Lamoille Chapter Notes for January 7, 2015
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Lamoille Chapter notes for January 7, 2015
Guest: Shelley Martin, Michelle Salvador, Kate Chase, Adam Norton
News from Chapter President, Kelly Hurd-Burnell: Kelly reported that this will be her last chapter meeting as our Chapter president. Kelly has officially resigned as Lamoille Chapter President as of today’s meeting to focus on graduate school and mentioned that Becky Baker may be interested in becoming President.
Kelly – update from last Council meeting. Lobby day is in February at the state house. Adam Norton, lobbyist organizer at VSEA, says it will be a rough year for state workers. Really encourage folks to participate in Lobby Day.
UVM Campaign update – UVM Staff voted down by a slim margin to join VSEA.
The purchase of the Elks club for a new VSEA Headquarters has fell through. The search continues to find a suitable arrangement, pretty tight quarters at the existing State Street location. (I have been to VSEA HQ’s and there is not much space)
Kate Chase, Adam Norton and Michelle Salvador speak about the Fight Back campaign. Handouts were given to folks in attendance. Purpose is to fight back with the cuts to services for ALL Vermonters which include us as we in one way or another receive services through the State. Kate read the questions to folks, lots of folks were interviewed at the last Council meeting. Computers were set up at the last Council meeting for people to sign up for Front Porch forum.
At this point we are trying to encourage members to speak out to legislators about the impacts these cuts would have on all. (Bumper stickers, VSEA bucks are some items that are in the works) We will see what happens at the inaugural address. Front Porch forum – chapters will be provided with information on this. Kelly and Stephanie would be willing to help spread the word. The 1st phase with the Fight Back is around public services.
Adam Norton – handouts given to folks in attendance from his slide show presented at Council meeting. Spoke of past budget gaps. It is a revenue issue and not a spending issue with regards to the budget deficit. We need to engage all members to help reduce the possibility of cuts. The need is to raise revenues that help us get federal funding. We will be looking at ways to say health insurance cost increases. (Obesity claims were a main piece in insurance premium hike). We could save money by raising minimum wage. 20% of the state workforce would have to be laid off to fix the budget issue. Who are the largest opponents to our plan? The fight needs to be protecting services and how the impact would hurt us.
Kristin Warner who is our VSEA organizer spoke of Governor Shumlin is isolating certain spots to be cut. Some folks stated we haven’t gotten back on track from the Douglas era. So it sounds like the Administration wants it both ways. (When talking with your legislators tell those stories of the drawbacks of past cuts to state government) Ideas can be sent to VSEA.
Peggy – update on current financial monies in our account.
Aimee Towne, Chapter Vice President: Aimee is officially a voting member of the NMU Bargaining committee. We are entering critical times with the budget right now. There was talk of concerns from last bargaining. Aimee and the NMU team will be sending out a survey trying to best understand what the bargaining concerns of members and nonmembers are for upcoming session. Aimee said that the team is hoping for a high response and lots of input. Members will now be able to attend Bargaining meetings. Aimee is going to try to meet with as many Lamoille NMU members as possible and has engaged with AOT members.
Meeting adjourned at 1 pm