Eastern Shore Corvette Club
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EASTERN SHORE CORVETTE CLUB Minutes for the monthly meeting of May 19, 2015
1. Call to Order by President Jimmy Johnson. 2. Attendance Report: These are the members who were present and voted on any and all motions brought before the club this evening: Jimmy Johnson Joe & Cinda Tindall Gerald Beauchamp Wayne Thawley Carson & Karen Windsor Bob Ross John Hurley Mike Calloway Donnie & Nanci Coale Richard & Janet Mitchell George & Glenda Bradley Wayne & Thedus Robinson Bob & Lauren Cross John Buchanan Marion Robinson Jim Revelle William & Barbara Waller Kirk & Betsy Willoughby Tom & Gale Collins Howard & Jacki Blake 3. Approval of Minutes from April 21, 2015 meeting. Minutes are sent to members via e-mail and posted to our web site. Anyone who would like a copy mailed to them, please contact Cinda. 4. Treasurer's Report: presented by Gerald Beauchamp. Approved as submitted, copies are available upon request. 5. National Corvette Museum Ambassador's Report. Parking Lot Banner: Members who were present voted and passed a motion to buy a parking lot banner this year. We agree that the cost ($500.00) supports the Museum. A design must be submitted by July 1, 2015. If you have any ideas, please contact Cinda. Raffles, visit to purchase your tickets! ◦ 5-28-15, 2015 Stingray Coupe, Arctic White, 1,500 tickets, $100.00 each. ◦ 6-11-15, 2015 Stingray Coupe, Shark Gray, 1,000 tickets, $200.00 each. ◦ 9-5-15, 2015 Stingray Coupe, Torch Red, unlimited tickets, $10.00 each. 6. Web Master's Comments: Cinda Tindall. Please send any information about car shows or cruise ins that should be posted on our web site. Will be working on posting pictures from past events. Please send any photographs you have to Cinda. 7. Applications: 8. Club Sponsor's: Swain Excavation - $1,000.00 Courtesy Chevrolet - $500.00 AP Exhaust - $250.00 Overhome Shop – dash plaques, no charge Redmen Lodge #149 – use of facilities, no charge 9. Old/On Going Business: A copy of the club logo will be sent to Jan Mitchell. She will let us know if she is able to work with our logo. Sweatshirts/tee shirts – Shirts have been ordered. We will let you know when they come in. Any item from www.queensboro.com can be ordered with a minimum of 4 items! They use a small embroidered ESCC logo. Contact Cinda for details. Club Coats/Jackets: anyone who is interested, please contact Cinda, she will send you the information. 10. New Business: 2015 Car Show ◦ As per the January, 2015 meeting, the Wounded Warrior Project is our charity again this year! ◦ Expanding the show...At the March Meeting, we agreed to have vendors! It was decided that if we do have vendors, there will be no outside food sales, and all vendors should be related to the auto industry. $50.00 per space (20'X20') ▪ Lucky's Exhaust, Inc. DBA Lucky's Auto Sales ▪ Wor-Wic Tech ? - Lauren Cross is trying! She has requested a Vendor Form be created. ▪ Does anyone know of any others? ◦ It is never to early to start collecting items (goody bags – 100, door prizes, auction items). As always, we ask that every member bring 2 door prizes or auction items (whether you get it donated or if you buy it). We will have a bag stuffing night on Wednesday, June 3, 2015 at the Old West Steakhouse, please plan to attend and bring all your goodies for the bags! ◦ The trophies have been ordered, they are in and waiting to be engraved! ◦ The dash plaques have been ordered (85)! ◦ ESCC Volunteers: ▪ Everyone should plan to arrive around 7:30am. We need to set up tents and tables. Although our show starts at 9:00am, we always have people show up early, we need to be ready for them! ▪ Gale Daugherty has volunteered to sell 50/50 tickets! ▪ Sandy Thawley & Barb Waller will manage the Door Prizes! ▪ Gerald Beauchamp, Lauren Cross, Jim Fields & Linda Robinson have volunteered to work the registration table! ▪ Nanci Coale will coordinate the silent auction table. ▪ Bob Damiano will be a photographer. ▪ George Bradley & John Hurley will help with the parking. ▪ Betsy Willoughby has volunteered to help where ever she is needed! ▪ Please plan to help where ever you feel the most comfortable. Bob Ross suggested purchasing Poker Chips with our logo on them. He says that they are used as collectibles. He will investigate prices and minimum quantities. The issue was tabled until a future meeting. 11. Past Activities: May 14/17, 2015, The trip to Skyline Drive was canceled. 12. Upcoming Activities: May 23, 2015 – Smith Island Cruise – Gale Daugherty is coordinating this trip. Email with information has been sent out. June 6, 2015 – ESCC CAR SHOW! June 24/29, 2015 Road Trip! The itinerary has been sent out. You need to purchase your parking permit by June 1, 2015. Please let us know if you plan to join us! July 19, 2015, Crusty Crab Restaurant, Greenbackville, VA. An email with more details will be sent. Please RSVP so we can make reservations. August 22, 2015, Layton's Chance Vineyard & Winery, Vienna, MD. The Tom Larson Band will be playing this evening! An email will be sent with more details. Please RSVP. August 28/30, 2015 – Carlisle!!! 13. Suggested Activities: If you have any ideas, please share them! Suicide Bridge Restaurant – It was decided that we will go on the paddle boat on a Sunday afternoon! Donnie Coale will find out which date will work best (which date still has the most available seats). An email will be sent with more details. September 19, 2015, Crabtoberfest, downtown, Cambridge, MD. Gale Collins informed us we were asked to host a car show. We decided that we did not have enough time this year to coordinate and promote a show. We will display our cars as a club. Please plan to attend so we can make a good showing. We may decide to host a car show at this event next year. An email will be sent with more details. Sunday Breakfast, 1st Sunday each month. We need to pick when and where. Please let us know if you know of any charitable organization that is having a fundraiser. (No breakfast this month) 14. Progressive 50/50 Pot: Jim & Sandie Steele – not present 15. May Car of the Month: Howard & Jacki Blake, 1996 Convertible, Silver. 16. Next Meeting, will be on June 16, 2015. We will go to La Tolteca Restaurant, upstairs, Rt. 50 & Truitt St., Salisbury, MD. 6:00pm. 17. Adjourn.
These minutes have been prepared and respectfully submitted by Cinda Tindall, Secretary.