Mock Interview Evaluation

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Mock Interview Evaluation

ENG 105 Mock Interview Grading Rubric Date: STUDENT: INTERVIEWER: SCORE: 5= Excellent, 4=Very Good, 3= Good/Average, 2=Poor, 1= Very Poor 5 4 3 2 1 Comments

FIRST IMPRESSION Showed up on time      Firmly shook hands of interviewer, smiled and      greeted Had resume/references and offered professional      copies Greeted and maintained eye contact      Dressed appropriately      Posture (sat up straight, etc.)/Hand and facial      movements were natural

VERBAL BEHAVIORS Demonstrated knowledge about the company      Answered questions completely, yet briefly      Utilized STAR/BAR format for Behavioral      Questions Understood company needs/Emphasized      qualifications Understood position/Pointed out work related skills      Displayed enthusiasm      Focused on strengths; avoided weaknesses      Acted in a polite manner      Referenced specific items on resume      Responded to questions promptly, but not hurriedly      Asked appropriate questions of the interviewer      Spoke clearly and at a reasonable volume      Avoided use of filler/empty words, slang, etc.     


December 2014 HOW YOU DID: TOTAL SCORE RANGE YOU’RE HIRED!!! 90 - 100  Resume was printed and presented in a professional manner  Clearly explains how skills and qualities match the job description  Showed up on time in appropriate attire  Asks thoughtful questions and demonstrates preparedness  Demonstrates confidence through voice, body language, and eye  Maintains a professional attitude and demeanor contact.  Very clear and concise manner of speaking; avoids use of filler  Provides detailed and specific answers to questions words  Sells skills and references previous experience  Demonstrates above-average maturity (professional, articulate, manners). WE’RE CONSIDERING YOU… 80 - 89  Resume was printed and presented in a professional manner  Displays some skills and qualities that match the job description  Showed up on time and in attire that was mostly appropriate  Asks some thoughtful questions and shows some signs of having  Decent poise, body language and eye contact done research on the company and position  Somewhat confident  Interviewee is usually professional when responding  Provides specific answers to questions  Clear manner of speaking; used some filler words (um, uh, like,  Sells some skills etc.)  Noticeable maturity (professional, articulate, manners). WE MIGHT HAVE HIRED YOU, BUT… 60 - 79  Resume was not presented or needed work  Appears to have some communication problems  Showed up late and/or dressed semi-professionally  Skills do not match job description; lacks preparedness in  Not enough poise, body language indicated lack of interest, some research eye contact made  Attempts to be professional when responding;  Confidence is not convincing  Manner of speaking is comprehensible, but sometimes a bit  Specific answers to some questions, others too general unclear; frequent use of filler words (um, uh, like, etc.)  Comes off as too inexperienced; vague in selling skills  Some maturity is evident (professional, articulate, manners). DON’T CALL US, WE’LL CALL YOU… 20 - 59  Resume was not presented  Does not display skills and abilities that are relevant to the  Showed up late and/or dressed unprofessionally position  No poise, poor body language and little to no eye contact  Does not appear to have done any company research and is  Lack of confidence generally unprepared  Answers to questions are not sufficient, relevant or convincing  Comes off as undependable and unprofessional  Inexperience is obvious  Manner of speaking is unclear, jumbled or poorly worded  Interviewee needs more experience and maturity ADDITIONAL COMMENTS:

POTENTIAL INTERVIEW QUESTIONS Basic Questions  Tell me about yourself  Why are you interested in this position?  What do you know about our company/Why do you want to work for our company?  How does this position play into your career goals/What are your career goals in the next 5 years?  What are your strengths and your weaknesses or gap areas that you could improve on?  Why should I hire you?  Do you have any questions for me?

Behavioral Questions

 Tell me about a time when your communication skills were challenged.  Tell me about a time when you worked on a team and describe your role and any challenges you faced.  Tell me about a time that you demonstrated leadership skills.  Tell me about a time that you went above and beyond the call of duty to get a job done.  Tell me about a time when you tried to accomplish something and failed.  What is your typical way of dealing with conflict? Give me an example.  What’s the most creative or innovative project you’ve worked on?  Tell me about a difficult decision you’ve made in the last year.  Tell me about a time you had to prioritize several deadlines.  Tell me about a time when you delegated a project effectively.  Describe a time when you set your sights too high (or too low).

August 2016

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