Mythology worksheet

Introduction: In order to get ready for our unit on the Greks, we must understand their belief systems. The Greeks believed in a pantheon (group) of gods who they thought shaped their world and who wwere constantly involved in the lives of humans.

Assignment: Over the next week, we will o over the major Greek gods and goddesses in class. As homework, you will research the material to fill in this worksheet. It will be due IN CLASS on Thursday, September 27.

A note: While you may certainly review and work with a friend to assemble information, you are expected to complete this worksheet on your own. Copying someone else’s work (even paraphrasing it closely) is a violation of the Sayre Honor Code, and therefore becomes a potential issue of the Sayre Honor Council. Please remember this and avoid the temptation to cut corners.

Directions: Drawing from a number of print and electronic sources (a list of suggestions follows), you are required to complete the attached worksheet.

Use AT LEAST TWO sources to find the information for the following worksheet. The following are very good sources; our library has even more!

Print Sources (By far the best, books actually tell the stories and make sense out of them. If you can’t find all the details you want on a website, sit down and actually read the chapter!)

Mythology by Edith Hamilton. Parts I-IV (Any edition will do.)

This is an entertaining collection of mythology from the Greek and Roman traditions, and an excellent introduction to some of the material we study.

D'aulaire's Book of Greek Myths An illustrated version of most of the Greek Myths. Looks like a kids’ book, but quite sophisticated and helpful.

Bulfinch’s Mythology: another very complete collection of Greek, Roman and other Myths. The text of the book is available online, but as straight text only. One of several sites that posts this 1855 source is It has no search function or index.

Heroes, Gods and Monsters of the Greek Myths by Bernard Evslin Electronic Sources

Carlos Parada, The Greek Mythology Link, This is a fantastic source – more than you need to know! Detailed, intellectual, useful.

Encyclopedia Mythica A good, searchable source, though not greatly detailed.

Mythweb, Pretty good, though not exhaustive. It will get you partway through the sheet, but you’ll need to do some digging. Name ______Date ______

History 9 Mythology Review Sheet – 25 points

Complete the following worksheet using the sources with which you have been provided. (See note about Sayre Honor Code on cover sheet.)

Part I: Fill in as much information as you can find on the symbol and realm of each mythological figure. For each god and goddess, provide their Greek and Roman names and three illustrations of his or her mythological importance. (See example below.)

God/Goddess(Roman Name) Symbol Realm (God of what?)

1. Zeus (Roman: Jupiter, Jove) Thuderbolt Lord of the Sky a. King of the Gods b. Defeated Cronus, his father, to become King of the Gods c. Took many mortal wives in addition to his immortal wife, Hera.

2. Poseidon a. b. c.

3. Hades a. b. c.

4. Hestia a. b. c.

5. Hera a. b. c.

6. Ares a. b. c. 7. Athena a. b. c.

8. Apollo a. b. c.

9. Aphrodite a. b. c.

10. Hermes a. b. c.

11. Hephaestus a. b. c.

12. Artemis a. b. c.

13. Demeter a. b. c.

14. Dionysus a. b. c. Part II: Other important characters you should be familiar with. Identify who they are and briefly explain their important in Greek mythology.

1. Prometheus

2. Pandora

3. Achilles

4. Aeneas

5. Aegeus

6. Theseus

The Sources I used to do this work were: (minimum of two – remember the Honor Code when you think about which you have truthfully used.)


2. ______


4. ______


The most useful of these sources was: ______

A new and useful source I found to add to the list is ______

Sayre Honor Pledge: I hereby pledge my honor that I have neither given nor received any unauthorized aid on this work

Your signature ______