Thank God You Have Finally Been Confirmed. I Wanted to Let You Know We Have Been Praying

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Thank God You Have Finally Been Confirmed. I Wanted to Let You Know We Have Been Praying


A.G. Lynch, Thank God you have finally been confirmed. I wanted to let you know we have been praying for you and your family. I firmly believe God has put you in the A.G.’s Office for such a time as this. Romans13:11 On 9/11/12 I was shot four (4) times by Trooper H.J. Folsom and Scott Mertens of the Missouri Highway Patrol. The attempt to “assassinate” me was witnessed by FBI agents Cunningham and Maruschak out of the St. Louis “Eastern District.” The agents were brought to the scene by the Troopers to provide “back up” at the time of the attempt on my life. I was the Democratic candidate for the Office of Coroner in Crawford County. I was running for Coroner on the platform of “policing the police.” In the summer of 2011 I placed a series of ads in the local papers looking for “victims” of overzealous police actions. I got hundreds of phone calls and e-mails. One of the calls was about a Crawford County Sheriff’s Deputy, Paul Satterfield. He and another couple of Deputies shot and killed a suspected drug dealer, Kelly Brandt. The Deputies were attempting to serve a warrant for his arrest in the middle of the night without the knowledge of the rest of C.C.S.D. I got numerous complaints about Deputy Satterfield. One of them was from the Bass family. Paul executed a search warrant on Stephan Bass looking for “fire-arms.” Stephen took his son deer hunting for years, buying a permit. In 2009 Missouri Law changed prohibiting non-violent felons from owning a fire-arm. Stephen had a non-violent felony (drug possession 1992). The raid netted over sixty (60) weapons. Paul has/had a Federal Fire-arms manufacturing permit. (motive!) Paul has a relative named Shawn Satterfield who is a Lt. in the Missouri Highway Patrol (Folsom and Merten’s “Boss”) and he is also a Lt. Col. in the Army Reserve. Since 1996 I have published a newsletter “Bulletin.” The focus and thrust of my “free- press” paper was to highlight and expose the ongoing corruption in the Judicial Branch of the State of Missouri. In 2009 I started posting videos on You Tube. One of the videos was Missouri Highway Patrol Professionals? 9/12/11. Throughout 2011-2012 I did many stories and videos about the “powers that be” in Crawford County. On 8/16/12 I posted The “Party’s Over” video in which I “called out” many of our elected “Leaders and Judges.” One of them was Judge Kelly Parker. I never mentioned his name, though I put up a caption explaining how Kelly got his Judgeship. In 2002 State Rep. Parker introduced a Bill to create another Judge position in the 42nd Circuit. So he used his $31,000 a year job to create a $100,000 + year position which Governor Holden appointed him to. Kelly is also a Captain in the Army Reserve. Shawn Satterfield is Kelley’s superior officer. On 8/18/12 Kelly contacted Trooper Folsom to investigate the “video.” According to Folsom’s trial testimony (12AB-CR02409-01-Trial trans. 10/9/13) Folsom contacted your agents (FBI Cunningham & Maraschak) and the Crawford County P.A. who declined to press charges. Despite P.A. Seay’s determination that I was well within my “rights” as a member of the “free- press,” on 8/22/12 Folsom and Mertens showed up at my home/office in Franklin County. They went by my apartment in Crawford County and I wasn’t there. They asked me to come out and “talk” to them. After a half an hour discussion Sgt. Folsom announced that he smelled pot (Cpr. Mertens admitted in depositions that he did not

1 smell pot) and he was going to get a search warrant based on the probable cause of the “smell.” He came back some four (4) hours later with a search warrant to seize my computers, cameras, and the last thing listed was pot. The “warrant” was applied for by Franklin County P.A. Bob Parks who notarized his own signature. Neither he Sgt. Folsom or Judge David Hoven followed State law RSMO. 043.200, which provides for the local Sheriff to be present upon execution of a s.w. obtained by the Missouri Highway Patrol. So in effect the Troopers stole my “printing press.” In my “computer” was the sixteenth (16th) anniversary “Bulletin” in which I was organizing an “occupation” of the Courthouse to bring to light the “policing for profit” pattern and practice of the Courts and the numerous injustices of a broken “system.” My date for this was 9/17/12 “Constitution Day!” On Friday, 9/7/12 I filed a Writ of Replevin with the Missouri Supreme Court seeking the return of my “printing press.” The morning of 9/11/12 Sgt. Folsom called me and told me that he had been ordered by the “Court” to return my equipment. Of course I did not trust him, so I attempted to find some fellow pastors (I’m a member of the Franklin County Ministries Alliance) to go with me. I called my son when I could not get anyone to come along. I called my ex-wife. She called me back and I asked her to record the encounter. I also turned on my “spy watch” video camera. I started singing, though my children’s (Trinity-14, Aliyah-12, & Josiah-10) mother told me to start praying. Thank God, I prayed Psalm 34, 35 Had I not, Ms. Lynch, I have no doubt I would have died. Some thirteen (13) seconds after I exited the Subaru I was shot at six (6) times, two (2) hitting my chest, two (2) to my head, and two (2) struck the gas station (with six {6} people inside). By a miracle of Biblical proportions I manage to survive. The chest shots tore through my shoulder and lung. The head shots bounced off my temple-exiting out the top of my head and the last shot fired entered the base of my skull and exited into the ground. The cell phone audio account revealed that Sgt. Folsom questioned my “right” to have a holstered, unconcealed weapon on my person (Art. 1 Sec. 23 Mo. Const.). Once he brought my attention to my lawfully carried, legally owned, holstered fire-arm, I replied what are you doing with your gun? To which he replied that he was “authorized” to have a gun. I began to say I was authorized as well. He then ordered me to the ground, less than three (3) seconds after his (“command”), Folsom fired. Right before he shot, I told him, one of two statements, “You don’t have to shoot me, man,” or “You’re going to have to shoot me, man.” At first it sounded like the latter, though upon further review and analysis (an audio expert came forward on his own accord and he maintains it was the former.) As soon as the last “word” came out of my mouth, Sgt. Folsom and Cpr. Mertens extended to fire and shot as well. Your agents witnessed the assault. Their initial report taken the day of the shooting claim my hands went to my front waist line. They both make no mention of a weapon or an attempt to “draw.” Folsom & Merten’s reports taken on 9/12/12 make mention that Folsom engaged me in a conversation about “having papers for me to sign concerning the return of my computers.” (The “ruse” they used to lure me into the ambush.) Folsom further claims that he commanded me to “remove my hand off the gun” before he shot. Mertens does not make mention of Folsom’s “command” in his initial report, in depositions, or at trial. At trial Folsom admits that “he did not have time to say that.” (P. 325 Trial Testimony 12AB-CR02409-01) 10/9/13 Trial Trans.

2 Attorney General Lynch, I and my family (my six {6} children and their mothers, along with my brother and his family) are the only “victims” of this matter. In 2010 I came across the term “corpus dilecti” Latin for the body of the crime. It is defined as an act that causes provable, personal injury, loss, or harm. The two (2) years leading up to the attempt on my life, I became the most vocal “critic” of the Missouri Judicial system. I believe that if there is no injured party there is no “crime,” thus all the drug possession, DWI, traffic, driving while poor (no insurance, license) cases the criminals (Just-Us 9-11, Lawyers, Police, Probation, Correction Officers) the ones causing provable personal injury, loss, and harm are the Courts. I believe that our Republic has been hi-jacked by the Judicial Branch. There is a clear conflict of interest having lawyers “Officers of the Court” in the Executive Branch and the Legislative Branch (i.e. Kelly Parker). Because of my political beliefs I obviously cannot get fair and impartial treatment from the “system.” Despite the facts and circumstances of my “manifest injustice” I’m still in prison. Today is the nine hundred and tenth (910th) day I have been held hostage by the “State of Missouri.” The local P.A. and Court knew within twenty four (24) hours that the Troopers had perjured themselves in their initial reports. The Missouri Highway Patrol had the audio account of the shooting by sundown on 9/11/12. It did not coincide with the account of the Troopers, eyewitnesses, including your agent’s reports of the shooting. The local Sheriff failed to investigate. Two (2) FBI agents witness an attempted murder of a journalist and a candidate for Public Office, though they fail to “report”-inform the United States Attorney (misprision of a felony). After a miracle recovery, I show up at Court on 11/1/12. I’m charged with “attempted assault” (murder) of the “lying” Troopers (suborning perjury) and resisting arrest even though I was not arrested nor told I was under arrest (I was acquitted at trial). On 11/27/12 a Grand Jury indicts me of “attempted assault by shooting the Troopers” even though there is no evidence that I shot anyone and no transcript of the proceedings. I’m held on a cash only bond in violation of Art 1 Sec 20 Mo. Const. (my “lawyer” at the time did not argue the Missouri Constitution) I operated “Pro-Se” when I made motions to dismiss highlighting the exculpatory evidence of my innocence which was ignored by the “Court” (see Supplemental Legal File- ED100807) At a pre-trial conference one hundred (100) of my one hundred and five (105) witnesses were quashed by the “Court” and the P.A. who admitted that he was tampering with my witnesses! I for all intents and purposes was forced to hire an “attorney” who was so ineffective one has to believe it was on purpose, though he did depose Folsom and Mertens 6/6/13 but failed to ask key questions about “papers to sign” nor the command to “remove my hand off the gun.” He also deposed your “agents” 7/23/13 who admitted that they did not even see a “weapon” having an unencumbered view of my “right” side (the Troopers both testified at trial that I was “attempting to draw” from my “right” side) After depositions local P.A. Parks took them off the prosecution witness list. Of course at trial Mr. Hugh “ineffective” Eastwood failed to call the FBI agents even though he knew what they would have testified to, that their testimony would have perjured the Troopers testimony and your agents were present in the courtroom. He also introduced no exhibits including a still shot that showed my holstered weapon on my “left side.”

3 At trial the Judge dismissed the “tampering” charge after the video 8/16/12 was played to the jury. The resisting arrest charge was also dismissed. (So, why was I shot?) The Jury acquitted me of “assaulting Cpr. Mertens by attempting to draw a weapon to shoot him” though they convicted me of “assaulting Sgt. Folsom by shooting him.” My eight (8) points of appeal (ED100807) were ignored by the Appeals Court in their “unpublished underhanded opinion.” The Missouri Supreme Court has refused to take up the case. The Attorney General of this State is well aware of the exculpatory evidence. There is an appalling lack of ethics and integrity in the State of Missouri Judiciary. It is my prayer that Federal Government corrects and holds the State of Missouri accountable for their miscarriage of Justice.

Eagerly awaiting your reply, Jeffrey R. “Bulletinman” Weinhaus

P.S. In light of Ferguson and the fourteen (14) other Missourians who have lost their lives at the hands of Law Enforcement Officers since I was shot on 9/11/12, not one indicted even though the police fired first in all but one incident. Gary Wenzel of Bourbon Missouri who was unarmed was slain on 3/5/14. He was running away and shot in the back though a Coroner’s Inquest cleared Officer Carl Storm ironically in Crawford County. Obviously not only here in Missouri but of course Baltimore, South Carolina, Tulsa, NYC, LA, New Mexico, Cleveland, there seems to be a lot of Just-Us in the system which leads to very little Justice For All. All Lives Matter, Ms. Attorney General, Black, White, Yellow, Red! This, know also in the last days perilous times shall come. (2nd Timothy 3:1-12) Americans deserve and demand equal Justice under the law. The culture of corruption, the cesspool which is destroying the fabric of the Greatest Nation on the face of the earth needs to be dealt with. Who polices the Police? That job God almighty has entrusted you with! Amos 5:24

God Save the Republic!


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