1 BIL: 1311 2 TYP: Concurrent Resolution CR 3 INB: Senate 4 IND: 20000404 5 PSP: Martin 6 SPO: Martin 7 DDN: l:\s-res\lam\004chil.jh.doc 8 DPB: 20000516 9 LAD: 20000412 10 SUB: Child Abuse Prevention Month, April designated as; Resolutions, Minors, 11 Abused, neglected 12 13 14 15 HST: 16 17 Body Date Action Description Com Leg Involved 18 ______19 Senate 20000516 Received from House 20 House 20000503 Adopted, returned with concurrence 21 House 20000502 Committee report: Favorable 24 HIMR 22 House 20000413 Introduced, referred to Committee 24 HIMR 23 Senate 20000412 Amended, adopted, sent to House 24 Senate 20000411 Recalled from Committee, 11 SJ 25 placed on the Calendar 26 Senate 20000404 Introduced, referred to Committee 11 SJ 27 28 29 30 Versions of This Bill 31 32 33 Revised on 20000411 34 Revised on 20000412 35 Revised on 20000502 36 37 38 TXT: 1 COMMITTEE REPORT 2 May 2, 2000 3 4 S. 1311 5 6 Introduced by Senator Martin 7 8 S. Printed 5/2/00--H. 9 Read the first time April 13, 2000. 10 11 12 THE COMMITTEE ON 13 INVITATIONS AND MEMORIAL RESOLUTIONS 14 To whom was referred a Concurrent Resolution (S. 1311), to 15 recognize April as Child Abuse Prevention Month, etc., 16 respectfully 17 REPORT: 18 That they have duly and carefully considered the same, and 19 recommend that the same do pass: 20 21 RONALD N. FLEMING, for Committee. 22

1 [1311-1] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION 10 11 TO RECOGNIZE APRIL AS CHILD ABUSE PREVENTION 12 MONTH. 13 14 Whereas, child abuse is a pervasive problem in South Carolina and 15 the nation as a whole; and 16 17 Whereas, in 1998 alone there were 20,686 reported cases of child 18 abuse involving almost 46,000 children in our State; and 19 20 Whereas, sixteen South Carolina children died as a result of child 21 abuse in 1998, with an average of one child death per month; and 22 23 Whereas, fourteen of the sixteen child deaths involved children 24 under the age of three; and 25 26 Whereas, fourteen South Carolina parents were charged in 1998 27 with their child’s death by abuse; and 28 29 Whereas, death or emotional scarring caused by child abuse is a 30 horrendous reminder of the severity of this heinous crime; and 31 32 Whereas, South Carolina recognizes that the abuse of even one 33 child is one too many, as children are our most valuable resource. 34 Now, therefore, 35 36 Be it resolved by the Senate, the House of Representatives 37 concurring: 38 39 That April is recognized as Child Abuse Prevention Month. 40 ----XX----

1 [1311] 1