Lesson Plans of Linda Robinson: Week #1 9/4/07-9/7/07 s1
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English 12 Lesson Plans of Linda Robinson: Week #7 10/19/15 - 10/23/15
Backward Design -- At the end of the stated time, students will be able to: Media and Non-Fiction Texts— (4 weeks) Evaluate sources including ads/editorials/websites/etc. for relationships between intent, opinion, and factual content (12.2a) Determine author’s purpose and intended effect on audience for media messages (12.2b) Generate and respond logically to literal/inferential/evaluative/synthesizing/critical thinking questions before, during, and after reading texts (12.5a) Recognize/analyze ambiguity/contradiction/paradox/irony/overstatement/understatement in text (12.5d) Vocabulary – (18 weeks/14 units) WIDA words: metaphor, epic, and couplet Denotation and connotation; interpret connotation (12.3c) Expository Writing--- (4 weeks) Produce arguments that develop thesis that demonstrates informed judgments, addresses counter claims, and provides effective conclusions. (12.6b) Clarify/defend position with precise, relevant evidence (12.6c) Adapt content/vocab/voice/tone to audience/purpose (12.6d) Use variety of rhetorical strategies to achieve specific purpose (12.6e) Create arguments that are externally supported and free of errors in logic (12.6f) Revise writing for clarity of content, depth, and technique of presentation (12.6g) Use computer tech to plan, draft, revise, edit, and publish (12.6h) Apply grammatical conventions to editing for language/spelling/punctuation/capitalization (12.7b)
English 12 Classes Mon. Objectives: (1) (CRISS) Review of yesterday; plan for today; point out homework on board; JM-AM bell (2) Literature: Quiz on literary elements and terminology (SOL 12.3, 12.4); schedule. (3) Vocab: WIDA Students will be introduced to Vocab Unit 7 via a power point – learn pronunciation, usage, and definitions. Students will complete Exercise 1 – pg 81-82). Sharing follows (SOL 12.3); (4) Literature: Middle Ages Literature and Historical Context (CRISS) Continue reading and listening to “The Pardoner’s Tale” pgs 173-180. Have students identify the archetypal narrative elements in the tale. Why is the tale an appropriate one for the Pardoner to tell? (SOL 12.3, 12.4); (5) Selected student team leaders will choose new work groups for the next month. (6) Closure
Handouts: (1) Power point on Vocab Unit 7 words (2) Quiz on literary terms/definitions (3) Class rosters for team selection (4) Audio CD-ROM of Canterbury Tales ---“The Pardoner’s Tale”
Assignments: (1) Bring Vocab Workbook daily, and LIT BOOKS again EVERY DAY starting tomorrow (2) Vocab Unit 7 sentences due Wed. (3) Quiz Thurs. on ch. 5-8 of The Time Machine – bring book (4) Quiz Fri. on Vocab Unit 7 Tues. Objectives: (1) (CRISS) Review of yesterday; plan for today; point out homework on board; (2) Vocab: WIDA Students will reinforce growing mastery of Vocab Lesson 7 through completion of workbook Tuesday is Exercise II (Sentence Completion – pg 82-83). Sharing follows (SOL 12.3); JM-AM day (3) Literature: Middle Ages Literature and Historical Context (CRISS) Continue reading and listening to for assigned “The Pardoner’s Tale” pgs 173-180. Have students identify the archetypal narrative elements in the tale. Why is the tale an appropriate one for the Pardoner to tell? POINT OUT THAT IT, LIKE THE PROLOGUE, IS 2nd Pd English 12 WRITTEN IN HEROIC COUPLETS!!! When finished reading, students will break into discussion groups: students complete a summary sheet on the reading. Turn in for credit (SOL 12.3, 12.4); (4) Literature: Middle Ages Literature and Historical Context (CRISS) Begin to read and listen to “The Pardoner’s Tale” pgs 173-180. Have students identify the archetypal narrative elements in the tale. Why is the tale an appropriate one for the Summoner to tell? (SOL 12.3, 12.4); (5) Making oral presentations: Teacher will lead students in an “access prior knowledge” discussion about points of evaluation for oral presentations. Examine a projected rubric. Discuss difference between verbal and non-verbal cues (SOL 12.1) (6) Closure
Handouts: (1) Audio CD-Rom of Canterbury Tales (2) Projection of oral presentations rubric (3) Evaluation sheet on “The Pardoner’s Tale” for groups
Assignments: (1) Bring Vocab Workbook daily, and LIT BOOKS again EVERY DAY (2) Vocab Unit 7 sentences due toorrow. (3) Quiz Thurs. on ch. 5-8 of The Time Machine – bring book (4) Quiz Fri. on Vocab Unit 7 Wed. Objectives: (1) (CRISS) Review of yesterday; plan for today; point out homework on board; Wednesday (2) Vocab: Students will turn in homework sentences using words of Vocab Unit 7 (SOL 12.3, 12.6) is JM-AM (3) Literature: Middle Ages Literature and Historical Context (CRISS): Teacher presentation using day for projection and handout will instruct students on the Code of Chivalry, elements of legends, and elements of the assigned 3rd medieval romance. Students will break into WORK GROUPS: Read medieval romance “Sir Gawain and the Green Knight” pgs 230-243– complete an evaluation sheet to be submitted by the group. Afterward, summary Pd English discussion will review elements of legend/romance seen in the piece. Discuss themes. How is the medieval hero 12 students Sir Gawain different from the Anglo-Saxon hero like Beowulf? What caused this change? (SOL 12.3, 12.4, 12.6, 12.1)
Handouts: (1) Handout and projection of feudalism and chivalry (2) Evaluation sheet on “Sir Gawain and the Green Knight”
Assignments: (1) Bring Vocab Workbook daily, and LIT BOOKS again EVERY DAY (except Friday) (2) Quiz tomorrow on ch. 5-8 of The Time Machine – bring book (3) Quiz Fri. on Vocab Unit 7 Thurs. Objectives: (1) (CRISS) Review of yesterday; plan for today; point out homework on board; (2) Literature: Modern novel / The Time Machine: Students will take a reading-check quiz on ch. 5-8. Class discussion follows. In this social allegory, what do the Eloi represent? The Morlocks? How do we know – give reasons! (3) Literature: Middle Ages Literature and Historical Context (CRISS): WORK GROUPS: Read medieval romance excerpt Le Morte d’Arthur pgs 248-261– complete an evaluation sheet to be submitted by the group. Afterward, summary discussion will review elements of legend/romance seen in the piece. Discuss themes. How do various knights in this tale exhibit flawed natures? Who must atone and do penance at the end of the novel, and for what? (SOL 12.3, 12.4, 12.6, 12.1)
Handouts: (1) Quiz on ch. 5-8 of The Time Machine; Reading guide for ch. 9-12 (2) Evaluation sheet on Le Morte d’Arthur
Assignments: (1) Quiz tomorrow on Vocab Unit 7 --- bring only Vocab Book to class (2) Bring Lit Book MONDAY!!! (3) Quiz Wed. on ch. 9-12 of The Time Machine Fri. Objectives: (1) (CRISS) –Review/ discussion of yesterday; plan for today; point out homework on board; altered bells (2) Vocab: WIDA Power point review of Vocab Unit 7, then students will take a quiz to demonstrate mastery. and Following the quiz, students will be introduced to Vocab Unit 8 through a power point (SOL 12.3, 12.6) shortened periods for Handouts: Homecoming (1) Quiz on ch. 1-4 of The Time Machine; reading guide on ch. 5-8 (2) Projection and handout on Feudalism, Code of Chivalry, etc. activities Assignments: (1) Bring Vocab Workbook and LIT BOOK MONDAY (2) HW sentences for Vocab Unit 8 due Wed. (3) Quiz Wed. on ch. 9-12 of The Time Machine (4) Quiz Thursday on Vocab Unit 8