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May 2002 Contents
News______page 3 Overseas Mission and Partnership______page 8 Finance______page 11 Churches Agency on Social Issues______page 13 Resources______page 15 Ministerial Vacancies______page 17 Church Register______page 20
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______page 1 page 2______Directions (formerly strategic plan 2002- Update 2005) This document which sets five focusses for the next Pentecost three years has been revised in light of feedback. The key focusses are: We're about to celebrate Pentecost. Pentecost signals hope for our Church. It reminds us Jesus Christ is not bound by time or space, buildings or 1. Creating and building our ability to respond to churches. His presence crosses all chasms of the changed environment. culture and language including those we widen with 2. Providing an information base to help equip and religious language and culture. He generates action resource mission and growth. in the street - see how the story so quickly moves to 3. Revitalising the key qualities which exist at the what happens beyond the gathered believers. He heart of the Presbyterian Church, for mission. inspires people to share news of hope and loosens 4. Strengthening regional structures to support the tongues. strategic direction. 5. Identifying financial resources that may be Some years ago, for the season of Pentecost, I available to support the new initiatives needed. changed the heading on our parish bulletin and newsletter from "Presbyterian" to "pentecostal". The Service Team have planned how they will help Perhaps it wasn't my wisest move, judging by the put Directions into effect, as part of the wider reaction. But I believe in the stories of Pentecost group. are what we need: Directions raises questions: To inspire congregations to go beyond the needs of the gathered group; What does a congregation stabilised around a To find the dynamic to bridge gaps between style of an earlier era do to relate to a wider the gathered group and the wider community; range of people? To build the unity across generations and Where that is not feasible what new cultures congregations need to engage a wider communities of faith could Presbyteries plant group; or congregations develop? To seek and celebrate the Spirit out in the Directions can be found on the website at streets where Jesus is present; http://www.presbyterian.org.nz/whoweare/preschur To find a language that makes sense in ch/directions.html people's lives. Service Team Council of Assembly Welcome and farewell Budget The Rev. Paul Kim has been inducted to the The Administration and Finance Policy Group has Assembly position of Asian Liaison Officer. been drafting the Assembly budget. Its focussed on Congregations and Presbyteries are ensuring we further the "strategic plan" (now called encouraged to contact Paul when they need Directions) sent for comment prior to Christmas. advice in relation to Asian peoples. Council is conscious every dollar must count. The The Council of Assembly has appointed the budget is now with Council which will Rev. Andrew Bell, chaplain at St Kentigern's communicate its decisions shortly. College Auckland as Overseas Missions Secretary. Andrew begins in his new role 1 August 2002. Andrew brings experience as
______page 3 leader of a church mission in Zululand, as parish
page 4______minister in a co-operative venture, and as 52,569 Cook Island Maori live in New chaplain in a large Presbyterian School. Zealand. 70 per cent were born in New Zealand. The Rev. Dr Joe Bush has submitted his resignation as lecturer at the School of 3/5ths live in the Auckland region. Ministry, the resignation to take effect 31 July 1/3rd live in Manukau City. 2002. Joe has been appointed Associate The median age is 19 Professor at the United Theological College in Twin Cities -for kiwis that is Minneapolis and About 20% speak Cook Island Maori St Paul. He will have particular responsibility fluently. for contextual studies. We are thrilled for Joe. Recommended websites Joe has had a major role in the establishment of the Ordination Studies Programme at the The Church of Scotland is grappling with issues School of Ministry. similar to ours. You may like to read their material at www.churchwithoutwalls.org.uk Other news I find the best site for accessing resources for Neville Emslie, Principal of the School of worship is textweek.com Ministry, has been visiting Presbyteries and congregations in the South Island as part of his Noho mai ra. programme of being oriented to working in the Presbyterian Church. Chris Nichol is in Papua New Guinea for a week as part of his work for the Council for World Mission. Chris and Leigh Bredenkamp, formerly of this office, are auditing communications in the CWM Pacific Churches. So far they have visited Samoa, American Samoa, Kiribati, and the Solomon Islands. 2002 Year Book Innovations:Distribute to: Sessions The Year book has been posted out. You will notice New thinking and practices in being Church it does not have statistics included. They are not being published in book form this year but will be available on the web soon. If you would like a hard copy please contact us.
Cook Islands mission Ministers and elders of the Cook Islands part of the There are a growing number of great ideas being Presbyterian Church and of the Cook Islands tried around the country and the Mission Resource Christian Church in New Zealand met recently to Team is working to make these more widely plan for mission among Cook Islands people in known. The idea is to help the whole church learn Aotearoa New Zealand. The three day event was from local learnings and to stimulate more creative timely because Statistics New Zealand had just ideas and practices around the church. 'Innovation' released information which helped profile the Cook is a special page on the church website: Islands population in New Zealand. The profile http://www.presbyterian.org.nz/resources/mrt/innov includes the following: ations.php on which new thinking and practices
______page 5 will be profiled. It has three categories: New Modes of Gathering, Worshiping and Exploring; Special Focus Ministries (such as community workers, family workers.); and Locally Provided Ministry
page 6______(congregations developing forms of ministry offers an academic platform where some of the drawing on their own people and gifts). most acute and contemporary challenges confronting the churches today are debated and The MRT welcomes suggestions and material to analysed in an attempt to find a common response, share in this way. Please contact the MRT through action and witness so that the world may believe. one of the Co-directors, at Box 9049, Wellington, or by email, [email protected] If you would like to find out more about Bossey and the programme that they are offering this year visit their website at http://www.wcc- Advent/Christmas coe.org/bossey/ Verity Doak, the Courses and Resources Consultant for the Mission Resource Team, is looking for Internet Use Grows Advent/Christmas resources which worked well in your parish either for worship, study, meditation or In New Zealand, the internet has grown quickly which in any way enhanced the way parishes and from just a few users in the scientific and research groups can celebrate this important part of the communities in the early 1990s. The 1,200 host church’s year. computers connected to the internet in July 1991 had risen to 182,000 by July 1999 and an estimated She would be glad to receive anything that has 47 percent of New Zealanders had a computer at worked well in your parish in the past that can home, with 25 percent having an internet be reproduced for other parishes to benefit connection. from. In February 2000, 50% of New Zealanders had Contact details: Verity Doak, Courses and access to the internet and 39% had an email Resources Consultant, e-mail: address. In December 1999 43,090 commercial [email protected], PO Box 9049, Wellington websites and 6,140 non-commercial websites were registered in New Zealand.
Ecumenical Institute (Source: http://www.stats.govt.nz) Bossey 'Breaking Down the The World Council of Churches Ecumenical Institute of Bossey in Geneva welcomes men and Walls' conference women from all over the world and from every Christian confession and culture to seminars, The 'Breaking Down the Walls' conference is conferences and the Graduate School of intended to break down the walls of community Ecumenical Studies. resistance to becoming involved the support of ex- prisoners and their family/whanau following release Its mission is to educate and form ecumenical from prison. It presents a particular challenge to the leaders, both clergy and lay, for service in parishes, Christian church and explores opportunities for classrooms and ecumenical centres around the future involvement. It provides the foundation for world and to shape ecumenical thought through building supportive church communities and the intercultural and interconfessional encounter, equipping of volunteers to work effectively with through study in residential programmes and ex-prisoners and their whanau/families. through common worship and life in community. The conference will be held on 14-16 June at the Bossey constitutes a free and safe space of mutual Totara Springs Christian Camp in Matamata. encounter and challenge between Christians and
______page 7 For further information on the conference or to register contact:: Kim Workman, Prison Fellowship
page 8______of New Zealand, PO Box 45-065, Lower Hutt, Ph: any event for the day, a "toolkit" manual especially 04 570 1252 Fax: 04 5701253, Email for Australia and New Zealand is being created. [email protected] The toolkit will provide a range of suggestions for possible events and offer practical information on Disability Awareness how to organise an event. Furthermore, the toolkit will include stories of refugee women as well as Sunday posters, postcards, pamphlets, and stickers highlighting both the theme of refugee women and The Christian Ministries for the Disabled Trust World Refugee Day itself. advises that the Sunday on or near the third Sunday in June is Disability Awareness Sunday. The toolkit will be ready for distribution in mid- Mayand UNHCR encourages you to consider First suggested by the famous American organising an event and join in highlighting the Tetraplegic Joni Earekson-Tada, it's now well pligth of refugee women on 20 June 2002. established on the church calendar. If leaders have lost their copy of "Ideas for Disability Awareness The person to contact for to obtain the toolkit or to Sunday", feel free to ask the Trust for a let the UNHCR know about activities you are replacement. planning for World Refugee Day is: Jannie Nielsen, Public Information Section, UNHCR Canberra Some centres also combine for a special service. Email [email protected], Ph 0061 2 62607107 Aucklanders can expand their horizons at the Aotea Chapel opposite the Town Hall at 2.15 pm. Hosted by the Auckland Deaf Christian Fellowship for Climate Change Disabled, Joy ministries for people with intellectual disabilities, Torch Outreach for blind and vision The Overseas Mission and Partnerships policy impaired and Carers Fellowship. There is also group has an ongoing interest in issues related to Emmanuel Fellowship for parents who have a child climate change and the Kyoto Protocol with a disability. The Government has just announced its preferred For a team visit to your church, or for resources or policy package for reducing greenhouse gas to receive the quarterly magazine "The Encourager" emissions in response to climate change and the contact PO Box 13 322, Onehunga, AUCKLAND Kyoto Protocol. A consultation document on this Ph/Fax 09 636 4763 Email: [email protected] package and the rationale behind it has been Web page: www.cmwdt.org.nz released and is available on the website www.climatechange.govt.nz World Refugee Day The document includes a list of questions and issues the Government will be asking in its second The United Nations General Assembly established round of public consultation on climate change. and marked the first ever World Refugee Day on 20 The document aims to guide discussion in meetings June 2001. UNHCR would like to encourage the being held around the country and will also form community organisations in commemorating this the basis for any written feedback New Zealanders day. The theme this year is refugee women. wish to provide in response to the Government's preferred policy package. Events commemorating World Refugee Day could be as diverse as food fairs, exhibitions of arts and Meetings with regional businesses, interest groups crafts, sporting events, or poetry readings. In order and interested members of the public to discuss to ease the process of planning and preparation of what these policies might mean for them, will be held from May 20-30 at the locations listed below.
______page 9 The meetings will involve a brief presentation of the preferred policy package followed by an opportunity for feedback and discussion.
page 10______If you would like to register your interest in one of Dunedin these meetings, please email your details to Date Wednesday 29 May Time 3.00-5.00pm [email protected] or you can leave a Location Museum of Otago, Barclay message on our pre-recorded information line 0800 Theatre, Level 1, 419 Great King Street, Dunedin. WARMING (0800 927 646). Nelson Whangarei Date Wednesday 29 May Time 2.00-4.00pm Date Monday 20 May Time 2:00- Location Council Chamber, Floor 2B, Civic 4:00pm Location L'Fare Conference Centre, House, 110 Trafalgar Street, Nelson. 197 Lower Dent Street, Whangarei Christchurch Stratford Date Thursday 30 May Time10.00am-12.00pm Date Tuesday 21 May Time 2:00- Location Christchurch Convention Centre, 4:00pm Location Stratford War Memorial 95 Kilmor Street, Christchurch. Centre, Miranda Street, Stratford Greymouth Auckland Date Friday 31 May Time 2.00-4.00pm Date Tuesday 21 May Time 2:00- Location Ashley Hotel, 74 Tasman Street, 4:00pm Location The Edge, Reception Greymouth. Lounge, Level 2, Aotea Centre Building, Auckland.
Palmerston North Date Wednesday 22 May Time 2.00-4.00pm Location The Graduate School of Business, Cnr Linton and Church Streets, Palmerston North
Napier Date Thursday 23 May 02 Time 2.00-4.00pm Location War Memorial Conference Centre, Breakout Room 1, Marine Parade, Napier.
Tauranga Date Thursday 23 May Time 3.30-5.00pm Location Tauranga Council Chambers, Old BNZ Building, 108 Willow Street, Tauranga.
Invercargill Date Monday 27 May Time 10.00am- 1.00pm Location Environment Southland Chambers, Corner Price St and North Road, Invercargill
Wellington Date Tuesday 28 May Time 2.00- 4.00pm Location Hotel James Cook Grand Chancellor, Discovery Room, 147 The Terrace, Wellington
______page 11 Candles Remind us to Pray for Christians in Overseas Mission and Israel/Palestine Janet Taege writes: “Here in Darfield we and the Partnership Anglicans are lighting a Peace candle at our Global Mission Secretary: services and meetings and praying for the Christians in Israel & Palestine and the staff and Rev Neal Whimp (interim) patients at the St John Eye Hospital in Jerusalem. 70 Khyber Pass Rd, Auckland Not much is heard about their plight.” Phone: 09 306-6445; Fax: 09 306 6440 Mobile: 025 272 3131 Janet has kept in touch with DSPR (Palestinian [email protected] Refugee committee) since attending their conference and the Middle East Council of How is Your Congregation/Presbytery doing Churches meetings a couple of years ago. Also, as Mission Overseas? an Officer of the Order of St John of Jerusalem she Overseas Mission & Partnership really does want has been getting news. your help to get a picture of New Zealand Presbyterians’ mission overseas. World mission conference in 2005 Preparations for the 2005 conference of the POM&P as an agent for mission overseas, wants to Commission for World Mission and Evangelism be involved helpfully with your part in the church’s (CWME) of the World Council of Churches have global mission, with information, resource and begun. encouragement. The focus will be on churches as reconciling and Please respond soon healing communities. "In a time of gobalisation, From your Congregation with increasing violence, fragmentation and exclu- 1. with what specific Mission Overseas sion, the mission of the church is to receive, cele- projects are you involved? brate, proclaim and work for fullness of life in 2. which International Aid Organisations do Christ" says the CWME. Case studies and you support? experiences will be shared and discussed from local 3. who are your contacts through the churches, healing and reconciling communities and APW/MWF Mission Associate Scheme? mission groups worldwide. There will also be 4. how is Mission Overseas promoted to your spaces for personal exchanges and prayer. congregation? 5. would you share your experience with The Conference of 500 participants will include other congregations? Roman Catholic as well as Evangelical and 6. how can Presbyterian Overseas Mission & Pentecostal churches. (WCC press release) Partnership help you? He came singing peace Presbytery/District Councils is a collection of twenty seven already published 7. with what Mission Overseas projects is songs by well known New Zealand writers your Presbytery/District Council involved? produced for the 'Decade to Overcome Violence: 8. in what ways can Presbyterian Overseas churches seeking reconciliation and peace'. Mission encourage, inform, resource you? Foreword: "We live in a violent world ... of war and fighting, the abuse of people, especially Please email women and children, the arrogance of the rich and [email protected] powerful, the destructiveness of hunger and poverty, injustice and indifference, the desecration or post to Presbyterian Overseas Mission Office, of earth, sea and air. .... What songs shall we sing to by 31 May. overcome violence?" page 12______The publisher hopes that "our songs of hope and Attention should now be on how to help the peace will drown out the songs of hate, revenge and Zimbabwean people to deal with their post-election violence, helping to change the thinking of people trauma. (CWM News) everywhere." India Churches plan show of Christian unity Available from the NZ Hymn Book Trust, P 0 Box Catholics, Evangelicals and the Orthodox and 2011, Raumati 6450. Protestant churches have a programme for "Masih Mahotsav" (Christian festival), 3 - 5 December. Single copies $5 with a generous discount for bulk Forty church leaders from the National Council of orders. Churches in India (NCCI ), the Catholic Bishops Conference and the Evangelical Fellowship of India Ecumenical Enablers Programme believe that Christian unity in India is "the need of Sylvia 'Akaau'ola-Tongotongo attended with the hour" in the wake of anti-Christian propaganda Chong Woo Kim (Presbyterian)this Christian and violence. Conference of Asia programme in Bangkok in March. The theme was 'Reading the Bible with The ecumenical Christian festival to be held in New New Asian Eyes'. Sylvia writes that the foremost Delhi will be a Christian contribution to nation issue is being a Christian minority. Racism is alive building; Christian vision for India promoting the in all aspects of life, socially, economically and in church as a proactive channel of truth, peace and religious circles. Slavery, refugees, sex objects and justice. The Masih Mahotsav will be "a celebration violent crime, drugs, and weapons are huge of Jesus Christ – the Prince of Peace – to deepen problems. Poverty, a reality of life, shows the wide the faith of the Christian community in India," gap between rich and poor. After rallies highlighting Christian concerns and "In this Decade to Overcome Violence we are cultural programmes, India's first ecumenical challenged to make the Bible alive and to use it for Christian festival will end in New Delhi with a healing and preventing violence. convention of Christians from nationwide.
How can we as church and as Christians become Among the 29 Orthodox and Protestant churches voice for the voiceless and be advocates for the that constitute NCCI are the Church of North India, poor and oppressed?" the Church of South India and the Presbyterian Church of India. The Overseas Mission & Partnership Policy Group meets at St David’s, (Anto Akkara for CWM Info) Auckland, 7/8 June. All present and corrupt in Madagascar: Stuart Vogel (Convenor) [email protected]. Even before the current presidential election crisis, The first meeting of the Joint Partnership Group the Church of Jesus Christ in Madagascar was will be in Auckland on 7 June. campaigning against corruption.
The JPG coordinates joint overseas projects of http://www.cwmission.org.uk/features/default.cfm Methodist and Presbyterian churches of Aotearoa NZ.
South Africa churches say: We must change approach to Zimbabwe The South African Council of Churches (SACC) has called for the focus to shift from debate on Zimbabwe's recent presidential election to the rehabilitation of the country.
______page 13 page 14______Amalgamated Investment Fund Distribute to: The interest rate paid on deposits with the Treasurers Amalgamated Investment Fund remains at 6.5% per annum. In light of movements in market interest rates and Fund earnings, the Trustees will reconsider the rate during May.
Ministers Mortgages Newsletter Increasing mortgage interest rates have lead to a further increase in the rate of interest applicable to Strategy and Budget ministers’ mortgages. From 1 May the interest rate The Administration and Finance Policy Group had charged on these loans will be 7.0% per annum. reviewed the draft budget and passed it for adoption by the Council of Assembly. The Council Forms and Employment Contracts considered the budget during a telephone Just a reminder that many of the forms we use can conference call on Tuesday 7 May. The Council be taken from the Church’s website. The sought more information on certain aspects of the Treasurer’s Manual is also displayed on the site. budget. That information will be provided to These forms include a standard form employment Council and considered at telephone conference on contract to be used for lay employees. It is a Friday 10 May. Assuming the Council approves the requirement of the Employment Relations Act that budget on Friday we will be in a position to all new employees have a written contract. We distribute details of the national services levy and recommend no changes be made to the contract mission and ministry target late next week. I trust form as even small changes can have an effect that the delay hasn’t caused too many problems with the was not intended by the parties. budget process in parishes and presbyteries. Where we are asked to add new employees to At the Assembly Office we will only set mission payrolls paid from the Assembly Office we will be and ministry targets by presbytery. The allocation seeking verification that the new employee has a of those targets to individual congregations is the written contract. Until such time as we are satisfied responsibility of presbytery. The method of of the existence of a written contract no wage or allocation can vary between presbyteries but does salary payments will be made. tend to recognise the special characteristics of the congregations within a presbytery. Insurance Renewal All parishes will have now received information As part of the budget process FSD will be with respect to the insurance renewal due on 31 calculating for recommendation to the appropriate July. At this time there are two important actions policy groups adjustments to such things as the required. The first is to review the schedules basic stipend, annuity payments and Beneficiary received to ensure they are accurate and complete Fund contributions. Any adjustments will be and the second is to ensure that your property advised to parishes once they have been agreed and valuations are up to date. The letter you will have will apply from 1 July. received contains information on how to complete these tasks. For all those involved in preparing information for the budget thank you very much for your If you have not received information on your assistance. We have taken a different tack this year insurance renewal then you should contact and you have coped very well with the change. A Margaret Fawcett in the Assembly Office on (04) lot of thought on effort has gone into the process 381-8291 or and I have no doubt the Church will be the better for it.
______page 15 via email on [email protected] and she will ensure that you receive the information you need to complete your renewal. You should also contact Margaret if you have a query in relation to your renewal. If Margaret is unavailable I can also assist.
Statistic Forms Parishes will be receiving statistics forms later in the month. These forms need to be completed during the month of June and returned promptly during July. We ask that the information in the forms be as accurate and complete as is possible. The better our information the better the decisions we make.
Property Transactions Hopefully its third time lucky with this particular matter. What I should have said last month is that although the Otago Foundation Trust Board holds the title to property south of the Waitaki river the Board only acts upon recommendations received from the Synod of Otago and Southland. Therefore property transactions will also need the approval of the Synod. Your timetables for property transactions will need to make allowance for this step in the approval process. My thanks to Heather McKenzie at the Synod for providing this helpful information.
Interest Payments An apology to all those parishes that have the interest earned on their Amalgamated Investment Fund deposits credit directly to their bank account each quarter. Due to an oversight we omitted to process the direct credit schedule when it was prepared. We did discover the oversight and the interest has now been credited to your accounts. The calculation of the interest amount was not affected only the timing of the payment. This error did not affect parishes that do not draw on their interest earnings except by specific notification to the Assembly Office.
Geoffrey Bell Manager, Financial Services
page 16______The approach begins and ends with a focus on God and faith. Background papers are being commissioned on topics where parties clearly differ: taxation (including superannuation); environmental concerns; refugees, migrants and asylum-seekers; community response to violence including justice and sentencing issues; Treaty General Election matters; funding and support of public services. The resource will complement material from other looming… agencies such as the NZ Council of Christian Social With the election year gathering pace and Services. speculation about the likely date growing, CASI is making election material for parish and Your feedback about both the content and the way congregational use a priority. Currently efforts are the resource is presented would be much focused on preparing a resource which can be appreciated. Contact CASI at P O Box 9049, tailored for use Anglican and Catholic contexts as Wellington, phone 04 381 8295, or email well as in our own Presbyterian, Methodist, [email protected]. Churches of Christ and Quaker constituency. This spreads the task and widens the input. Your opinions The draft content is starting to look like this: Thank you to all who took the trouble to complete the questionnaire about Broadsheet. We had a good 1. A general vision statement and some suggested response (and it continues.) Preliminary analysis ways for creating more specific statements. shows readers particularly appreciate the feature material, news and personal comment. Many re-use 2. Finding out about people and policies: starting the information in it and each issue also has a high places, questions to use in evaluating them. pass-on rate. Remember: contributions are always 3. Issues: Identifying and reflecting on the local as welcome, especially news about local groups and social justice activities. Deadline for the June issue well as national issues important to you and your st community. is Friday May 31 . Historical perspective and immediate response 4. Tips about holding a local all-candidates meeting, and ways to prepare to get maximum Recently Presbyterian CASI co-convenor David benefit. Simmers spoke to a jubilee celebration service in St George’s Church, Takapuna. Copies of his address: 5. Suggestions for discerning the strategies Social Justice Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow are politicians and parties use to get your vote(s), and available. Send an email to [email protected] for evaluating how they are made appealing. an attachment by return, or write to P O Box 9049 Wellington for a hard copy. 6. Voting wisely: A reminder about how MMP works and the way your two votes can be used. A new Social Issues Group is forming on the North Shore following David’s visit. Locals interested 7. Encouragement to continue the focus on the should contact Mrs Trisha Robertson, 55 issues identified, to pray for all leaders and Coronation Road, Glenfield. candidates, and to keep up the scrutiny as the new Government puts its promises into action.
______page 17 Zealand but it is Parish widely recognised in Learning from each America and Canada Nurs and has been well other developed in Australia. The work of the parish CASI is currently revising the ecumenical Social e nurse is to complement Justice Resource Kit (first produced in 1994) for the work of the health use in this century. We plan to include examples Pract professionals and of current and recent social service, community agencies already in a development and social justice projects to give ice community and works users a range of ideas. Elaine Tyrrell and her with the clergy and lay If your group or parish has been involved in such team of volunteers are people who care for work – whether short or long-term, minor or part of a growing trend those in church and major, simple or complex – CASI would very for parishes to either community. They help much like to hear from you. Contact the office employ or have people make informed and we’ll send you an outline of the sort of voluntary parish decisions about their information we’d like to have. Or if you have a nurses. The goal of health, integrating ready-made report (to Session, Parish Council or parish nursing is to mind, body and spirit. Presbytery) just send us a copy with a note of who “promote, protect and The Australian Faith to contact for followup. restore the health of those persons served Community Nurses by the church and Association asks “is enable and empower God calling others for healthy individuals to use living.” The job of a their nursing parish nurse covers a knowledge and skills wide range of help for to minister to others parishioners and those through this form of living in the area. nursing practice? These include health And is it a form of education, support, ministry and mission (e.g. accompanying for parishes to parishioners to become involved hospital, visiting and in?” Further keeping in contact with information can be newly bereaved etc.), obtained from Verity being a link person Doak (e-mail: with referral [email protected]) knowledge, advocacy, or Elaine Tyrrell (e- practical skills (such as mail: taking blood pressure [email protected]) and first aid) and exploring the relationship of faith and health.
Parish nursing is relatively new to New page 18______in the week of 9-14 Dunedin: East Taieri Seasons June as follows: Presbyterian, Mosgiel Resource Friday, 14 June - 7- of the Auckland: St. 9.30 p.m. s Aidan’s, Remuera Spirit Sunday, 9 June - 1.30- Preaching Notes 4.30 p.m. and Prayers Kit 5 - Introductory “God Distant and Workshops Hamilton: St. Peter’s Intimate” This kit You are encouraged to Cathedral covers the period 19 go along to a workshop Tuesday, 11 June - 7- May (Day of in your area which will 9.30 p.m. Pentecost) to 30 June look at this exciting (Pentecost 6). The kit new curriculum Tauranga: St. has been written by the Enoch’s Presbyterian material. The Very Rev. Margaret Tuesday, 11 June - 7- workshops will help Reid Martin. ($8 plus 9.30 p.m. people use the material postage) in the best way to, Wellington: St. through worship and Preaching Notes John’s in the City Christian education, and Prayers Kit 6 - Tuesday, 11 June - 7- “The Journey” This build healthy 9.30 p.m. congregations. kit has been written by Dr Anne Hadfield and Napier: St. John’s provides material for The workshops Cathedral introducing the preaching from 7 July Wednesday, 12 June - to 18 August material will be held 7-9.30 p.m. throughout New (Pentecost 7 to 13). ($8 plus postage) Zealand and will be led Nelson: All Saints by ecumenical trainers Anglican with long experience Wednesday, 12 June - Equip500 in Christian education. 7-9.30 p.m.
Why not get a group New Plymouth: St. 0 of people together Mary’s Pro-Cathedral who are involved in Thursday, 13 June - 7- Reso Christian education 9.30 p.m. and worship in your urces parish and go along Palmerston North: “ About Being to a workshop? The St. David’s Presbyterian - a workshops will all be Presbyterian Thursday, 13 June - 7- Guide to what it 9.30 p.m. means to be a member of the Christchurch: St. Presbyterian Church Mark’s Presbyterian, of Aotearoa New Avonhead Zealand” This Thursday, 13 June - 7- resource gives a simple 9.30 p.m. background to most aspects of
______page 19 Presbyterianism. ($3 Alistair McBride and authorised to lead plus postage) covers why we do pastoral care, listening Pastoral Care - an and attending, barriers Introduction for to communication and Parish Visitors - This building a helpful resource has been relationship. ($6 plus written by the Rev. postage)
“ The Session/Parish Council and Pastoral Care” - This material from the Rev. Lester Reid’s book A Resource for Elders is brought together in one small booklet which can be used for sessions/parish councils looking at pastoral care. ($2 plus postage)
“ Celebrating Communion - a handbook for elders
Order Form – May 2002 (Please add postage to all items purchased – 90 cents for 4 items, $1.80 for 5 items plus) Quantity Title Amount
Preaching Notes & Prayers Kit 5 ($8 plus postage)
Preaching Notes & Prayers Kit 6 ($8 plus postage)
About Being Presbyterian ($3 plus postage)
Pastoral Care - an Introduction for Parish Visitors ($6 plus postage) The Session/Parish Council and Pastoral Care ($2 plus postage) Celebrating Communion ($9 plus postage)
(PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY) Total Amount Enclosed: $ Name______
Ph (04) 801 6000 Fax (04) 801 6001 Email: [email protected] page 20______(Please make cheques payable to______Presbyterian Church Aotearoa New Zealand Ministerial Vacancies, as at May 1, 2002
Notes: Any parish listed for the first time in bold type. Any changes in Nominator are also listed in bold type the first time they appear. Contact phone numbers for ministers are found in the year book. Contact phone numbers for lay nominators are supplied on the notes column below. The following abbreviations are used: PA Presbyterian appointment SS Stated supply (in place during ministerial vacancy) MA Methodist appointment LS Lay supply (in place during ministerial vacancy) AA Anglican appointment FT Full time ministry position available CC Churches of Christ appointment PT Part time ministry position available, number CP Call pending indicates size of position, e.g. 50% = half-time Parish Position Nominator Notes Vacan
Northland: Whangarei: St James F/T Rev P. Wayne Matheson CC 12/99 Uniting [email protected] North Shore: Forrest Hill F/T Rev Mark Farmer 2/02 [email protected] Auckland: Auckland Chinese F/T Rev StuartVogel 12/00 [email protected] Mt Eden:Greyfriars F/T Rev Stuart Lange 7/01 [email protected] Mt Albert F/T Rev Rose Luxford 5/01 [email protected] Mt Eden Pacific Islander F/T Rev Vaiora Robati 2/01 Pakuranga (Christ the F/T Rev Andrew Norton 11/99 King) [email protected] St Stephen’s Ponsonby P/T 75% Mr Tony Scott 2/01 Ph (09) 836-0076 Titirangi Rev Dr David Inglis 1/97 Waiheke Island P/T 50% Rev Vivian Coleman CP [email protected] South Auckland: Manurewa: St Andrew’s F/T Rev Brian Brandon 8/01 [email protected]
______page 21 Parish Position Nominator Notes Vacan
Manurewa:St Paul’s F/T Rev S McLeay 9/01 [email protected] Papakura:First (Collegiate of 3) F/T Rev Peter Bristow 4/01 [email protected] Papatoetoe:St John & St F/T Rev Jack Foster 12/01 Philip’s [email protected] Te Kauwhata P/T 50% Rev Geoff New 2/01 [email protected] Waiuku: St Andrew’s SS 2/00 Waikato: Hamilton: St Andrew’s F/T Rev David North 6/01 [email protected] Te Awamutu/Paterangi F/T Rev Jean Cotter 11/01 [email protected] Thames Union 3/01 Bay of Plenty: Kawerau P/T 50% Rev Russell Denne 10/01 [email protected] Owhata: St David’s P/T 66% Rev Roger Gillies 7/01 [email protected] St John’s, Rotorua F/T Rev Ray Coster 4/02 [email protected] Taranaki: Bell Block-Lepperton F/T 8/95 Hawera: St John’s F/T Rev Guy Pilkinton AA 12/00 [email protected] Wanganui: Taihape-Waimarino F/T Rev Rhys Pearson 11/99 [email protected] Manawatu: Palmerston North: St Andrew’s F/T Rev Steve Jourdain 7/02 [email protected] Palmerston North: St David’s P/T 66% Rev Dr John Franklin [email protected] Wellington: Plimmerton (Associate) F/T Rev Ian Bayliss 12/99 [email protected] Tawa Union 3/02 Christchurch: Rangi Ruru: St Andrew’s Rev Ian Crumpton 4/02 [email protected] Spreydon: St James’ Rev Ivan Pierce 12/00 page [email protected]
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Riccarton St Ninians 12/01 Ashburton: St James P/T 50% 7/97 Central Otago: Cromwell F/T Rev Alan Judge 7/01 [email protected] Upper Clutha F/T Rev Neal Brown 7/01 [email protected]
Wakatipu F/T Very Rev Peter Willsman 7/00 [email protected] Dunedin: First Church: Otago F/T Very Rev Alister Rae 2/01 [email protected] Saddle Hill Rev Selwyn Yeoman 8/98 [email protected] Clutha: Clutha Valley/Lawrence F/T Mr Stewart Allison 5/01 Waitahuna (yoked parishes) Ph (03) 417-8291 fax (03) 417-7117 Popotunoa Mr J. Murray Rose 5/01 Ph (03) 4859-465 Stirling-Kaitangata F/T Rev Les Gosling SS 12/98 [email protected] Mataura: Knapdale/Waikaka F/T Rev Karima Fai’ai [email protected] Tapanui F/T Rev Peter Cheyne 3/02 [email protected] Wyndham F/T Rev Peter Cheyne CP 1/00 [email protected] Southland: Bluff-Greenhills CV P/T 50% Rev C Leadley PA SS 2/99 Central Southland (Collegiate) Mrs Nola Stuart 10/00 Ph (03) 234-8877 Invercargill: St David’s P/T 75% Rev Barry Ayers 3/99 [email protected] Invercargill: St Paul’s P/T 50% Rev Neville Jackson LS 9/99 [email protected] Oteramika-Kennington P/T 33% Rev Barry Ayers SS 7/96 [email protected] page 24______Toi Tois P/T 50% Rev Neville Burns LS 8/96
______page 25 The Church Register lists additions to, deletions from, and changes in status on the Presbyterian Church of Aotearoa New Zealand Ministerial Roll as advised by Presbytery Clerks as at May 1, 2002. Please amend the roll in your 2002 yearbook accordingly.
Licensing: Chong Woo Kim, ex student, to Licentiate, North Shore Presbytery, on November 27, 2001 Patricia Koia, ex student, to Licentiate, Te Aka Puaho, April 4, 2002 Ordinations and Inductions: The Rev Patricia Koia, Licentiate, to Amorangi, Whakatane Maori Pastorate, Te Aka Puaho, April 14, 2002 Translations & Appointments: The Rev Brett Johnstone, ex Havelock North, St Columba, Hawkes Bay Presbytery, to Somervell Memorial (Senior Associate), Auckland Presbytery, on April 18, 2002 The Rev Tom Phillips, ex Tapanui, Mataura Presbytery, to Papakura First & Districts (Senior Associate), South Auckland Presbytery, on April 11, 2002 The Rev Jim Wallace, ex St John’s, Rotorua, to St Peter’s Tauranga (Associate Minister), Bay of Plenty Presbytery, on April 18, 2002 The Rev Sherril Weinberg, ex Tawa Union Parish, (Transition Minister), Wellington Presbytery, to St Paul’s, Devonport, North Shore Presbytery, on April 4, 2002 Changes in Status: The Rev Andrew M. Bell, Emeritus, Auckland Presbytery, to Emeritus, South Auckland Presbytery, on April 12, 2002 The Rev Clare Brockett, ex Halswell Union Parish and Chaplain Nurse Maude Hospice, Christchurch Presbytery to Minister within the Bounds, Wellington Presbytery, on March 19, 2002 The Rev Brian Cavit, ex Minister within the Bounds, North Shore Presbytery,to Minister within the Bounds, Bay of Plenty Presbytery, on April 9, 2002 The Rev Jacqualine Cavit, ex Minister within the Bounds, North Shore Presbytery, to Minister within the Bounds, Bay of Plenty Presbytery, on April 9, 2002 The Rev David Douglas, ex Waikato Hospital Chaplain, to Minister within the Bounds, Waikato Presbytery, March 26, 2002 The Rev Joan Ross, ex Chaplain, Queen Margaret College, to Minister within the Bounds, Wellington Presbytery, on March 31, 2002 Short Term Appointments: The Rev Robert Clow, ex Minister within the Bounds, to Stated Supply, Upper Hutt Uniting Parish, Wellington Presbytery, on March 7, 2002 The Rev Margaret-Anne Low, ex Minister within the Bounds, Auckland Presbytery, to Stated Supply, Papatoetoe, St John’s and St Phillip’s, South Auckland Presbytery, on March 18, 2002 Retirements: The Rev Rachel Nield, ex Balmoral, to Emerita, Auckland Presbytery, on April 14, 2002 Deaths: The Rev Stephen Clark, Emeritus, Waikato Presbytery, on March 23, 2002 Mrs Noeline Chalmers, Deaconess Emerita, Auckland Presbytery, on April 12, 2002 The Rev David Martin, Emeritus, Auckland Presbytery, on March 5, 2002
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