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9. PETS 5
17. ATTIRE 8
Policies Rules & regulations – The Club at Kings’ Chapel 1 21. RETURNED CHECKS 10
5. ATTIRE 14
3. GUESTS 15
5. ATTIRE 16
Policies Rules & regulations – The Club at Kings’ Chapel 2 Policies Rules & Regulations The Club at Kings Chapel PREAMBLE
The Club at Kings Chapel, LLC (the "Operator"), has established these Policies, rules and regulation to protect the variety of exceptional facilities and properties located at the Club (the "Facilities"), and to promote the health, safety, welfare and enjoyment of the Members, their Family members, Extended Family members and guests, and all other persons using the Facilities. The Operator may amend, modify, change, add to or delete these Policies, Rules and Regulations from time to time at its discretion. The words used herein shall have the same meaning as set forth in the Membership Plan for the Club (the "Membership Plan"), as same may be amended from time to time, unless the context shall require otherwise.
The Club reserves the right to establish, amend, or modify the hours of operation of the Club, and any of its components or individual facilities. The Club's hours of operation will be established and published by the Club considering the season of the year and other circumstances.
· All Members, Family members, Extended Family members and guests shall abide by all of provisions of the Membership Plan and these policies, rules and regulation. · The Director, and the personnel he or she designates, will have full authority to enforce these policies, rules and regulations and any infractions will be reported to the Director. · Any Member, Family member, Extended Family member or guest who conducts himself or herself in an unbecoming manner or who knowingly violates any policy or rule may be denied service by the Club and/or be sanctioned as provided in the Membership Plan and these policies, rules and regulations. · Due consideration of the rights and comforts of others shall be given at all times by all Members, Family members, Extended Family members and guests while on the Club's premises or using the Facilities. · Members and their respective Family members, Extended Family members and guests shall not reprimand or discipline any employee or send any employee off the premises of the Club for any reason. Harassment, sexual or otherwise, of employees of the Club, is not permitted and will not be tolerated. Sexual harassment includes, without limitation, unwelcome sexual advances, verbal or physical conduct of a sexual or similarly offensive nature, offensive comments, jokes, innuendoes and other sexually oriented statements, and/or any other conduct, statements or action which creates a hostile environment. All complaints, criticisms or suggestions of any kind relating to any of the
Policies Rules & regulations – The Club at Kings’ Chapel 3 operations of the Club or its employees must be in writing, signed and addressed to the Director
· All food and beverages consumed at the Club must be furnished by the Club, or with written permission if not furnished by the club and may be consumed only in designated areas. · Smoking is not permitted in the club house, pool deck or any restrooms. Smoking areas may be designated away from the Club Facilities. · No firearms or other weapons of any kind are permitted on or about the premises or Facilities at any time. · Absolutely no fireworks are permitted at the Facilities or adjacent areas unless part of a fireworks exhibit organized and conducted or sanctioned by the Club. · No Member shall use or furnish to non-Members, the membership roster or list of Member addresses for the purposes of solicitations or any other commercial purpose. · Members, Family members and guests are expected to be considerate of the rights and comforts of others.
· Food and beverage charges, purchases, equipment rentals, and other charges incurred by a Member, Family member, Extended Family member or guest may be billed to the responsible Member's Club Account as determined by the Club. · All expenses, including costs and attorneys' fees, incurred by the Club for checks returned by the Member's bank or a guest's bank shall be borne by the responsible Member. · Any Member desiring cancellation of any service must do so by written notice to the Club. The Member shall continue to be charged and shall be obligated to pay for any service provided prior to receipt of written notice of cancellation. No cancellation of service shall be retroactive. · The Club Account of each Member shall be due and payable upon receipt of the monthly statement. The Club may assess a late fee or suspend charging privileges in accordance with the provisions of the Membership Plan and of these policies, rules and regulations. Please refer to the Membership Plan and these policies, rules and regulations for the Club's full policy regarding Members' Club Accounts.
· No property or furniture of the Club shall be removed from rooms or other areas in which it is placed without the prior approval of the Club Director. · No property of the Club shall be loaned or removed from the Facilities without prior written permission from the Club Director. · A Member shall be responsible for damage to property of the Club resulting from misuse by the Member, his or her Family, Extended Family, or their guests. All repair or replacement costs may be charged to the responsible Member.
Policies Rules & regulations – The Club at Kings’ Chapel 4 5. UNAUTHORIZEID ENTRY Maintenance and equipment buildings and other service areas are off limits to Members, Family members, Extended Family members and guests, unless accompanied by an authorized employee of the club.
· The Club's policy is to comply with the laws of the State of Tennessee, as they pertain to the purchase, service and consumption of alcohol. · No alcoholic beverage will be sold or consumed on the premises by persons under the age of twenty-one (21). Identification will be requested of any person who appears to be under the age of twenty-one (21). · The Club will not serve any alcoholic beverage in an open container for offsite consumption. Any complaint with respect to this regulation shall be directed to the Director and not to service personnel of the Club. · Members should not reprimand or abuse staff under circumstances where the staff's judgment indicates alcohol service to an individual should cease. · Any disciplinary action taken against a Member which arises as a result of the implementation of the Club's policy on alcohol service shall be at the discretion of the director or current management.
· Vehicles shall be parked only in appropriate parking spaces and in strict observance of any traffic regulations that may be established by the Club.
· No advertisement, solicitation, petition, or notice shall be posted at the Facilities without prior approval of the Club. · No business activity or solicitation of any kind shall be conducted at the Facilities without prior approval of the Club.
No dogs or other pets (with the exception of seeing eye dogs) are allowed at the Facilities, except under special circumstances with prior authorization of the Club. A Member is responsible for any damage or injury caused by an animal owned by, or brought upon the Facilities by, such Member, his or her Family or Extended Family, or their guests. Any animal which is brought onto the property of the Facilities shall be kept on a leash or otherwise under control at all times.
Policies Rules & regulations – The Club at Kings’ Chapel 5 10. PROHIBITED ACTIVITIES
The Club shall have the right and power to prohibit any games, sports, or other activities which it may, in its determination, consider harmful to the interests of the general membership and/or the Club. Prohibited activities include, without limitation, skating, rollerblading, skateboarding, and tree climbing.
Each Member, Family member, Extended Family member or guest is responsible for his or her own personal property. The Club shall not be responsible for lost property or articles stolen from anywhere on the premises of the Club and specifically disclaims any such responsibility. Personal property left by any person on the premises of the Club and not claimed within thirty (30) days may be disposed of by the Club without notice. No bailment is intended, nor created, by the preceding sentence. 12. GUEST PRIVILEGES
All Members shall be entitled to limited guest privileges, subject to the provisions hereof, payment of applicable guest fees and charges, and subject to such additional policies, rules and regulations as may be established from time to time by the Club. Members and Family members shall be required to register their guests prior to using the Facilities. Guests must check in (sign guest registry, with members and guests name) upon arrival at the Club. A Member shall be responsible for the conduct of his or her guests and his or her Family's guests at all times while the guests are at the Facilities. Guest privileges may be denied, withdrawn, or revoked at any time for reasons considered sufficient in the discretion of the Club. Except as otherwise provided herein or permitted by the Club, in its discretion, no guest shall use the Facilities unless accompanied by the Member or Family member of whom he or she is a guest. Guest fees and other charges incurred by the guest which are not paid by such guest shall be billed to the sponsoring Member's Club Account. Guests will be entitled to use the Facilities only in accordance with the privileges of the category of membership held by the sponsoring Member. 13. FAMILYAND EXTENDED FAMILY PRIVILEGES
· The Club reserves the right to cancel the privileges of any Family or Extended Family member for failing to abide by the terms and conditions of the Membership Plan and these Policies, rules and regulations, as may be amended from time to time. · Persons under fourteen (14) years of age must be accompanied by a parent, designated child care person or other adult who will assume responsibility for the former's safety and behavior while at the Facilities, unless otherwise approved by the Director. · Persons under the applicable drinking ages are not allowed in any bar area unless accompanied by a parent. The entire lower floor of clubhouse is considered a Bar Area. · A Member shall be responsible for the conduct of his or her Family and Extended Family
Policies Rules & regulations – The Club at Kings’ Chapel 6 members at all times while at the Facilities. · Extended Family members must be accompanied by the Member.
· For all functions of the Club held in the dining rooms, tables will be assigned on a first-call, first-choice basis. Certain facilities of the Club may be available for private parties from time to time.
· Arrangements for private parties or special parties for Members, or Member-sponsored groups should be made through the Director of the Club, in advance. · If an unusual number of people are involved and/or whenever special service of any kind is desired, the Club shall establish guidelines regarding notice, operations, additional services, and hours. · No performance by entertainers will be permitted at the Facilities without the prior written permission of the Club. · Failure to cancel reservations for special events may result in a cancellation charge in accordance with the posted cancellation policy. · Special events of the Club may be reserved for "Members Only."
Members, Family members, Extended Family members and guests shall use the Facilities at their own risk and shall assume sole responsibility for their personal property. The Club and the Operator and their members, operators, officers, employees, affiliates, representatives, and agents shall not be held liable for personal injury to any Person, nor for loss or damage to personal property used or stored at the Facilities, whether in lockers or elsewhere. Each Member shall be legally and financially responsible for his or her acts or omissions, as well as those of his or her Family and Extended Family and guests. Each Member shall indemnify and hold the Club and the Operator and their members, operators, officers, employees, affiliates, representatives, and agents harmless from any loss, cost, claim, injury, or damage incurred by the Member, his or her Family and Extended Family or their guests, or arising out of the conduct of the Member, his or her Family, and Extended Family or their guests.
______Primary Member Date 16. MEMBERSHIP CARDS In the event the Club elects to implement a Membership Card program, the following rules shall apply:
· A Membership Card indicating the Member's name, Club Account number, and the type of membership, and containing the name of the authorized user, shall be issued to each
Policies Rules & regulations – The Club at Kings’ Chapel 7 Member, and to the members of his or her Family, if applicable. Members and Family members must have their Membership Cards with them at all times while using the Facilities and charging items. · A Membership Card may not be used by any Person other than the Person to whom it is issued. Membership Cards are nontransferable. · In the event of a lost or stolen Membership Card, the Club must be notified immediately. The Member's Club Account may be canceled, as determined by the Club. In the event the Member's Club Account is canceled, the Club will issue a new Membership Card number. Until notification of card loss or theft is received in writing by the Club, the Member shall be responsible for all charges placed on the Club Account. For each new Membership Card replaced, a charge covering the cost of the replacement card will be placed on the Member's Club Account in such amount as determined by the Club. Each Member shall receive such certificates, identification decals, and other insignia as the Club may from time to time designate, and shall display such insignia as required by the club
It is expected that Members and their Family and Extended Family members will choose to dress in a fashion befitting the surroundings and atmosphere provided in the setting of the Club. It is anticipated that certain social events will have dress codes. It is also expected that Members and their Family members will advise their guests of the dress requirements. The Club reserves the right to add additional requirements regarding attire for certain events or certain areas of the Club in the future. From time to time, exceptions to the dress rules may be made, as published by the Club.
· The Club may sponsor various social, cultural, and recreational events in which all Members and their Family and Extended Family members may be invited to participate. Activities may be publicized in a monthly bulletin of the Club. · Reservations are required for most social events of the Club and are taken on a first- come, first-served basis by pre registering with the appropriate sponsor of the event or the director of the Club. Cancellation of reservations after any published deadline for cancellation may result in the Member being charged a fee as determined by the Club. · Members are encouraged to rent the Facilities for private parties. A Member must make a reservation with the Director of the Club for available dates and arrangements and must assume full responsibility for the party and for the conduct of such Member's guests in accordance with the Membership Plan and these policies, rules and regulations. · The Club may require the advance payment of a security deposit in addition to the rental fee by the Member who assumes responsibility for a private party. The Member sponsoring the party shall be responsible for any damage caused in connection with the party or event.
Policies Rules & regulations – The Club at Kings’ Chapel 8 · The Club reserves the right to sponsor various social, cultural, and recreational events at which time use by Members and their Family and Extended Family members may be restricted.
The Operator and its affiliates, successors or assigns, in their discretion at any time may establish additional policies, rules and regulations and may modify or rescind existing policies, rules and regulations set forth herein. Decisions made by the Operator regarding the interpretation and application of these policies, rules and regulations shall be final and binding on all persons using the Facilities.
A. VIOLATIONS The Club may reprimand, suspend, revoke membership privileges or otherwise discipline any Member, or one or more of the Member's Family or Extended Family, for committing any violation of the Membership Plan or these policies, rules and regulations, for conduct unbecoming a Member on or off the premises of the Club, for any offense against the best interests of the Club, including having a past due or delinquent Club Account, or for other good and sufficient cause as determined by the Club in its sole discretion.
Written reprimands may be levied against any Member for violation of any provision of the Membership Plan or these policies, rules and regulations.
Effective management of accounts receivable at the Club is important to the Club and necessary to protect the rights and privileges of every Member. Accordingly, it is necessary to institute the following policies with regard to those Members who do not maintain their Club Accounts in a timely manner:
As provided in the Membership Plan, all Members must maintain at least one credit card account against which the Club may bill any Club Account balance not paid by the twentieth (20th) day of the month in which the statement is mailed. The Member consents to such charge against his or her charge cards by agreeing to become a Member of the Club. · In the event that the information provided by a Member with regard to credit card accounts becomes incorrect for any reason, including, but not limited to, expiration due to passage of time or closure of accounts, the Member shall provide
Policies Rules & regulations – The Club at Kings’ Chapel 9 to the Club's accounting department whatever data is necessary to update such information. · If a Member's Club Account has not been paid by the twentieth (20th) day of the month in which the statement is mailed, and the credit card account information provided by such Member is no longer valid and the Club is unable to charge the unpaid Club Account balance to such credit card account, the Club shall notify the Member of the matter either by mail, electronic mail, or by telephone, and the Club may suspend all charging and usage privileges under the membership until the Club Account is brought current. A Member whose membership has been suspended pursuant to this provision remains liable for the payment of applicable monthly dues during the period of suspension. · A late charge, as established by the Club from time to time, will be added to all outstanding balances not paid each month. · The membership privileges of a Member whose Club Account is more than ninety (90) days delinquent may be revoked, but such revocation of membership privileges shall not prejudice or affect in any manner the right of the Club to use all legal remedies necessary to collect such delinquent indebtedness. · Pursuant to the Declaration, delinquent Club dues are deemed to constitute "Specific Assessments" as defined in the Declaration. For Members who are Property Owners, the Club Operator has a lien against each residential unit for all unpaid Specific Assessments including delinquent Club dues.
All Members shall be charged an additional fee established by the Club on his or her statement for any checks returned from the bank or the Club's actual cost of recovery, whichever is greater
No portion of any fee or charges previously paid by a suspended Member shall be refunded or prorated. During the period of suspension, the Member and his or her Family and Extended Family shall have no right or privileges to use the Facilities of the Club. A suspension may be lifted at such time as the Club Account is paid in full (if suspension is due to Club Account delinquency), or the Club obtains assurance any violations will not be repeated (if suspension is due to other violation).
A membership may be suspended and the rights of any Person or Persons entitled to use the Facilities of the Club under such membership suspended for any of the following reasons:
· Any offense against the best interests of the Club · For other good and sufficient cause as determined by the Club in its sole discretion · Club Account delinquency
Policies Rules & regulations – The Club at Kings’ Chapel 10 · Physical or verbal abuse of staff, Members, Family members or guests · Disorderly conduct or conduct unbecoming a Member on or off the premises of the Club · Violation of these policies, rules and regulations or the Membership Plan
Membership privileges may be revoked, and the rights of any person or persons entitled to use the Facilities of the Club may be terminated for conduct unbecoming a Member, for any offense against the best interests of the Club, for committing certain infractions as specified in these policies, rules and regulations, or for other good and sufficient cause. In the event of the revocation of membership privileges, the rights of all Persons entitled to use the Facilities under the membership shall terminate. Upon revocation of membership privileges, the Member shall thereafter have no rights or privileges to use the Club, even as the guest of another Member. For Property Owners, the Social Membership shall not be terminated in the event of the revocation of membership privileges. For Members who are not owners of residential property within The Community of Kings Chapel the membership shall terminate upon the revocation of membership privileges. If a revoked membership has refund privileges, in the sole discretion of the Club, the Club may elect to place the revoked membership on the applicable Resigned List for reissuance; however, the Club has no obligation to do so. The only right a Member shall retain after the revocation of his or her membership privileges is any right that may have existed for a Founding Club Member pursuant to the Member's Membership Agreement
25. GROUNDS FOR REVOCATION A membership may be revoked and the rights of any Person or Persons entitled to use the Facilities of the Club may be terminated in accordance with the Membership Plan and these policies, rules and regulations for any of the following reasons:
· Commission of any felony · Commission of any misdemeanor theft at the Club Facilities · Any offense against the best interests of the Club · For other good and sufficient cause as determined by the Club in its sole discretion · Ninety-day Club Account delinquency · Willful destruction of the Operator's or a staff's, Member's, Family or Extended Family member's or guest's property · Physical or verbal abuse of staff, Members, Family or Extended Family members, or guests · Conduct unbecoming a Member on or off the premises of the Club · Violations of these policies, rules and regulations or the Membership Plan · Following suspension, if a Member or Family or Extended Family member again violates the rule that led to the previous suspension within twelve (12) months of the infraction, or
Policies Rules & regulations – The Club at Kings’ Chapel 11 if the Member or Family or Extended Family member violates any other rule that would result in suspension within twelve (12) months of the infraction
A written notice shall be prepared and mailed to the Member within fifteen (15) business days of the violation, describing the violation, noting all parties involved, and specifying the action taken or to be taken by the Club. A copy of the notice will be placed in the Member's file. If the infraction or violation will result in the suspension or revocation of membership privileges, a written notice of suspension or revocation of membership privileges, as applicable, shall be delivered by mail or in person to the affected Member. Revocation of membership privileges does not prejudice or affect in any manner the Club's right to use all legal remedies available to collect any delinquent indebtedness. A period of three (3) years must elapse before a Member whose privileges have been revoked may reapply for membership privileges. 27. REVIEW PROCESS
The following procedures shall be made available by the Club in order that suspended Members or Members who have had their membership revoked may be afforded an opportunity to have their situation reviewed by more than one (1) individual and all circumstances taken into account:
· The Member may request a review hearing, which will be held before the Director and a four member Review Board. If the Member does not wish the hearing to be held before the Director, he or she may so advise the Club in his or her request for a hearing, in which case, a designated representative of the Operator, superior to the Director, may serve as the hearing officer. The Member's request for a hearing must be delivered to the Club within fifteen (15) days following the date upon which the Club mails the notice of suspension to the Member; and · The review hearing will be conducted within thirty (30) days from the date that Member's request for the hearing is delivered to the Club. The Member may attend in person or by representation. Following such hearing, the Director, the review board or designated representative of the Club will make every effort to reach a mutually acceptable resolution. In the event such a resolution is not reached, the decision of the Director or the Operator's designated representative is final and binding.
Approved by the Operator this 26th day of March 2010
Agreed to and Accepted by ______Member
Policies Rules & regulations – The Club at Kings’ Chapel 12 SWIMMING POOL RULES
All guests must register at the pool desk before using the pool area. The Members shall register their Extended Family members and guests and shall be responsible for the payment of any appropriate charges. Presently there is no charge for guests. Failure to register any guest may result in loss of pool privileges for the Member. 2.HOURS OF OPERATION
· The pool hours shall be established and published by the Club, and shall be subject to change depending on utilization of the pool facilities by the Members. Absolutely no admission to the pool area and no swimming is allowed when the pool is closed. · The pool and surrounding pool area will be closed during inclement weather. All users are responsible for their own safety in the pool and pool area during hazardous weather conditions. While the Club will attempt to warn users and close the pool when conditions dictate, under no circumstances shall the Club or the Operator, or their owners, officers, employees, representatives or agents, be held liable for failing to warn users of hazardous weather conditions or the need to vacate the pool area. · The Club reserves the right to set aside designated time during hours of normal pool operation for special events or programs, during which time use by the Members may be restricted.
· Persons under the age of ten (12) and all minors who are unable to swim are not permitted in the swimming pool area unless accompanied by a parent, designated child care person or other Person sixteen (16) years of age or older who agrees to assume responsibility for the child's safety and behavior, unless otherwise approved by the Club. · Non-swimmers may use lifeguard-approved flotation devices, but must remain in the shallow end of the pool. No other flotation devices may be used in the pool, unless approved by the Director. · Showers are required before entering the pool. · Radios, televisions and similar electronic devices may be listened to if played at a volume which is not offensive to others. · Glass bottles, drinking glasses, and sharp objects are not permitted in the pool area. · Animals, bicycles, and skateboards are restricted from the pool area.
Policies Rules & regulations – The Club at Kings’ Chapel 13 · Running, wrestling, pushing, dunking, ball playing and noisy or other hazardous activity will not be permitted in the pool areas, including the rest rooms. · All Persons using the pool or pool area shall be responsible for their own safety and shall be deemed to have assumed the risk of using the pool or pool area, and agree, by their presence in the pool area, that the Operator, the Club and their owners, officers, employees, representatives and agents shall not be held liable for any loss, injury, or death arising out of the use of the pool or pool area. All persons must obey other pool rules posted in the swimming area.
· Persons are not permitted in the pool if they have a cold, cough, fever, infection of any kind, skin rash, inflamed eye(s), or are wearing bandages. · Persons with physical or neurological disabilities must be accompanied by an adult Person.
All Persons must wear suitable bathing attire while swimming; no cutoffs, jeans or shorts will be permitted.
· Guests of the Members are entitled to use the pool facilities upon registration with the pool attendant and payment of a guest fee. The host Members will be billed for all charges incurred by their guests, including, without limitation, any daily fees, food and beverage charges. · No person may use the pool facilities more than ten (10) times in one year as the guest of any Member. · Guest privileges may be limited during peak periods as determined in the sole discretion of the Club.
All guests must be accompanied by a host member.
Approved by the Operator this 26th day of March 2010
Agreed to and Accepted by ______Member
Policies Rules & regulations – The Club at Kings’ Chapel 14 FITNESS FACILITY RULES
All Members and Family members must register at the fitness desk before entering the fitness facility. Fitness desk and sign in register will not be manned.
2. HOURS OF OPERATION The hours of the fitness facility shall be established and published by the Club, and shall be subject to change, as determined in the discretion of the Club, and depending on utilization of the facility by Members.
At this time no guests are allowed to use the fitness center.
Members and Family members are urged to familiarize themselves with proper fitness etiquette. Members and Family members should familiarize themselves with the proper method of handling and using the weights and equipment to avoid mishandling and misuse. Any Member, Family member with health or physical problems should first consult his or her physician before using any of the fitness facilities. Members, Family members assume full risk of loss and responsibility for damage to their health in use of fitness facility.
Prior to using the fitness facility, all persons must complete a release form, which will set forth certain information regarding the person, such as amount and type of experience, as well as a release of the Club and the Operator, and their members, owners, officers, employees, affiliates, representatives and agents from any liability, loss, cost or damage arising from the person's use of the fitness facility. Notwithstanding the foregoing, persons are responsible for their own safety and shall be deemed to have assumed the risk of using the fitness facility and are deemed to have released the Club and the Operator and their members, owners, officers, employees, affiliates, representatives and agents from any liability, loss, cost or damage arising from the person's use of the fitness facility. It is the responsibility of all persons using the fitness facility to consult with their physician, and such person should be in good physical condition and have no physical,
Policies Rules & regulations – The Club at Kings’ Chapel 15 medical or psychological conditions, disabilities, impairments or ailments, chronic or otherwise, which would preclude, impair or prevent him or her from using the fitness facility or engaging in active or passive exercise. Members are asked to limit cardiovascular exercise to thirty (30) minutes if another Member is waiting. During peak hours circuit exercise is limited to a maximum of two (2) sets. Profanity, horseplay, disruptive conduct and offensive behavior are strictly prohibited at the fitness facility. The Director, and any staff member has the authority to (i) enforce the policies, rules and regulations, (ii) supervise the general conduct of all Persons at the fitness facility, (iii) maintain order, and (iv) reprimand, restrict, discipline, and evict any individual not complying with the policies, rules and regulations.
5.ATTIRE Proper athletic attire is required at all times in the fitness facility. No cut-off jeans, bathing attire, bare feet, or shoes other than athletic shoes will be allowed in the fitness facility. Shirts must be worn at all times. 6.EXTENDED FAMILY MEMBERS CHILDREN Extended Family members must be accompanied by the Member to use the fitness facility Persons under the age of fourteen (14) are not permitted to use the fitness facility without the prior approval of the Club. 7. PERSONAL TRAINERS At this time only personal trainers who register with the Club may provide training services to Members at the fitness facility.
Approved by the Operator this 26th day of March 2010
Agreed to and Accepted by ______Member
Policies Rules & regulations – The Club at Kings’ Chapel 16