Achievement of Competencies in Higher and Advanced Level Obstetric Anaesthesia

The following recommended activities have been mapped to the 2010 Curriculum for CCT in Anaesthetics

Attainment of these will go a significant way to attaining a sign-off for Higher or Advanced Level training. Other competencies are more directly clinical and should be achievable during the clinical placement.

These selected activities have been chosen as they may require some forward planning/thought on the part of the trainee. Most of the activities should be completed during the obstetric block of training, but some can be attained outside this period within a reasonable timescale e.g. attendance at a maternal resuscitation course.

To be used in conjunction with ‘Annex D Higher Level Training’ (Page D21-22) & Annex E Advanced Level Training’ (E51-52) respectively. PageID=1479

Maternal and neonatal Resuscitation: It has been noted that neither of these feature in the 2010 Curriculum for Higher or Advanced training in Obstetric Anaesthesia and although there is a compulsory unit in Resuscitation as part of the General Duties Unit it does not specify maternal or neonatal cases. We have highlighted this to the RCA. We believe that for trainees performing Higher or Advanced training in obstetric anaesthesia it is an important area of training and should be covered – potential ways of achieving this have been included and we are planning to instigate a regional simulator course to cater for this, but it will take time to develop.

Higher/AdvancedCompetencies2010.IRT.PM Higher Level Training

Trainee Name:

A minimum of 20 sessions with appropriate supervision is required for sign-off.

Higher/AdvancedCompetencies2010.IRT.PM Competence Activity Sessions Date Signed off by(Cons/SAS) OB_HK_01 Shadow Obstetrician on LW 1 Shadow senior midwife on LW 1 OB_HK_02 Familiarity with current topics as evidenced by for example updating current guideline, performing audit, presenting obstetric controversies locally/regionally or case report leading to presentation/poster/publication At least one of the above examples (or similar) must be achieved OB_HS_01 Anaesthetic Assessment Clinic 2 OB_HS_02 OB_HS_03 Run LW during daytime 6 OB_HS_11 Teach midwives/PAM 1 OB_HS_12 Teach/supervise junior trainee 1 OB_HS_13 Attend risk/perinatal mortality 1 meeting Participate in local audit

* Attend WOA Annual Meeting 1 * Attend maternal & neonatal resuscitation training: ALSO, PROMPT, MOET or local simulator-based training

Higher/AdvancedCompetencies2010.IRT.PM  It is acceptable for these to be performed outside the module of training, but need to be completed for sign-off.


Higher/AdvancedCompetencies2010.IRT.PM Date Sign Date Sign Date Sign 1 11 21 2 12 22 3 13 23 4 14 24 5 15 25 6 16 26 7 17 27 8 18 28 9 19 29 10 20 30

Higher/AdvancedCompetencies2010.IRT.PM Advanced Level Training

Core Clinical Learning Outcomes:  To be capable of undertaking the perioperative care for a wide variety of complex obstetric cases & list management independently; this implies ability to:  Provide perioperative anaesthetic care to a wide range of obstetric cases performed both in the labour ward and theatre, demonstrating a fundamental understanding of the problems encountered  Show the decision making & organisational skills required of an anaesthetist to manage busy labour ward and operating sessions, ensuring that the care delivered is safe and timely, benefiting both patients and the organisation  To assist colleagues in decisions about the suitability of surgery in difficult situations  Provide teaching to less experienced colleagues of all members of the multi-disciplinary team

Trainee Name:

Higher/AdvancedCompetencies2010.IRT.PM Competence Activity Sessions Date Signed off by(Cons/SAS) OB_AK_02 Shadow Obstetrician on LW 2 Shadow senior midwife on LW 2 NNU or shadow paediatric 1 input to LW OB_AK_03 Attend High Risk ANC 2 Attend fetal assessment clinic 1 OB_AK_04 Familiarity with current topics as evidenced by for example updating current guideline, performing audit, presenting obstetric controversies locally/regionally or case report leading to presentation/poster/publication At least two of the above examples (or similar) must be achieved at each centre OB_AK_04 Anaesthetic Assessment Clinic 6 CCLO Attend risk/perinatal mortality 2 meeting CCLO Run LW during daytime 16 CCLO Teach midwives/other 2 professional groups

* Attend WOA Annual Meeting 1 Attend WOA eve/pm meeting 1 * Attend maternal & neonatal resuscitation training: ALSO, PROMPT, MOET or local simulator-based training Membership of the OAA is highly recommended and would undoubtedly be seen as favourable for those considering ‘obstetric anaesthetic’ Consultant jobs * It is acceptable for these to be performed outside the module of training, but need to be completed for sign-off. CLO = Core Clinical Learning Outcome

N.B. The above activities should ideally be split equally between the two centres.
