Topical Review for Final: MC
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Topical Review for Final: MC General History 1) Which document is an example of a primary source? 1) a textbook on Russian history 3) a novel on the Age of Exploration 2) an encyclopedia article on religions of 4) the diary of a survivor of a Nazi death the Middle East camp • The United Nations Declaration of Human Rights • Article from Mohandas Gandhi’s Indian Opinion • Excerpt from the letters of Catherine the Great 2) These three documents are considered 1) secondary sources 3) primary sources 2) examples of oral traditions 4) statements of different religious beliefs Early People & the Neolithic Revolution 3) One reason for the development of an early civilization in the Tigris-Euphrates river valleys was that 1) the location protected the people from land invasion 2) periodic flooding left rich soil, which was ideal for farming 3) these rivers provided a direct trade route between Europe and Asia 4) these rivers flowed into the Mediterranean Sea 4) The early civilizations of the Nile River Valley, Mesopotamia, and the Yellow River Valley were similar because they were 1) industrialized societies 3) dependent on fertile land 2) monotheistic 4) dependent on each other for trade “If a seignior (noble) has knocked out the tooth of a seignior of his own rank, they shall knock out his tooth. But if he has knocked out a commoner’s tooth, he shall pay one-third mina of silver.” -Code of Hammurabi 5) Which idea of Babylonian society does this portion of the Hammurabi code of law reflect? 1) all men were equal under the law 3) divisions existed between social 2) fines were preferable to corporal classes punishment 4) violence was always punished with violence Religions & Philosophies 6) Judaism, Islam, and Christianity share a belief in 1) the central authority of the Pope 3) reincarnation and the Four Noble 2) a prohibition of the consumption of port Truths 4) monotheism and ethical conduct 7) According the teachings of Confucius, the key to the successful organization of society is that 1) the ruler should be chosen democratically 2) the evil in humans must be eliminated 3) ancestor worship should be discontinued 4) individuals should know and do what is expected of them 8) In Japan, the martial arts, the tea ceremony, and flower arranging best reflect the influences of 1) imperialism and militarism 3) capitalism 2) Buddhism and Shintoism 4) mercantilism 9) One similarity between the Five Pillars of Islam and the Ten Commandments is that both 1) support a belief in reincarnation 2) promote learning as a means to salvation 3) encourage the use of statues to 4) provide a guide to proper ethical and symbolize God moral behavior 10) One way in which Eastern Orthodoxy, Roman Catholicism, and Protestantism are similar is that each 1) accepts the supreme authority of the 3) is a branch of Christianity Pope 4) was once the official religion of the 2) rejects the Old Testament as part of Byzantine Empire the Bible 11) The Koran, jihad, and the hegira are most closely associated with the practice of 1) Islam 3) Shinto 2) Judaism 4) Buddhism
12) The Buddhist religion teaches that salvation is earned by 1) following the Ten Commandments 3) learning to give up selfish desire 2) worshiping Allah as the one true god 4) being baptized and confirmed 13) Traditional animistic beliefs in Africa, Asia, and Latin America are based on 1) a desire for wealth 3) an appreciation for the forces of nature 2) a written tradition 4) a willingness to accept Christianity 14) Jewish religions and cultural identity has been greatly influenced by 1) Ramadan and the concept of 3) the New Testament and the Four Noble reincarnation Truths 2) the Torah and the Diaspora 4) the Koran and the code of bushido 15) Mansa Musa’s journey to Mecca in the 1300’s is evidence that 1) the Crusades had a great influence on western Africa 2) most African leaders were educated in the Middle East 3) European culture was superior to the cultures of western Africa 4) Islam had a major influence on the Mali Empire 16) The Eightfold Path, the Four Noble Truths, and the concept of nirvana are associated with the religion of 1) Islam 3) Shinto 2) Jainism 4) Buddhism Rise & Fall of Great Empires 17) A major impact of Ancient Greece and Rome on Western Civilization was that 1) the Greeks and Romans succeeded in achieving a classless society, which was later copied in Western Europe 2) Greek sculpture and Roman architecture were much admired and copied in the 18th and 19th centuries 3) Greece and Rome transmitted Islamic philosophy to the areas they conquered 4) Greek and Latin are still widely spoken in universities throughout the West 18) The Ancient Romans’ most significant contribution to Europe has been in the area of 1) economics 3) drama 2) poetry 4) law 19) An immediate result of the fall of the Roman Empire was 1) a renewed interest in education and the arts 2) a period of disorder and weak central government 3) an increase in trade and manufacturing 4) the growth of cities and dominance by the middle class 20) The Ancient Athenians are credited with 1) inventing and using the wheel 3) establishing governments that had 2) eliminating slavery democratic elements 4) inventing the printing press 21) Which ancient civilization established the basis of western democracy? 1) Phoenician 3) Sumerian 2) Egyptian 4) Greek 22) The political system of the Ancient Roman Empire was characterized by 1) a strong central government 2) rule by a coalition of emperors and religious leaders 3) universal suffrage in national elections 4) a strict adherence to constitutional principles 23) The Ancient Greek city-state of Sparta 1) was primarily concerned with the health of their people 2) was a powerful military state 3) granted universal suffrage to their people 4) placed great emphasis on literature and the arts 24) An influence that spread from the Byzantine Empire to Early Russia was the 1) Orthodox Christian religion 3) beginning of democracy 2) use of the Latin alphabet 4) factory system 25) The adoption of the Eastern Orthodox religion and the Cyrillic alphabet by the Russian people occurred as a result of 1) territorial expansion during the reign of Catherine the Great 2) the westernization policies of Peter the Great 3) contact with Byzantine culture in the 10th century 4) the influence of the Crusaders during the Middle Ages 26) After the fall of Rome, the eastern portion of the Roman Empire became known as the 1) Persian Empire 3) Mongol Empire 2) Byzantine Empire 4) Gupta Empire 27) A major effect of the decline of the Roman Empire was that Western Europe 1) came under the control of the Muslims 3) returned to a republican form of 2) was absorbed by the Byzantine Empire government 4) entered a period of chaos and disorder 28) During the centuries of dynastic rule, the Chinese rejected other cultures as inferior to their own. This situation illustrates the concept of 1) ethnocentrism 3) social mobility 2) imperialism 4) cultural diffusion 29) Alexander the Great’s conquests of Greece, Asia Minor, Egypt, and Persia led to the 1) spread of Hellenic culture 4) spread of Islamic culture throughout 2) adoption of a feudal system Europe 3) establishment of representative democracy African Trading Kingdoms 30) One similarity between the Ancient African kingdoms of Egypt, Ghana, Mali and Songhai is that all of these kingdoms were located 1) in mountainous terrain 3) on major trading routes 2) in coastal areas 4) in rain forest areas 31) Mansa Musa’s journey to Mecca in the 1300’s is evidence that 1) the Crusades had a great influence on western Africa 2) most African leaders were educated in the Middle East 3) European culture was superior to the cultures of western Africa 4) Islam had a major influence on the Mali Empire Byzantine Empire 32) “Western Europe owed a debt of gratitude to the Empire that for almost a thousand years ensured the survival of Christianity during a time when Europe was too weak to accomplish the task.” Which Empire is referred to in this quotation? 1) Hellenistic 3) Byzantine 2) Mongol 4) Ottoman 33) An influence that spread from the Byzantine Empire to Early Russia was the 1) Orthodox Christian religion 3) beginning of democracy 2) use of the Latin alphabet 4) factory system 34) Which empire introduced the Eastern Orthodox Church and the Cyrillic alphabet to Russia? 1) Mongol 3) British 2) Byzantine 4) Gupta Islamic Empires / Spread of Islam 35) A major feature of the Golden Age of Moslem culture was the 1) political and economic isolation of the 3) adoption of democratic government Arab world 4) persecution of Jews and Christians 2) development of the foundations of modern science and mathematics 36) Which factor helps explain the scientific and literary achievements of the Muslims during their Golden Age (A.D. 800-1300)? 1) expansion of trans-Atlantic trade 2) innovations introduced by the Europeans during the Renaissance 3) cultural diversity accepted by many Islamic governments 4) legal equality of all people in the Islamic empire 37) Mansa Musa’s journey to Mecca in the 1300’s is evidence that 1) the Crusades had a great influence on western Africa 2) most African leaders were educated in the Middle East 3) European culture was superior to the cultures of western Africa 4) Islam had a major influence on the Mali Empire 38) Which activity occurred during the Golden Age of Muslim culture? 1) destruction of books containing Greek and Roman ideas 2) beginning of pilgrimages to Mecca 3) opposition to freedom of thought and to foreign ideas by rulers 4) major discoveries in mathematics and science 39) The contributions of the Golden Age of Islamic civilization include 1) advances in mathematics 3) polytheistic beliefs 2) irrigation systems 4) gunpowder and guns Medieval Europe 40) In Europe during the Middle Ages, increases in trade and commerce resulted in 1) lower living standards for industrial 3) increased political power for the clergy workers 4) development of towns and cities 2) decreased economic rivalry between kings 41) “All things were under its domain...its power was such that no one could hope to escape its scrutiny.” Which European institution during the Middle Ages is best described by this statement? 1) the Guild 3) the Church 2) Knighthood 4) the nation-state 42) The Middle Ages in Western Europe was characterized by 1) the manor system and the importance of land ownership 2) absolute monarchies and strong central governments 3) decreased emphasis on religion in daily life 4) extensive trade with Asia and the Middle East 43) Feudal societies are generally characterized by 1) an emphasis on social order 3) many economic opportunities 2) a representative government 4) the protection of political rights 44) In Europe, a long-term effect of the Crusades was 1) the strengthening of the feudal system 3) an increased demand for goods from 2) the adoption of Islamic religious the East practices 4) increased European isolation 45) The art, music, and philosophy of the medieval period in Europe generally dealt with 1) human scientific achievements 3) materialism 2) religious themes 4) classic Greek and Roman subjects 46) Which statement best describes the result of the Crusades? 1) Europeans maintained a lasting control over much of the Middle East 2) Islamic influence dominated Europe 3) Europeans developed tolerance of Non-Christian religions 4) trade between Europe and the Middle East was expanded 47) What were two indirect results of the Crusades? 1) trade and commerce increased and the feudal system was strengthened 2) trade and commerce declined and the feudal system was strengthened 3) trade and commerce increased and the feudal system was weakened 4) trade and commerce declined and the feudal system was weakened 48) In Europe during the Middle Ages, the force that provided unification and stability was the 1) central government in Rome 3) federation of the craft guilds 2) military alliance between France and 4) Roman Catholic Church Germany 49) In European feudal society, an individual’s social status was generally determined by 1) birth 3) individual abilities 2) education and training 4) marriage
50) Which economic system existed in Europe during the early Middle Ages? 1) free market 3) manorialism 2) socialism 4) command 51) A major goal of the Christian Church during the Crusades (1096–1291) was to 1) establish Christianity in western Europe 3) unite warring Arab peoples 2) capture the Holy Land from Islamic 4) strengthen English dominance in the rulers Arab world Feudal Japan 52) Korea greatly influenced the development of early Japan by 1) acting as a bridge for ideas from China 2) providing Japan with the technology for industrialization 3) serving as a barrier against Chinese aggression 4) protecting Japan from early European exploration 53) In Japan between 1603 and 1868, the most notable action taken by the Tokugawa Shogunate was the 1) military conquest of China 3) formation of cultural links with Europe 2) development of extensive trade with 4) virtual isolation of the country from the the Americas outside world 54) The code of bushido of the Japanese samurai is most similar to 1) belief in reincarnation and karma of 3) teachings of Judaism Hindus 4) theory of natural rights of the 2) practice of chivalry by European Enlightenment writers knights 55) A valid generalization about early Japanese culture is that Japan 1) had a strong influence on the development of culture in Korea 2) spread Shinto throughout Asia 3) maintained a uniquely individual culture while borrowing much from other cultures 4) imported almost all of its cultural ideas from China, resulting in nearly identical cultures Mongol Empire 56) The Mongols played a significant role in Russian history by 1) supporting Czar Nicholas II during the Russian Revolution 2) supporting the rule of Ivan the Terrible 3) ending the reign of Catherine the Great 4) isolating Russia from Western Europe during the early Renaissance European Renaissance 57) In Europe, a major characteristic of humanism was 1) a belief in the supremacy of the state in relation to individual rights 2) a rejection of ancient civilizations and their cultures 3) an emphasis on social control and obedience to national rulers 4) an appreciation for the basic worth of individual achievement 58) Which statement best describes a characteristic of the Renaissance in Europe? 1) the social structure became very rigid 2) creativity in the arts was encouraged 3) the political structure was similar to that of the Roman Empire 4) humanism decreased in importance 59) “Europe is waking out of a long, deep sleep…time was when learning was only found in the religious orders…learning has passed to secular princes and peers.” This quotation best describes the 1) Renaissance 3) Crusades 2) decline of the Roman Empire 4) rise of Christianity 60) Which statement describes a direct effect of the Renaissance on Western Europe? 1) the philosophy of humanism brought about a decrease in the power of the Roman Catholic Church 2) art began to reflect an increased emphasis on religious themes 3) nationalistic movements among the minority ethnic groups in the region declines 4) the feudal system was developed to provide stability in a decentralized political structure 61) The Renaissance and the Protestant Reformation were similar in that both were 1) stimulated by a spirit of inquiry 4) encouraged by the successes of the 2) supported by the working class French Revolution 3) limited to Italy, France, and Germany 62) One factor that enabled the Renaissance to flourish in Northern Italy was that the region had 1) a wealthy class that invested in the 3) limited contact with the Byzantine arts Empire 2) a socialist for of government 4) a shrinking middle class 63) European society during the Renaissance differed from European society during the Middle Ages in that during the Renaissance 1) the Church was no longer influential 3) economic activity declined 2) the emphasis on individual worth 4) art no longer contained religious increased themes 64) Which idea about leadership would Niccolo Machiavelli most likely support? 1) leaders should do whatever is necessary to achieve their goals 2) leaders should fight against discrimination and intolerance 3) leaders should listen to the desires of the people 4) elected leaders should be fair and good Reformation & Counter-Reformation 65) Martin Luther’s Ninety-Five Theses were a call for 1) religious revolt against the German 3) greater papal authority princes 4) crusades to spread Christianity 2) reforms within the Roman Catholic Church 66) In Western Europe, a major immediate effect of the Reformation was a 1) renewed domination of the Catholic Church over the German states 2) greater tolerance of religions other than Christianity 3) decrease in educational opportunities for the middle class 4) decline in religious unity and in the power of the Catholic Church 67) During the Renaissance, which development contributed most to the Protestant Reformation? 1) interest in Ancient Greece and Rome 3) questioning of traditional authority 2) advances in mathematics and science 4) attention to realism and detail 68) Which was a result of the Protestant Reformation in Europe? 1) the Catholic Church accepted the dominance of the new Protestant religions in Italy, France, and Germany 2) Spain became a predominately Protestant nation 3) Catholic Church leaders refused to make any changes in church practices 4) the power of the Catholic Church in Europe was weakened 69) Which factor helped most to bring about the Protestant Reformation? 1) the Catholic clergy had lost faith in their religion 2) Islam was attracting many converts in Western Europe 3) kings and princes in Northern Europe resented the power of the Catholic Church 4) the exploration of the Americas led to the introduction of new religious ideas 70) The Protestant Reformation represents a turning point in European history because it 1) allowed religious reformers to escape 3) ended religious unity in Western persecution Europe 2) standardized all religious writings 4) forced most of Europe’s monarchs to become Protestants 71) “Unless I am convinced by Scripture and plain reason... my conscience is captive to the Word of God. I cannot and I will hot recant anything, for to go against conscience is neither right nor safe. Here I stand, I cannot do otherwise.” —Martin Luther, Diet of Worms (1517) When Martin Luther said “my conscience is captive to the Word of God,” he was referring to his belief in 1) the supremacy of the Bible over Church 2) imprisoning those who disagreed with policies Church teachings 3) maintaining the unity of the Church 4) the need for nepotism
72) Martin Luther’s posting of the Ninety-Five Theses is considered by many to be a turning point in history because 1) the Pope’s right to sell indulgences was strengthened 2) Luther soon became the leader of Germany 3) the power of the Roman Catholic Church was lessened and royal power grew 4) the Roman Catholic Church unified the German states 73) In Spain, an effect of the Inquisition during the 16th century was to 1) prevent the introduction of Protestant religions 2) reintroduce Moorish culture to the Iberian Peninsula 3) encourage the development of the Industrial Revolution 4) implement the ideas of the Renaissance in major cities Age of Exploration 74) In Latin America, the Maya and the Aztec civilizations were similar in that they 1) showed little evidence of urbanization 4) used military weapons superior to those of 2) lacked a strong central government Europeans 3) developed complex mathematical and calendar systems 75) A study of the Maya, Aztec, and Inca civilizations of Latin America would show that these civilizations 1) developed advanced and complex societies before the arrival of the Europeans 2) established extensive trade with Pacific Rim nations 3) were strongly influenced by their contact with Asian and African civilizations 4) were relatively large, but not well organized 76) Which was a result of the Commercial Revolution 1) decline in population growth in Europe 3) spread of feudalism throughout 2) shift of power from Western Europe to Western Europe Eastern Europe 4) expansion of European influence overseas 77) The Commercial Revolution in Western Europe led directly to the 1) development of a socialist economy 3) weakening of the power of the middle 2) establishment of the Guild System class 4) expansion of world trade 78) Which system developed as a result of the Commercial Revolution 1) manorialism 3) bartering 2) communism 4) market economy 79) Which of these events during the Age of Exploration was a cause of the other three? 1) Europeans brought food, animals, and ideas from one continent to another 2) European diseases had an adverse effect on the native populations of new territories 3) warfare increased as European nations competed for land and power 4) advances in learning and technology made long ocean voyages possible 80) The Native American population of Mexico in 1492 has been estimated at 25 million; the population in 1608 has been estimated at 1.7 million. This decrease in population was mainly a result of 1) crop failures brought on by poor weather 2) emigration of Native Americans to Europe conditions and Africa 3) wars between various native groups 4) diseases introduced by the Spanish 81) In Latin America during the early period of Spanish colonialism, the deaths of large numbers of the native people led to 1) a decline in Spanish immigration to the 3) the importation of slaves from Africa Americas 4) improved health care in the colonies 2) the removal of most Spanish troops from the Americas 82) One reason the Spanish conquistadors were able to conquer the Aztec and Inca Empires rapid is that 1) these empires had no standing armies 2) the Spanish had better weapons than the Aztecs and Incas did 3) the Spanish greatly outnumbered the Aztecs and Incas 4) the Aztecs and Incas joined together to fight the Spanish
83) Which was a characteristic of the policy of mercantilism followed by Spanish colonial rulers in Latin America? 1) the colonies were forced to develop local industries to support themselves 2) Spain sought trade agreements between its colonies and the English colonies in North America 3) the colonies were required to provide raw materials to Spain and to purchase Spanish manufactured goods 4) Spain encouraged the colonies to develop new political systems to meet colonial needs 84) The influence of African culture on some areas of Latin America was largely a result of the 1) American Revolution 3) success of Communist Revolutions 2) building of the Panama Canal 4) Atlantic slave trade 85) In many Latin American nations, a major effect of colonial rule has been the 1) concentration of power in a small group 3) equal distribution of wealth among of landowners social classes 2) minor political role of the military 4) economic control held by the Indian population 86) According to the theory of mercantilism, colonies should be 1) acquired as markets and sources of raw materials 2) considered an economic burden for the colonial power 3) grated independence as soon as possible 4) encouraged to develop their own industries 87) Which statement best illustrates the contradictory actions of the Catholic Church in colonial Latin America? 1) the Jesuits destroyed the temples of the Native Americans, but allowed them to continue their religious rituals 2) the Church expressed concern over the mistreatment of Native Americans, but supported the encomienda system 3) the Church moved many Native Americas from Spanish territory to Portuguese territory, but encouraged the importation of African slaves 4) the Pope endorsed the Treaty of Tordesillas, but outlawed further exploration 88) The printing press, the astrolabe, and the Mercator projection were technological advances that contributed to the 1) exploration and overseas expansion of 3) growth of industry in Latin America the colonial empires during the late 1900’s 2) unification of Germany and Italy in the 4) spread of Islam in the 700’s and 800’s late 1800’s Global Absolutism 89) Peter the Great and Catherine the Great changed Russia by 1) abolishing all social class distinctions 3) preventing wars with neighboring 2) becoming constitutional monarchs nations 4) introducing western ideas and customs 90) Westernization in Russia came about largely through the 1) efforts of Peter the Great and his successors 2) invasion of Russia by Sweden 3) desire of the United States to seek new markets 4) acceptance of the policies of the Eastern Orthodox Church 91) “God hath power to create or destroy, make or unmake, at his pleasure; to give life or send death; to judge…and to be judged (by) none…And the like power have kings;…” Which idea is described by this passage? 1) theory of divine right 3) Social Darwinism 2) enlightened despotism 4) constitutional monarchy Scientific Revolution 92) Francis Bacon, Galileo, and Isaac Newton promoted the idea that knowledge should be based on 1) the experiences of past civilizations 3) emotions and feelings 2) experimentation and observation 4) the teachings of the Catholic Church 93) During the Scientific Revolution and the Enlightenment, one similarity in the work of many scientists and philosophers was that they 1) relied heavily on the ideas of medieval thinkers 2) favored an absolute monarchy as a way of improving economic conditions 3) received support from the Catholic Church 4) examined natural laws governing the universe 94) Which statement best describes the effects of the works of Nicolas Copernicus, Galileo Galilei, Sir Isaac Newton, and René Descartes? 1) The acceptance of traditional authority was strengthened. 2) The scientific method was used to solve problems. 3) Funding to education was increased by the English government. 4) Interest in Greek and Roman drama was renewed. European Enlightenment 95) Writers of the Enlightenment were primarily interested in 1) changing the relationship between people and their government 2) supporting the divine right theory 3) debating the role of the church in society 4) promoting increased power for European monarchs 96) The writings of the Enlightenment philosophers in Europe encouraged later political revolution with their support of 1) socialism 3) the natural rights of man 2) imperialism 4) the divine right monarchies 97) The writers and philosophers of the Enlightenment believed the government decisions should be based on 1) fundamental religious beliefs 3) laws of nature and reason 2) the concept of divine right of kings 4) traditional values 98) Which statement reflects an argument of Enlightenment philosophers against the belief in the divine right of kings? 1) god has chosen all government rulers 2) independence is built by military might 3) a capitalist economic system is necessary for democracy 4) the power of the government is derived from the governed 99) During the Scientific Revolution and the Enlightenment, one similarity in the work of many scientists and philosophers was that they 1) relied heavily on the ideas of medieval thinkers 2) favored an absolute monarchy as a way of improving economic conditions 3) received support from the Catholic Church 4) examined natural laws governing the universe 100) Speaker A: The story of history is the story of class struggles. Revolution is necessary to overthrow the ruling class and eventually create a classless society in which no one will be exploited. Speaker B: The royal power is absolute and the prince need render account of his acts to no one. Where the word of a king is, there is no power. Without this absolute authority, the king could neither do good nor repress evil. Speaker C: Government should leave business alone. It should let the natural law of supply and demand determine what gets produced, how much gets produced, who does the work, the price of goods, rates of pay, and all other economic questions. Speaker D: Men are born and remain free and equal in rights. It is the duty of every government to preserve and protect these natural inalienable rights. Which speaker expresses the views of John Locke and Jean Jacques Rousseau? 1) A 3) C 2) B 4) D French Revolution 101) One important result of the French Revolution was that 1) France enjoyed a lengthy period of peace and prosperity 2) the church was restored to its former role and power in the French government 3) political power shifted to the bourgeoisie 4) France lost its spirit of nationalism
102) A study of revolutions would most likely lead to the conclusion that pre- Revolutionary governments 1) are more concerned about human rights than the governments that replace them 2) refuse to modernize their armed forces with advanced technology 3) attempt to bring about the separation of government from religion 4) fail to meet the political and economic needs of their people 103) The French people supported Napoleon Bonaparte because they hoped he would 1) adopt the ideas of the Protestant 3) provide stability for the nation Reformation 4) end British control of France 2) restore Louis XVI to power 104) Which statement is a valid generalization about the immediate results of the French Revolution of 1789? 1) the Roman Catholic Church increased its power and wealth 2) the revolution achieved its goal of establishing peace, democracy, and justice for all 3) the revolution had little impact outside France 4) the French middle class gained more power Latin American Independence 105) Simon Bolivar and Miguel Hidalgo, leaders of Latin American independence movements, were inspired by successful revolutions in 1) the Untied States and France 2) the Soviet Union and China 3) Cuba and Costa Rica 4) Egypt and Kenya 106) One similarity in the leadership of Latin Americas Jose de San Martin, Toussaint l’Ouverture, Bernanrdo O’Higgins, and Pedro I was that each leader 1) opposed United States intervention in Haiti 2) led a struggle to gain freedom for the people of his nation 3) opposed membership of his nation in the League of Nations 4) established an absolute monarchy in his nation 107) Which of these situations was the direct result of the other three? 1) nations of Latin America won independence 2) revolutions occurred in North America and France 3) the Napoleonic wars weakened Spain’s power 4) Creoles and matzos became discontented with Spanish rule Global Nationalism “A country is not merely a geographic territory. A country is also the idea given birth by the geographic territory. A country is a sense of love that unites, as one, all the sons and daughters of that geographic territory…” --World History: A Story of Progress 108) This quotation supports the idea of 1) totalitarian rule 3) mercantilism 2) absolute monarchy 4) nationalism 109) In a number of European countries in the 1800’s, which situation occurred as a result of the influence of the French Revolution? 1) increase in religious conflict 3) decentralization of governmental 2) rise of nationalistic movements power 4) economic depression 110) Which quotation best reflects a feeling of nationalism? 1) “An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth” 2) “A person’s greatest social obligation is loyalty to the family” 3) “For God, King, and Country” 4) “Opposition to evil is as much a duty as is cooperation with good” 111) Nationalism is most likely to develop in an area that has 1) land suited to agriculture 3) a moderate climate with rivers for 2) adequate industry to supply consumer irrigation demands 4) common customs, language, and history 112) The best example of the success of nationalism in Europe is the 1) development of socialism in France 3) establishment of the Common Market 2) Industrial Revolution in Great Britain 4) unification of Germany
Industrial Revolution 113) Which condition is most necessary to the process of industrialization in a society? 1) dependence on subsistence agriculture 3) availability of investment capital 2) creation of a one-crop economy 4) capture of foreign lands 114) According to Karl Marx, history is the record of the 1) granting of more political liberties to all 3) wars and conflicts between national people leaders 2) struggle between classes in society 4) increasing prosperity brought about by industrialization 115) A main idea of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engles’ Communist Manifesto is that the proletariat 1) would need foreign help to achieve its 3) should allow the capitalists to control revolutionary ends the means of production 2) had to cooperate with the capitalists to 4) must unite to overthrow the capitalist gain economic rewards class 116) A major result of the Industrial Revolution was the 1) concentration of workers in urban 3) formation of powerful craft guilds areas 4) control of agricultural production by 2) increased desire of the wealthy class to governments share its power 117) -Europeans sought new markets for their goods. -Many Europeans migrated to the cities in search of jobs. -European middle class gained political power. What was the major cause of these changes in Europe? 1) Industrial Revolution 3) Congress of Vienna 2) rise of feudalism 4) French Revolution Meiji Restoration 118) Before Commodore Matthew Perry’s expedition to Japan in 1853, Japan was most influenced by 1) Russia’s need for warm water ports 3) France’s quest for new colonies 2) the introduction of advanced 4) China’s religion, art, and writing technology from the United States 119) In Japan, the Meiji Restoration resulted in the 1) division of the nation between the 3) abolition of the position of emperor European powers 4) government being controlled by the 2) modernization of the nation’s industry samurai 120) An immediate result of Commodore Matthew Perry’s visit to Japan in 1853 was 1) an alliance between Japan and Russia 2) the development of trade between Japan and the West 3) a war between Japan and the United States 4) the continued isolation of Japan 121) The arrival of Commodore Matthew Perry in Japan in 1853 signaled the end of Japanese 1) cultural contacts with the West 3) militarism in Southeast Asia 2) policies of isolationism 4) trade relations with the United States 122) A major goal of the Meiji government in Japan was to 1) isolate Japan from other nations 2) achieve political union with China 3) establish Japan as an industrial power 4) encourage colonization of Asia by Western nations 123) Which statement best describes events in Japan during the period of the Meiji Restoration? 1) Japan sought to isolate itself from world affairs. 2) Rapid industrialization and economic growth occurred. 3) Local lords increased their power over the Japanese emperor. 4) Agriculture was taken over by the government.
Imperialism 124) A primary purpose for building the Suez Canal was to 1) encourage Jewish settlement in nearby Palestine 2) increase trade between the Middle East, Europe and Asia 3) reduce the time needed for travel between the Atlantic Ocean and the Caribbean Sea 4) allow Indian merchants to reach the east coast of Africa 125) Which is an accurate statement about the partitioning of Africa by European imperialist nations during the 1800’s? 1) new nations were based on old tribal boundaries 2) the cultural and ethnic diversity of the African people was disregarded 3) the continent was divided equally among the colonial powers 4) African unity was encouraged 126) After 1880, European nations sought colonies in Africa primarily because the Europeans were 1) in need of land for their surplus populations 2) competing of raw materials and markets 3) determined to bring Christianity to the Moslem world 4) interested in completing their geographic knowledge of the world 127) The 19th century term “White Man’s Burden” reflects the idea that 1) Asians and Africans were equal to Europeans 2) Asians and Africans would be grateful for European help 3) imperialism was opposed by most Europeans 4) Europeans had a responsibility to improve the lives of the colonial peoples 128) The Sepoy Mutiny in India, the Boxer Rebellion in China, and the Islamic Revolution in Iran were similar in that they 1) restored power to the hereditary 3) resisted foreign influence in these monarchies countries 2) attempted to reject the traditional 4) reestablished the power of religious cultures in these countries leaders 129) During the 19th century, Europeans were able to divide China in Spheres of Influence mainly because the 1) Chinese were eager to adopt western 3) Europeans were willing to adopt culture Chinese customs 2) Europeans had technologically superior 4) Chinese lacked raw materials and military forces resources 130) The Boxer Rebellion of the early 20th century was an attempt to 1) eliminate poverty among the Chinese 3) restore trade between China and peasants European nations 2) bring western-style democracy to 4) remove foreign influences from China China 131) British control over South Africa, French control over Indochina, and Spanish control over Mexico are examples of 1) isolationism 3) nonalignment 2) appeasement 4) imperialism 132) In the past, European nations have conquered other lands, made them into colonies, and controlled their economies. Which term refers to the situation described in this statement? 1) socialism 3) imperialism 2) isolationism 4) monotheism 133) In the past, European nations have conquered other lands, made them into colonies, and controlled their economies. This statement describes a situation that resulted from the 1) industrialization of Europe and the need for raw materials 2) desire of Europeans to spread communism throughout the world 3) European belief in human rights for all people 4) requests of developing nations for modern machines and technology Take up the White Man’s burden— Send forth the best ye breed Go bind your sons to exile To serve your captives’ need; To wait, in heavy harness, On fluttered folk and wild— Your new-caught, sullen peoples, Half-devil and half-child. --Rudyard Kipling, “The White Man’s Burden” 134) The phrase “White Man’s burden” in this excerpt refers to the 1) negative attitude of Europeans toward peoples of the non-Western world 2) advantages Europeans would gain by colonizing Africa, Asia, and Latin America 3) positive role of the Roman Catholic Church in Africa and Asia 4) challenges non-Europeans faced when trading with the Europeans 135) Both the French and the British were interested in controlling Egypt in the mid- 19th century because Egypt had 1) control of the spice trade 3) vital mineral resources 2) an industrial-based economy 4) a strategic location 136) During the 18th and 19th centuries, Europeans improved roads and bridges and built railroads in their colonies primarily to 1) provide jobs for the colonists 3) impress the colonists with their 2) obtain raw materials needed for technological knowledge industrialization 4) help missionaries spread Christianity 137) The borders that were established for many African nations during the late 1800’s were based primarily on 1) natural geographic barriers 4) cultural differences between ethnic 2) easy access to natural resources groups 3) territorial claims of colonial rulers 138) An analysis of the Russo-Japanese War and the Boer War shows that one reason nations go to war is to 1) assist oppressed people 3) satisfy imperialist goals 2) spread religious beliefs 4) honor provisions of a treaty 139) Which statement best expresses the motive for 19th-century European imperialism? 1) Living space was needed for the excess population in Western Europe. 2) European leaders believed imperialism was an effective method of reducing the number of wars. 3) European nations would benefit from some aspects of the conquered nation’s culture. 4) Imperialism would benefit the economies of the colonial powers. World War One 140) In 1917, Bolshevik leaders in Russia sought peace with Germany because the new Russian government 1) decided to join forces with Germany and the Central Powers 2) needed to concentrate its troops and resources on its war with Turkey 3) wanted to retain power and avoid German occupation 4) needed to control the Baltic Sea and wanted a warm water port 141) In Eastern Europe after World War I, the greatest obstacle to national unity in many nation-states was the 1) great ethnic diversity found in the region 2) economic dependence of Eastern Europe on Japan 3) acceptance of democratic traditions by most Eastern Europeans 4) expansion of United States influence in the region 142) Which statement best describes the relationship between World War I and the Russian Revolution? 1) World War I created conditions within Russia that helped trigger a revolution 2) World War I postponed the Russian Revolution by restoring confidence in the Czar 3) the Russian Revolution inspired the Russian people to win World War I 4) World War I gave the Czar’s army the needed experience to suppress the Russian Revolution
143) A major cause of World War I was 1) a decline in the policy of imperialism 4) the spread of communism throughout 2) the existence of opposing alliances Europe 3) an increase in acts of aggression by England 144) Why was the Balkan region referred to as the “Powder Keg of Europe” prior to World War I? 1) The aggression of the Ottoman Empire was disrupting the balance of power. 2) Yugoslavia was invading its neighboring countries. 3) Nationalistic and imperialistic rivalries were increasing. 4) The area was the leading supplier of military equipment to the rest of the world. 145) The major impact of the Treaty of Versailles on Germany was that the treaty led to 1) an era of peace and international good will in Germany 2) a stable Germany that was both democratic and strong 3) an increase in Germany’s desire to regain its power and prestige 4) a leadership position for Germany in the League of Nations 146) “Archduke Franz Ferdinand Assassinated!” “Germany Declares War on Russia and France!” “Peace Treaty Signed at Versailles!” Which event is referred to in these headlines? 1) Franco-Prussian War 3) World War I 2) Crimean War 4) Cold War Russian Revolution 147) Which is generally a characteristic of a communist economy? 1) investment is encouraged by the promise of large profits 2) the role of government in the economy is restricted by law 3) government agencies are involved in production planning 4) entrepreneurs sell shares in their companies to the government 148) Which situation resulted from the Russo-Japanese War of 1905? 1) Japan lost its status as a world power 3) dissident groups challenged the power 2) the Japanese Emperor encouraged of the Russian Czar reforms in Russia 4) Russia gained control of China and Japan 149) Stalin’s Five-Year Plans and his decision to form collectives are examples of 1) strategies to modernize the economy of the Soviet Union through forced communism 2) a more friendly foreign policy toward China 3) methods of dealing with the United States during the Cold War 4) programs to westernize, educate, and enlighten the population 150) A major cause of the Russian Revolution of 1917 was the 1) defeat of Germany in the Russian 3) existence of sharp economic campaign differences between social classes 2) marriage of Czar Nicholas II to a 4) appeal of Marxism to the Russian German princess nobility 151) One action taken by both V.I. Lenin and Joseph Stalin was 1) attempting to bring democracy to Russia 2) jailing or murdering potential opponents 3) supporting the Russian Orthodox Church 4) providing economic aid to Japan after World War I and World War II 152) The term that best describes the position of Jews in Czarist Russia is 1) political elite 3) landed gentry 2) persecuted minority 4) military leaders 153) Which characteristic was common to both Russia under the Czars and the Soviet Union under Josef Stalin? 1) a lack of concern about territorial expansion 2) support of artistic and literary freedom 3) encouragement of free enterprise 4) persecution of political dissenters 154) Russian peasants supported the Bolsheviks in 1917 primarily because the Bolsheviks pledged to 1) establish and maintain collective farms 3) keep crop yields low 2) redistribute land and make peace 4) limit the income of the nobility 155) Which statement best describes a relationship between World War I and the Bolshevik Revolution? 1) World War I created conditions in Russia that helped trigger a revolution. 2) World War I postponed the revolution in Russia by restoring confidence in the Czar. 3) Opposing Russian forces cooperated to fight the foreign invaders. 4) World War I gave the Czar’s army the needed experience to suppress the revolution. Between World Wars 156) In the 1920’s and 1930’s, the rise of totalitarian governments in Germany, Italy, and Spain was largely the result of 1) the success of the Communists in establishing a command economy in the Soviet Union 2) severe economic and social problems that arose in Europe after World War I 3) the active support of the United States 4) movements demanding the return of the old monarchies 157) The harsh conditions imposed by the Treaty of Versailles after World War I helped lay the foundation for the 1) rise of fascism Germany 3) division of Korea along the 38th parallel 2) uprisings during the French Revolution 4) Bolshevik Revolution in Russia 158) Between the Meiji Restoration and World War II, Japan tried to solve the problem of its scarcity of natural resources by 1) exporting agricultural products in 3) building nuclear power plants exchange for new technology 4) cooperating with the Soviet Union to 2) establishing a policy of imperialism gain needed resources 159) Fascism in Europe during the 1920’s and 1930’s is best described as a 1) demonstration of laissez-faire capitalism that promoted free enterprise 2) form of totalitarianism that glorified the state above the individual 3) type of economic system that stressed a classless society 4) set of humanist ideas that emphasized the dignity and worth of the individual 160) Which policy shows that appeasement does not always prevent war? 1) British policy toward Germany in 3) United States policy toward Cuba in the Munich during the 1930’s early 1960’s 2) French policy in Indochina in the 1950’s 4) Iraqi policy toward Iran in the 1980’s 161) What was one reason the Nazi programs and policies of the early 1930’s appealed to many people in Germany? 1) the people were frustrated with their current economic and political situation 2) Germany had been denied membership in the United Nations 3) a coup d’etat had forced communism on the German people 4) the German people feared that the French of the British would soon gain control of the Polish corridor 162) The imperialist policies followed by Japan after World War I were based on a desire to 1) convert people to Shinto 4) obtain natural resources for 2) acquire markets for its oil industry manufacturing 3) compete with Chinese trade policies 163) One reason the Fascist governments of Benito Mussolini and Adolph Hitler came to power in Italy and Germany was that these nations 1) were threatened by the United States 3) failed to join the League of Nations 2) supported civil liberties for all 4) faced economic and political difficulties World War Two 164) Which was a characteristic of Germany under Adolph Hitler and the Soviet Union under Josef Stalin? 1) an official foreign policy of isolationism 2) governmental control of the media 3) public ownership of business and industry 4) the absence of a written constitution 165) World War II is often considered to be a turning point in history because 1) the League of nations demonstrated that an international organization could maintain world peace 2) the war brought an end to dictatorships as a form of government 3) European domination of the world began to weaken as nationalism in colonies increased 4) religious and ethnic differences were no longer a source of conflict between nations 166) Which reform took place in Japan after World War II? 1) Japan’s industrial capability was greatly 3) Japan became a representative reduced democracy 2) the Emperor’s position was abolished 4) labor unions were declared illegal 167) A major factor in the economic recoveries of Japan and West Germany after World War II was their 1) desire to avoid an invasion from China 3) ability to produce nuclear weapons 2) acceptance into the United Nations 4) need to replace destroyed factories 168) Which is one major reason the Holocaust is considered a unique event in modern European history? 1) Jews of Europe have seldom been victims of persecution. 2) Civilians rarely were killed during air raids on Great Britain. 3) Adolph Hitler concealed his anti-Jewish feelings until after he came to power. 4) The genocide was planned in great detail and required the cooperation of many people. Cold War 169) The economic policies of the Soviet Union traditionally emphasized the production of 1) automobiles for export 3) consumer goods 2) building materials for luxury housing 4) heavy industrial goods 170) Which is generally a characteristic of a communist economy? 1) investment is encouraged by the promise of large profits 2) the role of government in the economy is restricted by law 3) government agencies are involved in production planning 4) entrepreneurs sell shares in their companies to the government 171) One reason the Soviet Union formed the Warsaw Pact was to 1) ease the transition to democracy 3) limit the threat of invasion from 2) help institute capitalism in Eastern Western Europe Europe 4) challenge the economic successes of the Common Market 172) Communist governments were established in most nations of Eastern Europe shortly after World War II because 1) the region had a long tradition of strong communist parties 2) communist governments were able to significantly increase agricultural productivity 3) the Soviet Union used military and diplomatic pressures to install their governments 4) members of the Communist party won free elections in these nations 173) During the Cold War Era (1945-1990), the United States and the Soviet Union were reluctant to become involved in direct military conflict mainly because of 1) the peacekeeping role of the United Nations 2) pressure from nonaligned nations 3) the potential for global nuclear destruction 4) increased tensions in the Middle East “From Stetin in the Baltic to Trieste in the Adriatic, an Iron Curtain has descended across the continent. Behind that line lie all the capitals of the ancient states of Central and Eastern Europe. Warsaw, Berlin, Prague, Vienna, Budapest, Belgrade, Bucharest and Sofia, all these famous cities and the populations around them lie in what I might call the Soviet Sphere, and all are subject, in one form or another, not only to Soviet influence, but to very high, and in some cases increasing measure of control from Moscow." -Winston Churchill 174) What is the main idea of this quotation? 1) The Soviet Union has expanded its influence throughout Eastern Europe 2) The Soviet Union has helped the nations of Eastern Europe improve their standard of living 3) The democratic nations of Western Europe have stopped the expansion of Soviet influence in the world 4) The Soviet Union will support communist revolutions in Southeast Asia 175) The Soviet Union’s reaction to the 1968 revolt in Czechoslovakia was to 1) permit limited political and economic reforms in Czechoslovakia 2) withdraw Soviet troops from Eastern Europe 3) send Soviet troops to occupy Czechoslovakia 4) bring the matter to the attention of the United Nations 176) The expansion of communism into Eastern Europe was a direct result of 1) the Crimean war 3) World War I 2) the Napoleonic Wars 4) World War II 177) The conflict between Israel and the Arab nations since 1948 was often considered part of the Cold War primarily because 1) the policy of detente evolved from this conflict 2) communist governments were established in many Arab nations 3) the leadership of Joseph Stalin strongly influenced the policies of Saddam Hussein 4) the United States supported Israel and the Soviet Union supported several Arab nations -Berlin Blockade (1948-1949) -Premier Khrushchev’s visit to the United States (1959) -Cuban missile crisis (1962) -Nuclear Test Ban Treaty (1963) -Joint Apollo-Soyuz space mission (1975) -Russian invasion of Afghanistan (1979) 178) What does this list of events suggest about the Cold War Era? 1) throughout the period, the United States and the Soviet Union were reluctant to solve conflicts 2) the level of tension between the United States and the Soviet Union varied 3) economics played a key role in causing conflict between the United States and the Soviet Union 4) the United Nations was instrumental in reducing tensions between the United States and the Soviet Union 179) In the Soviet Union, Vladimir Lenin’s New Economic Policy (NEP) and Mikhail Gorbachev’s policy of Perestroika both sought to 1) increase spending of nuclear weapons 4) reduce the influence of middle-class 2) strengthen central planning farmers 3) increase production through individual enterprise Chinese Communist Revolution 180) In the People’s Republic of China, which factor best reflects Marxism? 1) communal work teams on farms 3) small family-owned businesses in 2) ownership of small farms by individuals villages 4) foreign influence on the economy 181) The Great Leap Forward in China and the five-year plans in the Soviet Union were attempts to increase 1) private capital investment 3) individual ownership of land 2) religious tolerance 4) industrial productivity 182) A major goal of the Cultural Revolution in China during the 1960’s was to 1) restore China to the glory of the Han 3) weaken communist ideas Dynasty 4) eliminate opposition to Mao Zedong 2) reemphasize Confucian traditional values 183) After World War II, the Chinese Communists were successful in their revolution mainly because the 1) United States refused to support the 3) communists had more technologically Nationalists advanced weapons 2) communists had the support of the 4) nationalist had been defeated by Japan peasants 184) In China, the Great Leap Forward was an attempt to 1) promote democratic reform 4) increase agricultural and industrial 2) end the private ownership of land production 3) strengthen economic ties with Europe 185) Deng Xioaping’s economic reforms in China differ from the previous economic policies of Mao Zedong in that Deng’s reforms 1) discourage private ownership of businesses 2) promote further collectivization 3) include elements of capitalism 4) decrease trade with the United States 186) In China, the Great Leap Forward and the Cultural Revolution promoted by Mao Zedong were similar in that both plans 1) ended dynastic rule 2) disrupted industrial development 3) encouraged capitalism 4) guaranteed human rights Colonial Independence / Collapse of Imperialism 187) Which factor most limited the development of African nationalism? 1) European support of an educational system based on local traditions and language 2) the prior experience of Africans with economic self-sufficiency 3) political boundaries imposed by Europeans that had little relationship to African tribal boundaries 4) the European practice of making decisions based on local customs 188) One way in which Kwame Nkurmah, Jomo Kenyatta, and Kenneth Kaunda are similar is that they all 1) supported the United Nations military action in the Persian Gulf War 2) played a major role in independence movements in Africa 3) rejected financial aid from the World Bank 4) opposed the Pan-African movement 189) Which statement best describes the political situation in Africa after World War II? 1) increased nationalism led to independence for many African nations 2) France and West Germany sought to establish colonies in Africa 3) European nations increased their control over their African colonies 4) the United Nations opposed the idea of self-determination for African nations 190) Mohandas Gandhi is best known for his 1) use of passive resistance to achieve 3) opposition to Hindus holding political Indian independence office 2) desire to establish and Islamic nations 4) encouragement of violence to end British rule 191) Which action best illustrates Mohandas Gandhi’s concept of civil disobedience? 1) a British army outpost was bombed as a protest against the British presence in Northern Ireland 2) citizens in the United States went to jail for violation segregation laws 3) French citizens wrote letters to their government to oppose arms sale to Iraq 4) supporters of Ferdinand Marcos attempted a coup d’etat against the Philippine government 192) Since the 1950’s, India has experienced conflict with both Pakistan and China over 1) United Nations peacekeeping efforts in 3) borders and related territorial issues the region 4) the interpretation of common religious 2) India’s increasing trade with Korea works 193) One reason India gained its independence from Great Britain in 1947 was that 1) Great Britain was defeated in World War II 2) the Treaty of Versailles required Great Britain to give up its colonies 3) Great Britain did not have the resources to maintain an empire after World War II 4) India had supported the Axis Powers during World War II 194) One similarity between the Sepoys in India, the Boxers in China, and the Mau Mau in Kenya is that these groups 1) tried to drive Europeans out of their 3) adopted Marxist economic and political countries principles 2) depended on Western support for their 4) sought independence through success nonviolence 195) With which nation are Pol Pot, the Khmer Rouge, and genocide associated? 1) Korea 3) Myanmar (Burma) 2) Japan 4) Cambodia (Kampuchea) 196) In some African nations today, ethnic rivalries erupt when 1) political differences are motivated by 3) scarce funds halt the exploration for ancient resentments mineral resources 2) trading companies hire nonunion 4) groups share a common heritage workers 197) The caste system is still practiced in India today primarily because it is 1) encouraged by village customs and 3) supported by Christian and Muslim traditions teachings 2) enforced by the military 4) mandated by law
198) During the Cold War period, India’s foreign policy was committed to 1) supporting communism in Asia 3) nonalignment with the world powers 2) rejecting democracy in Pakistan 4) isolationism in international commerce Conflict in the Middle East 199) The main course of the Arab-Israeli conflicts from 1948 to 1973 was the clash between 1) Islamic Fundamentalism and Orthodox 3) Arab nationalism and Jewish Judaism nationalism 2) Arab socialism and Israeli capitalism 4) Israeli technology and Saudi Arabian economic goals 200) In Iran, the Revolution of 1979 and the rise of Islamic fundamentalism resulted in 1) an increase in woman’s rights 3) a return to many traditional customs 2) the westernization and modernization 4) the introduction of a democratic form of the nation of government 201) During the late 1980’s and early 1990’s the greatest threat to the stability of the nations of Egypt, Algeria, and Morocco was the 1) rising standard of living of their citizens 3) rise of Islamic Fundamentalism 2) economic reforms taking place in 4) lack of financial aid from the United Eastern Europe States 202) In 1979, the signing of the Camp David Accords by Egypt and Israel indicated that 1) nationalism was no longer a force in middle Eastern politics 2) the differences between Shiite and Sunni Moslems had been settled 3) former enemies were able to negotiate 4) the Soviet Union dominated Middle Eastern affairs 203) A major factor that continues to contribute to terrorist activities in the Middle East is 1) a decrease in crude oil prices on the 3) the presence of United Nations forces world market in Syria 2) the Palestinian effort to establish a 4) the worldwide rejection of violence as a homeland means to end conflict 204) The actions of most Islamic fundamentalists show that they support 1) a Zionist movement 3) traditional Muslim teachings 2) equal rights for women 4) a renewed attempt at modernization Apartheid in South Africa 205) In the Republic of South Africa, the primary goal of the African National Congress (ANC) has been to 1) eliminate communist influence 3) create a united Africa 2) rule as the majority political party 4) promote homeland areas for Blacks 206) In the 1980’s, global concern for Blacks in the Republic of South Africa led many nations to 1) impose economic sanctions on South 2) demand that Whites return to their Africa European homelands 3) sent troops to South Africa 4) support policies of Apartheid 207) In which way has the end of apartheid had a positive economic effect on South Africa? 1) Black South African managers have increased industrial productivity throughout the nation 2) the introduction of communism has led to a more equal distribution of income 3) many foreign companies have resumed trading and investing in South Africa 4) all profits of South Africa’s industries are now reinvested out of the country 208) Which statement best characterizes the period of apartheid in South Africa? 1) the majority of the population had the right to vote 2) the Boers attempted to conquer Nigeria 3) many racist ideas of the ruling minority were adopted into laws 4) French was declared the official language of the nation 209) A major problem currently facing the Republic of South Africa is the 1) continuation of attacks from neighboring Zimbabwe 2) move toward the creation of a theocratic state 3) struggle for power between different groups within South Africa’s black majority 4) continued international economic embargo against South Africa 210) Since the end of apartheid in South Africa, what has been one of the major challenges to the current government? 1) establishing diplomatic relations with 3) guaranteeing religious freedom for all Europe groups 2) resolving regional and ethnic rivalries 4) improving transportation throughout the country 211) Collapse of Communism 212) During the presidency of Mikhail Gorbachev, which problem faced the Soviet Union? 1) ethnic minorities demanded the right of self-determination 2) agricultural production grew faster than food consumption 3) the nations of Eastern Europe insisted that the Soviet Union keep troops in Eastern Europe 4) Western European nations refused to trade with the Soviet Union 213) During the 1980’s, Mikhail Gorbachev introduced Perestroika in the Soviet Union to 1) improve the economy and decentralize decision making 2) abandon arms treaties with the United States and Western Europe 3) tighten government controls over the communication media 4) suppress the growing nationalist movements in Eastern Europe 214) The revolt in Hungary (1956), the demonstrations in Czechoslovakia (1968), and the formation of solidarity in Poland (1980’s) are similar in that they 1) were movements in restore the power of the aristocracy 2) were tolerated by the communist leaders, who accepted the need for change 3) represented a challenge to communist leadership 4) represented attempts to rid these countries of western ideas and influence 215) One result of the collapse of the Soviet Union has been that 1) some former republics have reorganized the Warsaw Pact 2) ethnic violence has broken out in some regions 3) an era of peace and stability has emerged in most of the former republics 4) the republics have made an east transition to a market economy “The Soviet Union Splits into 15 Republics” “Yugoslavia Experiences Internal Conflict” “Germany Reunifies” 216) Which conclusion do these three headlines suggest? 1) communism remains an important force in Europe 2) many Western European nations are experiencing civil war 3) international sanctions strengthen a nation’s ability to govern 4) the forces of nationalism can either divide of unite a nation 217) Since the dissolution of the Soviet Union, the major problems in Eastern Europe and Russia have primarily resulted from the 1) high rate of illiteracy found in most of these nations 2) refusal of government leaders to allow foreign investments 3) switch from a command economy to a free-market economy 4) unwillingness of the industrialized nations to provide advisors 218) The destruction of the Berlin Wall in 1989 is symbolic of the 1) end of the Soviet domination of Eastern 3) fall of the Weimar Republic Europe 4) collapse of the European Union 2) declining power of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Political Unrest in Latin America 219) In many Latin American nations, the leadership roles assumed by the military and by the Roman Catholic Church evolved from 1) Native American beliefs 2) the development of the triangular trade 3) the effects of matriarchal societies 4) Spanish colonial rule
220) During the last ten years, what has occurred in many of the nations of Latin America? 1) successful communist revolutions 3) a growing dependence on Cuba for 2) an increase in the number of popularly economic support elected leaders 4) a return to their former colonial status 221) Brazil’s establishment of an equal partnership with foreign investors and Venezuela’s control of its highly profitable oil industry are examples of 1) Neocolonialism 3) economic nationalism 2) new imperialism 4) Fascism 222) At the present time, which is a major economic problem for many Latin American governments? 1) increased settlement in rural areas 3) inability to pay foreign debts 2) low rates of inflation 4) lack of a chief executive 223) A major problem facing many 2) controlled by a small group of landed Central American nations is that their elite nation’s wealth is 3) distributed throughout the large middle 1) generally invested in consumer class industries 4) held mainly by government agencies 224) In Latin America during the 1960’s and 1970’s, which group became increasingly active in promoting human rights? 1) wealthy landholders 3) successful industrialists 2) Roman Catholic clergy 4) military leaders Post-Cold War “Hot Spots” 225) Recent events in the former nations of Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia reflect a nationalist trend of 1) dividing nations along ethnic lines 4) supporting the development of a 2) encouraging multiethnic cooperation command economy 3) uniting nations with similar interests 226) Disputes over India’s control of Kashmir, Jammu, and Punjab are examples of the continuing problem of 1) territorial claims based on religion 3) terrorist actions by Serbian refugees 2) Chinese claims to this region 4) the policy of nonalignment 227) One reason North Korea has been the focus of worldwide attention in the mid- 1990’s is because of its 1) nuclear weapons development 3) development of a strong and programs expanding economy 2) commitment to increasing political 4) efforts to revive communism in Eastern freedoms Europe 228) Since the end of the Cold War, Cuba has experienced 1) the loss of a major source of its foreign 3) expanded political influence in Latin financial support American affairs 2) increased economic growth from 4) greater independence from Communist expanded trade China Global Interdependence 229) In France, a person drinks coffee imported from Brazil, works at a computer made in Japan, and uses gasoline from Saudi Arabia in a German automobile. This situation illustrates the concept of 1) empathy 3) interdependence 2) scarcity 4) world citizenship 230) Global problems of uneven economic development, environmental pollution, and hunger reflect the need for 1) a return to policies of economic 3) a reduction in foreign aid provided by nationalism industrialized nations 2) increased military spending by all 4) increased international cooperation nations 231) In recent years, a major success of the European Union (EU) has been the 1) creation of a single military force 3) adoption of a single language 2) rejection of national sovereignty 4) elimination of trade barriers 232) The major reason the Mexican Government strongly supported the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) was that this agreement would 1) raise tariffs on United States products entering Mexico 2) reduce Mexico’s economic dependence on Europe 3) promote investment and economic growth in Mexico 4) stimulate trade between Asia and Latin America 233) Modern Japan must trade to maintain its industry and living standard because Japan has 1) a limited amount of investment capital 3) a lack of communication systems 2) little access to the sea 4) few mineral resources 234) The principal aim of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and the European Union is to 1) keep communism out of the Western Hemisphere 2) reduce environmental pollution 3) increase economic cooperation between the member nations 4) eliminate global terrorism Modern Issues: Economic Trends 235) In many Latin American nations, reliance on the production of a single cash crop has led to 1) economic dependence on other nations 3) a high per capita Gross National 2) rapid repayment of foreign loans Product 4) development of a strong industrial economy 236) Which fact about China has been the cause of the other three? 1) the economy of China has trouble providing for all the needs of the people 2) the Chinese government has set limits on the number of children families may have 3) Chinese cities have a severe shortage of housing 4) China’s population exceeds one billion 237) Which conclusion is valid concerning the food shortages some nations of Africa and Asia during the 1970’s and 1980’s? 1) misuse of the land has destroyed many rich food-producing regions 2) too few people in Africa and Asia are involved in food production 3) acid rain has been the major cause of crop failures 4) European nations stopped shipping food to these regions 238) The main idea of this cartoon is that Japan 1) practices free trade 2) restricts foreign imports 3) has a policy of balanced trade 4) imports most of its ships Modern Issues: Science & Technology 239) In Mexico and India, the Green Revolution has been successful because it has 1) promoted democratic reform 4) established economic equality among 2) increased agricultural productivity the people 3) introduced western culture and values 240) The major goal of the Green Revolution has been to 1) decrease the use of modern farm 3) increase agricultural output machinery 4) increase the number of traditional 2) decrease population growth farms Modern Issues: The Environment 241) A major environmental problem affecting Latin America, Sub-Saharan Africa, and Southeast Asia has been 1) air pollution 3) disposal of nuclear waste 2) Deforestation 4) acid rain 242) Many scientist believe that the greenhouse effect is the result of 1) overgrazing on land in developing nations 2) using large amounts of gasoline, oil, and coal in developed nations 3) testing nuclear weapons in violation of the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty 4) using natural fertilizers to increase crop production 243) A major factor contributing to the destruction of the Amazon rain forests is the 1) movement of people from rural to 3) need for more farmland urban areas 4) spread of Christianity 2) attempt of native peoples to end illegal drug traffic
Modern Issues: Human & Women's Rights What harms the victim most is not the cruelty of the oppressor, but the silence of the bystander. -Elie Wiesel 244) In this quotation, the author is suggesting that 1) totalitarian governments generally support civil liberties 2) nations of the world must always condemn human rights violations whenever they occur 3) ethnic cleansing is not an issue to be addressed by the United Nations 4) demonstrations against human rights violations are of limited value United States Adopts Economic Sanctions Against South Africa Chinese Dissidents Imprisoned After Student Protest Kurds Forced To Flee Northern Iraq 245) These headlines are similar in that each refers to the issue of 1) imperialist expansion 2) peasant revolts 3) human rights violation 4) isolationist policies 246) The Tiananmen Square massacre in China was a reaction to 1) Deng Xiaoping?s plan to revive the Cultural Revolution 2) student demands for greater individual rights and freedom of expression 3) China’s decision to seek Western investors 4) Great Britain’s decision to return Hong Kong to China
Answer Sheet 1) _____ 2) _____ 3) _____ 4) _____ 5) _____ 6) _____ 55)_____ 104) _____ 153) _____ 202) _____ 7) _____ 56)_____ 105) _____ 154) _____ 203) _____ 8) _____ 57)_____ 106) _____ 155) _____ 204) _____ 9) _____ 58)_____ 107) _____ 156) _____ 205) _____ 10)_____ 59)_____ 108) _____ 157) _____ 206) _____ 11)_____ 60)_____ 109) _____ 158) _____ 207) _____ 12)_____ 61)_____ 110) _____ 159) _____ 208) _____ 13)_____ 62)_____ 111) _____ 160) _____ 209) _____ 14)_____ 63)_____ 112) _____ 161) _____ 210) _____ 15)_____ 64)_____ 113) _____ 162) _____ 211) _____ 16)_____ 65)_____ 114) _____ 163) _____ 212) _____ 17)_____ 66)_____ 115) _____ 164) _____ 213) _____ 18)_____ 67)_____ 116) _____ 165) _____ 214) _____ 19)_____ 68)_____ 117) _____ 166) _____ 215) _____ 20)_____ 69)_____ 118) _____ 167) _____ 216) _____ 21)_____ 70)_____ 119) _____ 168) _____ 217) _____ 22)_____ 71)_____ 120) _____ 169) _____ 218) _____ 23)_____ 72)_____ 121) _____ 170) _____ 219) _____ 24)_____ 73)_____ 122) _____ 171) _____ 220) _____ 25)_____ 74)_____ 123) _____ 172) _____ 221) _____ 26)_____ 75)_____ 124) _____ 173) _____ 222) _____ 27)_____ 76)_____ 125) _____ 174) _____ 223) _____ 28)_____ 77)_____ 126) _____ 175) _____ 224) _____ 29)_____ 78)_____ 127) _____ 176) _____ 225) _____ 30)_____ 79)_____ 128) _____ 177) _____ 226) _____ 31)_____ 80)_____ 129) _____ 178) _____ 227) _____ 32)_____ 81)_____ 130) _____ 179) _____ 228) _____ 33)_____ 82)_____ 131) _____ 180) _____ 229) _____ 34)_____ 83)_____ 132) _____ 181) _____ 230) _____ 35)_____ 84)_____ 133) _____ 182) _____ 231) _____ 36)_____ 85)_____ 134) _____ 183) _____ 232) _____ 37)_____ 86)_____ 135) _____ 184) _____ 233) _____ 38)_____ 87)_____ 136) _____ 185) _____ 234) _____ 39)_____ 88)_____ 137) _____ 186) _____ 235) _____ 40)_____ 89)_____ 138) _____ 187) _____ 236) _____ 41)_____ 90)_____ 139) _____ 188) _____ 237) _____ 42)_____ 91)_____ 140) _____ 189) _____ 238) _____ 43)_____ 92)_____ 141) _____ 190) _____ 239) _____ 44)_____ 93)_____ 142) _____ 191) _____ 240) _____ 45)_____ 94)_____ 143) _____ 192) _____ 241) _____ 46)_____ 95)_____ 144) _____ 193) _____ 242) _____ 47)_____ 96)_____ 145) _____ 194) _____ 243) _____ 48)_____ 97)_____ 146) _____ 195) _____ 244) _____ 49)_____ 98)_____ 147) _____ 196) _____ 245) _____ 50)_____ 99)_____ 148) _____ 197) _____ 246) _____ 51)_____ 100) _____ 149) _____ 198) _____ 247) _____ 52)_____ 101) _____ 150) _____ 199) _____ 248) _____ 53)_____ 102) _____ 151) _____ 200) _____ 249) _____ 54)_____ 103) _____ 152) _____ 201) _____ 250) _____