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Central Baptist Church
August 2017
CBC Courier
Pastor’s Pen We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit. ~ Aristotle For the past two Sundays our worship sermons have focused on joy. Joy to live what you perceive to be the ‘Good Life’. I advocate we focus on living the ‘God life’ and we will discover a deep seated joy in our lives. I recently viewed a one minute video from a pastor who says it’s not the great things in life we should strive for but simply doing the day to day ‘good’ things. If we set hefty goals for ourselves or our church, we may miss all the opportunities God has in store for us along the way. Aristotle certainly agrees with his quote above. For me, I struggle with this thinking. I agree with it but tussle with the fact that we have a Big God, a Creator capable to work miracles in our lives, to hold our hands and guide us to ‘change the world’. My mind is constantly discerning ways to reach for the stars and finding out most of the time that I should have taken less of a leap and more of a gentle stride. The journey's end will be the same, however, perhaps taking a bit longer. A contrasting view is not moving at all because in front of us may lurk some high, rugged mountains to climb in order to reach our vision or desired goal. President Theodore Roosevelt offers us a constructive and confident affirmation to this impasse saying, “Believe you can and you’re halfway there.” With a rock solid faith and belief that our God can do anything, we will move forward inching along or taking giant steps. As we unite with one another to scale any mountain or obstacle we may feel will deter us from all we want to do in striving for the Good life in God and sharing those blessings with each other, our community and yes, even changing the world (or at least a piece of it), we can be a force of positive change. With the 150th Anniversary year upon us with several events to plan and a vision by many in our church family to refurbish, renovate and restore our lower level hall and kitchen, the Lobster festival around the corner and with many other items on our ‘to do’ list, it can seem at times overwhelming. What’s our first step? Proverbs 3:6 instructs us: “In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make straight your paths.” First step – prayer! This is an exciting time to be at Central Baptist Church. Spread the word and let’s move forward, confident that our guide is God! The journey together will be amazingly joyful! In Christ’s love, Pastor Kurt ______
Pastor’s Leave Kurt will begin a week of annual leave from August 4-12. He will back at the pulpit on Sunday August 13th. If you have or know of a pastoral need during that time, please contact the church office at 423- 1651. Summer Sunday School Youth will meet every other Sunday, through the month of August, for Summer Sunday School. During these special classes we will explore the meaning and significance of different aspects of the Sunday service. And, there will be games! On the opposite weeks children will attend service and have the opportunity to share their knowledge with the congregation, if they so choose! Communion Sunday Collection Running thru every Sunday during the month of August, we will be collecting school supplies for grades 4th -8th. Supplies recommended are: notebooks, pens, pencils, rulers, coloring pencils, calculators, highlighters etc.. CBC Walking Party Please join us music in Clarke Hall on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8:00a.m. to 8:45a.m.We do a warm- up, walk a couple miles, do a cool down, then a few floor exercises. Please join us! Questions? Contact MariBeth Traer. Ladies’ Breakfast Ladies Breakfast will be held Thursday August 10th and August 31st at 9 a.m. at Slice of Heaven. All CBC ladies welcome! Lobster Roll Dinner Central Baptist Church hosts their annual Lobster Roll Dinner on Friday, August 11, serving a delicious lobster roll with chips and homemade brownie ($14), clam cakes (3 for $2) and chowder ($3/bowl or $7/pint). Drinks are available for a nominal fee. Eat in with new friends or take out to your home or the beach. Dinner starts at 5:00 p.m., continuing until supplies are gone. Mark your calendar and come early because there is always a line for this yummy and affordable supper.
Matsiko Orphan Choir The choir will perform in Newport on August 22nd and arrive in Jamestown in the late morning or early afternoon of August 23rd. The youth and chaperones will get settled into Clarke Hall where we will prepare lunch and they relax or visit the area for the afternoon. A potluck supper is scheduled for 5:00 p.m. where our congregation can share a meal and get to know about the individuals who will be performing. This was truly one of the highlights last year for many church members. No later than 6:00 P.M., as the youth prepare for the concert and set up their tables in the vestibule outside the sanctuary, we will have time to clean up from dinner. The concert is scheduled for 7:00 P.M. and doors will open to the public at 6:30. This allows people time to look over and purchase items brought by the youth from their individual countries and villages. The choir performs from 7:00 – 8:00 and an offering is taken for the choir. Selling their wares and the offering is how they raise money to support their national tour. Church doors will be locked around 8:30. There will be copies a preemptive itinerary and sign-up sheets in the church parlor for anyone interested. CBC 150th Picnic at the Dolce’s The Dolce’s will be hosting a picnic at our house 30 Keel Ave on Sunday, August 27 at 1 pm in honor of CBC’s 150th Anniversary. Hamburgers/hotdogs will be provided. We ask that people bring a salad to share or a dessert. We will have drinks also available. A sign-up sheet will be in the church parlor.
Central Baptist Church A church with open doors A congregation with open minds A community with open hearts 99 Narragansett Avenue (Mail: P.O. Box 295) Jamestown, RI 02835 (401) 423-1651 [email protected] www.cbcjamestown.com
Pastor Administrative Assistant Organist & Choir Director Custodians Kurt Satherlie Tanya Crowley Norman Newberry John & Jim Page