Everyday You Will Need To

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Everyday You Will Need To

Economics Mr. Cole

Overview: Economics is the study of how people choose to use their limited resources. In this course you will learn more about the tools that micro, macro, and global economics offer to help you make decisions as a consumer, seller, worker, and citizen.

What I Believe: Students are in school to learn and every student is capable of learning. It is the teacher’s job to facilitate this learning, but the teacher cannot learn for a student. A student must accept responsibility for his or her own education in order to reach his or her potential. Everyone should be a life long learner because the world in which we live is changing fast. Learning can be fun and exciting if approached with an open mind. Because I consider learning to be so important, I believe that interfering with another student’s opportunity to learn is disrespectful and I will not be tolerate it. Respect is the number one expectation of this class. Foul language, being tardy to class, refusing to complete assignments, sleeping in class, and refusing to participate in class are all examples of disrespect that take away from the purpose of my class.

Everyday you will need to: 1) Show up on time to class. 2) Bring a pen or a pencil to write with. 3) Have a book to read during reading time.

Classroom Materials: For this class you will need a notebook, which you can store in your file folder within the classroom.

Grading: Grades in this class are earned, not given. This is important to remember when you are working on assignments, preparing for tests, or sitting in class wondering if you should participate or not. I have often found that a student’s effort is the most important determining factor for what kind of grade they ultimately receive in my class. I have never had a student who gave a consistently high effort fail or even come close to failing my class.

Time will be given to work on all assignments in class. If you do not complete the assignment by the end of the class period it becomes homework and is due the following day at the beginning of class.

Grades will be based on three factors, participation, assignments, and assessments. 1. Participation: this means that you are coming to class regularly and on time, contributing positively, being on task, bringing all your materials with you, and being respectful. Tardiness, disruptiveness, noncompliance, failure to be prepared for class, and disrespect will all cause your participation grade to suffer. Participation is worth 20% of your grade. 2. Assignments: must be completed and ready to hand in at the beginning of class. Assignments that are late will be dropped a letter grade from what they would have earned. Assignments are worth 40% of your grade. 3. Assessments: this means any tests, quizzes, or projects that assess your learning. Yes, you will be expected to study in preparation for them. Assessments are worth 40% of your grade.

Attendance: You must attend 75% of the classes in order to pass this class. This means that if you have over eleven absences, for any reason, you will fail. In extreme cases missed time can be made up.

Class Expectations: 1. Respect everyone! This includes the teacher, other people’s ideas, and especially everyone’s right to learn. This also means using respectful language. 2. Be prepared to learn. This means bringing all of your materials to class everyday. It also means that you should attempt to bring a good attitude, even if you’re having a bad day. 3. Be on time for class. 4. Follow all school rules at all times. 5. If you need help, ask for it. Do not be afraid to ask, I may not know when you are struggling so please speak up, but do so respectfully.

Blog: http://economicsfall09.blogspot.com/

My plan is to post every school day a brief description of what was taught, what the assignment was, remind students of upcoming tests, quizzes, and due dates, and of any extra credit opportunities. If you miss my class for any reason or you are sitting at home and are sick, just check out the blog to find out what you are missing. Email: Please feel free to e-mail me any questions at [email protected] and I will usually reply within 24 hours unless it is the weekend.

Extra Credit: Extra credit assignments are offered occasionally during the quarter. They are to be done when offered and only students who have no missing assignments are eligible to turn in an extra credit assignment. ______

I have read and understand everything in the above syllabus. Please sign and return the syllabus so your student can receive credit for completing their first assignment!

Student signature: ______

Parent signature: ______

Any questions may be emailed to [email protected] or phoned to 982-3191.

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