Report for Executive Committee July 15, 2009 Meeting

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Report for Executive Committee July 15, 2009 Meeting

E development outcomes taking into Urban Development consideration the life cycle cost of 1 the infrastructure, and to identify Institute/City of ways to a more efficient design. 1 Edmonton Efficiency  The basic goals of the Efficiency Committee are as follows: Committee Progress 1. Attainable Housing - Increase the on Negotiations housing and development industry’s ability to supply the market with more attainable Recommendation: housing. If the development That the June 15, 2009, Planning and industry is successful in reducing Development Department report overall costs, the benefit of the 2009PCP023 be received for information. cost reduction can be passed along to the consumer in the form Report Summary of a reduced housing price. This report provides information on 2. Decrease Infrastructure the Urban Development Institute/City Operating and Maintenance and of Edmonton Efficiency Committee Replacement Costs – Decrease Negotiations. the magnitude and cost of infrastructure to benefit both the Previous Council/Committee Action City and the Industry. More At the April 22, 2009, Executive efficient infrastructure designs Committee meeting, the following and standards will reduce the motion was passed: operating and maintenance costs That Administration report back to for the City and ultimately the Executive Committee on the joint replacement cost as it ages. Urban Development Institute/City of 3. Reduce Resource Costs – Edmonton Efficiency Committee Reducing the input costs of progress on negotiations with development through greater respect to reducing the cost of efficiency. developments.  This overall initiative is being guided Report by a Steering Committee comprised of senior development industry  At the request of the Urban representatives from UDI and key Development Institute (UDI), the City City General Managers including the of Edmonton agreed to actively City Manager (see Attachment 1). participate in a joint Efficiency  Five Working Groups were Committee to examine and subsequently established with implement more efficient practices representation from UDI, the City, for land development within the City. EPCOR and Atco Gas (see  The Efficiency Committee’s task has Attachment 1): been to review the current City 1. Underground Working Group Design and Construction Standards, 2. Transportation Working Group Guidelines, Planning Processes etc. 3. Shallow Utilities Working Group to achieve more cost effective

ROUTING – Executive Committee | DELEGATION – S. Mackie WRITTEN BY – O. Gowda | June 15, 2009 – Planning and Development Department 2009PCP023 Page 1 of 2 Urban Development Institute/City of Edmonton Efficiency Committee Progress on Negotiations

4. Zoning/Plan Process Working  Regular Working Group updates are Group provided to the Steering Committee 5. Parks Working Group to ensure that the project is on target  Terms of Reference were prepared both from a content and timing point for the Steering Committee and the of view. A draft report will be individual Working Groups (The TOR prepared for review and comments are still in draft form). All of the by early October. This will be Working Groups had their initial start- followed by a final report in up meetings in mid-May with the November and implementation selection of chairpersons and tabling strategy in December. of the project scope and objectives. Recommended efficiency measures This was well received and meetings will be incorporated into current of these groups are ongoing. guidelines and/or subdivision  The Working Groups’ task has been standards. to identify past initiatives that require  This collaborative process’s goal is further work and to develop new to produce positive outcomes for the ideas for consideration. City of Edmonton, the development  A facilitated session is being industry, and homeowners. organized amongst the different groups to allow information Focus Area exchange and feedback on issues  This report relates to the City of that affect different departments or Edmonton Strategic Plan 2009-2018 processes. This may also be an and the strategic goal of opportunity to include other Transforming Edmonton’s Urban stakeholder input. Form.  A Design Coordination Team has also been formed to coordinate Public Consultation information organization developed  This report was prepared in by the Working Groups and share consultation with the UDI Executive overall findings with the Steering Committee. Committee. They will review the findings of the Working Groups and Attachments consolidate it for the next stage of 1. UDI/City of Edmonton Efficiency the project. This first stage is Committee Membership scheduled to be completed by mid- Others Approving this Report July.  The second stage of the project will  R. Boutilier, General Manager, involve applying the selected Transportation Department principles and guidelines to a “real  L. Rosen, Asset Management and world” planning and design example Public Works Department to identify where the cost-benefits  A. B. Maurer, City Manager exist. The Design Coordination team will work with a design consultant for a planning and costing exercise.

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UDI/City of Edmonton Efficiency Committee Membership


Rich Westren UDI, Carma Developers (Co-Chair) Gary Klassen City of Edmonton, Planning and Development (Co-Chair) Shane Erickson UDI, Qualico Communities Michael Mooney UDI Lorna Rosen City of Edmonton, Asset Management and Public Works Bob Boutilier City of Edmonton, Transportation


Peter Moore UDI, IBI Group (Chair) Larry Semeniuk UDI Ron Johnson UDI, Raywalt Construction Wade Zwicker UDI, Stantec Consulting Justin Guanlao City of Edmonton, AM&PW, Drainage Services James Tan City of Edmonton, AM&PW, Drainage Services Lyndon Gyurek City of Edmonton, AM&PW, Drainage Services Steven Chan City of Edmonton, AM&PW, Drainage Services Michael Porretta City of Edmonton, AM&PW, Drainage Services Stephen Poole EPCOR Water Services Doug Seargeant EPCOR Water Services


Brian Latte City of Edmonton, Transportation (Chair) Dave Kinders UDI, Stantec Consulting Patrick Shaver UDI, Avillia Developments Jason Fjeldheim UDI, Sherrick Management Kerry Hetu UDI, North West Paving Jody Hancock City of Edmonton, Transportation Jason Meliefste City of Edmonton, Transportation


Cameron Naqvi UDI, Cameron Development (Chair) Al Thomas UDI, Magna IV Engineering Jim Allen UDI, Jatec Electric Harold Ross ATCO Gas Henry Tetteh-Wayoe ATCO Gas Nathan Carter ATCO Gas Gord Cebryk City of Edmonton, Transportation Kirstine Hull EPCOR Power

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Marina Plewes UDI, Classic Landmarks Master Builder Derrick Hiltz UDI, Classic Landmarks Master Builder


Scott Mackie City of Edmonton, Planning and Development (Chair) Larry Newton UDI, Stantec Consulting Chuck McNutt UDI, Focus Corporation Jon Heisler UDI, MMM Group Jodie Wacko UDI, Beaverbrook Developments Chris Nicholas UDI, Melcor Developments Russell Dauk UDI, Rohit Group Vivian Manasc UDI, Manasc Isaac Architects Ray Watkins UDI, WAM Development Group Jody Hancock City of Edmonton, Transportation


David Price UDI, Stantec Consulting (Co-Chair) Ray Watkins UDI, WAM Development Group Michael Mooney UDI Kim Barker UDI, Scheffer Andrew Bill Blais UDI, Maclab Enterprises Bob Priebe City of Edmonton, AM&PW, Parks Planning (Co-Chair) Grant Pearsell City of Edmonton, AM&PW, Natural Areas Lyall Brenneis City of Edmonton, AM&PW, Parks Branch


Louise Gibson UDI, Carma Developers Tarry Tweed UDI, Landmark Homes Orest Gowda City of Edmonton, Planning and Development

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