Incoming 8Th Grade Students

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Incoming 8Th Grade Students

The David A. Stein Department of Education Riverdale/Kingsbridge Academy MS/HS 141 City of New York

Principal Assistant Principals Lori O’Mara Sheilagh Lustig Stacy Miller Subhas Mohan Phylis Shulman Thomas Sullivan

Summer Assignment Incoming 8th Grade Students Option 1: Climate Change

Task: Write a four to five page, typed (doubled spaced) research report on Climate Change. Your report must include:  The causes of global warming.  The potential effects and problems associated with global warming (include specific examples).  Describe preventative measures that we can all take to reduce or reverse the effects of global warming.  Predict how our current actions, if continued, will affect us in the future.  Describe any social issues associated with global warming.  Describe alternate views of climate change. Support the alternate views with evidence.

660 West 237th Street, Bronx, NY 10463 | TEL 718-796-8516 | FAX 718-796-8657 | The David A. Stein Department of Education Riverdale/Kingsbridge Academy MS/HS 141 City of New York

Principal Assistant Principals Lori O’Mara Sheilagh Lustig Stacy Miller Subhas Mohan Phylis Shulman Thomas Sullivan

 Bibliography. See attachment.

Research: You must include a minimum of four resources where two must be books. You may utilize any of the following resources as you conduct your research: Library, internet, museum, scientist, television documentaries, e.t.c.

Presentations: You are required to complete a written report followed by an oral presentation. The written report should include pictures, diagrams and some form of scientific data to support your research. The written report is due on Friday, September 20, 2013. The oral presentation will occur during the first marking period of the school year.

Rubric: Refer to the attached rubric to see how your grade will be determined.

660 West 237th Street, Bronx, NY 10463 | TEL 718-796-8516 | FAX 718-796-8657 | The David A. Stein Department of Education Riverdale/Kingsbridge Academy MS/HS 141 City of New York

Principal Assistant Principals Lori O’Mara Sheilagh Lustig Stacy Miller Subhas Mohan Phylis Shulman Thomas Sullivan

Rubric 1. Understanding: To what extent did the participants 5- In depth understanding: Key concepts and facts of the case /themes/issues/fully defined demonstrate a clear understanding of their project? and extensively described. 4- Good Understanding: Key concepts and facts of the project, etc., identified, partially defined. 3- Average Understanding: Some knowledge of key concepts and facts of the project identified, somewhat defined and described. 2- Fair Understanding: Some key concepts and facts of the project identified and inadequately defined and described.

660 West 237th Street, Bronx, NY 10463 | TEL 718-796-8516 | FAX 718-796-8657 | The David A. Stein Department of Education Riverdale/Kingsbridge Academy MS/HS 141 City of New York

Principal Assistant Principals Lori O’Mara Sheilagh Lustig Stacy Miller Subhas Mohan Phylis Shulman Thomas Sullivan

1- Little Understanding: Few concepts and limited knowledge of the project, inadequately defined or described 2. Application of the Key Concepts and Facts: To what 5- Full and appropriate application of knowledge of key concepts and facts of the project extent did participants appropriately apply knowledge of key as it applies to identifying the steps of the investigation. concepts and facts of the project? 4- Accurate and appropriate, with partial application 3- Mostly accurate and appropriate application with minor errors and inappropriate application. 2- Some accurate and appropriate with significant inappropriate application. 1- Mostly inaccurate and inappropriate with little or no application. 3. Reasoning and Supporting Evidence: To what extent 5- Accurate, strong support of conclusion with sound reasoning, evidence, illustrations, did the participants support conclusions of their investigation and data. of the project with evidence, illustrations, and data? 4- Accurate support with sound reasoning for conclusions and partial support and/or evidence, illustrations, and data. 3- Accurate support of conclusions with limited evidence, illustrations, and data. 2- Some support of conclusions with little evidence, illustrations, and data. 1- Little to no support of conclusions. Little to no evidence, illustrations and data.

660 West 237th Street, Bronx, NY 10463 | TEL 718-796-8516 | FAX 718-796-8657 | The David A. Stein Department of Education Riverdale/Kingsbridge Academy MS/HS 141 City of New York

Principal Assistant Principals Lori O’Mara Sheilagh Lustig Stacy Miller Subhas Mohan Phylis Shulman Thomas Sullivan

4. Conventions of Language: Proper use of: mechanics, 5-Complete correct use of conventions and complete clarity of thought. usage, grammar, spelling, clarity of thought. 4-Just correct use of conventions and just enough clarity of thought displayed. 3-Some correct use of conventions but thinking is not represented clearly enough Or Some clarity of thought with poor conventions. 2- Often uses conventions incorrectly and lacks support of clear thinking. 1-Little or no use of conventions.

5. Bibliography: Work cited list. 5- Follow MLA rules all the time. 4- Follow MLA rules most of the time. 3- Follow MLA rules some of the times. 2- Follow MLA rules in few instances. 1- Follow MLA rules almost never. Oral Presentation: 5- Accurate and full response to all questions: Main questions, sub-questions, follow-up 6. Responsiveness: To what extent did participants questions. address the questions asked by teacher/classmates? 4- Accurate and full response to main and sub-questions; partial response to follow-up questions. 3- Partial response to main questions and sub-questions; partial response to follow-up questions. 2- Partial response to main questions only; little or no response to sub-questions and follow-up questions. 1- Little to no response to main questions, sub-questions, and follow-up questions.

660 West 237th Street, Bronx, NY 10463 | TEL 718-796-8516 | FAX 718-796-8657 | The David A. Stein Department of Education Riverdale/Kingsbridge Academy MS/HS 141 City of New York

Principal Assistant Principals Lori O’Mara Sheilagh Lustig Stacy Miller Subhas Mohan Phylis Shulman Thomas Sullivan

Oral Presentation: 5- Dress appropriately, Spoke clearly, Good posture. 5. Presentation: To what extent did the participants 4- Dress appropriately, some difficulty understanding presented themselves well? 3- Dress partially appropriate, did not speak clearly, inappropriate posture. 2- Dress inappropriately, could not understand, poor posture. 1- No presentation

Total: Here is a list of examples of MLA works cited entries to help you with your Bibliography

1. Examples of Book Citation Okuda, Michael, and Denise Okuda. Star Trek Chronology: History of the Future. New York: Pocket, 1993

2. Example of Journal Citation Wilcox, Rhonda V. “Shifting Roles and Synthetic Women in Star Trek: The Next Generation.” Studies in Popular Culture 13.2 (1991): 53-65

3. Example of Book Article or Book Chapter Citation James, Nancy E. “Two Sides of Paradise: The Eden Myth According to Kirk and Spock.”

660 West 237th Street, Bronx, NY 10463 | TEL 718-796-8516 | FAX 718-796-8657 | The David A. Stein Department of Education Riverdale/Kingsbridge Academy MS/HS 141 City of New York

Principal Assistant Principals Lori O’Mara Sheilagh Lustig Stacy Miller Subhas Mohan Phylis Shulman Thomas Sullivan

Spectrum of the Fantastic. Ed. Donald Palumbo. Westport: Greenwood, 1998. 219-223

4. Example of Encyclopedia Article Citation (for well known reference books) Sturgeon, Theodore. “Science Fiction.” The Encyclopedia Americana. International ed. 1995.

5. Example of Encyclopedia Article Citation (for less familiar reference books) Horn, Maurice. “Flash Gordan.” The World Encyclopedia of Comics. Ed. Maurice Horn. 2 vols. New York: Chelsea, 1976.

6. Example of Gale Reference Book Citation (and other books featuring reprinted articles) Shayon, Robert Lewis. “The Interplanetary Spock. “Saturday Review 17 June 1967: 46. Rpt. In Contemporary Literary Criticism. Ed. Sharon R. Gunton. Vol. 17. Detroit: Gale Research, 1981. 403.

7. Example of ERIC Document Citation Fuss-Reineck, Marilyn. Sibling Communication in Star Trek: The Next Generation Conflicts between Brothers. Miami: Speech Communication Assn., 1993. ERIC Document Reproduction Service ED364932.

660 West 237th Street, Bronx, NY 10463 | TEL 718-796-8516 | FAX 718-796-8657 | The David A. Stein Department of Education Riverdale/Kingsbridge Academy MS/HS 141 City of New York

Principal Assistant Principals Lori O’Mara Sheilagh Lustig Stacy Miller Subhas Mohan Phylis Shulman Thomas Sullivan

8. Example of Website Citation Lynch, Tim. “DSN Trials and Tribble-ations Review. “Psi Phi: Bradley’s Science Fiction Club. 1996. Bradley university. 8 Oct. 1997

9. Example of Citation from Newspaper or Magazine Article on the Internet Andreadis, Athena. “The Enterprise Finds Twin Earths Everywhere It Goes, But Future Colonizers of Distant Planets Won’t Be So Lucky.” Astronomy Jan. 1999: 64-. Academic Universe. Lexis-Nexis. B. Davis Schwartz Memorial Lib., Brookville, NY. 7 Feb. 1999 Http://

10. Example of Interview Citation Smith, John. Personal interview. 17 April 2006

660 West 237th Street, Bronx, NY 10463 | TEL 718-796-8516 | FAX 718-796-8657 | The David A. Stein Department of Education Riverdale/Kingsbridge Academy MS/HS 141 City of New York

Principal Assistant Principals Lori O’Mara Sheilagh Lustig Stacy Miller Subhas Mohan Phylis Shulman Thomas Sullivan


Arrange the items on your reference list alphabetically by author, interfiling books, articles, etc.

Double space all lines.

Indent the second and following lines of a single citation 5 spaces (or half inch).

If no author is given, start with the title.

Abbreviate the name of all months except May, June and July.

Websites include the title of the webpage, the name of the entire website, and the organization that posted it (this may be the same as the name of the website). Also include the full date the page was created or last updated (day, month, year if available) and the date you looked at it.

660 West 237th Street, Bronx, NY 10463 | TEL 718-796-8516 | FAX 718-796-8657 | The David A. Stein Department of Education Riverdale/Kingsbridge Academy MS/HS 141 City of New York

Principal Assistant Principals Lori O’Mara Sheilagh Lustig Stacy Miller Subhas Mohan Phylis Shulman Thomas Sullivan

Internet Magazine Articles include the full date of the article (day, month, year if available) and the day you looked at it: If you are citing a journal instead of a magazine, include the volume (and issue number) and date. As for page numbers, different databases will provide different information. It’s best to include the range of pages (ex. 25-28).

To cite a database, use the name of the database (underlined) and the company that created it. Also include the library or other organization (and its location) that provided you with access to the database. If the web address (URL) of the article is very long, you only need to include the URL of the database’s homepage.

All of the above information was retrieved on 4/1/07 from Long Island University’s College Library website updated on 11/15/07.

Please remember that this is a list to be written in alphabetical order (using author’s last names as indicators). For MLA style, each new entry is placed at the left margin of the paper.

660 West 237th Street, Bronx, NY 10463 | TEL 718-796-8516 | FAX 718-796-8657 | The David A. Stein Department of Education Riverdale/Kingsbridge Academy MS/HS 141 City of New York

Principal Assistant Principals Lori O’Mara Sheilagh Lustig Stacy Miller Subhas Mohan Phylis Shulman Thomas Sullivan

If a single entry is long and takes up more than one line, then indent 5 spaces to continue the citation on the next line (as mentioned in the website’s notes above). You may practice entries as often as you like.

660 West 237th Street, Bronx, NY 10463 | TEL 718-796-8516 | FAX 718-796-8657 |

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