Performance Task Template
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Instructional Tools
Mrs. Hargraves
Sewing Christmas Bags Standard Areas: Please indicate the Balanced Instructional Please indicate the performance levels. Model: product: Mathematics Level 5 Science Level 3 Please check which Gift bags Technology Level 4 Life Skills Level 3/4 strand(s). Please describe the Career Skills 4 Science Level 3 Practical Application audience: Writing Level 4 Cultural Awareness Simulation Community servants Reading Level 5 Real-Life Connection Content knowledge and/or process skills Personal/Social/Career/Service Standard(s): Standard(s): CS: 4.03 Pre-employment skills MA: 5.10 – converts measurement LS: 4.07, 3.09 Service project 5.11 – estimates length TE: 4.12 Enter data 5.13 – handling money, budgeting 5.14 – measure to 1/8 in and mm 5.19 – slides, flips, turns, 5. 26 – calculates perimeter and area 5.27 – tables, bar graphs, 5.29 – makes predictions from graphs
Essential Questions: Essential Vocabulary: How many mm in a m, in. in a ft., ft. in a yard, c. Convert, estimate, flip, slide, turn, pattern, in a gal.? bar graph, Excel, predict, budget How do we estimate in, and cm? How much money will we need for supplies? How do we count back change from $5? How much fabric and thread will we need? How will the pattern look flipped, slid, turned? How do prices compare at different stores? How do we present our graphs? What do our graphs tell us about prices?
OVERVIEW OF PERFORMANCE TASK: Materials and Resources: - Brainstorm ways to make money (split pot, cake walk, - fabric bake sale, etc.) - thread - Plan money maker - needles - Practice counting back change - cooking supplies - Make money - Research prices for supplies @ different stores. - Graph prices - Enter data in excel to interpret and predict - Decide where to buy supplies - Estimate amount of supplies to purchase - Order supplies - Look at pattern – slide, flip, turn, etc. - Practice measurement
Heidi Hargraves/Unalakleet School Instructional Tools
- Cut fabric - Sew - Practice following recipes - Make cookies - Write about experience (letter, how-to, poem, sequence) - Deliver gift bags
Closure: Deliver gift bags
Heidi Hargraves/Unalakleet School Instructional Tools
ASSESSMENT Traits/Targets -- Emerging Developing + Proficient * Advanced MA 5.10 – Does not Converts mm Converts mm, Converts mm, converts convert to cm to and cm to and cm to measurement measurements meters and meter and meter and accurately back, OR back. back. Converts converts in. to Converts in. to in. to feet and feet and back feet and back back. Converts fractions of in
MA 5.11 – Does not Estimates mm, Estimates mm, Estimates mm, estimates length estimate cm, meter, in., cm, meter, in. cm, meter, in. measurement OR feet to and feet to and feet to accurately nearest 10 OR nearest 10 and nearest 10, 100 100 100. Estimates fractions to nearest inch MA 5.13 – Does not Simulates Simulates Simulates handling money, simulate purchasing purchasing purchasing budgeting purchasing supplies with 2 supplies with 3 supplies with 4 supplies, does or fewer different bill or more coin not count back different bill and coin combinations, change and coin combinations, counts back accurately combinations, counts back change from does not count change from $5.00 back change $5.00 accurately
MA 5.14 – Does not Measures Measures Measures measure to 1/8 measure fabric fabric to 1/2 fabric to 1/8 in. fabric to 1/16 in and mm accurately inch or nearest and nearest in. and nearest cm mm mm.
MA 5.19 – slides, Cannot identify Identifies two Identifies when Identifies when flips, turns when the or fewer pattern is slid, pattern is slid, pattern is slid, moves when flipped, or flipped, or flipped, or pattern is slid, turned turned using turned flipped, or the language turned rotation, reflection, translation
Heidi Hargraves/Unalakleet School Instructional Tools
MA 5.26 – Does not find Finds Finds Finds perimeter calculates perimeter OR perimeter OR perimeter and and area of perimeter and area of the area of the area of the pattern using area pattern pattern using pattern using cm and inch cm and inches cm and inches with abnormal shape MA 5.27 – Does not put Puts price Puts price Puts price tables, bar price information in information in information in graphs information in a table, but a table, a table, creates a table or does not creates bar bar graph with create a bar create a bar graph with data and uses graph with the graph with the data 1 other type of data. data. graph to show data MA 5.29 – makes Does not Decides on Decides on Decides on predictions from decide on appropriate appropriate appropriate graphs appropriate vendor based vendor based vendor based vendor based on data, but on data from on data from on data from cannot predict graph, predicts graph, predicts graph which vendor which vendor which vendor gets more gets more gets more business business business, and explains thoroughly why they chose this vendor CS 4.03 Pre- Does not Participates in Participates in Participates in employment participate in a a site-based a site-based a site-based skills site-based enterprise for enterprise for enterprise for enterprise 14 minutes or 15 minutes 16 minutes or less more LS 4.07, 3.09 Does not Sews a gift Sews a gift bag Takes a Service project participate in a bag, OR makes and makes leadership role service project cookies for a cookies for a in participating for community community community in service member member project for community by sewing more than one gift bag and making cookies for community members
Heidi Hargraves/Unalakleet School Instructional Tools
TE 4.12 Enter Does not enter Enters data Enters data Enters data data data into Excel from 1 graph from 1 graph from 2 or more spreadsheet into an Excel into an Excel graphs into an spreadsheet spreadsheet Excel with help on own spreadsheet
Heidi Hargraves/Unalakleet School