Greatgonerbyparish Council
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GREATGONERBYPARISH COUNCIL Minutes of the Meeting held on Monday 3rd November 2014 at 7.30pm at the Memorial Hall. Present: Cllr. Hutchinson Chairman. Cllrs. Stedman, Watson, Booth, Babington, Orridge &Thompson.
1.Apologies: Cllr. Swallow-personal commitments, Cllr. Sharpe- illness, Cllr. Critchley- work commitments. Cllr. Wootten LCC- attendance at another meeting.
2.Declarations of Interest/Dispensations: None.
3.Minutes: The minutes from the previous meeting were signed as a true record. Proposed by Cllr. Watson and seconded by Cllr. Stedman.
4.Official Correspondence: LCC sent details of consultation for views on sharing LCC priorities to achieve annual savings. Cllr. Hutchinson suggested that LCC could use a scoring template method for replies. Clerk to contact Cllr. Wootten.
Community Lincs sent details of Internet Support Training for Councillors. If you wish to be considered please inform the Clerk.
SKDC sent details of a project to improve access to broadband in community venues. This was considered a good idea but as the present Hall is hopefully soon to be demolished there would be no point in going ahead with the project at present.
A suggestion had been received from a member of the public to consider consulting Highways re: a chicane on the High Street to slow down traffic and induce motorists to seek a less hazardous route by staying on the A1 and by passing Great Gonerby. After discussion it was agreed to forward the suggestion to Highways.
CPRE sent details of the winners & runners up in the BKVC. A presentation evening is to be held on 18th November at Cranwell Village Hall. Volunteers are required for an organising committee for next year’s competition. If you wish to attend please inform the Clerk.
LCC confirmed that work had been completed on Public Footpath 985.
1 Anglian Water sent a letter re: legal obligations for water supplies. Clerk to meet with Anglian Water at the pavilion. As there is a time limit for any work required to be carried out, the Clerk was authorised to put any work identified inhand between meetings.
LCC advised of Call Connect Sunday bus service from 16th November for 6 weeks.
Thornton Electrical had carried out the annual Electrical Installation report at the pavilion.
LCC Highways replied that they would inspect the Belton Lane embankment following our work cutting back the boundary hedges, to see if any further work is required to the embankment. Replacement lights had been erected at the zebra crossing,tree work at The Hemplands was not considered a priority and Highways were unable to confirm when the work would be carried out.
The half year grant of £507 for the Community Cleaner had been received from SKDC.
CPRE sent details of a campaign to close a loophole in national planning guidance which allows developers to bypass local democracy and gain planning permission for large housing developments in the countryside. Council were not aware of any such developments taking place in this area.
Larkfleet homes sent a poster to advertise their proposed development meeting for land off Longcliffe Road Manthorpe. Clerk had displayed the poster between meetings.
The following quotes had been received for grass cutting for the playing field, Hill Top Cemetery & Hall: Glendale-£2612.22 +VAT, PJH Landscapes-£2140 + VAT, BDG Mowing £70 per cut. The following quotes were received for grass cutting at the burial ground adjacent to St. Sebastian’s: Glendale-£3395.84 + VAT, BDG Mowing-£60 per cut, R. Hopkins-£1050. It was proposed by Cllr. Thompson and seconded by Cllr. Watson & unanimously agreed that BDG Mowing’s quotes be accepted dependent on references. The following quotes have been received for Hedge Cutting at playing field, Hill Top Cemetery, burial ground adjacent St. Sebastian’s & Grantham Road: Glendale-£2143.28 +VAT, PJH Landscapes (not Grantham Rd or burial ground)-£1660 + VAT, Gonerby Moor property Services-£440. It was proposed by Cllr. Thompson , seconded by Cllr. Watson& unanimously agreed, to accept Gonerby Moor Property Services quote. The following quotes had been received to reduce the hedge at the rear and side of the Multi-Sports Area: Glendale £790.90 + VAT, Gonerby Moor Property Services-£1300, PJH Landscapes-£2600 + VAT. It was proposed by Cllr. Babington and Seconded by Cllr. Booth that the quote from Glendale be accepted. Unanimously agreed.
The following for selective circulation: Clerks & Councils Direct, Park Life Furniture.
2 5.Matters Outstanding: Cllr. Hutchinson reported that he had viewed the proposed fence adjacent to the footpath at Hill Top Cemetery and considered a small chain & post fence was required to prevent vehicles parking on the footpath. He would draw up a specification. Vehicles were also parking on the grass verge. Clerk to contact Highways to request posts to be erected to prevent parking, as this is a safety issue. The positioning of the proposed seat for Hill Top Cemetery was discussed and it was agreed to purchase and fix the seat in the spring.
The Clerk reported that she was waiting for the grant for the War Memorial to be assessed by the War Memorials Trust.
The Clerk reported that she was continuing to source free replacement trees for the Millennium Wood.
6. Meeting Dates: Meeting dates were agreed as attached. It was proposed by Cllr. Hutchinson and seconded by Cllr. Thompson that Council would trial not meeting in January 2015 as business was normally very low for this month. Unanimously agreed. The 11th May 2015 meeting would be dependent on the date of a Parish Council election.
7.Financial Matters: The Clerk reported on the previously circulated Quarterly Summary of Accounts & 15% variances of the budget up to 30th September 2014. These were agreed and signed by Cllr. Booth. The Clerk reported on the petty cash, the balance being £37.89. The Chairman signed the petty cash book as a correct record. The accounts were passed for payment as the attached schedule, signed by the Chairman. Proposed by Cllr. Watson and seconded by Cllr. Hutchinson. Unanimously agreed. Internet banking is now up and running, separate banking details to be held by the Chairman & Vice Chairman in sealed, dated envelopes, which are to be opened in the presence of 2 other Councillors if required, as per the financial regulations.
The Community Cleaner has banked this financial year’s cheques but not last year’s as the bank would not accept them. The Clerk has endeavoured to resolve the situation with the Cleaner to no avail to date. It was agreed that if any bank charges are made they are to be passed onto the Cleaner. Clerk to write to the Cleaner.
The Community Cleaner’s salary was reviewed, it had been increased in line with the minimum wage on 1st October, no further increase agreed. The Clerk’s salary was reviewed, no increases had been received from LALC for 2014, increases would be discussed if and when received. Clerk’s expenses agreed as follows: 45p per mile for any mileage, telephone calls 5p after 6.00pm, 15p before 6.00pm, any mobiles & 08 numbers over 15p, computer
3 charge to be increased from £12 to £13 per month from 1.12.14. Proposed by Cllr. Watson & seconded by Cllr. Booth. Unanimously agreed. The Clerk’s and Community Cleaner’s contracts were reviewed, no amendments required. The disciplinary & grievance procedures were reviewed, the Clerk had contacted LALC and no amendments had been made to the procedures since they were adopted in 2013, therefore no amendments required.
8.Advisory Groups: a)Planning: SKDC advised that S14/0539 installation of single wind turbine Top Farm Back Lane Foston would be reported on at the Development Control Meeting on 11th November 2014.
SKDC sent Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment 2014. This was reported on.
S14/1808/Full erection of stable block 62 Belton Lane was withdrawn by the applicant.
SKDC Planning had replied to our query re: withdrawn applications: there is no particular reason for any increase in the number of withdrawn applications beyond the fact that applicants often withdraw as an alternative to a refusal.
S14/2770/OUT/PC1 residential development 4 dwellings land west of 27 Belton Lane- no objections. An e mail had been received from a member of the public copying Council in on objections sent to SKDC & N. Boles.
Permission has been granted for S14/1993/FULL - single storey extension to St. Sebastian’s School and S14/1532/Full -erection of detached dwelling Land at Pond Street. b)Environment: The Councillors who planted the bulbs at the Mini-Meadow were thanked. c)Amenity Areas: Cllr. Booth agreed to contact the house owner whose electricity supply is used for the Christmas Tree lights, to check that he is in agreement again this year for his supply to be used. If so, the Christmas Tree lights to be tested by an electrician before switching on for 8th December until 5th January. It was agreed that a £30 payment be made to the house owner for electricity usage. The Clerk reported that the insurance company had agreed to the repair to the swing beam (junior swings), by Play maintain, at a cost of £570.30 +VAT. The repairs to the play equipment as identified in the annual inspection will be carried out shortly. A. Jackson to carry out painting work at the play area, as identified, in the spring.
4 A complaint had been received re: baby swings. Cllr. Thompson had viewed the swing and no work was required. It was agreed that the Chairman & Clerk would view 2 graves in the burial ground adjacent to St. Sebastian’s to assess if letters are required to be sent to the grave owners. A complaint had been received from a resident on Covill Close about the hedge cutting. Clerk to meet with resident to resolve. d)Highways: Cllr. Stedman reported that the gully at Spring End required clearing. Cllr. Booth offered to clear it. The overgrown footpath between the Playing Field Entrance High Street and Belton Lane junction had still not been cleared. Clerk to contact Highways, if this is not resolved quickly, Council will carry out work themselves and invoice LCC. Cllr. Thompson reported that the footpath over the playing field was getting narrow and required attention. Clerk to report to Highways. The lights on the Zebra Crossing were much improved. Clerk to thank Highways. Lamp 8 outside 5 Treadgold Avenue was out and had been reported between meetings. e)Memorial Hall: Cllr. Hutchinson reported that the developer has still got to obtain planning permission for the old Hall site. The Hall business plan is being updated. Cllr. Hutchinson had received reports of children trying to damage the outside of the Hall.
9. Notice of Motions for Future meetings: None.
10.Any Matters for Urgent Discussion: Cllr. Thompson was concerned about the collection of the Community Cleaner waste bags. This would be resolved when a replacement bin was provided by SKDC at the Playing Field car park.
The meeting closed at 9.40pm.