Goals 3 and 4 Table Discussion Notes

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Goals 3 and 4 Table Discussion Notes

Big Meeting March 19, 2010 Goals 3 and 4 Table Discussion Notes

Table: 1 Objective: 3.1 - Strengthen Valencia’s collaborative culture through learning and leadership development opportunities in the effective use of collaborative approaches, and through regular review and evolution of our shared governance system. Recorder: Jeff Goltz

 Three main issues that are targets long-term o Part-time staff connection o Leadership structure not fully understood o Communication  Need for college-wide organization chart o More communication o Better communication of organizational chart  More than one council handles issues o Need more communication between councils o Re-invent special assistant to the learning center initiative . See suggested measures - Short-term Targets 1 and 2  Senior staff sits on each council o More communication needed between these councils  Communicate the purpose of each council more effectively  Web page – difficult to navigate  OIT Outlook email conversion included all adjuncts o Great initiative o Need for audit/evaluation of e-mail system – too many messages  A lot of discussion about e-mail communication – college-wide messages, too much insignificant information  Many projects – initiatives occurring on all college-wide basis and not much communication on all of these  The need for an information filter college-wide for all information before communicated and need a communication structure with one central resource  Councils need a strong representative that will communicate information better  Suggestions for long-term Target 2 o Need to see the “strategic communication” plan revitalize/completed Table: 2 Objective: 3.1 - Strengthen Valencia’s collaborative culture through learning and leadership development opportunities in the effective use of collaborative approaches, and through regular review and evolution of our shared governance system. Recorder: Della Paul

 Collaboration should always include diversity  Long and Short-term Targets o Yes o Collaboration has total representation from all aspects of the college we seem to have lost the total aspect of “shared governance” o We need to practice what we preach within the theory (shared governance) o The theory is great, but we have need of “further” strengthening o A “plan” on how we accomplish shared governance needs to be in place o Where is the accountability  Important Concerns o Any representative of a group who attends significant meetings, councils, etc., that person should take the results of that gathering to the group represented o Good work on the knowledge of good work o Good work should be moved forward o Great! Part-time employees should be involved and totally connected to the college mission o Although we have ways and means in place to engage and connect part-time employees to the college (mission), our means of communications is weak o Many do not use Atlas as a means of communication o Our part-time employees have diverse needs o The use of a systematic approach is a great idea . Suggestions  Assign a mentor to the part-time person  Contact should be continuous  Additional effort and collaboration between Human Resources, deans and faculty is essential, i.e. forms, finance, employee pay  Before decisions are made, the “direct” stake-holders should be involved Table: 3 Objective: 4.1 - By 2013, Valencia will emerge as a first-tier investment for the philanthropic community, supporting the missions of the Valencia Foundation and the College. Recorder: Jacqueline Cole

 4.1 o Very specific o A lot of numbers o Do we need that specificity at this point o Different mindset – how do we get Valencia on the minds of those who are philanthropists o OBF Top 100 – Interesting . Just top 100 parties . Is there another way to go up - i.e., align goals of organization with goals of Valencia . Is there an alignment of goals and mission o When soliciting donations get indication of how donors want money spent o Should Valencia to larger audience - i.e., extend reach beyond private wealth donors . People give to people not organization to organization – need personal voice o Opportunities to invest in Valencia other than with money – need to explore these options o Curious to know if we consider whether or not solicitor has link to Valencia, if so, more objective in soliciting money o Many people give when individually invited verses responding to the blanket invitations . Invitation needs to be issued to everyone beginning with Valencia employee  Easier for them to ask others  Include in employee orientation the investment opportunity  How to represent Valencia and solicit within their own range of influence o Like that team was going to incorporate perception into goals o Note – need more than money, i.e. trustees, partnerships, speakers, time and talent, workshops and classrooms o Need clarification of “retirees”, staff, faculty and community in general, i.e., bringing in deaf retirees could relate to current students and help them be successful – retired faculty would meet different needs o Need to include planning for how to enable faculty and staff to go out into community  Summary o Match organizational missions with Valencia missions – not just top 100 organizations in general o Giving is more than just money o Identify individual donors and not just top 100 companies o How do you determine basis for numbers – so many numbers and so specific o Recruit wider/extended view of contributors o Focus is on recruit money not giving back o Need qualitative measures and quantitative measures, i.e., in assessing community perception – need both o Need fund raising and friend raising Table: 4 Objective: 4.1 - By 2013, Valencia will emerge as a first-tier investment for the philanthropic community, supporting the missions of the Valencia Foundation and the College. Recorder: Chanda Torres

 Top 100 – who is going out o Is there a plan o Business efforts  Donations - Should we hit other members to invest in Valencia  Other donors - how do we reach them  Don’t want to miss those opportunities  What role of the Valencia community in this involvement  More information on the Valencia Foundation o How we can help as a Valencia employee  Other avenues we do at the college that have fund raising  What are some ideas to give – has it been successful  A lot of it is about dollars and are there other ways of giving – internships, presentations, resources, building relationships with companies so it could be integrated into the curriculum  Direct Connections – learning and mentoring  Target “mom and pop” places so we can help them as well – make it a two way street  Is this goal only for financial purpose for resources they can provide o What is first time investments - Valencia first or more money to Valencia  Competition with other schools (UCF) fundraising and asking donors for money o Can we partner with UCF for the same cause since we have Direct Connect o 100 business visit Valencia so they can better invest in our community o How can we get ourselves apart from the rest of the schools – why Valencia  Florida Hospital (example) – going to them, utilize their services and vice versa – two way street  Cigna – partner with Valencia wellness activities o Human Resources can assist with this partnership  Involve alumni and retirees in the process so they can give back  Growth in Valencia and Lake Nona – build a plan of community partnerships  How would the data be gathered and assessed o Focus group . Is it connected to people or the non-connected people o More clarity in this process o ATC did community focus groups – which method did they use o Valencia can offer courses to business based on their needs in return for their donations, i.e. Valencia Enterprises Professional Development or English courses o Maybe faculty can teach workshops or courses to these businesses in return for their donations (computer/on-line courses) o Encourage students to seek donations from the community o How often does the top 100 list change . Have to create new partnership plans . When seeking donations we should have the same story . We would need Valencia speaking points when we go out to the community . Walk a day in your shoes partnerships in the community – your faculty and students . Increase Valencia staff knowledge of current programs, so they can communicate them to the community . Celebrity or political support and sponsorships Table: 5 Objective: 3.2 - By 2013, Valencia will have a robust system of career growth and planning in which all Valencia employees will participate. (Note: This does not include faculty, who have a separate faculty development program.) Recorder: Joe Nunes

 Not a l lot of collaboration that exists between Administration, Human Resources and Leadership Valencia  Successive planning/talent management – how do we fill gaps that exist when someone moves on o Plan for loss as well as training  Planned succession planning, shadowing, maybe a year – a month of job shadowing would help transition, no overlap right now  All training efforts need to come under one unit, historically belonging to Human Resources o Talent management should be focuses and managed by one business unit - right now too much across the board  Professional development plan may be insufficient to identifying training needs – a lot of effort will have to be expended to discern and glean what training needs exist  Need to motivate people and financially reward them – Performance Pay Plan  Not sure how to structure training  Supervisors need to be trained to deliver appropriate training for their staff Table: 6 Objective: 3.2 - By 2013, Valencia will have a robust system of career growth and planning in which all Valencia employees will participate. (Note: This does not include faculty, who have a separate faculty development program.) Recorder: Joyce Romano

 Why are goals focused on 2013  Should say what we will do now to get to the goals  Sounds like we will put things off until then  Would like to see more happening now – rather than 2013 alone  Need to train supervisors now – they will be key in making this happen  Goal of this meeting is to name what we will do not – that is what is coming from the discussion at this meeting  What has been done in the last two years  PDP should have been here in three months not two years  Concern about time to do all in this area – PDPs for example, there are so many hours in the day and what will “give” to make time  Not realistic – no company has 100% employees accomplish PDP  Supervisor training is key  Looking for shorter term metrics  We have been stalled on this in the last two years  Identify within short-term measures how to get started  Provide structure of employees to start with training  Faculty involved as to whether put PDP together o Money incentives o Deans have to approve the plan  Need someone to show how to do it  If other employees do not have the money incentives, won’t do it  PDP will be mandatory in some departments – student affairs  Faculty are not required to do this  This is key to succession planning – getting ready for next step  What are we doing in house to provide professional development  Possibility of internal internships across departments  In a budget crisis, not adding positions, creating expectations that we do not have opportunities to meet  Concern this will result in disgruntled employees  It is not only about promotion to higher positions but getting better in your current job – enrichment  So should it be tied to performance evaluation or is it broader than that - to value each person and their improvement  Enrichment rather than performance gaps has a negative focus Table: 7 Objective: 4.3 - Significantly increase documented college engagement with community organizations and businesses, contributing to meeting community needs and increasing community awareness of the College’s mission and services, authentically raising our profile in the community and leading to Valencia becoming an investment of choice. Recorder: Frances Frierson

 Clearinghouse for coordinate volunteering - Hands On Orlando, Habitat for Humanity, Relay for Life, Oakland Nature Preserve, 2nd Harvest Food Bank  Long-term – Service Learning o No Service Learning Office currently – now within Internship Office Curriculum transcript reporting system o Student portfolio recording work o Database generation and maintenance o Office, staff to log hours o Recording of volunteer hours  Need to look at resources and funding  Who are the stakeholders  What do students get – college credit  Mechanism of recording and publishing staff/faculty participation data  Community Awareness – communication gap between what we do  Need to know what we are doing and then get it out there  Open Valencia volunteerism to everyone  Service Learning Certificate card at graduation  Award, certificate, acknowledgement and validation methods for Valencia volunteers  Recognition of service by faculty  Destinations track for exposure to student learning  Service Learning Office – destination, centralization, and a public relations place  Advisory Boards – great resource, tracking interns, create a “SLAB”(Service Learning Advisory Board  Obstacle – Staffing  UCF/BCC Partnership – benchmark for Service Learning link, ask Service Learning Coordinator, Judy Jetson to come over and conduct workshops  Possibly funding of staff for centralized reporting may come from Foundation “seed” money as this information may help with fundraising Table: 8 Objective: 4.3 - Significantly increase documented college engagement with community organizations and businesses, contributing to meeting community needs and increasing community awareness of the College’s mission and services, authentically raising our profile in the community and leading to Valencia becoming an investment of choice. Recorder: Bobbie Sartor

 Increasing size of advisory boards – graduated an increased percentage by year after establishing baseline  Measuring participation  Expand idea of advisory boards to AA degrees, pre-majors and not just AS  Better use of community and alumni members to speak with AA students – employment/real life applications, i.e., writing, language and math  Service Learning – “SL” classes are difficult to measure, measure is very broad, needs to be tied to a requirement, otherwise students will see it as something extra  Students seem to be resistant  Identify and promote SL classes better  What type of SL can be used – we do not know what “it” is yet  Could be part of professional development  How can it be measured – is there a model out there already in place that can be used here  Is it really volunteerism if it is mandatory  Celebration day to recognize volunteer students, community, participants instead of a database to tell a story - perhaps will invite connection and invite to participate  Challenge space/time to coordinate celebration/recognition  Connection between doing and learning – how do we get that connection  Take Stock in Children – volunteer as mentor and partner with schools  Student volunteer cross discipline – i.e., acting students volunteering to be patients for nursing  How do we know what the community thinks – how do we measure that and is it worth spending money to find out Table: 9 Objective: 3.3 – Increase the percentage of employees engaged in self-reported wellness practices. Recorder: Geraldine Gallagher

 Program offers many – small response from faculty and staff  Need to revisit how we are marketing opportunity  Time is a premium for most – so participants have dwindled  It is hard for employees to break away from work  Some offices expect employees to “makeup” wellness time from personal time  Could be make wellness a departmental goal  Does it encroach on personal employee boundaries  Could wellness be part of individual plan  Department wellness competition  Supervisors need to know rules for wellness and encourage staff  A focus on wellness is good for organizations – empirical data, this must be strongly communicated to bosses  Do we have discounted gym memberships  Do home/private gym exercise/wellness sessions “count” toward goal/objectives – would they toward benchmarking or competition  Use the Outlook calendar to schedule wellness as “busy”  We have the technology but we are not using it  If the wellness is “free” do we value it or take it as seriously  Some faculty and staff have a basketball pick-up game - could be encourage more and similar  Do we know how many staff are participating/exercising – how many hours  We are making assumptions – a way to benchmarking website to share what we are doing also would give us data upon which to make decisions  Our perception is the numbers are low – is that true  Assessment of needs/preference and why people do not participate  Consistency among departments on employee time off task for wellness  The starting and stopping “by semester” does not fit our lives and can disrupt a routine  What if each department creates individual wellness plan  We do not encourage employees to get out of the building  We do not encourage work/life balance  We expect employees to work late and over lunch  We do not role model balance as supervisors  Message of priority of wellness must come from the top  We agree that wellness should extend to students, but what do we offer them  Employees have smoking cessation – should b offer to students  Some student organization support – peer educators are helping to promote wellness  How do we define community  Tactically, how does inclusion of students impact logistics, i.e., can students go free to wellness activities  Do we send part-time employees to wellness  Need some guidance  Boundary issues in sharing health related groups with faculty and students  Can we layer students in – including students would add to energy level Table: 10 Objective: 3.3 - Increase the percentage of employees engaged in self-reported wellness practices. Recorder: Melissa Pedone

 Love yoga instructor at Winter Park Campus  Great gym on East Campus  Does “college community” include students – if yes, we do not have curriculum for them, and are there measures related to students  Skill shops may offer options for students  Screenings for faculty, staff and students  Mental/emotional wellness included in definition of wellness  Food services should be engaged for healthy choices  Our food vendor contract should require service healthy options  Food options for early/late students on campus  Use food sales as a wellness measure  EAP is under used and not well-promoted  More effectively use existing resources  Consistent access to wellness programs between campuses, divisions and supervisors  Build partnerships with Winter Park Campus, Osceola Campus and the community – those that do not have fitness centers  Need a full-time dedicated wellness coordinator  Make participation in wellness part of professional development planning for all including faculty, staff and part-time associate faculty  Should wellness be part of student success curriculum  Access to wellness participation (or lack of access) can impact our measures of participation  Use digital cigarettes to become smoke-free campuses – ask the Banner Tech people about them Table: 11 Objective: 4.4 - Increase reported satisfaction by Valencia graduates with their preparedness for upper division studies and the workforce, and increase the numbers of companies and individuals served by Valencia Enterprises, contributing to meeting key workforce needs of the community. Recorder: Susan Stone

 Partner with community – Workforce Development o Graduate satisfaction increases partners in the community with program satisfaction o Long-term - choose Valencia and are satisfied, agree and realistic o How define “highest” level of satisfaction . Feedback from industry . Are students proficient in workforce . Need to reflect both graduate and employer satisfaction o How can the target be assessed  Short-term #1 is good and does go with objective o Not presently done with all graduates o Can track direct connect students easily o There needs to be measurable outcomes in the program to use as measures – then a survey developed accordingly o Make sure students know the expectations/measures that must be satisfied  Objective 4.4 adjustment defined by leader – the satisfaction needs to be measured by all three parties  Short-term target needs to add “mechanism to measure satisfaction by workforce and upper level partners”  Add Continuing Professional Education and Criminal Justice Institute to Valencia Enterprises to include measurement of satisfaction component  Be sure to capture all non-credit/non-degree programs, such as Criminal Justice Institute and Continuing Professional Education programs  Define methods  Use student learning program outcomes NOT accreditation criteria such as the number who pass NCIEX, number who go to higher education, etc. --- therefore, need to define satisfaction Table: 12 Objective: 4.4 - Increase reported satisfaction by Valencia graduates with their preparedness for upper division studies and the workforce, and increase the numbers of companies and individuals served by Valencia Enterprises, contributing to meeting key workforce needs of the community. Recorder: Akos Delneky

 Market Valencia Enterprises more so that more people are aware  On the graduation application, have questions on how prepared are they o Are we getting also the employees side of satisfaction? o We need to tap into why there is a difference between Valencia transfer students to UCF and UCF active students o Asking students, did their academics relate to their job preparedness? o What are we measuring when looking at preparedness? o Perhaps there needs to be measures at different times o We need to give an incentive to alumni to provide data o Measure two is measurable but they need more marketing for Valencia Enterprises to increase awareness of making it more known o Have multiple places to survey Table: 13 Objective: 4.2 - By 2013, significantly increase the membership and the active involvement of alumni in giving of their time and resources to support Valencia. Recorder: Lisa Yenke

 We agree with the short term targets and long term as well o We need to make sure that social network sites are maintained o Making it easy to access the Alumni Association and info out what is going on and how they can volunteer o Engage alumni in fundraising activities by identifying a “top 100” or other influential members of the community who are alumni as well as any business who are staffed by alumni (major businesses) o Need to expand volunteer opportunities for alumni o Identify who are alumni? . Valencia student? . Valencia Grad? . Valencia Enterprise Student? o Should we branch out our Alumni membership to include different degrees? . Such as a chapter for CJI, medical programs, Business, etc.? o Could alumni come and speak to students? . Possibly keep a list of alumni who are available to speak o The group agreed that when we communicate with alumni, we should not always mention money or donations . This could turn away those who might otherwise join o There should be more social functions where alumni can connect and network . “It’s not about the money, it’s about the connections” . “If you make the connections the money will come” Table: 14 Objective: 4.2 - By 2013, significantly increase the membership and the active involvement of alumni in giving of their time and resources to support Valencia. Recorder: Maryke Lee

 100% seems ambitious o Definition of alumni – definition would have an impact on feasibility o Definition of active involvement o Sub-groups of alumni according to interests o Alumni conference – purpose to share what is new at Valencia and develop a sense of pride among our alum . Sessions on wills and estate planning could benefit Valencia long-term . Lifelong learners . Highlight – new programs . Speakers – past alums and Dr. Shugart . Find past commencement speakers (students) – get them to speak or be involved o Issue . Def. of alumni and active involvement b/c the definition could affect feasibility of the 100% goal . Need to have completed a program to be alum but any student invited . If you look at anyone who has ever touched Valencia, how will we ever get to 100%  Fall member – has degree  Student member – non completed  What counts toward the data we are collecting? . Actually track alumni  Update lists - effective communication with alums  Banner has an alumni module o Want to know where alumni work  Get students involved in reaching out to alumni . MDC alumni and family day Table: 15 Objective: 4.3 - Significantly increase documented college engagement with community organizations and businesses, contributing to meeting community needs and increasing community awareness of the College’s mission and services, authentically raising our profile in the community and leading to Valencia becoming an investment of choice. Recorder: Christie Pickeral

 Hurdles o Data base of what is happening . Leadership  Start with community needs  Short term o Link with other colleges o Find out what they are doing o Links ______and develop relationships with other colleges to model them o Fl. Campus compact  Is in high school now o Need to have Pathways with high school . Make H.S. aware . Make it a ______(Pathway) . Already exist – need to tap into it  Faculty and employees involved in community  Student Development does activities as volunteers o Valencia Volunteers . Do good work . Needs to _____ activity  Need to make community aware we are willing to give  Communication and collaboration of what is being done at VCC and ______regarding community service  Agree that need central location to collect SL activities and promote what has been done  Need leadership in SL short term (not long term)  Rally behind a big cause as a college o Great for publicity and community  Happening in pocket o Student Development, Honors, classes  Central location for data, faculty resource, community resources, students  Disaster relief plan w/ serv learning / volunteers o Ex: Haiti relief for our students o Our homeless students  Develop partnerships w/ H.S. schools to meet community needs  Environmental programs – jobs – SL partnership  Develop degree programs that promote service o Curriculum in public service Table: 16 Objective: 4.3 - Significantly increase documented college engagement with community organizations and businesses, contributing to meeting community needs and increasing community awareness of the College’s mission and services, authentically raising our profile in the community and leading to Valencia becoming an investment of choice. Recorder: Barbara Frazier

 Develop reciprocal relationships between VCC and business partners  Use internal faculty and staff as a reference point for identifying partners that are within their sphere of influence  Evaluate whether service learning can be part of the freshman experience o For example, this might be accomplished via SLS class or ENG 1101 . Ex. Rollins College’s freshman orientation experience  Measure 1.3 should be changed from “membership” to active involvement  Believe we need to increase our communication to students about SL  Need a centralized place to retrieve info re civic engagement. For example: o Recognize alumni who give in magazine  Commitment of staff and resources of service learning needs to be made  Consensus o Agreement objectives w/ slight mod to measure 1.3 Table: 17 Objective: 4.3 - Significantly increase documented college engagement with community organizations and businesses, contributing to meeting community needs and increasing community awareness of the College’s mission and services, authentically raising our profile in the community and leading to Valencia becoming an investment of choice. Recorder: Cheryl Robinson

 Would faculty / staff service on advisory boards? o Some as community service?  Valencia, as an institution, doesn’t give back to these organizations (YMCA, etc.), so why should these organizations give back to us?  Tracking community service hours from faculty, staff and students is valuable  Be sure to capture student work as well – not just faculty / staff o Work with Student Development and organizations / clubs to document their activities (road clean up, nursing home visits, etc.)  Ask faculty community involvement in annual event, but it doesn’t leave department o Get it more frequently and put in central repository  Document coordinated fundraising drives (Push for Pencils, gift for teaching, Light the Nights, etc.)  Create mentoring service should be allowed as part of work time and it should be supported – really supported – by supervisors  Do we count employee work with churches or in a kid’s school? o We aren’t bringing a Valencia message so would it count?  Fear that college is being intrusive to staff personal life if we’re asking about what they’re doing  Fear that we’ll be “used” for contacts or to do Valencia community message presentations instead of just doing our volunteer work  Create volunteer / community system in Atlas to gather service hours  Community service shouldn’t be part of an evaluation o We recognize that reorganization of Cathy Penfold-Navarro’s position that service learning should be focused and grow  Don’t connect tracking of community service with a supervisor  We see individuals serve on advisory boards, but that doesn’t necessarily mean company support  We usually solicit advisory board participation thought personal contacts o Need to look at more structured way to reach people and drum up participation  Need advisory board members who are the ones doing the work in addition to the hiring managers / “higher ups”  Have OIT develop “community engagement data collection system” o Don’t want to fill out a form (paper form or open ended) o Choose hours from drop-down  Once we figure out what we’re doing with service learning, we need to broadcast it out to advertise it  Build on and publicize Valencia Volunteers Table: 18 Objective: 4.3 - Significantly increase documented college engagement with community organizations and businesses, contributing to meeting community needs and increasing community awareness of the College’s mission and services, authentically raising our profile in the community and leading to Valencia becoming an investment of choice. Recorder: Shauna Anstey

 Lake Nona – biotechnology focus – partnership  Looking at growth in medical field, prepping students to work in that area o Cross-campus sharing of labs so they don’t have to start new o Possible certificate in biotechnology o Be able to provide lab support  Little tracking/collection of community data o Who is serving on boards, attending community functions?  Horticulture focus, incorporate student learning with our Valencia grounds, business such as Lowes  All internship being captured but not board or volunteer service  Professional Development o A possible place that would cover key points of community interaction?  Agree w/ targets, measures, and timeliness proposed by 4.3 o Define what we want to capture o If community can provide the opportunity then we can have a symbiotic relationship o Who are the “top 10” opportunity providers in the Central Florida area? o Internships – service learning – volunteerism Table: 19 Objective: 3.1 - Strengthen Valencia’s collaborative culture through learning and leadership development opportunities in the effective use of collaborative approaches, and through regular review and evolution of our shared governance system. Recorder: Carolyn McMorran

 Collaboration o How do we empower all people at the college? . If we ______we need to learn what we do as a college as a whole o Communicate differently . People still don’t know things about the college o Update people on new things o Defining collaboration . Would start at new hire orientation . ______the medium of how we communicate o Explain to employees how to get interested in college (resources, activities) o There has been more comm. but not deliberate and strategic o Needs to be a person dedicated to comm. to the college . Plan more to be more effective with o If we comm. more we will engage people more in things the college wants to do o Who are all the employees this will touch? . Identify ______when we move changes o A dept or team org comm. / internal comm. or a round table discussion o Can’t it be used as a tool to comm.? . Weave Toll  What’s going on in the college?  Maybe challenge to get people to use it o We agree with the goal team’s work o Target to come up with a shared defin of collaboration and examples of it o Maybe a workshop on collaboration like Circles of Belonging o How do supervisors build a collaborative team? o Staff development . Getting people to understand “calling a meeting” is not collaboration . Helplessness – develop skills o How do we be more collaborative with a community (goal 4) if we are not collaborative internally? (goal 3) Table: 20 Objective: 3.1 - Strengthen Valencia’s collaborative culture through learning and leadership development opportunities in the effective use of collaborative approaches, and through regular review and evolution of our shared governance system. Recorder: Kimberly Finley

 Communication is the key (really important) o Ex: adjunct/faculty not knowing about Outlook  Need to know who you are collaborating with o i.e. knowing other campuses  How we can get to this point technology-wise (not everyone has office)  Understanding true collaboration, define it for everyone to understand o You need principles to follow  Understanding shared governance and how decisions are made for all employees o Keeps employees happy because they are part of the process o Put emphasis out that this is how the college works o Encourage more participation  Possibly expand employee orientation, also point out share governance in TLA(spl?)  Want more collaboration between co-chairs  Review of tools on how we communicate  New faculty have different orientation than new staff (ex. Journey) o Help them understand the process for collaboration o Understand why they have to do this  Do more with adjunct orientation with shared governance  We need to define shared governance and how to communicate it  Refresh staff of possible changes o Employees who have been here longer might not know about the new policies (refresher orientation)  Have adjuncts / part-time workers a part of the process o Have them have an orientation o Could possibly make them feel more a part of the team o Will help them understand collaboration/shared governance/Valencia policies Table: 21 Objective: 4.1 - By 2013, Valencia will emerge as a first-tier investment for the philanthropic community, supporting the missions of the Valencia Foundation and the College. Recorder: Nemir Matos-Cintron

 Coordinate student needs and college goals with community partners o By 2013, Valencia will emerge as a 1st tier investment for their philanthropic community, supporting the missions of Valencia Foundation and the college  Long term target: where do we want to go? o Big contributors . MIERS . CNL . DISNEY  How do we accomplish this? (in agreement) o Suggested measures . Get in touch with alumni as liaisons with contributors . Existing database intersecting – alumni – and the companies  Look at ___ to target 100 top employers  ______rights for a gift (propose) . Marketing and PR - contact media outlets . Look at president council . Communicate effectively – what is their R.O.I. after giving? o Beyond initiating – sustaining relationships promote in-kind investment (time donated by staff-faculty) . We invest (Valencia employees) . Agreement for requesting external investment o How do we know? . Create database to record (in-kind investment) . Will these activities move the needle? (yes)  Other suggested measures o Know well! . Who are the top 10 givers . What is important to them? . What is the personal connection? . Follow the model of successful companies o Important! . Make our message catchy . Faculty and staff should be viewed as Valencia fundraisers Table: 22 Objective: 4.1 - By 2013, Valencia will emerge as a first-tier investment for the philanthropic community, supporting the missions of the Valencia Foundation and the College. Recorder: Debi Jakubcin

Community Investment  Communicate what we have (Valencia) o We are the best kept secret  Get out there and share o Perhaps some of the monthly meetings, have faculty go out there too  See what we can do to enhance the business too  Have business leaders come to us to help them develop their needs  We need to dig deeper in the development of programs with outside o Digital media example  Again, communication is the key  There is still not a known concept or knowledge of what Valencia actually does offer, other programs, etc  Full sail is busting at the seams and the abilities or offerings that Valencia has aren’t showcased  Nursing program is highly rated at Valencia  Again, communication o Great idea of targeting top 100 companies . Good start o Leadership Orlando another area o Chamber of Commerce o High profile in the community o Wavering on the name change and a concern with the Valencia Community College name . What message would we give by changing it to the “state college?” . Not the best idea for the fuzzy feeling we are trying to get out there

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