Parish of Our Lady of Fatima s6

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Parish of Our Lady of Fatima s6

Parish of Our Lady of Fatima 159 Kenneth Kaunda Rd, Durban North, 4051 E-Mail [email protected]: Tel: 0315635554 Fax: 0315634684 Parish Priest: Fr Justin Stirton Pastoral Assistant: Irene Helsdon 30th July 2017 Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A Missal References Page 427 (old), 366 (new) Next Sunday’s Scripture Page 948 (old), 1042 (new) Next Sunday Transfiguration of the Lord Feasts of the Week Tuesday St Alphonsus Liguori Wednesday St Eusebius of Vercaelli & St Peter Julian Eymard Friday St John Vianney Saturday Dedication of the Basilica of St Mary Major Entrance Antiphon God is in his holy place, God who unites those who dwell in his house; he himself gives might and strength to his people. Responsorial Psalm Psalm 119 O Lord, how I love your law. I have said, “O Lord, my portion is to obey your words.” The law from your mouth means more to me than large quantities of silver and gold. Let your merciful love console me by your promise to your servant. Show me compassion, that I may live, for your law is my delight. That is why I love your commands more than finest gold, why I rule my life by your precepts, and hate false ways. Your decrees are wonderful indeed; therefore my soul obeys them. The unfolding of your word gives light, and understanding to the simple. O Lord, how I love your law. Gospel Acclamation Alleluia, alleluia Blessed are you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that you have revealed to little ones the mysteries of the kingdom. Alleluia. Communion Antiphon Bless the Lord, O my soul, and never forget all his benefits. This Week’s Diary Monday Communion Service 9.00am RCIA 6.30pm Tuesday Gospel Sharing 9.15am Holy Hour 5.00pm Communion Service 6.00pm Wednesday Communion Service 6.30am Thursday Communion Service 7.00am Dominican Associates Meeting 9.30am Communion Service 6.00pm Choir Practice 6.30pm Friday Communion Service 6.30am Men’s Breakfast 7.00am School Mass 7.45am Saturday Mass (Fatima Convent Founders’ Day) 9.00am No Confessions Sunday Masses 7.00am; 9.00am & 5.15pm Life Teen 6.30pm

Please pray for the Sick, especially Relatives Tris Tillard’s sister; Peter Nadine Paul’s mother; Margaret Gladys Meyer’s son; Jean & Squires; Joy Lees’ grandniece; Beechey’s mother; Denise Irvine’s Pauline Leclezio’s son & Louise Kin’s sister; Gladys daughter; Maryse Wardell’s daughter-in-law; Jan Huiskamp’s Cole’s brother; Renee mother; Irene Helsdon’s niece; sister; Titi Pitso’s brother; Giel Armstrong’s sisters; Maryse Elsa Pearton’s granddaughter & van der Merwe’s daughter; Susan Bowman’s nieces; Annette son Michael; Norlie McDonogh’s Munks’ mother; Lyn Campbell’s Hoyer’s parents; Jo James’ sister-in-law & brother; Lynne mother; June Tatchell’s mother; nephew, granddaughter & son; Tillard’s brother; George Urquhart’s Hendrika Brock; Ruth Florence’s Nancy Chettiar’s mother & mother; Tottie Bremner’s nephew; mother; Eleanor Scott’s husband; sister; Heather Rorick; Stuart Michelle Lock’s father; Mary Ann Ben Morasutti’s son Jos; Janice McGregor; Tracy Mendonidis & Salvage’s 4 brothers; Theresa Cottingham’s brother; Duncan Candice Houseman’s mother; Hoogewerf’s uncle; Warren Miller’s father; Robert & Carol Marjorie Mawbey’s niece; Alma Walker’s uncle; Denise Topp’s Price’s grandson; Tom Jones; Osborn’s grandson; Anna daughter & son-in-law; May Norraine Swanby; Hugh Elliot; Kalinowska’s mother; Sharon Dormehl’s brother-in-law & Nomusa Mkhwanazi’s brother; Ellis’ sister; Brenda Bennison; daughter; Claire Booth’s brother; Fr Justin’s relatives; Michael Ann Appelgren’s husband; John Peggy du Plessis’ brother, sister & Quarsingh’s brother; Milly van Bremner’s nephew. daughter-in-law; Fr Des brother & Gogh’s nephew Tryone. nephew; Gail Hansen’s mother. Parishioners Virgile Bonhomme; Anthea Jack; Daphne Rahmer; Milly van Gogh; Bernard D’Unienville; Daniel Sr Catherina; Joy Lees; Cameron May Dormehl; Pierette Lenferna; Singery; Denyse Surmon; Gill Smith; Felicity Harrison; Jenny Teresa Latouf; Caron Martins; Yelland; Mervin Moonsamy; Mike Ducray; Roger Brouard; Maryse Gerrit Snyders; Sandra Teodosio; Coward; Anne Golding; Monique Bowman; Pat du Trevou; Randy Pat Sturgess; Lynne Govender; Saint-George; Verna Cavanagh; Tryon; Gordon Urquhart; Gladys & Moises de Sousa; Elsa Pearton; Maria Dus; Clyde Alborough. Mavon Cole; Cathy Hogg. Dcn Peter Venter; Leigh Went. Hannah Donaldson; Kathy Paulus PLEASE CONTINUE TO PRAY for Deacon Peter Venter and the intentions of all clergy. Scripture Readings For Next Sunday Daniel 7: 9-10, 13-14 2 Peter 1: 16-19 Matthew 17: 1-9 PLEASE PRAY FOR THE REPOSE OF THE SOUL of Cathy Hogg and Elizabeth Clayton (mother of Pauline Lotter). May their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace, Amen. FR JUSTIN AWAY FROM THE PARISH  He will be away on his annual leave from 31st July to 30th August inclusive.  While Fr Justin is on leave Masses during the week will be replaced with Communion Services. Masses will continue as normal on Sundays.  The weekday Mass Intentions which are affected will be rescheduled to the nearest available Masses. CONFESSIONS While Fr Justin Stirton is on leave there will be no confessions in the Parish. Parishioners may attend at our neighbouring parish. Their Confession times are as follows: Blessed Sacrament, Virginia Saturdays from 4.00pm – 5.00pm and on request (Tel 031 564 7587) Parish Pastoral Council We are grateful to all who offered to serve on the new Parish Pastoral Council. It has not been necessary to have elections because all the groups of ministries are well-represented by those who volunteered. The new Pastoral Councillors will be Alisande Bradshaw, John Bremner, Mark Campbell, Archie Cottingham, Bronwyn Curtis, Bridget de Beer, Nicolas de Freitas, Jeremy Goldstone and Myron Quarsingh. There will be representation from the Dominican Sisters. Upon Fr Justin’s return from leave, the current Pastoral Councillors’ term of office will end and the new Councillors will be inducted.

Join us at LIFE TEEN as we explore The Bible in an 8-week series called ‘ Scripture ’ What? An inspiring and engaging catechetical program for high school teenagers to learn and have fun with new friends, while growing their faith When Every Sunday after 5:15pm Mass | Life Teen: 6:30pm - 8:00pm Tonight’s Life Night: “ONCE UPON A TIME” Next Week: “WORD OF MOUTH” ______LIFE TEEN PARENTS’ CHEESE & WINE EVENING: A Recap and Information Meeting | This Evening @ 6:30pm, during Life Teen MEN’S BREAKFAST All men of the Parish are invited for a time of fellowship and breakfast to be held in the Parish Hall at R40,00 per person; commencing with a Communion Service at 6.30am on Friday 4th August. We will have a guest speaker, Raymond Perrier who will be speaking on “What does it take to be a Christian citizen?” To assist with catering please book your place by calling or emailing the Parish Office on 031 563 5554 or [email protected] by Wednesday 2nd August. Society of St Vincent de Paul (SSVP) APPEAL FOR FOOD The Society of St Vincent de Paul would like to thank everyone who brought an item of non-perishable food last Sunday. Unfortunately, there is still a great need. The item on request this week is: Maize Meal (1 Kg) Something NEW!! SSVP will be offering a new addition to their Bacon Roll and Book Sale this Sunday – Coffee like no other!! – comes in “What Else” or “Double What Else” tastes and more. The favorite of Jaco Blaco and George MaWhoo-ney, and best described as “Incomparable!!”. If you are going to change anything today, come and buy a cup of coffee after the 7 a.m. and 9 a.m. Masses, and you will “Change Nothing” thereafter. Better still, also buy one of our tasty Bacon Rolls to go with your coffee. Second Hand Books SSVP is looking for more donations of books for their bookshop. Please drop these off at the parish office or contact the parish office to arrange collection. The Archdiocese of Durban Youth Ministry will be hosting a GET FIT & WELLNESS DAY for all young people on Saturday 12th August, at St Anthony’s Parish. The event will start at 9:00am, with an entrance fee of R20.00. For more information please see the noticeboards at both entrances of the Church.

Kwa Thintwa School for the Deaf at Inchanga (Comrades Route – R103, Old Main Rd) Will be hosting a Fun Run on Saturday the 19th August to raise funds for the school. The cost is only R20.00 per person. For more info please see the noticboards at both entrances of the Church Life Teen XLT The Pinetown Lifeteen ministry would like to extend an invitation to all Lifeteen parishioners to their XLT evening on Friday 15th September, at Immaculate Conception Parish from 7:00pm to 9:00pm. Should you be interested in attending this please RSVP the Parish Office by email [email protected] or call on 031 563 5554 by no later than 31st August. Catholic Women’s League Will be hosting a Heritage Tea on Saturday 16th September at 2:00pm, which will have a display of food of different cultures available and Margaret Harrison will be a guest speaker at the tea. Tickets are R 100 per person and will be on sale from 6th August at the 7:00am and 9:00am Mass. WORLD YOUTH DAY – PANAMA Archdiocese’s conditions: “Priests should choose young people who are mature, active in the parish and prepared to offer their services in the Parish when they return. Applicants should write a Letter of Motivation stating why they should be accepted for the pilgrimage - what they are doing in the Church and what they think the trip to Panama will do to help them in their faith journey and what they are willing to do on their return.” The parish will sponsor two candidates. Those interested must contact Fr Justin today as the closing date is today. See notice board. MINI WORLD YOUTH DAY – DURBAN Our parish will sponsor two young adults to attend the Mini World Youth Day celebrations. Those who are interested please contact Fr Justin. Visit: Mini World Youth Day To stay up to date on Mini World Youth Day preparations, use the following social media sites: Website - Facebook - Mini World Youth Day 2017 Twitter - @MWYD_Durban Instagram - mwyd_durban Mini World Youth Day Accommodation Required The Archdiocese of Durban will host the “Mini World Youth Day” celebrations in Durban from 3 to 11 December. 5000 young adults aged 18-35 from around South Africa will be dropped off at parishes in the dioceses of Durban, Mariannhill and Eshowe. Our parish has been asked to host 50 young people in family homes from Sunday evening 3 December until Wednesday morning 6 December. On Monday and Tuesday the hosts, or someone else whom they request, will drop off the young people at the church where it is hoped that our young people will arrange activities. They will eat lunch and supper together, as a group. The hosts will be requested to pick them up from the church on Monday and Tuesday evening and take them to their (hosts’) homes for the night. On Wednesday morning, 06 December, the young people will be dropped off at the Durban Exhibition Centre and our parish responsibility will end. Accommodation has been arranged for 5000 in Durban from 6 December. Visit: If you are able to host one or more young people from Sunday evening 3 December until Wednesday morning 6 December, please write your details on the notice board as soon as possible.

Mass Intentions 30th July – 6th August 2017 Sunday 7.00am Louise Elliot RIP (Hugh Elliot) and Al Curran RIP (Joy Hansen) 9.00am Freddy Pon RIP (Kin Family) 5.15pm Pro Populo Monday 9.00am Communion Service Tuesday 6.00pm Communion Service Wednesday 6.30am Communion Service Thursday 7.00am Communion Service 6.00pm Communion Service Friday 6.30am Communion Service 7.45am In Thanksgiving (Milly van Gogh) Saturday 9.00am Our Lady of Fatima Convent School (no service at 8.00 a.m.) Sunday 7.00am Daughters & Brothers Mthethwa (Gertrude Mthethwa) 9.00am In Thanksgiving (Lungiswa Mnqumeni) and In Thanksgiving – Amicha Adande & Eulinda Adande (Adande Family) 5.15pm Pro Populo

Welcome New Parishioners Change of Address and/or Phone No Need dedication information New registration Registered but do not receive mail Moving out of the parish Email mailing list Name Address City Code Phone E-Mail Place in the collection basket or hand to a Minister of Hospitality Seventeenth Sunday of the Year Year A 30th July 2017 Michael Mullins Commentary First Reading (1 Kgs 3:5, 7-12) Solomon is praised for seeking wisdom rather than power, wealth or victory over his enemies. The people of the Ancient Near East valued wisdom very highly. This is obvious from their ancient literature. The people of Israel similarly valued human wisdom accumulated and passed on through the generations. They blended the broader human tradition of wisdom with their religious understanding and saw God as the author of all true wisdom, Openness to learning wisdom was seen as a highly prized virtue. Solomon displays such virtue in seeking the wisdom that comes from God ahead of all other blessings or rewards that God could bestow on him. Gospel (Mt 13:44-52) Three parables or similes illustrate the value of the kingdom and show how three different persons recognize that value. The first person comes upon it unexpectedly, the second as a result of a tireless personal search, and the third by way of distinguishing the authentic from the inauthentic fruits of one’s toil. It is similar in the case of finding the kingdom, making a commitment to its requirements and experiencing joy in its possession. Finally, the scribe who is a disciple in the kingdom knows how to discern what is valuable in the traditions we inherit and at the same time remains open to the challenges and blessings of each new situation in the present and the future. We welcome to the Parish the following children born this year: Mia Victoria Abraham, daugther of Oliver & Genya; Harper Stephanie Abraham, daughter of Edward & Charlene; Finley Jacob Letord, son of Wezley & Kerry; Thomas Michael Noble, son of Debbie & Geoff; Emuhle Sihlanga Ngcobo, son of Thulisile & Doc James; Ezekiel Caylin Govender-Glumac, son of Michelle & Christopher; Maximus Francis Quarsingh, son of Myron & Jewel; Wyatt Gavin van Kan, son of Anton & Clare; Luke Jeremiah Maharajh, son of Rosanne & Ashil.

Parent workshop by Nikki Bush, creative parenting expert: “Parenting on the Run” We are delighted to inform you that we will be hosting creative parenting expert Nikki Bush, to facilitate a workshop designed for parents entitled “Parenting On the Run”. Come and discover:  Why it is important to connect with your child regardless of how busy you are.  How to cheat time  How to convert your “wasted time” with your children into “quality time”  How to read your children’s needs better  Over 50 practical ideas of how to create quality time moments with your children when you are on the run Who should attend: All parents of children from 2 – 12 years, although the outcomes of this workshop continue to be just as applicable to older children. Join us for some interactive fun! Date: Wednesday 23 August 2017 ACC NAME: Our Lady of Fatima Convent Time: 18h30 – 20h00 School Venue: Fatima School Hall BANK: Nedbank Durban North Branch Cost: R50 per ticket BRANCH CODE: 13 52 26 ACC. NUMBER: 1352 002 094 Reference: Your name, Nikki Bush

Limited seating is available so please do not delay in booking your seats. To book seats, please do so via EFT and send proof of EFT payment (banking details below) to [email protected]

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