What Are The 3 Types Of Directed Optional Training

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What Are The 3 Types Of Directed Optional Training

What are the 3 types of directed optional training?

Music Competitive marksmanship Biathlon

What are the 4 types of summer training courses

Familiarization NCO Qualifiying WO Qualifying Advanced training What is the goal of the CHAP

Eliminate harassment within the CCM Provide awareness of rights and responsibilities

When you address an NCO you will?

Stand at attention, address my rank and surname When you address an Officer you will?

Stand at attention, salute, address by rank and surname

Do you salute when the Cadet Banner and Flag are paraded?

Yes Medal of Bravery

Demonstrating superior bravery in the face of danger in saving lives and property of others

The Royal Canadian Humane Association Medal

Given for saving or attemptin to save a life (silver and bronze) Lord Stratcona medal

Demonstrating proficiency in skills required for being an army cadet

Legion Medal of excellence

Given for demonstrating superior commitment to your corps and community ANAVET Cadet Medal of Merit

Given for overall achievement on a CLI course

Major General WA Howard Award

Exemplary cadet service and outstanding performance on NSCE What are the levels of Marksmanship

Marksman First class marksman, expert marksman, distinguished marksman

What is the meaning of Acer Acerpori

As the maple, so the sapling What were the names of the first school cadet units

Drill associations

What is the oldest serving cadet corps?

No 2 Bishop’s College School Cadet Corps When did the term “Cadet Corps” appear for the first time?


What year did Sir Donald Alexander Smith beging the Lord Strathcona Trust?

1910 What is the bill and date that allowed female to attend cadets?

Bill C-16, 30 Jul 1975

When was the term “royal” added to the title of Canadian Army Cadets?

1942, by King George vi In what year was the new “current” uniform introduced


What were the trades taught in early summer training centers?

Electricians, machinists, draftsmen, surveyors, clerks and auto mechanics Where was the first army cadet summer trg centre?

Ipperwash (now located in Borden and called blackdown)

What year was Banff established?

1949 What year did VACSTC first conduct training


Argonaut Was established in what year?

1972 Valcartier was started in 1968, but where?


What year was Whitehorse established?

1968 When was the Army cadet league formed?

01 Apr 1971

When flown in a group no flag should be higher that the national flag. True or False

True The National flag should be raised last and lowered first true or false


When hung on a wall the stem of the maple leaf should point left True or false

False (right) When the Queen is in the country is her flag flown day and night where ever she is?


What is meaning of responsibility?

Being accountable for your actions What are some of the responsibilities of a NCO?

1. Supervision, control, motivation, and discipline of subordinates 2. Personal and professional development of your subordinates 3. Suppr and implementation of policies established by the chain of command 4. Good character and vigilance 5. Show respect toward superiors and subordinates 6. Use appropriate language at all times 7. Well being of subordinates 8. Communications of orders 9. Instruct, coach, mentor and lead 10. Endeavour to increase your own skills and knowledge

What does the acronym COLD stand for?

Clean, avoid overheating, layers, dry What are the two categories you divide your personal kit in?

Things you carry in your pocket and goods in your load (whistle, pocket knife, id, compass, matches, survival kit etc)

What are the parts of the sleeping bag?

Outer shell, insulation, inner shell, hood, overbag, vapour barrier What are the 3 basic styles of bags?

Rectangle, mummy, barrel

What are some different designs of sleeping pads?

Cell, foam, air, combination What are the two common backpack designs?

External and internal frame

What are some advantages of an external frame?

Interchangeable bags, Carry large awkward objects, Items don’t press into your back Frames can be used in an emergency What are the benefits of internal frame?

Comfortable harness Holds load close to your back and centre of gravity Easy to pack Easier to hike through forest and small spaces.

True or false? Store tools in a secure place, never leave them lying around

True What are some qualities of a container for a survival kit?

Float, sturdy, water proof, compact, bright colour

What does the acronym STOP stand for?

Stop, think, observe, plan After filling your lantern you should?

Clean, tighten cap. Pump.

Personal hygiene in the field includes ……?

Washing, brushing, wearing clean clothes, take care of feet, use the washroom, eat, treat injuries, keep alert and cheerful What are examples of natural hazards?

Poisonous plants, insects, nuisance animals, heat and cold injuries, cold, heat, dehydration, dangerous terrain, lightning

What is minimum impact camping?

Leave behind no trace you have been in a wilderness area What are the two types of rope?

Natural and synthetic

What are the types of natural rope?

Sisal, hemp manila, cotton What are the synthetic ropes?

Nylon, polyester, polypropylene, dacron

A B What are the three components to burn?

Fuel, oxygen, heat

What are the basic fuel categories?

Tinder, kindling, softwood fuel, hardwood fuel Draw the parts of a bivouac area.

What is the phonetic alphabet used for?

Radio communication. Lets say them together What is the survival priority list?

First aid, fire, shelter, signals, water, food,

What are the enemies of survival?

Pain, cold, thirst, hunger, fatigue, boredom, loneliness What is air pressure?

The force that air exerts on a object- effected by temperature

Low pressure systems are associated with what type of weather?

Fair – good Warm fronts are more stable than cold true or false?

True, sometimes create precipitation

Cold fronts are last longer than warm fronts true or false?

False What are altostratus clouds?

Medium level, flat and dark grey. Possible precip in 48 hours

What weather do cumulonimbus clouds predict?

Heavy downpour, coupled with hail, lightning, and thunder What are some components of firearms safety?

1. always treat a rifle like its loaded 2. never point a rifle at anyone 3. always point a rifle in a safe direction 4. always wear ear protection 5. always wear safety glasses

True or false the weight of the daisy air rifle is 2.5 kg?

True What is your master eye

The eye that is the strongest

What are the five principles of marksmanship?

Position, holding the rifle, aiming, breathing, trigger control What is the correct eye relief?

5 – 10 cm from the rear sight

What is the breathing sequence?

Take normal breaths, exhale half fire, breathe out When coaching what do look for in body alignment?

Position, hold, eye relief, breathing, trigger control

What does this mean?

Improper position at buttplate, variance in breathing What are the three types of cleaning?

Before, after, and periodic

What does ICEPAC stand for?

Interest, comprehension, emphasis, participation, accomplishment, confirmation What are qualities of a good question?

Easily understood, complete and clear, appropriate vocab, only one correct answer

What are the two common types of questions?

Participation, evaluation What does the acronym CREST stand for?

Comparison, reasoning, example, statistic, testimony

What are the three types of speech prep?

Personality, preparation, presentation What does the acronym TEAM stand for?

Together everyone accomplishes more

What are some qualities of a leader?

Honest, responsible, confident, enthusiastic, dependable, patient, decisive, determined, loyal, courageous What is morale?

A state of mind

What are 5 of the 10 principles of leadership?

1. lead by example 2. get to know your cadets 3. develop leadership potential 4. make sound and timely decisions 5. train cadets to work together 6. communicate clearly 7. keep cadets informed 8. take personal initiaves 9. know your strengths and weakness 10. treat cadets as you would like to be treated What is the definition of Management?

The science of employing human resources and material in the most economical and effective accomplishment of a task

What are the three styles of leadership?

Authoritative, participative, free reign What are the 4 types of supervision?

General, close, direct, immediate

What are the steps of logical analysis?

Confirm the task, identify the problem, determine the critical factor, develop alternate solutions, compare alternate solutions Determine best solution, implement solution What does SMESC stand for?

Situation, mission, execution, service and support, command and signals

What are the two types of discipline?

Voluntary, and imposed What are the two different role models?

Behavioral and learning

When was the official version of O Canada proclaimed?

01 July 1980 What is an inukshuk for?

Landmarks for hunters

What are totem poles representative of?

Native culture What are the parts of the coat of arms of canada?

Sheild, ribbon, crest, supporters, motto, four floral emblems, imperial crown

What are the 3 types of government?

Autocracy Oligarchy Democracy What are the 3 levels of government in Canada?

Federal, Provincial and municipal

What are the 3 parts of parliament?

Queen, house of commons, senate What are the three branches of government?

Executive, legislature, judicial

What are the dates of confederation for each province?

1867, ontario, NB, NS, Quebec 1870, Manitoba, NWT 1871, BC 1873, PEI 1898, YK 1905, Alta, Sask, 1949, Nfld 1999, Nunavut What are the different types of sports meets?

Athetic, military, novelty, minor team

What are the four food groups?

Grain products, Vegetable and Fruit, Milk products, meat

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