SG Committees for Transmission to EP
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Brussels 11 June 2002
Doc TAXUD/1248/2002
SG Committees – for transmission to EP
Summary record of the 72nd meeting of the Customs Code Committee – Transit Section held on 7 June 2002
1. Adoption of the agenda
Agenda adopted.
2. Draft proposals for a Regulation to amend the Code implementing provisions (doc TAXUD/1213/2002 rev 1)
In introducing doc TAXUD/1213/2002 rev 1, the Commission acknowledged that there were some linguistic errors in all language versions. Despite this, the Commission expressed the hope that the Committee would be able to vote on the adoption of the draft regulation.
A number of delegates took the floor to draw attention to these linguistic errors while others suggested more substantive changes to the draft (for example, a new recital cross referring to the amended TIR Convention and clarification of the text concerning the guarantee associations liability to pay the customs debt).
In conclusion, the Commission felt that there were too many linguistic changes to enable the proposals to go to a vote at this meeting. Having established that Member States had no other concerns of substance the Commission agreed to revise and align the French and English texts as TAXUD/1213/2002 Rev 2. These two language versions would then be distributed to delegates together with their own language version of revision 1. Delegates would then check/amend their own language versions to ensure they were in accord with the French and English texts. Once that had been confirmed the Commission would proceed with the adoption of the draft regulation using the written procedure. The Commission indicated a time frame of 6 weeks to complete the work.
3. AOB
There were no items.
Rue de la Loi 200, B-1049 Bruxelles/Wetstraat 200, B-1049 Brussel - Belgium - Office: MO51 4/24. Telephone: direct line (+32-2)296.0104, switchboard 299.11.11. Fax: 296.5983. Telex: COMEU B 21877. Telegraphic address: COMEUR Brussels. 2 Participants in the Customs Code Committee – Transit Section (TIR) 6 June 2002
Chairman: Mr VAULONT Nikolaus TAXUD B3 Head of Unit
Representatives of the following Member States:
Belgium : Mr STEVENS Rudy
Denmark : Mr BYRGESEN John
Germany : Mr BROXTERMANN Jürgen
Spain : Mr SANTOS Julián
France: Mr SAU Michel
Italy : Mr AMELIO Mario
Luxembourg : Mr NOTHUM Emile
Pays-Bas : Mr JACOBS Guus
Ms VISSER Guusta
Austria : Mrs GABRIEL-LANG Brigitte
Portugal: Ms SANTOS Isabel
Finland : Mr BOXSTROM Rolf
Sweden : Ms OGRUN Martina
United Kingdom : Ms HOECKX
Representatives from the Commission Services:
Mr MARQUES Joaquim Jose TAXUD/B/3 Mr HOOK Peter TAXUD/B/3 Mr BARNETT Gerald OLAF Mr NYHUIS Christian BUDGET Copied to:
Member States Mr Vanden Abeele Ms Ory Mr Wiedow Mr Vaulont Mr Barnett OLAF Mr Nyhuis