BibCat Minutes 4/26/2018

BibCat Meeting Minutes Thursday, October 20, 2005

In attendance: Laurel Baker, Marilee Birchfield, Betty Boswell, Brian Cuthrell, Pat Harwell, Craig Keeney, Doug King, May Liu, Martha Mason, Nancy Miller, Jane Olsgaard, Scott Phinney, Joe Pukl, Bill Sudduth, Elizabeth Sudduth, Melissa Surber, Derek Wilmott.

Call to order at 9:04 AM.

Approval of Minutes from Sept. 9 Meeting (Nancy)

Minutes - changes 1. Doug asked about training for holding records (MFHDs) . . . 2. In the holdings records, leave out |b in the call number as well as for items. Keep for bib. records. 3. “v.1-v.-5” is now official for 866-868 in holdings records.

ACTION: Minutes approved with changes.

Headings Reports (Laurel)  Hand-outs with instructions, passed out. for how to run them from III manual.  The headings file has a maximum size, and when the maximum is reached, it begins overwriting old reports.  These can be run for specific locations and specific campuses.  A test report for duplicate barcodes (“duplicate entries”) was run  The question was asked if you limit location, is it by Bib location or Item locations?  We are not sure about this.  You can see how full the file is through Putty. Host name: / SSH / login/password - ______/ M - management information / Information about the system / initials and password / D - catalog database / Millennium  The settings for the reports remain in Putty until someone changes them.  The report can be exported into Create Lists under Tools. Select records for report with check boxes (there is also a Select all feature). Default list name is by date and initials of who ran the report.  “Headings changes” means “invalid headings” in Putty.  Who should be doing heading reports?  We should talk about this.  Putty is a separate program to install; contact Laurel about getting it onto computers that do not have it yet.  How we are going to manage this. We need some guidelines. Correct all? Individual records? Reports also pulled from suppressed records - do we care about headings in suppressed records?  If someone else wants to use the record and doesn’t want it suppressed, then yes.

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 Is there a way to run this report specifying suppressed records. Maybe in Create Lists.  Putty is very user-unfriendly with the single-letter codes.  Putty was supposed to be moving to Windows-based, what is happening with that?  “Size of file” includes all reports in that file. Once you run the report and export it and clear it, it is gone from the file.  What are the controls on settings in Putty? One person can change it 30 seconds after another before the first person runs the report.  Reports generally take more than one run to get the data you actually want.  Some of the lists are small and pretty old and still in the file. We should be clearing these out when we are done with them.  A group is getting together to look at Create Lists.

Display of Order Records in the OPAC (Laurel)

 Laurel went into the online manual at under Web OPAC Options and SHOWOREC. See below: SHOWOREC

This option specifies the conditions under which the order record should appear for retrieved items. The possible values are:

Value Description no_cdate Display the order record only if the CDATE field in the order record is blank (i.e., the item has not yet been cataloged). no_rdate Display the order record only if the RDATE field in the order record is blank (i.e., the item has not yet been received). #days Display the order record for the specified number of days after the item has been received (i.e., the date entered into the RDATE field). For example, if the value for this option is 14, the order record would continue to display for fourteen days after the date entered in RDATE.

If this option does not appear in the WWWOPTIONS file or is commented out, the order record is suppressed, if any of the following conditions are true:

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 There are item or checkin records attached to the bibliographic record  There is a date in the bib record's CAT DATE field  The bib record's BCODE3 field contains a suppression value

Some examples for this option are:


 Order records were displaying for everything in the OPAC, including Serials.  If we do C-date on order record, someone needs to remember to do that.  Asked about the other options for order records in the OPAC. Perhaps suppress order record completely in public?  When you export from OCLC, the C-date is taken from the date of export. This can be taken out.  Is important to see if it has been ordered, received, but not cataloged.  The OPAC message only disappears when you change the C-date.  If there is an order attached, and the C-date is changed, it looks like below until you create an item record:

  If you put in a Recv Date, the OPAC shows:

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  This stays until a C-date is put in the order.  “Fully paid” is not the same date as the Recv Date.  With an item record, it looks like:

  If you take the C-date out in the Order record, it looks like:

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  If Status was changed to “-“ (Available), it would look like below for 24 hours:

  If we follow this procedure, the cataloger is going to have to change the C-date.  The more information you give to the patrons, the better the catalog. She votes for doing the change, since it’s not that much trouble.  Once you have finished your invoice, you can’t go back to the order to put the C- date in until the next day when the invoice has been posted.

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 Once the C-date is put in, the order information goes away. Posting is required to change the record because the record is locked. If they do the C-date at the beginning, the message is removed, but they still have to go back to the record to put the item record on it.  Acquisitions Workflow: Pay for it, look to the book to see if it can be copy- cataloged. If it cannot be cataloged, the call number is left of. If they can, the item record is created and the book goes to Marking, then Circulation.  If there is no Cat-date in the Bib, then the message will appear in the OPAC if enabled.  Whoever catalogs the record needs to put the C-date in the Order record to suppress the OPAC message.  Information note - pressing “t” will input today’s date.

ACTION: ACQUISITIONS will put the C-date in the Order records when the book is checked in. They need to make sure the payments are posted first to unlock the record. Acquisitions will put a status “In Process” in item record if they are going to copy catalog it.

856 Issues (Laurel)

 The 856 label group met.  NOTIS didn’t have enough characters to put the proxy prefix for off-campus access; Millennium does.  There is now a small link that says “USC Login” in the upper right-hand corner.  When the changes go through for the |z and the 856, can we add the prefix to the URL so the patrons can log directly into the proxy without going back to the search screen.  There are 4 different proxy servers, so the prefixes would vary depending on the campus access.  This is doable, but we need to make sure we know who has access to what for the prefixes.  There may be 4 proxies, but there are more than 4 access scenarios of combinations of campuses with access.  Currently the 856 in the OPAC points to a page to login.

Indexing in the 086 (Marilee)

 We need to change the indexing rules because the 086 field was not searchable.  The only time the format changes is if it is a locally-assigned call number where you put an “x” at the end of the call number.  The item records that have 086s but don’t have them in the bib will need to have them on the bib as well to make it searchable. There are over 1000 records that fall into this category.  This will be implemented.

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 Clarification on the 086 Field: Production on the 086 wasn't being indexed on the item because it was loaded with the field name c for call number, but the indexing rules on the item had the 086 has field name g. When Systems made the change on the Test database to have the 086 indexed on the item, they got double hits because we also have it indexed on the bib. To avoid duplicate entries we could index the item but not the 086 on the bib, or we could index the 086 on the bib. The advantage to indexing the 086 on the bib is enhanced access for collections that classify government documents with non-SuDoc call numbers. (added 11-15- 05)

090s and 092s (Craig)

 It has been noticed that 090s and 092s show up in pink in Millennium in the holding records. Looks like:

  This also appears in the bib record:

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  The MARC validity table determines what shows up in pink.  If we leave these alone, will there be a problem in the future for another migration?  The group decided that we are going to leave these fields alone for now.

Treatment of Desk Copies (Martha)

 It was asked how desk copies should be treated. Perhaps suppressed? Some of Cataloging’s manuals are used by the Cataloging class in the Library School and they want to be able to find them in the OPAC.  Maybe suppress the map cataloging tools as legit desk copies.  Law has “Desk copy” as an actual location  The group decided that we don’t really mind whether it displays or not in the OPAC.

Enhanced Contents Notes (Martha)

 We should continue to add Contents notes for items that we think would be useful to have access to. Do not do this for items that have full 740 headings.

Searching for Items with Diacritics (May)

 Example – patrons typing “Soren” for Kierkegaard will not find him, unless they use the diacritic “ø”.

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 For items that have title information in non-Roman languages, Special Collection have been removing the transliterated aspects because it didn’t look anything like the OCLC version when used in Millennium.  Ligatures are still a problem for Russian.  This topic was discussed on the MARC listserv.  Someone should contact a list about this problem.  Whoever sends a message, please send the responses to CATSCAN.

Existing Bib. in Millennium Overlaid by BNA Tapeload (Nancy)

 Acquisitions is not even close to having BNA tapeloads overlaying existing bib records.  The 900 fields from OCLC with other vendor information are coming through more and more (e.g. Baker and Taylor).  We will contact OCLC to find out why this is occurring.  Acquisitions has not been taking them out because of extra labor, but they are becoming more and more of a problem as more libraries use Tapeloading.

Round Robin

 We cannot do the JX-type universal searching in Millennium that we had in NOTIS.  When the expected purchase date is of the shelf-listing module.  Shelf-listing can be done through Create List to identify a range of call numbers. The shelf-list feature in Putty is bad and has no documentation.  PC has lost major data from the Gap load. From April 25 to June 27, holdings did not transfer over, or came over, but the barcode is wrong. Be aware of information that hasn’t migrated the way it was supposed to in the holdings and the item records. The end of NOTIS may come after June 2006.  In Create Lists, many of the searches do not come up as intended, specifically with the limiting “Do not include . . .” Others have also noticed this, too.  Connexion has been problematic for ALA characters.  The Connexion listserv has listed all kinds of problems that appear one day and not the next.

Meeting Adjourned at 11:15 AM.

Submitted by Scott Phinney, Secretary. With clarification from 11-15-05

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