Las Positas College s3

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Las Positas College s3


Present: Christine Acacio, Teri Ann Bengiveno, Robert Breuer, Peggy Carter, Fredda Cassidy, Frank Cuozzo, Lisa Everett, Aileen Furuyama, Eric Golanty, Barbara Hardy, Terry Johnson, Ernie Jones, Candy Klaschus, Philip Manwell, Marilyn Marquis, Jane McCoy, Stuart McElderry, Mike McGuire, Sarah Nielsen, Bill Paskewitz, Linda Peifer, Pat Pohl, Connie Reding, Sophie Rheinheimer, Cynthia Ross, Zina Rosen-Simon, Lucy Sponsler, Max Thomas, Sarah Thompson, Paul Torres, Jeanne Virgilio

Excused: Larry Aguiar, Jackie Fitzgerald, Frances Hui, Steve Navarro, Geoff Smyth

Pam Luster, Dean I. Minutes – August 16 and September 18 Minutes – Approved: Teri Ann Bengiveno/Philip Manwell/Unanimous

II. Announcements A. Spring Schedule – The blueline copy of the schedule came out today. It is ready to go.

III. Curriculum A. Philosophy I (God, Nature, Human Nature) – Pam Luster for Adjunct Instructor, Abrol Fairweather, Distance Format only – Philip Manwell/Peggy Carter/Approved B. Art 155 (Practical Sketching/Everyday Sketching) and Art 156 (Painting with Water Media) - Pam Luster – Quest classes needing approval by Division only – Cynthia Ross/Sarah Thompson/Approved as a package C. German 50C (Conversational German) – Pam Luster – Mike McGuire motioned approval with minor additions. Mike McGuire/Barbara Hardy/Approved.

IV. Faculty Positions – The position proposals were discussed. The Division will prioritize by mail and the results will go to the November Institutional Planning Committee to be prioritized for the institution. A. ESL – Sarah Nielsen B. Humanities – Philip Manwell C. Psychology – Ernie Jones and Cynthia Ross

V. Instructional Block Grant – The forms have been put in the mailboxes. The forms are also available on the intranet. Mark on your form whether it is for “02-03” or “03-04” , so they may be prioritized for equipment for this year and next year. November 8 is the deadline. We will be prioritizing them at the November division meeting.

VI. Committee Reports A. Bookstore –No committee report. B. College Budget Study – Frances Hui was not present at the Division meeting. Pam Luster gave the report. The committee spent time discussing the charge of the committee. They decided it makes sense for a group of people to be knowledgeable about the budget as 1) the overall operations of budget on this campus, 2) the college budget itself, and 3) many of the members of this committee also serve on the District Budget Committee and will understand our budget and be able to advocate the needs of our college. The proposal for credit card purchasing is going forward. Online purchasing is being looked into. C. Curriculum – Lisa Everett – The committee members received a timetable for cataloging and articulation. Credit by examination must issue a grade that is compliant with the grading options for that course. D. Enrollment Management – Stuart McElderry – The committee is still trying to figure out what to do. A group from the committee went to West Valley College to see their enrollment management that is already in place. Stuart will be presenting information on Enrollment Management at the next town meeting. E. Food Service – Bill Paskewitz – Elite Catering is now officially open Monday-Thursday until 7:00 p.m. F. Graduation – Teri Ann Bengiveno – Committee has not met. G. Peer Support – Ernie Jones – The annual Red Ribbon Week is at the end of October. The Youth Suicide Program had a display in the library and distributed information on depression and suicide, and made recommendations to the Health Center. H. Institutional Planning – Jackie Fitzgerald – No committee report. I. Safety/Health – Jeanne Virgillo – Flu shots are available. The fee is $10 to staff, free to students. Eating and drinking is not allowed in the Bldg. 1800. OSHA regulation forbids the consumption and storage of food in any area where toxic materials are used or stored. Room 1801 is being looked at for a break-out room for the staff. Student Government and President’s funds are looking at matching funds to purchase 3 covered shelters to be place in 3 designated smoking areas. The designated areas will be behind the bookstore, behind Bldg. 400 near the Division I October 16,2002 Page 2

physical education fields, and outside of the IKON building, Bldg 2200. The target date is November 26, “Smoke Free” day on campus. J. Scholarship – Teri Ann Bengiveno, Marilyn Marquis, Frances Hui – Committee has not met. K. Staff Development – Frank Cuozzo – The Mini-Grant period has been pushed back to November 12. There will also be funds available for Spring Mini-Grants as well. Part-time faculty have to be here 2 years and have 40% load in order to qualify for the mini-grants. L. Student Success – Zina Rosen-Simon – There is now a web page on the internet designed by Earl Weaver. Steven Bundy had visited the committee to discuss the use of the Student Mid-Term Report.

M. Technology – Eric Golanty – The committee is working on policy of how hardware and software will be acquired and Web use policies of rules of state accessibility. Input is welcome on Web CT. Dr. Cota will make a decision by December 1.

Dean’s portion adjourned at 3:40p.m. Minutes by Linda Peifer

Senate – Stuart McElderry

I. ANNOUNCEMENTS A. Three members of the Board of Trustees are up for re-election: Gary Craig, being challenged by Marcus Padilla, Dobie Gelles, challenged by Mary Barksdale, and Isobell Dvorsky, unchallenged. B. The Academic Senate has contributed $200 to the reception honoring President Karen Halliday. Half of the money will support the jazz band and half for general needs. C. Stuart McElderry informed the division that the Senate has made its position known that it does not support the formation of a college council but that it supports the formation of a temporary, 1 year, task force whose charge is to examine the current committee structure on campus. D. The District Self Study is online. Faculty members re encouraged to read it. E. A Senate sub-committee continues to revise the Senate constitution and bylaws. The Senate votes on each of the suggested changes and these will only become official if they meet with the approval of the full faculty. A vote is tentatively planned for the spring. F. It was determined by the Academic Senate that Lucy Sponsler's concern from the September division meeting, that students should not necessarily receive a letter grade for testing out of a course, is state policy. Even at the University of California students may test out of a course and earn a letter grade. Stuart noted that these tests are only conducted by, and with the consent of, the faculty. G. An update on the AA/AS degree general education committee and charge was covered in the administrative portion of the meeting by Jackie Fitzgerald's Curriculum Committee report.

II. DISCUSSION A. Chancellor Cota has asked the faculty to support her recommendation to defer any new faculty hiring for one year. This will not affect replacement positions, only new positions. Academic Senate President Barbara Morrisey asked for a division vote on this proposal. After a discussion that included suggestions such as defering all administrative hiring for a year, and questions about the timing of this request, the division voted. Motion: "Division I supports the 1-year deferment of new faculty members." MSC: Robert Breuer/Barbara Hardy, 1 yes, 18 no, 5 abstentions, motion defeated. The Senators from Division I will report this vote at the next Senate meeting.

B. The Academic Senate would like to know what the faculty think about the issue of additional standards for online courses. By standards, Stuart McElderry said, the Senate means quality-control measures; for example, a guarantee that the students signed up for the course are actually the ones taking it. It was pointed out by several faculty members that all courses must be approved by the division faculty and then by the Curricul7um Committee. It was also noted that face-to-face courses can suffer the same kinds of problems as on-line courses. The real question for the division is whether online courses should have a different set of standards than face-to-face courses. Following a discussion of this issue the division voted its position. Motion: "Although the modes of delivery are different we see no need for additional standards for on-line courses at this time." MSC: Jane McCoy/unrecorded, 15 yes, 5 no, no abstentions, motion carried.

Meeting Adjourned


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