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For Non-Scientists



Personal Code:______

Annual Performance Evaluation Report for the period from to ______

Name of Div/Dte/Centre/Instt/Programme ______

(PART – I) PERSONAL DATA (To be completed by the Reportee) 1. Name (in block letters)

2. Date of Birth 3. Designation 4. Present pay, scale with date

5. Date of joining PARC

6. Highest academic qualifications (university/year)

7. Field of specialization

8. Post/posts held during the period under report

9. Training received/visits abroad (during report period): Name of Sponsored by Period courses/meetings Location From To attended, etc

NAME (Signature of Reportee) DESIGNATION Date Name & Designation of Reporting Officer (PART – II) PERSONAL QUALITIES/ATTITUDES

Name of the Reportee (IN CAPITAL LETTERS)

A+ A B C D Marks (4) (3.5 (3) (2.5 (1) awarded ) ) 1. Intelligence, Confidence Exceptionally bright Dull, slow, and Will Power. excellent uncertain and comprehension, hesitant confident 2. Understanding/Tolerance Considerate, Lacks ability to and Emotional Stability cooperative, mature, appreciate balance other’s point of view; unsympathetic, unstable, immature 3. Knowledge of Islam/ Well read, deeply Narrow and religion and Attitude motivated, superficial, towards Islamic/ religious enlightened indifferent and Ideology intolerant 4. Integrity Irreproachable, Unscrupulous, honest and devious and straightforward sycophant 5. Acceptance of Always prepared to Reluctant to take responsibility and take on on Reliability Under Pressure responsibility even responsibility, in difficult cases and will avoid in exceptionally whenever reliable at all times possible and easily frustrated even under normal pressure 6. Foresight Anticipates Handles problems and plans problems only ahead after they arise 7. Initiative and Drive Bold and Timid and enterprising, diffident dynamic 8. Judgment Makes consistently Lacks balance sound and consistency, proposals/decisions immature 9. Perseverance and devotion Resolute; carries a Negligent and to Duty task through to the disinterested end 10.Relations with Superiors, Cooperative, well Un-cooperative, Colleagues and linked, trusted, does not inspire Subordinates works well in a team confidence, difficult colleague, brusque and intolerant Total marks (part-II): 40 (PART – III) (PROFICIENCY IN JOB)

A+ A B C D Marks (10) (8) (7) (6) (4) awarde d 1 Ability to . communicate: a) Writte Always Precise, clear Clumsy and n and well set out vague Puts across Ineffective b) Oral convincingly and concisely 3 Professional Has a thorough grasp Does not know . knowledge, technical of the knowledge enough about competence relevant to his job the present job Analytical ability and Picks out the Seldom sees creativeness essentials without below the wasting time on surface of a irrelevant details problem Ability to plan, Organizes and uses Lacks control, organize and staff and other vacillating supervise work resources effectively Response under Very logical and Indecisive, stress, mental or decisive vacillating physical Out-put relative to goals/assignments: a) Quanti Always up to-date Always behind ty accumulates on schedule, very arrears slow disposal Always produces Generally b) Qualit work of exceptionally produces work y high quality of poor quality Total Marks (Part – III): 60 Grand Total: 100 PART – IV (a) GENERAL i. Standard of living; whether lives within known means of income. Yes No ii. Punctuality Yes No iii. Touring; whether adequate and systematic Yes No

(b).*Pen-picture: Please comment on any particularly strong or weak points without repeating earlier parts of the report.

______* Adverse remarks may be underlined in RED INK (c) Counseling: Was the officer advised to improve (vide instruction No. 4) during the period under report? If so what aspects and with what results?

(PART – V) Overall Assessment (initial the appropriate box):

Reporting Countersigning Criteria Officer Officer*

Outstanding A+ Above 90% A+ Very good (A) 81-90% (A) Good (B) 70-80% (B) Average (C) 51-69%

Below Average (D) Below 50% (D) Fitness for promotion Accelerated

On his/her turn

Not yet fit

Fit for retention beyond 25 years of service


Name of the Reporting Officer Designation Date (PART – VI) a) REMARKS OF THE COUNTERSIGNING OFFICER Please report on the aspects not touched upon by the Reporting Officer. If you disagree with the assessment of the Reporting Officer, please give reasons thereof. You should also indicate how frequently you have seen work of the officer reported upon. If the officer has been assessed fit for promotion would you be prepared to accept him/her in the higher grades. If not, please give your reasons.

Name: Signature (CAPITAL LETTER)

Designation Date


Name: Signature (CAPITAL LETTER)

Designation Date


1. Adverse remarks, if any, communicated vide Date 2. Decision on representation, if any


1. . a) Performance Evaluation Report (PER) is the most important record for the assessment of an officer. At the same time, the quality of PER is a measure of the competence of the Reporting Officer and Countersigning Officer. It is, therefore, essential that utmost care should be exercised by all Reporting and Countersigning Officers. b) The Reporting and Countersigning Officer should be :- i) As objective as possible; and ii) Clear and direct, not ambiguous or evasive in their remarks. c) The over-riding importance of Part-IV should be clearly understood in the overall grading. c) Over-rating should be eschewed by all Reporting/Countersigning Officers. c) Vague impressions based on inadequate knowledge or isolated incidents should be avoided.

2. Part-I will be filled by the Officer being reported upon and should be typed. Parts-II to V will be filled by the Reporting Officer and Part-VI by the Countersigning Officer. 3. Assessment in the PER should be confined to the work done by the officer reported upon during the period covered by the report. 4. Reporting Officer is expected to counsel the officer being reported upon about his weak points and advise him how to improve. Adverse remarks should normally be recorded when the officer fails to improve despite counseling. 5. The PER form should be filled in a neat and tidy manner. Cuttings/erasures should be avoided and must be initialed, where required. 6. The rating Part-II to V should be recorded by initialing the appropriate box.

7. a) The rating denoted by alphabet in Part-II and III represent 'A+ Outstanding' ‘A’ Very good, 'B' Good, 'C' Average, 'D' Below Average and 'D' Below Average. b) For uniform interpretation of qualities, etc., listed in Parts-II and III the two extreme shades are mentioned Confident" will be rated "A+" in "Intelligence, Confidence and Will Power" (box-I of Part II). A 'dull/slow against each item. For example an "Exceptionally Bright" officer with "Excellent Comprehension" and "Exceptionally uncertain/hesitant' officer will merit "C" and "D" ratings. A and B ratings will denote shades between the above two extremes. c) In order to evaluate the performance of the officers also in quantitative term, 100 marks are distributed in Parts- II and III. Therefore, in initialing the relevant box of Part-II and III, the following criteria should be kept in view: i) Above 90 "Outstanding". ii) Above 81-90 " Very Good". iii) Above 70-80 "Good". iv) Above 51-69 "Average". v) Below 50 "Below Average". 8. The ratings should be clear and given in one of the boxes provided for the purpose in Parts-II and III. Do not grade an officer between two shades, i.e., between 'Very Good' and 'Good' or 'Good' and 'Average' or 'Average' and 'Below Average'. 9. The report should be initiated by the next higher officer and countersigned by an officer higher than the Reporting Officer both being concerned with the work of the officer reported upon. 10. The countersigning officer should weigh the remarks of the Reporting Officer against his/her personal knowledge of the officer being reported upon compare him/her with other officers of the same grade working under different Reporting Officer but under the same Countersigning Officer and then give his/her overall assessment in Part- V and remarks in Part-VI (a). In certain categories of cases remarks of a Second Countersigning Officer may also be required to be recorded. The Second Countersigning Officer will record his/her remarks in Part-VI (b). 11. If the Countersigning Officer differs with the grading or remarks given (in parts other than Part-V) by the Reporting Officer, he/she should score it out and give his/her own grading in red ink. In Part-V, he is required to give his/her own assessment in addition to that of the Reporting Officer. 11. The Countersigning Officer should underline, in red ink, remarks which in his/her opinion are adverse and should be communicated to the officer reported upon. CERTIFICATE (By the Reportee)

Certified that I, ______(Name of Officer) (Personnel Number (if allotted)

have on ______submitted my Performance Evaluation Report (SPS) (Date) for the period from ___ to ______to ______(Name/Designation of Reporting Officer)

My countersigning officer is ______(Name/Designation of Countersigning Officer)

Signatures: ______

Designation: ______

Note: This certificate is required to be dispatched by the officer being reported upon to the Officer In-charge entrusted with the maintenance of his/her C.R. dossier on the same date the PER is forwarded to his/her reporting officer.

CERTIFICATE By the Establishment

F.N______Dated: ______

This is to certify that PER of Mr. ______, SPS______, for the period from

______to ______initiated and countersigned by the officers both being concerned with the work of the person reported upon during the said period.


Stamp:______Asstt.Director (ACR), PARC CERTIFICATE

F.N______Dated: ______

This is to certify that PERs of all officers/staff of Division/Directorate/Centre//Institute have been completed and sent to the Directorate of Establishment within due date and no PER is pending.

Name & Signature Head of Division/Directorate/Centre/Institute______


Director (Establishment), PARC

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