Action Plan of ASEAN-CRN (2016-2017)
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(A quick note) Action Plan of ASEAN-CRN (2016-2017)
Vision 2025 of ASEAN-CRN
“ ASEAN-CRN is a capable and valued multi-stakeholder collaboration network for a sustainable, competitive, climate resilient agriculture in the ASEAN community.” The 4 objectives of the ASEAN-CRN remain as the Goals for this Action Plan:
1. To promote a common understanding on climate change and the agriculture sector amongst ASEAN Member States (AMS) and facilitate mutual learning;
2. To promote resiliency of agriculture within the region, through the scaling-up and scaling out of identified good practices and policies at AMS level, which address climate related threats and opportunities (climate smart agriculture practices38) to agriculture;
3. To identify common concerns and capacity needs, and propose regional support strategies and instruments to address these in a coherent manner; and
4. To support ASEAN decision-making and implementation processes by providing inputs based on policy-oriented research results in the field of climate change and agriculture. To obtain these objectives, 5 Work Areas was partially adopted from the 5 key priorities identified by previous workshop of CRN in October 2015 (in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam) including:
1. Knowledge management (KM);
2. Project supports for CSA upscaling;
3. Funding;
4. Capacity building;
5. Joint policy statement and protocol; A Reporting on National Progress was conducted by each of the member states to give an update on the status and achievements of the national efforts, which are presented as follows:
Cambodia National level progress Related Projects in Promoted in which Climate Change Plan/Process (please name if scaling- existing) up of Priority CSA Practices CSA Crops practices Field testi Level of Evidence Promoted ng country based in Disseminated through agricultural take priority assesse agricultural extension services (1 lowest – 5 s d policies highest) plac e Model farming Rice- 3 √ √ √ √ NASPCC (2014- CIAP, ACIAR base 2018), CCCA AP (CSA/CCCA) has just (2014-2018) started Submergence Rice 5 √ √ √ √ * 1 NASPCC (2014- tolerant varieties 2018) Drought tolerant Rice 4 √ √ √ √ * 2 STV breeding CARDI varieties program Crop management Rice 5 √ √ √ √ Many projects CARDI Contour Cassava 2 √ √ CARDI intercropping Healthy planting Cassava 1 materials Note: *1 and *2 are promoted in many projects, but new breeding lines need to be tested and new varieties need to be disseminated Indonesia National level progress Related Projects in Promoted in which Climate Change Plan/Process (please name if scaling- existing) up of Priority CSA Practices CSA Crops practices Field testi Level of Evidence Promoted ng country based in Disseminated through agricultural take priority assesse agricultural extension services (1 lowest – 5 s d policies highest) plac e Alternate Wetting Rice 3 √ √ Indonesia National and Drying (AWD) Action Plan on System Rice Rice 4 √ √ √ √ Climate Change P2BN, UPSUS** Intensification (SRI) Adaptation (RAN-API) Integrated Crop Rice 5 √ √ √ √ RAN-API, Intended P3T, P2BN, SL-PTT, Homag (ICH) Nationally GPPTT**, BRIA** Integrated Crop Maize Determined Livestock Contributions Management (ICLM) (INDC) Integrated Cropping Rice 5 √ √ √ √ RAN-API, INDC Calendar Maize Soybean Optimal Row Rice 5 √ √ √ √ GPPTT**, BRIA** Spacing (JARWO) Soil and Nutrient Rice 5 √ √ √ √ RAN-API SL-PTT, GPPTT**, Management / Site Maize BRIA** Specific Nutrient Management (SSNM) Crop Insurance Rice 5 √ √ √ √ RAN-API, INDC UPSUS** (special effort) Improved varieties/ Rice 5 √ √ √ √ RAN-API P3T, P2BN, SL-PTT, Stress tolerant Maize GPPTT**, UPSUS** National level progress Related Projects in Promoted in which Climate Change Plan/Process (please name if scaling- existing) up of Priority CSA Practices CSA Crops practices Field testi Level of Evidence Promoted ng country based in Disseminated through agricultural take priority assesse agricultural extension services (1 lowest – 5 s d policies highest) plac e varieties (STVs) Ratoon (SALIBU)* Rice 2 √ √ √ Hazton: High density Rice 2 √ √ √ and old seedling* Post-harvesting Rice 5 √ √ √ √ RAN-API SL-PTT, UPSUS handling *New CSA; **On-going
Lao PDR National level progress Related Projects in Promoted in which Climate Change Plan/Process (please name if scaling- existing) up of Priority CSA Practices CSA Crops practices Field testi Level of Evidence Promoted ng country based in Disseminated through agricultural take priority assesse agricultural extension services (1 lowest – 5 s d policies highest) plac e SRI Rice 5 √ √ √ √ Rice Biodiversity Rice 3 √ √ Conservation Drought- and Rice 4 √ √ √ √ submergence- Maize tolerant varieties (n lowland and upland areas) Direct Seeding Maize 1 √ √ ? Mulch-based Cropping Systems Maize integrated Maize 2 √ √ √ √ with legumes Rotation and Cassava 4 √ √ √ √ intercropping (pest and disease control) Cropping calendar Rice 5 √ Maize Post-harvest Rice 4 √ √ Maize (Rice Cassava only) Crop insurance Biomass Myanmar National level progress Related Projects in Promoted in which Climate Change Plan/Process (please name if scaling- existing) Priority up of CSA Practices Crops CSA practices Field Level of Evidence Promoted testin country based in Disseminated through agricultural g priority assesse agricultural extension services (1 lowest – 5 takes d policies highest) place Climate information Rice 5 √ √ ? √ service/crop Maize 3 calendar INC/NAPA UNESCAP/RIMES Cropping Calendar Rice 5 √ √ ? √ Maize 3 AWD GAP Rice 3 √ √ √ ? LIFT/ IRRI/ DELTA/ √ √ √ ? DAR/ DOA/ PIRCCA/ SRI CCAFS/ IRRI STV Rice 5 √ √ √ ? Maize 2 LIFT/ IRRI/ DELTA/ DAR/ DAR/I √ √ ? DOA/ IRC/ IRRI/ JICA/ RRI CURE/ DAR/ IRRI Insurance Rice 4 Plan PLAN-RIICE Crop Diversification Rice Maize 3 √ √ ICRISAT/ DAR Bean Pulse Post-harvest Rice 2 √ √ Pilot ? LIFT/ IRRI/ DAR/ DOA Maize 2 ? Others 1 ? Seed Production Rice 4 √ √ √ √ DAR IRRI/ IRC/ INGER/ System Maize 4 DAR √ √ √ JICA (1967-present) Others - DOA National level progress Related Projects in Promoted in which Climate Change Plan/Process (please name if scaling- existing) Priority up of CSA Practices Crops CSA practices Field Level of Evidence Promoted testin country based in Disseminated through agricultural g priority assesse agricultural extension services (1 lowest – 5 takes d policies highest) place √ DOA Sloping Areas Maize - √ √ √ ? SCOPSA DAR/D OA
Philippines National level progress Related Projects in Promoted in which Climate Change Plan/Process (please name if scaling- existing) up of Priority CSA Practices CSA Crops practices Field testi Level of Evidence Promoted ng country based in Disseminated through agricultural take priority assesse agricultural extension services (1 lowest – 5 s d policies highest) plac e Seed Bufferstocking/ Rice 5 √ √ √ √ Seed System Road Rice Seed Bufferstocking Seed Production OPV White Map Program National level progress Related Projects in Promoted in which Climate Change Plan/Process (please name if scaling- existing) up of Priority CSA Practices CSA Crops practices Field testi Level of Evidence Promoted ng country based in Disseminated through agricultural take priority assesse agricultural extension services (1 lowest – 5 s d policies highest) plac e System Maize OPV White Corn High Value Bufferstocking Program Crops HVC Seed Bufferstocking (HVCs) Program Breeding for All crops 5 √ √ √ √ RDE Agenda on DA-IRRI Project drought/ STVs and Climate Change resistant varieties Crop Insurance Rice, 3 √ √ √ √ ACPC Maize, Mango, HVCs Cropping Pattern All crops 5 √ √ √ √ DA-RFOs and Attached Crop Diversification All crops 2 √ √ √ √ Agencies Post-harvest Rice, 5 √ √ √ √ DA-RFOs and Attached handling Maize, HVCs Agencies, SUCs GAP for Crops Rice, 5 √ √ √ √ Maize, HVCs SSNM Rice 2 √ √ √ √ DA-RFOs and Attached Maize Agencies Palayamanan Plus/ Rice 5 √ √ √ √ Fish/ Livestock PalayCheck System Rice 5 √ √ √ √ Pest Surveillance All Crops 3 √ √ √ √ DA-RFOs and Attached National level progress Related Projects in Promoted in which Climate Change Plan/Process (please name if scaling- existing) up of Priority CSA Practices CSA Crops practices Field testi Level of Evidence Promoted ng country based in Disseminated through agricultural take priority assesse agricultural extension services (1 lowest – 5 s d policies highest) plac e and Early Warning Agencies, SUCs System (EWS) High Quality Planting All Crops 5 √ √ √ √ Seed System Road DA-RFOs and Attached Materials Map Agencies Development of EWS 3 inclusive of marine biodiversity and habitat
Thailand CSA Practices Priority National Promoted in which Climate Change Plan/Process Related Projects Crops level (please name if progres existing) s in scaling- up of CSA practice s Field Level of Evidence Promoted testin country based in Disseminated through agricultural g priority assesse agricultural extension services (1 lowest – takes d policies 5 highest) place Breeding and seed Maize 5 √ √ √ Thailand Climate DOA, AFACI production of STVs Change Master Breeding of STVs Rice 5 √ √ √ √ Plan Rice Department Cropping Calendar Rice 5 √ √ √ √ Rice Department RIICE Technology Rice 5 √ √ MOAC Plan Rice Department, IRRI, GIZ Design of Rice 4 Appropriate CSA Maize 4 Technology Cassava 4 Package in vulnerable areas (stocktaking of existing CSA technologies) Integrated Crop Cassava 5 √ √ √ √ DOA Plan, MOAC DOA, GIZ SAS Management Urgent Plan Proliferation of Diversified 5 √ √ √ DOA Sufficiency farming Economy systems Sustainable Agri- Rice, 5 √ √ √ DOA/MOAC Plan DOA/GIZ SAS food Systems Fruits, and vegetable s
Vietnam National level progress Related Projects in Promoted in which Climate Change Plan/Process (please name if scaling- existing) up of Priority CSA Practices CSA Crops practices Field testi Level of Evidence Promoted ng country based in Disseminated through agricultural take priority assesse agricultural extension services (1 lowest – 5 s d policies highest) plac e AWD Rice 3 √ √ √ Action Plan for VN Gov’t (Extension Climate Change Service), IRRI, GIZ SRI Rice 3 √ √ √ Mitigation and VN Gov’t (Extension Adaptation Service), FAO, IRRI Rice shrimp farming Rice 3 √ √ √ (Gov’t, MARD) VN Gov’t (Extension Service), ACIAR, GIZ Cropping Calendar Rice 4 √ √ √ Maize VN Gov’t (Extension Appropriate Row Rice 2 √ √ √ Service) Spacing Maize GAP in Sloping Maize 1 √ √ √ VN Gov’t (Department Areas of Crop Protection) Stress tolerant Maize 5 √ √ √ VN Gov’t, IRRI varieties Salinity STV Rice Post-harvest Rice 5 √ √ √ VN Gov’t (Department handling Maize of Processing) Crop Insurance Rice 4 √ √ √ Spanish Gov’t, VN Maize Gov’t Decision 315/2011, GIZ Improved varieties Maize 4 √ √ √ VN Gov’t, FAO Soil and nutrient Rice 5 √ √ VN Gov’t management Maize Climate Information Rice 4 √ VN Gov’t, World Bank Services Maize Integrated Crop Rice 3 √ √ √ √ VN Gov’t Management Maize Crop Residue Use Rice 4 √ √ √ VN Gov’t The 8 Fields for Regional Cooperation of the CRN was agreed by the country representatives from 7 AMSs including Cambodia, Lao PDR., Indonesia, Myanmar, Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam are presented as follow: ASEAN Member States sum Field of Cooperation CA LA ID MM PH TH VN 1. Model Farming √ √ √ 3 2. Crop Management √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 8 3. STVs seed production √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 8 4. Appropriate CSA-TP √ √ √ √ 4 5. Post-harvest Handling √ √ √ √ 4 6. Crop Insurance √ √ √ √ √ 5 7. CIS and Early warning √ √ √ √ √ 5 8. Pest Surveillance √ √ √ √ 4 sum 5 8 5 4 6 5 6
√ = Participate in the field of cooperation √ = Lead regional coordination of the particular field
Action Plan 2016-2017
1. Model Farming Countries involve: Cambodia, Lao PDR., and Vietnam Support Potential 2016 2017 Needed Partners Activities Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 Designing farming Fund CCAFS, model for OXFAM, a) Rice package proposal GIZ, b) Cash crop writing GEF, package Consul USAID c) Aquaculture tation (feed for future), d) Rice-shrimp meeting at SPIRE farming local level (national Livestock and Capaci e) program bio-energy ty building for ) 1.1 Develop concept implemente note rs 1.2 Develop full (4) Establi proposal sh national 1.3 Completed farm multi- model stakeholder 1.4 Start operation of s taskforce cash crop and livestock models 1.5 Start operation of rice, cash crop, livestock, and aquaculture 1.6 Scaling up and scaling out 1.7 Economic analysis 1.8 Scenario driven policy 1.9 Reconfirming policy
Note: (4) = April
2. Crop Management Countries involve: Indonesia, Cambodia, Lao PDR. Myanmar, Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam Concerned agencies in Vietnam: including A. VAAS-VN: Cuulong Rice Institute, Vietnam
B. VAAS-VN: Soil and Fertilizer Institute
E. Department of Agro-processing
F. VAAS-VN: Agri-Environment Institute Support Potential 2016 2017 Needed Partners Activities Q Q2 Q Q Q1 Q Q3 Q 1 3 4 2 4 2.1 Piloting Fund IRRI, 2.1.1 Selection of (5) Techn FAO STV rice and ology maize varieties (A) 2.1.2 Soil and nutrient (6) (5) management (crop, soil, fertilizer) (B) 2.1.3 Develop (6) cropping calendar (seasoning), and GAP (C) 2.2 Eco-labelling and Thailand, Value chain (D & Indonesia E) 2.3 Using of crop (4) Lao PDR, residue Indonesia
Note: (4) = April; (5) = May; and (6) = June 3. STVs Seed Production Countries involve: Philippines, Cambodia, Lao PDR., Indonesia, Myanmar, Thailand, and Vietnam Support Potential 2016 2017 Needed Partners Activities Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 Knowledge management Seed IRRI, 3.1 Inventory of STVs storage PHILRICE, 3.2 Introduce technology Seed PPP, and demonstration of lab International seed production and expe Agencies buffer stocking rts (GIZ, …), Capacity building AVRDC, 3.3 Training on seed PGRI-IFGRI production, seed testing, and certification 3.4 Training on hybrid STV (maize) Up-scaling 3.5 Seed grower/farmer training and demonstration of technology Policy 3.6 Propose policy based on results of implementation Funding 3.7 Linking to funding sources
4. Appropriate CSA-TP Design of suitable CSA technology package in vulnerable areas Countries involve: Thailand, Cambodia, Lao PDR., and Philippines Potential 2016 2017 Support Needed Partners Activities Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 Knowledge management All 4.1 Stock taking/mapping stakeholders of existing CSA including: technology in gender, vulnerable areas women, local 4.2 Identify gaps and government, constraints in scaling public up CSA technology agencies, 4.3 Assessment and international organizations, design of suitable and private technology package sector including gender analysis Scaling up 4.4 Scale-up and scale- out technology packages (4C) (1 cropping season) Funding Fund for FAO, 4.5 Implement project proposal CCAFS, activities development GAP-CC Capacity building Effective 4.6 Joint assessment of communicati impacts and pathway on tools with all stakeholders Decision- and PPP making tools to CSA Policy 4.7 Provide evidence Policy brief based policy Policy recommendation dialogue 4.8 Mainstream CSA in Stakeholder national policies and seminars commitments (national & 4.9 Provide inputs to regional) SBSTA, COP, and UNFCCC
5. Post-harvest Handling Countries involve: Indonesia & Vietnam, Lao PDR., and Philippines Concerned agencies in Indonesia: A. IAARD
C. Balitbangtan
Support Potential 2016 2017 Needed Partners Activities Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 Knowledge Management Human JAIF, 5.1 Develop technology to resources University, reduce post- Expert PPP, harvesting losses Facilitator gender, (R&D) women, 5.2 Sharing information International 5.3 Consultation Agencies, Piloting IRRI 5.4 Pilot post-harvest losses for rice Funding 5.5 Propose proposal to Japan ASEAN Integrated Fund (JAIF) Capacity Building 5.6 Training on post- harvest handling 5.7 Workshop on post- harvesting handling Policy 5.8 Policy brief on benefits of implementing technology to reduce post-harvest losses
6. Crop Insurance Countries involve: Vietnam, Cambodia, Lao PDR., Indonesia, and Philippines Concerned agencies in Vietnam: A. ICDVN
D. Insurance Companies
E. Provinces
Support Potential 2016 2017 Needed Partners Activities Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 6.1 Exchange Fund Philippine experiences (A & Know s B) ledge FAO, 6.2 Develop pilot (5) IRRI models on (C,D,E,F) a) information b) risk assessment 6.3 Organize policy (5) advocacy (C & F)
Note: (5) = May
7. CIS and Early Warning Countries involve: Myanmar, Lao PDR., Indonesia, Thailand and Vietnam Concerned agencies in each country: A. Myanmar: DMH, DOA, DAR
C. Indonesia: IAARD, MOA, BMD
D. Thailand: DOA
E. Vietnam: MARD, MONRE
Support Potential 2016 2017 Needed Partners Activities Q Q Q3 Q Q1 Q Q Q4 1 2 4 2 3 7.1 Crop Whether Software – RIMES, Modelling (Tool) completed CCAFS, (A & B) free GIZ 7.2 Crop Whether distribution Calendar (Craft) (developed (A & B) by CAFS) 7.3 Training on use of Works RIMES, crop model and tool hop CCAFS, (Craft) (A,B,C,D,E) Traine WFP rs 7.4 Data Climate Monsoon RIMES Seasonal Forecast Forum (MM, (A,B,C,E) LA, ID); Climate Outlook (VN) 7.5 Data Agricultural Fund IRRI, Inputs (soil, crop Techn CCAFS, calendar, land use, ical FAO, water supports UNEP management) (convert (A,B,C,E) to grid) 7.6 Data agriculture Supply FAO, historical (model utilization RAP, validation and account Regional calibration) Worksho Statistic (A,B,C,E) p on Project “Food Balance Sheet”
8. Pest Surveillance and Early Warning System Countries involve: Philippines, Lao PDR., Myanmar and Thailand Concerned agency in Philippines: BPI Support Potential 2016 2017 Needed Partners Activities Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 Knowledge Management IRRI, 8.1 Revisit Protocol and Experts PAGASA, Guidelines Available PHILRICE, 8.2 Undertake R&D center Collaborating Capacity Building* Develop countries 8.3 Organize short- regional course proposal 8.4 Organize training on early 8.5 Enhancement of warning software and system for infrastructure crop Up-scaling protection 8.6 Testing and validation in AMSs of protocols and (Adaptatio models n Fund) Policy DAAD 8.7 Review and updating Indonesia of policies Pest Forecastin Funding g Center Note: * Training on Early Warning System is provided in an excellent center in Thailand
9. Cross Cutting and Secretariat Supports Operate by GIZ (GAP-CC) Support Potential 2016 2017 Needed Partners Activities Q Q Q3 Q Q1 Q Q Q4 1 2 4 2 3 Gender 9.1. Proposal Writing 9.2. Smart Planning 9.3. Field-level gender analysis Policy (Inputs/ Decision- Making) A. SBSTA 44 Submission 9.4. Information/how to proceed 9.5. ASEAN-CRN Message/ submission formulation with ASEAN negotiators 9.6. Chair of ATWGARD submission to SOM- AMAF for endorsement 9.7. Identification/ lobbying for SBSTA champions/ negotiators B. Regional Guidelines (Revisions/ Addendum) C. Measurements/ monitoring of resilience 9.8. Monitoring INDCs 9.9. Impact Assessments D. Outreach Models 9.10. Market-based approach E. Vulnerability and Risk Assessment of Climate Change to Agriculture F. Communication 9.11. Linking of blogs, social media, research websites, etc. 9.12. Knowledge Bank (e.g. Minute Earth)
Next Steps: what should happen right after this workshop? Actions Timeframe Responsibilities 1. Draft meeting report 24/12/15 Tien & Team Add details to the draft meeting report Country 2. 08/01/15 representatives 3. Finalize report 15/01/15 Tien & Team 4. Distribution of report 22/01/15 GIZ (GAP-CC) 5. Follow up action points February 2016 Team 6. Country focal point designated by CWGARD February 2016 Team Mapping of CRN Regional Cooperation (2016-2017)
Crop STVs Seed Appropriate Post-harvest Crop CIS Early Pest Model Farming Management Production CSA-TP Handling Insurance Warning Surveillance Knowledge Design Farming Stock inventory Stock taking & Develop Data on climate Revisit protocol Managemen Models Technology mapping of technology to seasonal guidelines t demonstration existing CSA reduce harvest forecasting R&D technology in losses Seed production Agricultural vulnerable Sharing inputs Buffer stocking areas information management Identify gaps & consultation (soil, water, land constraints use, crop Assessment calendar) and design of Agriculture suitable TP historical record (model validation and calibration) Crop weather modeling Crop weather calendar Project Scaling-up and Selection of Seed grower/ Scaling-up & Piloting on post- Pilot models Testing & Supports for scaling-out STVs (rice, farmer training scaling-out the harvest losses Information validation Up-scaling maize) Pilot TPs for rice protocol/model Demonstration of Risk Soil nutrients technologies assessment Management Cropping Calendar GAP Eco-labeling Value Chain Use of crop residues Funding Seek fund for Sourcing Seek fund for JAIF implementation Linking with implementation potential partners Capacity Improve ability Training on Assessment of Training on Exchange Utilization of Enhancement of Building on Economic Seed production impacts post-harvest experiences crop models software and Analysis pathway with handling and tools infrastructures Seed testing PPP and all Workshop on Seed certification stakeholders post-harvest handling Joint Policy Reconfirm Model of Provide Policy brief on Policy Review and policy implementation evidence based benefit of advocacy update of policy implementing package recommendatio technology n (post-harvest Mainstream in losses) National policy & commitments Provide inputs to SBSTA, COP, UNFCCC Cross- cutting Issues Secretariat Supports Suggested format/template for the CRN Action Plan 2016 2017 Results/Outputs Potential Partners Activities Q Q Q Q1 Q4 Q3 2 3 2 Knowledge Management
Project Supports
Capacity Building