Chapter 9 Study Guide

1. Define controlled substance. Legal drugs whose sale, possession, and use are restricted b/c of the effect of the drug and the potential for abuse.

2. List the use of narcotics and their side effects. Reduce pain by suppressing the CNS ability to relay pain messages

3. Define toxicology. Study of poisons and id of drugs and other substances a person may have used for medicinal, recreational, or criminal purposes

4. What are the ways in which people are exposed to toxic substances? Accidentally, intentionally, and deliberately

5. Who was one of the earliest reported victims of poisoning? Socrates

6. Is poisoning a common form of murder in real life? no

7. How was Georgi Markov killed? ricin

8. What are commonly used poisons today (3)? Arsenic, strychnine, and cyanide

9. Define acute poisoning. A large dose over a short period of time

10. List some famous people who died of accidental drug overdoses. River Phoenix, John Belushi, Chris Farley, Steve Clark

11. What is the trend in arrests for drug abuse violations since the early 1990’s? steadily increased sine the 1990’s

12. Where do hallucinogens come from? Often Plants or manmade

13. Describe LSD. Fungus that grows on rye, colorless, odorless, and tasteless

14. In what forms can you get PCP? Powder, tablet, capsule

15. How do narcotics work? Reduce pain by suppressing the CNS ability to relay pain messages to the brain

16. Describe stimulants. Increase feelings of energy and alertness, while suppressing appetite

17. How do anabolic steroids work? Promote cell and tissue growth and division

18. What are organic toxins? Poisonous substances produced by living organisms

19. Describe botulism. The most poisonous biological substance known to man

20. What does Clostridium tetani produce? tetanus 21. How is ricin formed? Component of the waste product of the manufacture of castor oil from castor beans

22. What does Bacillus anthracis cause? anthrax

23. Barbiturates and benzodiazepines are classified as what type of drug? depressants

24. What is toxicity? The degree to which a substance is poisonous or cause injury