HRR Birth of the Blues Study Guide

Name ______

1. Where in the US did the blues originate? ______

2. This music was influenced by the heritage of which group of people? ______

3. A common trait of this influential music was a form called “Call and ______”

4. This ex-preacher recorded 200 songs between 1925 and 1952 ______

5. The Delta blues were called such because it came from an area called the Mississippi Delta, which included which 2 states? ______

6. Name 3 of the fathers of the Delta Blues. A. ______B. ______C. ______

7. What was tale behind the legend of Robert Johnson?

8. When did the migration north from the rural south occur in the US?

9. What four reasons were there for the migration north? a. b. c. d.

10. Name four Delta Blues artists that migrated north during this timeframe. a. b. c. d.

11. Tampa Red’s House was on ______and ______ST.

12. ______was the white music talent/scout that recorded 90% of the artists in the Chicago region.

13. McKinley Morganfield was also known as ______. a. He was born in ______Mississippi b. He moved to Chicago in ______. c. Name 2 of his songs: ______. d. Who wrote many of his hit songs? ______

14. Chester Arthur Burnett was also known as ______. a. Name 2 bands that re-recorded his songs. ______b. He moved from Mississippi to ______before settling in Chicago. c. ______took him in when he first arrived in Chicago and introduced him to the music scene there. d. Name 2 of his songs: ______

15. Who gave Ellas McDaniel his stage name? ______.

16. How long did Bo Diddley play on the streets before he landed a contract? _____ years. a. Name 2 of his songs: ______and ______. b. Name 2 artists/bands that he influenced: ______and ______c. The Bo Diddley beat was actually an Afro-Cuban beat called ______.

17. Marion Walter Jacobs was also known as ‘Little Walter” What did he play? ______a. What famous R&B artist did he end up playing with regularly? ______b. His own band was called, “______”

18. Who owned Modern Records? ______

19. B.B. King played the ______a. What was different about his playing style? ______b. Where was he born? ______c. Name 2 of his songs ______

20. Elmore James learned the ______by listening to Robert Johnson and ______. a. He was brought to Chicago by ______b. 2 of his hit songs were: ______and ______

21. Name 2 John Lee Hooker Songs: ______and ______

22. ______was a New Orleans style piano player that signed with Modern Records. a. From 1949 to 1962 Fats had ______records that made the Billboard’s charts.

23. The 2 main independent labels recording R&B in Chicago were ______and ______.

24. What happened that caused a change in the R&B Market around 1950?