The Closing Date for Return of Delegate Booking Forms Is: 7Th October 2014
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#regensummit14 Booking Form: Wales Government Regeneration Summit 2014 Booking Instructions: Please fill in the form below in BLOCK CAPITALS. 1 form per delegate. Name: Job title:
Organisation Name & Address:
Email address:
Twitter Handle: Tel:
Do you have any special dietary requirements? (Please state) Yes No Do you have any disability or access Yes No requirements? (Please state) Thursday 23rd October 2014: Wales Regeneration Summit, Liberty Stadium, Swansea
08:00 – 16:00 Regenerating Wales: Recreating the future of Welsh Towns £50.00 Wales Regeneration Summit 2014 per delegate (08:00 Registration, The 2014 summit follows on from the successful event held in November 2012. 09:30 Welcome) The key theme this time will be town centres in Wales. The summit will provide updates on the Vibrant and Viable Places programme and the progress of Business Improvement Districts (BIDs). It will also provide opportunities for learning from other town centre initiatives in Wales and elsewhere.
Email confirmation of bookings will be made on receipt of booking form and joining instructions for the conference will be sent out approximately 7 days before the event. If you do not receive your information by this time, please contact us.
Do you wish to participate in the Summit Yes No in Welsh? (Please state)
Are you happy for your contact details to Yes No be shared with delegates and exhibitors? (Please state)
Workshop Sessions #regensummit14 Please indicate which workshop sessions you would prefer to attend during the morning and afternoon sessions. Please select one session for the morning, and one session for the afternoon. Pleasenote that spaces are limited. Workshop Session AM (11.30) PM (14.15) A Welsh Government Regeneration Policy and Programmes B Raising the finance to deliver regeneration projects. The experience of Business Improvement Districts (BIDs) C Making things happen: Linking Strategy to Delivery D Benchmarking Town Centre Performance. The importance of the evaluation of programmes E The importance of infrastructure programmes and projects to deliver regeneration F Temporary urbanism and community project responses G Arts and Regeneration, connecting people and ideas to communities and places H New technology in the market….making the connections. Payment* I enclose a cheque made payable to Community Housing Cymru for: £ A BACS payment will be made to CHC, Sort Code 40-16-35, A/C No. Purchase Order No: 71716263. (Please ensure that a Remittance Advice is sent along with your completed booking form). A receipt will be issued for receipt of BACS payment. If you wish your P/O No to be quoted please enter it here. * Please see below for terms and conditions of payment and cancellations
Signed: Date: CANCELLATION CHARGES WILL BE INCURRED AS FOLLOWS: 14 days or more before event - No charge / Between 8 & 14 days before event - 50% of total fee payable / Less than 8 days before the event - Full fee payable / Registered delegates who do not attend the event - Full fee payable DATA PROTECTION ACT 1998 When you make a booking your contact details will be stored on our database. We will use this data for the purposes of processing your booking and to contact you in the future with information about other CHC events and products that may be of interest to you. If you would prefer not to be informed of CHC products please let us know. Please return completed booking form (pages 1 and 2) to: Jennifer Horton, CHC, 2 Ocean Way, Cardiff, CF24 5TG E-mail: [email protected] or Tel: 02920 674809 Please also contact Jennifer if you have any queries. The closing date for return of delegate booking forms is: 7th October 2014