Valuation of Securities (E) Task Force

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Valuation of Securities (E) Task Force

Attachment A-3 Valuation of Securities (E) Task Force 8/1/17


TO: Stewart Guerin, Chair, Valuation of Securities (E) Task Force Members of the Valuation of Securities (E) Task Force

FROM: Bob Carcano, Senior Counsel, NAIC Investment Analysis Office

CC: Charles Therriault, Director, NAIC Securities Valuation Office

DATE: July 5, 2017

RE: Amendments to the Purposes and Procedures Manual of the NAIC Investment Analysis Office (P&P Manual) to Implement Enhancements to the Administration of the FE Process – Produce Designations

1. Introduction – On June 22, 2017 the Task Force adopted policy statements in connection with a project to enhance the administration of the filing exempt (FE) process (Attachment One). The Task Force asked the SVO to review the policy recommendations and propose amendments to the P&P Manual. To facilitate the review of the proposed amendments the Task Force also asked the SVO to break out proposed P&P Manual amendments to correspond to the five components in its policy statement. This memorandum focuses on the component of the policy statement adopted by the Task Force reproduced below:

“Producing designations for Private Letter Ratings – Beginning 1/1/2018, private letter ratings will need to be either included in the rating agency feeds which are used for the automated FE process or filed with the IAO to be manually added to the FE database. When private letter rating securities are reported in the annual statement, there will be a PL suffix added onto the end of the designation. For those private letter ratings that cannot be added to the rating agency feeds immediately and cannot be filed with the IAO for confidentiality or other reasons existing filing options can be used. Over time, it is expected that this gap with private letter ratings will be eliminated by insurers working with the rating agencies to expand their feeds and adjusting the nondisclosure agreements to allow for sharing with the IAO. Due consideration shall be given to private letter ratings acquired prior to January 1, 2018, which may result in a bifurcated approach when viewed against post-1/1/2018 transactions. Other solutions may also be available.”

2. Discussion – The above policy directive is concerned with securities subject to private letter ratings. While this memorandum addresses that population of securities, it also addresses filing exempt securities which receive publicly disclosed ratings. This reflects that in the view of the SVO, securities subject to private letter ratings are a sub-population of filing exempt securities. The SVO proposed amendments shown below:

. Retain the existing filing exempt rule and process and extends them to securities subject to private letter ratings. . Modifies the definition of the administrative symbol FE; retains current practice to have insurers identify FE securities to the NAIC and modifies the text to reflect that SVO assigns NAIC Designations to FE securities.

© 2017 National Association of Insurance Commissioners 1 Attachment A-3 Valuation of Securities (E) Task Force 8/1/17 . Adds and defines a new administrative symbol PL applicable to securities subject to private letter ratings and specifies that the insurer identifies PL securities to the NAIC as they do FE securities. . Creates a new 5* channel for PL securities issued on or after Jan. 1, 2018. . Articulates the procedure for assigning NAIC Designations to PL securities and integrates that procedure into the procedure used for FE securities. . Collects the three components of the FE process into Part Three and revises the text to form a single coherent procedure – i.e.,: o The List of Credit Rating Providers and Their Equivalent of their Credit Ratings to NAIC Designation – now in Part One, Section 7 (d). o The filing exempt rule – now in Part Two, Section 4 (d). o Special instructions providing SVO with parameters on how to use credit ratings – outside of the context of the FE process – now in Part One, Section 2 (c) (iv).

3. Proposed Amendments to the P&P Manual

Part One —Purposes, General Policies and Instructions to the SVO

Section 3. Internal Administration b) Definitions of NAIC Designation Categories, Valuation Indicators, Administrative Symbols and Conventions (v) SVO Administrative Symbols SVO administrative symbols convey information about a security or an administrative procedure instead of an opinion of credit quality or Unit Price. The administrative symbols in use by the SVO and their meanings are described below.

(A) SVO analytical department symbols (except for the SVO SCA Companies Group)

All SVO analytical departments except the SVO SCA Companies Group use the following administrative symbols: FE means exempt from filing with the SVO and is used by an insurance company to identify an exempt insurance company to report an NAIC Designation for an exempt security on the NAIC Financial Statement Blank. NAIC Designations for FE securities are assigned by the SVO pursuant to the instructions and procedures in Part Three, Section 1 (b) of this Manual. The NAIC Designation determined by the SVO is disseminated in the SVO List of Securities compiled and published pursuant to the SVO’s compilation function as described in Section 3 (k) of this Part One. The administrative symbol FE is used with an NAIC 1 through 6 Designation, and in the case of preferred stock, in combination with the P and RP Valuation Indicators. When reporting a security on its annual or quarterly financial statements, the administrative symbol FE is used with an NAIC 1 through 6 Designation, and in addition, in the case of preferred stock, in combination with the P and RP Valuation Indicators. FE signifies that the reported security meets the criteria set forth in Part Two, Section 4(d) of this Manual and that the NAIC Designation was arrived at by the insurer by converting the NAIC CRP rating(s) into a corresponding NAIC Designation in accordance with the conversion instructions set forth in Part Two, Section 4 (d) (i)(A) and (B) of this Manual and the rating equivalency identified in Section 7(d) (ii) of this Part or by the NAIC in comparing the security with the NAIC CRP rating feeds.

PL stands for a private letter rating and refers to an insurer owned security that has been

© 2017 National Association of Insurance Commissioners 2 Attachment A-3 Valuation of Securities (E) Task Force 8/1/17 assigned a private rating by an NAIC CRP which rating is not publicly disseminated in the CRP’s data-feeds but is instead published in a letter provided by the CRP to the issuer of the security and to the insurer as an investor or that has subsequently been obtained by the insurer and submitted to the SVO under the procedures specified in Part Three, Section 1 (b) of this Manual. The administrative symbol PL is assigned to the security by the insurer in conjunction with reporting instructions to identify such securities. The administrative symbol PL is used with an NAIC 1 through 6 Designation, and in the case of preferred stock, in combination with the P and RP Valuation Indicators.

Part Two

Section 1. General Definitions Used in This Manual The following definitions are intended to have relevance only for this Manual. No suggestion is intended that these definitions have any relevance to any other NAIC publication.

CRP stands for Credit Rating Provider and refers to the NRSROs on the NAIC Credit Rating Provider List discussed in Part Three, Section 1 (b) of this Manual.

Section 4. Reporting Exemptions

d) Filing Exemption for Public Common Stock Insurers must report values for all securities on their NAIC Financial Statement Blank including for FE securities as defined in Part Three, Section 1 (b) of this Manual. Refer to Part Five, Section 1 of this Manual for valuation instructions. Documentation requirements for securities filed with the SVO are set forth in Part Two, Sections 10 and Part Two, Section 11. These documentation requirements apply when a security must be filed with the SVO. d)e) Filing Exemption for Certain NAIC CRP Rated Securities Section 5. Special Reporting Instruction a) NAIC Designations Related to the Special Reporting Instruction NAIC 5* is assigned by the SVO to certain obligations when an insurer certifies: (1) that documentation necessary to permit a full credit analysis of a security does not exist and (2) the issuer or obligor is current on all contracted interest and principal payments and (3) the insurer has an actual expectation of ultimate payment of all contracted interest and principal. This use of an NAIC 5* Designation is connected with the Special Reporting Instruction contained in Section 5(b) of this Part below. ... i) Other Permitted Uses of the Principal and Interest Certification Form and the NAIC 5* and 6* Designations ... (viii) PL Securities For private letter ratings issued on or after January 1, 2018, the NAIC 5* Designation may be used in connection with the designation of PL securities not rated by an NAIC CRP when the documentation necessary for the SVO to assign an NAIC Designation is not available. For purposes of this section a security is considered to be unrated if the NAIC CRP credit rating is not included in the applicable CRP credit rating feed and the insurer is unable to provide a copy of the private letter rating documentation necessary for the SVO to assign an NAIC Designation. Please see Part Three, Section 1 (b) of this Manual for related guidance.

© 2017 National Association of Insurance Commissioners 3 Attachment A-3 Valuation of Securities (E) Task Force 8/1/17

Part Three

Section 1. Corporate Bonds and Preferred Stock

a) Methodology for Independent Credit Quality Assessments General Assessment Procedure Corporate bonds defined as the Obligations of domestic and foreign corporations, and preferred stock shall be distinguished on the basis of the categories discussed below. The creditworthiness of the issuer of any particular category of Obligation shall be assessed by reference to the general, and any special, rating methodology discussed in this Part, unless the Valuation of Securities (E) Task Force has specified the use of a different methodology in this Manual. (i) Independent Assessment If the security under consideration is unrated, or if an analyst has conducted an independent analysis of the NAIC CRP rated security, the analyst shall make an independent assessment of the issuer, the security or both. ...

a) Procedure Applicable to Filing Exempt (FE) Securities and to Private Letter (PL) Rating Securities (i) Filing Exemption Bonds, (excluding RMBS and CMBS) and Preferred Stock that have been assigned an Eligible NAIC CRP Rating, as described in Part One, Section 4 (c) (ii) (B) of this Manual, are exempt from filing with the SVO (FE securities). (ii) Identification of FE Securities Insurance companies identify FE securities to the NAIC as part of the NAIC’s Financial Statement Blank reporting process. The SVO subsequently collects the securities insurers have identified as FE securities by identifying securities reported using the Administrative Symbol FE when it conducts the quarterly compilation of the SVO List of Securities. SVO then performs the procedures discussed in sub-section (iii) below to produce the most accurate NAIC Designation equivalent for purposes of the NAIC Financial Condition Framework. Please refer to Part One, Section 3 (l) of this Manual for a discussion of the compilation process. (iii) Direction and Procedure The SVO shall produce NAIC Designations for FE securities by applying the following procedure in conjunction with the List of Credit Rating Providers and the Equivalent of their Credit Ratings to NAIC Designations, shown below. A Bond or Preferred Stock that has been assigned an Eligible NAIC CRP Rating will be assigned the equivalent NAIC Designation. If two Eligible NAIC CRP Ratings have been assigned, then the lowest credit rating will be used to assign the equivalent NAIC Designation. In case of a Bond or Preferred Stock that has been assigned three or more Eligible NAIC CRP Ratings, the Eligible NAIC CRP Ratings for the Bond or Preferred Stock will be ordered according to their NAIC equivalents and the credit rating falling second lowest will be used to determine the equivalent NAIC Designation, even if that rating is equal to that of the first lowest.

© 2017 National Association of Insurance Commissioners 4 Attachment A-3 Valuation of Securities (E) Task Force 8/1/17 The SVO shall not in any manner whatsoever, show, display or disseminate the credit ratings of NRSROs as part of the compilation or publication of the SVO List of Securities in the AVS Plus product or in any other NAIC publication associated with the operations of the Valuation of Securities (E) Task Force. (iv) PL Securities

(A) For PL securities issued on or before December 31, 2017:

1) that are either included in the NAIC CRP Rating feeds, or the insurer is not prohibited from providing a copy of the private rating letter to the SVO, the procedure in (B) below shall be applicable; or

2) the private rating letter shall be filed upon request with the insurer’s domiciliary regulator.

(B) For PL securities issued on or after January 1, 2018, tThe SVO shall produce NAIC Designations for securities subject to private letter ratings as follows: The insurance company shall file a copy of the private rating letter with the SVO if not included in the applicable NAIC CRP Rating feed(s). In instances where the PL security is included in the applicable NAIC CRP Rating feed(s), the SVO shall follow the procedure in (iii) above. In instances where a private letter is filed, the SVO shall evaluate the private letter to determine whether the security has been assigned an Eligible NAIC CRP Rating in accordance with Part One, Section 4(c)(ii). If the SVO verifies that the security has been assigned an Eligible NAIC CRP Rating, it assigns an NAIC Designation in accordance with the policy and procedure specified in sub-paragraphs (i) and (ii) above. The assumption in the application of this step of the procedure is that PL securities are typically assigned a credit rating by only one NAIC CRP. However, if this assumption is inaccurate for any PL security, the SVO applies the same procedure specified for FE securities above. If the SVO verifies that the security:

 Has been assigned a credit rating but that the credit rating is not an Eligible NAIC CRP Credit Rating; or

 Has not been rated by an NAIC CRP; or

 Is no longer subject to a private letter rating; The SVO shall notify the company that the security is not eligible for filing exemption. The insurance company shall then either file that security and necessary documentation with the SVO for an independent credit assessment per Section 1 (a) of this Part or assign an NAIC 5* Regulatory Designation to the security in the related Interrogatory. (v) Application of the FE Procedure to Specific Populations

. The filing exemption procedure does not apply to investments required to be filed pursuant to Part Five, Section 2 of this Manual.

. Catastrophe-Linked Bonds are filing exempt provided the credit rating assigned to them by a CRP was derived in a specified manner. Please refer to Part Four, Section 4 of this Manual.

© 2017 National Association of Insurance Commissioners 5 Attachment A-3 Valuation of Securities (E) Task Force 8/1/17 (vi) List of NAIC CRPs The CRPs that provide Credit Rating Services to the NAIC are:

. Moody's Investor's Service ;

. Standard and Poor's ;

. Fitch Ratings ;

. Dominion Bond Rating Service (DBRS) ;

. A.M. Best Company (A.M. Best) ;

. Morningstar Credit Ratings, LLC (for All Structured Finance Securities) ;

. Kroll Bond Rating Agency , and;

. Egan Jones Rating Company. (vii) Table of Equivalents of Eligible NAIC CRP Ratings to NAIC Designations (A) Moody’s Investor’s Service Corporate, Government Counterparty and Municipal SVO Ratings Aaa; Aa 1, 2, 3; A 1, 2, 3 1 Baa 1, 2, 3 2 Ba 1, 2, 3 3 B 1, 2, 3 4 Caa, 1, 2, 3 5 Ca, C 6

Commercial Paper and Short Term Counterparty SVO Ratings P 1 1 P 2 2 P 3 3 N P (Not prime) 6

Preferred Stock SVO Aaa; Aa 1, 2, 3; A 1, 2, 3 1 Baa 1, 2, 3 2 Ba 1, 2, 3 3 B 1, 2, 3 4 Caa 5 Ca, C 6

(B) Standard and Poor’s Corporate Counterparty and Municipal Ratings -- SVO Public Bonds AAA, AA+, AA, AA-, A+, A, A- 1 BBB+, BBB, BBB- 2 BB+, BB, BB- 3 B+, B, B- 4 CCC+, CCC, CCC- 5 CC, C, D 6

Commercial Paper (Standard & Poor’s continued) SVO A, A 1 1 © 2017 National Association of Insurance Commissioners 6 Attachment A-3 Valuation of Securities (E) Task Force 8/1/17 A 2 2 A 3 2 B 4 C 5 D 6

Preferred Stock SVO AAA, AA+, AA, AA-, A+, A, A- 1 BBB+, BBB, BBB- 2 BB+, BB, BB- 3 B+, B, B- 4 CCC 5 CC, C, D 6

(C) Fitch Ratings Fixed Income and Counterparty Ratings SVO AAApre 1* AAA, AA+, AA, AA-, A+, A, A- 1 BBB+, BBB, BBB- 2 BB+, BB, BB- 3 B+, B, B- 4 CCC, 5 CC, C, DDD, DD, D 6 * This rating is assigned to pre-refunded municipal debt.

Commercial Paper SVO F 1+, F 1 1 F 2 2 F 3 2 B 4 C 5 D 6

Preferred Stock SVO AAA, AA+, AA, AA-, A+, A, A- 1 BBB+, BBB, BBB- 2 BB+, BB, BB- 3 B+, B, B- 4 CCC 5 CC, C 6

(D) Dominion Bond Rating Service Bond and Long Term Debt SVO AAA, AA (high), AA, AA (low), A (high), A, A (low) 1 BBB (high), BBB, BBB (low) 2 BB (high), BB, BB (low) 3 B (high), B, B (low) 4 CCC (high 5 CC, C (low), D 6

Preferred Stock SVO Pfd-1 (high), Pfd-1, Pfd 1 (low) 1 Pfd-2 (high), Pfd-2, Pfd-2 (low) 2 Pfd-3 (high), Pfd-3, Pfd-3 (low) 3 Pfd-4 (high), Pfd-4, Pfd-4 (low) 4

© 2017 National Association of Insurance Commissioners 7 Attachment A-3 Valuation of Securities (E) Task Force 8/1/17 Pfd-5 (high), 5 Pfd-5, Pfd-5 (low), D 6

Commercial Paper and Short Term Debt SVO R 1 (high), R-1 (middle), R-1 (low) 1 R 2 (high), R-2 (middle), R-2 (low) 2 R-3 3 R-4 5 R-5, D 6

(E) A.M. Best Company Bond, Long Term Debt and Preferred SVO aaa, aa+, aa, aa-, a+, a, a- 1 bbb+, bbb, bbb- 2 bb+, bb, bb- 3 b+, b, b- 4 ccc+, ccc, ccc- 5 cc, c, d 6

Commercial Paper and Short Term Debt SVO AMB-1+, AMB-1 1 AMB-2 2 AMB-3 3 AMB –4 6

(F) Morningstar Credit Ratings, LLC for All Structured Finance Securities SVO AAA, AA, A 1 BBB 2 BB 3 B 4 CCC, CC, C* 6 D 6 * Morningstar defines CCC, CC, C as "likely to default" which we here equate to the NAIC 6 definitional concept of a security "in or near default." Morningstar's D, defined as "in default" is also equated to an NAIC 6.

(G) Kroll Bond Rating Agency Long-Term Corporate, Counterparty and Municipal SVO Ratings AAA, AA+, AA, AA-, A+, A, A- 1 BBB+, BBB, BBB- 2 BB+, BB, BB- 3 B+, B, B- 4 CCC+, CCC, CCC- 5 CC, C, D 6

Short-Term and Commercial Paper Ratings SVO K1+, K1 1 K2 2 K3 3 B 4 C 5 D 6

© 2017 National Association of Insurance Commissioners 8 Attachment A-3 Valuation of Securities (E) Task Force 8/1/17 Preferred Stock Ratings SVO AAA, AA+, AA, AA-, A+, A, A- 1 BBB+, BBB, BBB- 2 BB+, BB, BB- 3 B+, B, B- 4 CCC+, CCC, CCC- 5 CC, C, D 6

(H) Egan Jones Rating Company Corporate Ratings SVO AAA, AA+, AA, AA-, A+, A, A- 1 BBB+, BBB, BBB- 2 BB+, BB, BB- 3 B+, B, B- 4 CCC+, CCC, CCC- 5 CC, C, D 6

Commercial Paper SVO A, A1, A1+ 1 A2 2 A3 2 B 4 C 5 D 6

Preferred Stock SVO AAA, AA+, AA, AA-, A+, A, A- 1 BBB+, BBB, BBB- 2 BB+, BB, BB- 3 B+, B, B- 4 CCC 5 CC, C, D 6 (viii) Securities no longer assigned an Eligible NAIC CRP Credit Rating Any Bond or Preferred Stock that at one time was assigned an Eligible NAIC CRP Credit Rating by an NAIC CRP but is no longer rated must be filed with the SVO within 120 days of the loss of the credit rating, as if the security had never been filing exempt. (ix) Limitations on Use of NAIC CRP Ratings

(A) NAIC Designation Is Capped To Highest NAIC CRP Rating The SVO shall not assign an NAIC Designation for a rated security that reflects an opinion of credit quality greater than that indicated by the rating assigned by an NAIC CRP, except as provided in Paragraph (B) below, and except that the SVO may assign the NAIC Designation it deems appropriate to: (1) Municipal bonds and; (2) Military housing bonds or securities as defined in Part Four, Section 5(b) of this Manual.

(B) Split Ratings For filing exempt securities as defined in Part Two, Section 4 (d) of this Manual, the NAIC Designation assigned will be the NAIC Designation equivalent that results from the application of the filing exemption process described in Part Two, Section 4 (d) of

© 2017 National Association of Insurance Commissioners 9 Attachment A-3 Valuation of Securities (E) Task Force 8/1/17 this Manual. This rule will also apply to replication transactions defined in Part Four, Section 2(a) of this Manual and other instances where NAIC CRP ratings are used by the SVO.

(C) Unrated Transaction of Issuer with NAIC CRP Rated Debt When presented with an unrated security of an issuer that has another issue rated by an NAIC CRP, the staff may consider the rated issue and its position in the capital structure of the issuer to arrive at an NAIC Designation for the unrated security, provided that the staff shall first consult with the rating agency and independently consider the terms of the unrated security and its impact on payment risk.


© 2017 National Association of Insurance Commissioners 10

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