organiser maintenance of health. u d and supervisor Policies, strategies, rules and technology c Demonstration of health and safety can be used to promote health and safety h s mechanisms and procedures and recreation. p Self and peer evaluation Personal and interpersonal skills, including o Component 3 — Spoken task leadership and communication skills, r are essential for effective participation in t (2½–3½ mins) recreation activities. s Review and reflection Evaluation of session
Recreation 2014 Composite study plan for an Authority-registered subject area syllabus (sample) Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority November 2014 Page 16 of 19 Se Unit title and outline of concepts Integrated Core and Electives Ap Dimensions me and ideas pro ste As xim r ses ate sm tim Formative or Summative ent e inst (ho ru urs me ) nt Ele Cat Topic 2 To To Ac A Evaluati nu ctiv eg pic pic qui p ng mb e ory 3 4 rin er g
Volleyball 8 G ☒ ☒ ☒ 30 Performance S ☒ ☒ ☒ Recreation has an important role within a Continuous assessment across unit. Australian society. m e Participation in orienteering activities V Physical activity in recreation activities s Involvement as participant, organiser o supports the development and a and supervisor ll maintenance of health. n Coaching of peers e Policies, strategies, rules and technology d y Demonstration of health and safety can be used to promote health and safety b mechanisms and procedures and recreation. s a Self and peer evaluation Personal and interpersonal skills, including p ll Teacher observations and checklists leadership and communication skills, o are essential for effective participation in r recreation activities. t s
Recreation 2014 Composite study plan for an Authority-registered subject area syllabus (sample) Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority November 2014 Page 17 of 19 3. Section 3: Student profile
Cycle A Se Unit Ass Assessment instrument For me ess mat ster me ive Eval nt or Acqu Appl uatin No Su iring ying g mm ativ e 1 Indoor Rock Climbing 1 Performance F
Strength and 2 Investigation F Conditioning
Interim standards
2 Coaching your team 3 Project F
Volleyball 4 Performance F
Interim standards
3 Orienteering 5 Performance S
Event management 6 Project S
Interim standards
4 Strength and 7 Investigation S Conditioning
Badminton 8 Performance S
Exit standards
Exit Level of Achievement
Recreation 2014: Composite sample study plan
Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority November 2014
Page 18 of 19 4. Section 3: Student profile
Cycle B Se Unit Ass Assessment instrument For me ess mat ster me ive Eval nt or Acqu Appl uatin No Su iring ying g mm ativ e 1 Orienteering 1 Performance F
Event management 2 Project F
Interim standards
2 Strength and 3 Investigation F Conditioning
Badminton 4 Performance F
Interim standards
3 Indoor Rock Climbing 5 Performance S
Strength and 6 Investigation S Conditioning
Interim standards
4 Coaching your team 7 Project S
Volleyball 8 Performance S
Exit standards
Exit Level of Achievement
Recreation 2014 Composite study plan for an Authority-registered subject area syllabus (sample) Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority November 2014 Page 19 of 19